Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Yarnology & Dropcloth Sampler Giveaway!

(Embroidery fiber from Dyed Fiber on Etsy)
Hi, Knitters,
Please read (or scroll) all the way through to the end today. I know it is long but there is good information and opportunity for you all the way through.

I am so excited to finally get up to Winona, Minnesota this Thursday, June 27th, 2013! I will be at Yarnology from 6-8pm. I will bring lots of samples from my new book, Topsy-Turvy Inside Out Knit Toys and a few (or a lot of) extras. Also, my Egg to Turtle free pattern card will be available for those attending the event. If you are in the area, please stop in. I'd love to see you at Yarnology!

65 East Third St.
Winona, Minnesota
(507) 474-9444

I had a great and brief time at TNNA last weekend. I was in Ohio less than 24 hours. I had two book signings on Sunday, one with Unicorn Books and another with R&M. Both signings went well. Thanks for stopping by! The other big thing was that the pattern for Little Dragon is now available for yarn shops to order from Unicorn. Little Dragon was featured on the cover of the Unicorn Fall 2013 catalog which was fun to see. 

While at TNNA I got to briefly see old friends, Suzette and Alison from The Wool Cabin, Brandy Fortune, Angela Tong, Craig from LoopKristin Nicholas (click here to see a photo of us together), and Leslie and Laura of The Knit Girllls. Plus, I met some new friends, the owners Lisa and Kris, from Cream City Yarn in Milwaukee.   

Now onto today's topic, embroidery! I love embroidery and have dabbled with it since I was a kid. We used to get those Holly Hobby kits, in fact, I still have one that hasn't been finished. It's probably 40 years old by now. I have done cross stitch and needlepoint, too. I enjoy hand-stitching so much but I haven't done much of it in recent years. That is until I found Rebecca Ringquist. Do you know her?

Here are Rebecca's links:
Rebecca Ringquist on Creativebug (I have taken 3 of Rebecca's online classes, Embroidery Sampler, Layered Floral Embroidery, and Embroidery Transfer Techniques - all of them fantastic!)

Run to all of these links! 

Not too long ago, before finding out about Rebecca, I had pulled out a piece of washed wool felt and some embroidery floss and just started stitching. I love busy, messy embroidery that appears without rhyme or reason. I started in with my stitches without any intention. I loved it but had to put it down because of work knitting.

Then I somehow ran across Rebecca's work and her Etsy shop and my urge to embroider took over. I quickly ordered the Dropcloth Sampler and waited impatiently for it to arrive. In the meantime I took Rebecca's wonderful Embroidery Sampler class in preparation. I learned so much, it's really incredible. I have stitched for years and years, however, this simple and fairly short class blew me away. I eagerly stitched along on my Dropcloth Sampler as I watched each stitch segment in the class again and again. I have watched each segment multiple times. The small tips and tricks you can learn from an expert are truly astounding. I am a changed embroiderer.

Rebecca is an amazing, charming, clear and relaxing teacher. I highly recommend her online courses. 

After I received my Dropcloth Sampler I couldn't put it down. I happily stitched all weekend. I ended up making my sampler into a sketchbook holder but it could also be a knitting needle holder. I love it so much and I can't remember having so much fun with another craft in a long, long time.

Here is what my finished sampler looks like:


The swirly blue chain stitch fabric is by Betz White!

Isn't it beautiful? I love the fabric and the linen backing. Rebecca is brilliant. I love that while practicing the stitches I could add in my own ideas and embellishments. Rebecca kept saying more is more and I completely agree when it comes to embroidery.

Giveaway Information:

Now for the best part! You can leave a comment on this post to enter to win your own unstitched Dropcloth Sampler from Rebecca's Etsy shop! In addition, Rebecca has generously offered to throw in her new Color Wheel Sampler (click here to see it!) for a second winner. I'm so excited for you. Please leave one comment on this post along with an email address or your rav id so I can get in touch.

After finishing my sampler sketchbook cozy I came back to my wool felt embroidery and made it into a needle holder. I put two pieces of washed wool felt together to create a needle book.

Now I load up my needles before I sit to stitch and I am ready to go!

Here is the back of the needle book. This needle book has been the greatest thing ever for my stitching. I love it!

I also stitched a linen bookmark that is going to be a gift. 

I backed it with some fabric and zig-zagged and sewed the edges to eliminate fraying. It turned out so good. I have ordered some more of Rebecca's Dropcloth designs to work on, too. 

It's so good to have a break from the knitting now and again. It is rejuvenating somehow.

Now enter away! You will have so much fun with Rebecca's work, I just know it.

Good luck.
best, susie
p.s. A photo p.s. is a first but here it is:

Please hop over and check out the beautiful ceramic work of Nancy Walker. I met her in Seattle at Vogue Knitting Live where her lovely daughter, Amanda, took one of my classes. I purchased one of Nancy's shawl pins with a rooster imprinted on the front and knit stitches imprinted on the back. It has become my favorite shawl pin and it is the only thing I bought at VKLive. These pins, called Talking Clay, are very unique. Click here for the brand new Talking Clay Etsy Shop! You will love the shawl pins and Nancy!


1 – 200 of 381   Newer›   Newest»
Debsnubs said...

I would love this and thank you so much Debbie

Unknown said...


sara said...

Am I first? Oh, my! Love your embroidery! I remember embroidering all of my blue jeans when I was in high school. I wish I still had them.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
saradenbo on ravelry

Anonymous said...

I love this blot post! I'be been wanting to try embroidery but couldn't find an nonlinear class--until now. Thank you for exposing me to this class and the dropcloth. I hope to win the giveaway. But if mot then I plan to order the sampler and take the online beginning embroidery class. Thank you for sharing your embroidery experience with your readers!! Carol.(

sara said...

Am I first? Oh, my! Love your embroidery. I remember when I embroidered all of my jeans in high school. Wish I still had them.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
saradenbo on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Wow I just love these embroidery designs and I too love sitting and stitching away, sooo relaxing. Thanks Susan for another great give away, I have my fingers crossed for this one :)


rav. id mommytofive

Betz White said...

I always loved embroidery as a kid too but haven't done much lately. I fell in love with Rebecca's layered embroidery done on vintage fabric, another Creativebug class of hers.

Your sampler turned out beautifully...I spy Stitch Organic! Yay!

mary said...

I love your cozy! I want to make one too!!

Mary RAV ID: pinkshabbyroses

Jill said...

Beautiful work. Very inspiring!


Rav - copperkettle

Unknown said...

Would love to try this! My gram was an embroidery artist-I need to pull out her things I've saved. Can't be that hard can it?!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work, Susan!
Pattytrish on RAV

Anonymous said...

Youppi! coutrem on rav

LindaR said...

What a beautiful embroidery sampler, and a great giveaway!
lindarumsey on Ravelry

knitster said...

These are gorgeous. My mom only embroiders and this would make a great gift for her.

Dee said...

Love the stitching! Great giveaway--I'd love to try it.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful work! I am inspired to learn this. Can't wait to check out the classes and thank you for the giveaway. Cindy (

Averyjen said...

Gorgeous! I would love one. Averyjen on ravelry.

Bonney said...

My grandmother loved work like this. I'd love to try it! and thanks!

Sandy said...

I love the kit. I too learned embroidery when I was young- sewing daisies with my grandmother.

Kieran Andersen said...

Oh MY!!! I love, love that colorful sampler! It's gorgeous!
My Rav id is: Kieran

Sandy Woodley said...

Haven't done embroidery for years. Remember how much I used to enjoy it. Love these cases you made.

Kristebee said...

This embroidery is so neat. I love the look of it and have attempted a few times. The kit looks amazing! Also love the shawl pin! What shawl are you wearing there? Very fun giveaway. Thanks!

Kriste (rav ID kristebee)

phyllis said...

It has been a number of years ago, maybe 30, since I have done embroidery. Now that I have 2 grand daughters it would be fun to get back to so I can embellish those cute little dresses I make for them. This is a fantastic offer.
daylily1220 rav ID

Hannah said...

I would love to win this giveaway! I have done cross stitch in the past but never embroidery. I think I would really enjoy it!

purlbuckeye on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Fun, colorful, creative - love her stuff! Chris (rctaher"at"

joyce said...

I grew up doing basic embroidery, who knew there was so much more to learn. Lovely sampler, which I would be thrilled to win.


Anonymous said...

Love all your embroidery-would love to win! Haven't done this in years!!

ravelry id khfuller

Marilou said...

Thanks for offering another great give-away!

Grammiknit on Ravelry

Deb said...

Gosh Susan...your sampler is AMAZING! I would love to win the sampler giveaway. I have not embroidered very much since high school and that was a very long time ago.

stephigordon said...

I did very basic embroidery as a child - I remember really enjoying it. This is a beautiful blogpost - very inspiring! Your projects are gorgeous and I love Rebecca's shop. Thank you for sharing!!! Love your new shawl, too! Thanks for the give-a-way! Stephanie (indiogodogmt on Ravelry)

Alpacamommastacy said...

That is just gorgeous. If I don't win it, I will NEED to buy it.

Donna said...

I have not done any hand embroidery in a very long time. It would be fun to do again. Thank you

Denise katz said...

I love this! Embroidery was my first crafty thing in my life. It would be nice to do it again. And I love the sampler idea. Good for everyone! Denise Katz (kittykatz on Rav)

Maryjonono said...

Hi, Susan! I love all the creative inspiration I get from your blog! Thanks for sharing!I still have my embroidered jeans from high school, too!
Rebecca's designs are incredible! Her shop is drool inducing! And Nancy's pins are so sweet! She's gonna sell them like hotcakes now! Best wishes to all!

tothfamily25 said...

Love this and the colors are wonderful

tothfamily25 said...

Love it and a great portable project

Teresa said...

I too have an unfinished Holly Hobby stitchery :-). Love this post...your work is fabulous--more IS more!

barb said...

What a LOVELY giveaway. Thank you so much.

Maggie said...

Oh I love embroidery!
I am Mahgret on rav.

kanani said...

that looks like so much fun! I've dabbled a bit in hand quilting and would love to try embroidery. the color wheel sampler is gorgeous.

Sheri said...

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the embroidery!

Craftyslm - Rav. ID

Christine-Bellylaugher said...

I so admire those who embroider, I have absolutely no patience for it! What a gorgeous give away!

BellyLaugher on Rav

Christine-Bellylaugher said...

I so admire those who embroider, I have absolutely no patience for it! What a gorgeous give away!

BellyLaugher on Rav

Melia said...

I would love this! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

mary jo said...

I haven't embroidered for years but recently bought a glass cookie jar chock full of floss at the thrift store. and I keep telling myself that I am going to put down the knitting needles for a moment and pick up a sewing needle and create. this might be what I need to start. I am mjm on ravelry. and I am going to click over and check out those classes now.

ssue62 said...

Would love to be a winner, my Mum used to do the most beautiful embroidery and I would love to learn how as she is no longer here to show me. So pleased to have discovered your great BLOG.

Anissia said...

OMG this emboroidery is beautiful! I would love to win it! annie7664 on RAV!

Kathi said...

I love Rebecca's work and would love a sampler!;)

Kathi said...

I love Rebecca's work and would love a sampler.

Sherri said...

What a great giveaway!

Debbie1085 said...

Very informative blog with information. Love embroidery stuff you did. I haven't done that for a long time!

Debbie1085 said...

Very informative blog with information. Love embroidery stuff you did. I haven't done that for a long time!

Lacey said...

Oh, how lovely! What an awesome giveaway. I'd love to win one of those kits. :D

venutianbeauty on Rav

Feffer said...

I love this post and would the opportunity to expand my embroidery skills. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful artist.

Jennifer (jenb69 on rav)

Feffer said...

I love this post and would the opportunity to expand my embroidery skills. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful artist.

Jennifer (jenb69 on rav)

Sylvia said...

Love it! Gorgeous and inspiring. I would love to win!

Andrea said...

I used to embroider as a kid and always loved it. This would be a great way to refresh my skills and get back to it!
I'm Andymeg on Rav.

Ellen said...

Great minds think alike!

I just signed up for Rebecca's Creativebug class, because I wanted to learn embroidery and do that amazing sampler. Yours came out so wonderfully!

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

ellenronnie <@>

Sylvia said...

Love it! So gorgeous and inspiring. I would live to win!

Ann marie said...

Have been missing stitching . The sampler is beautiful.

Sylvia said...

I would love to win! So gorgeous!

Amanda said...

I love embroidery and would love to try this!

Iva said...

I love this! I wish I´d win. Thank you for this chance. Buenosdias on Rav

Margo said...

What great samplers! Those look like fun summer projects.

Vanessa Bryce said...

Wow, that is amazing! Really beautiful and such talent!

Rav ID: vanessabryce

Marion said...

Oh I would need a break from knitting and I haven't embroidered in years. Would love to win this. Annandjane24 on Rav

jennifer.essad said...

I'm in awe of your sample design, the bright colors are gorgeous - seeing the flowers in your design make me smile, thanks for a chance to win!

Leticia Cuenca said...

Your sampler turned out gorgeous! I totally love the bright colours you used. I've taken some of Rebecca's classes on Creativebug and loved them. I have the original sampler (wip! one of my summer projects) and would love to try the Color Wheel sampler. Thanks for the chance! :)

lizziekerr said...

I love Rebecca's work!! And I love what you did with her designs!!!

lizziekerr said...

I love Rebecca's work! I also love what you created!!!

Muffie said...

I love embroidery. Thanks for the info.

Trish said...

What a great giveaway! I love her dropcloth samplers! I'll have to check out the classes :)

Naomi said...

Beautiful! I've only just started to try embroidery but I would love to get better.

Nomers on ravelry

Kit said...

This is amazing! It makes me happy and wanting to start right away! It's so colourful and whimsical, supercute!

steph said...

I love Rebecca's work!! I turned my sampler into a big, down pillow!! I haven't taken any of her classes, though, and you've convinced me I must!! Thanks!!! And I most definitely need to check out the color wheel sampler. sounds like fun.

rav id soyknits

Oatie said...

I would love, love, LOVE to win this! Your embroidery is so happy and cheerful it brings the biggest smile to my face!
Linda aka OatieP2 on Ravelry

Grandma said...

Last summer I had a knitting camp for my twin granddaughters, aged seven, and we made a bean bag. This summer I've assembled a sewing kit for them with handmade tomato pincushions, emeries, needles, etc. We're going to do a stamped cross-stitch sampler. I'd love to win Rebecca's sampler (and buy another) to challenge them later.
Thanks so much,

Kathryn said...

Will get back into embroidery. Thanks for the colorful inspiration!
Rav: kemoser

Kathryn said...

Will get back into embroidery. Thanks for the colorful inspiration!
Rav: kemoser

Beth Fitch said...

Love the dropcloth sampler. Would be thrilled to win it.
any idea when the egg to turtle pattern will be available to purchase?
Thank you

Wendy L said...

How gorgeous! I've always been fascinated by hand stitching. This would be a great way to get going.

Rav ID: 4girlknits

Anonymous said...

I've recently started embroidering again as well! Right now I'm working on a blackwork piece.
I love having so many outlets for my crafty urges!

Rhondito (Rav)

Unknown said...

What an amazing sampler! I'd love to win it. When I was much younger, I took some lessons in embroidery. They didn't stick. Something about not having patience at that age. It's something I've thought about picking back up though. Thanks for hosting another awesome giveaway! theferret on ravelry

teresa said...

I LOVE Rebecca's work! I just bought her class last week and I am so enjoying it!

amyroz said...

Lovely stitching. I too have been stitching since I was a little girl. Love the stitched color wheel too. Amy. amyroz on rav

Unknown said...

What a fascinating post! It would be nice to work on embroidery and your blog has inspired me. Now on to Rebecca's Etsy shop or maybe I'll be a winner here!
My rag id is ClaudiaJane

teresa said...

I love Rebecca's work ~ I signed up for her class last week and am thoroughly enjoying it!

melsheljack said...

Love the embroidery! I used to embroider my jeans in junior high, and have thought often of picking up an old jean jacket and start embroidering on that. I am more inspired then ever, I will definitely look into Rebecca's online class.
Mel J

teresa said...

I LOVE Rebecca's work! I just bought her class last week and I am so enjoying it!

Rachel said...

I feel a new hobby brewing. Curses! I don't have time for the hobbies I already have! Love the samplers!

Armida said...

Oh wow!! I hadn't seen Rebecca's work before, it's stunning!! I've been really enjoying embroidery lately so this would be awesome!! I'm off to check out her etsy shop and creativebug classes. Thanks for the opportunity Susan!
Rav id - Armida21

Fabiknits said...

I would love to get this!
Thank you.
Ravid: fabiknits

Lisa Viviano said...

Beautiful sampler! I haven't embroidered in years.

Laurel Cochran said...

So sweet-when I was little my Grandma was so excited I wanted to learn how to embroider she used pencil and made little flowers and dots on my Mom's best tablecloth so I could practice right away!
That is how I learned the craft so your sampler is full of happy memories for me!
I would love to relive them again with your pretty sampler-Laurel

PurlingPenny said...

What an inspiration to pick up a needle and get busy....... I'd love to win!

PurlingPenny said...

What an inspiration to pick up a needle and get busy....... I'd love to win!

Alison said...

Your sampler is fabulous. And WHERE DO YOU FIND THE TIME AND ENERGY to do so many amazing things? Please let me know where I can order just a smidge of your energy! :)

patonslake said...

I still have my childhood embroidery sewing basket with an unfinished project in it! Beautiful sampler. I'm off to check creativebug classes.

Sara said...

I know what you mean by needing a little boost after all of the intense knitting! I did some embroidery last winter and felt rejuvenated! Your work is gorgeous, of course. I think that the Dropcloth Sampler would be great fun!
Sara (survivor on rav)

Sandy W said...

What a great piece to stitch. Thanks for the contest.
Rav ID Sandy W

Unknown said...

Haven't done embroidery in years! Would love to win - can Canadian's win?? My rav id is KnitinJenn

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. P said...

The samplers are so beautiful! I love what you did with yours too- so clever!

Margie (and Fae) said...

I would love this! So beautiful!

Margievz on Rav

Vicki said...

What an inspiring post! - I have embroidered in the past but when I found knitting, embroidery took a rest. Now I am reinspired! I started a quilt with embroidered squares which I will get out and try to finish! Rebecca's designs for samplers are so open to creativity - If I don't win one, I'll be ordering! Her classes look amazing, too!

knuts2knit on ravelry

Sara said...

I was eyeing up her etsy shop when you posted a sneak peak of your dropcloth. STUNNING! If I don't win, I will certainly be buying!
sms394 on Rav

Mks said...

What a beautiful sampler. I love cross-stitch, have done a little embroidery and would just love to make this project!
Margie (Rav ID: smithmks)

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to try my hand at embroidery!

Mks said...

What a beautiful sampler. I love cross-stitch, have done a little embroidery and would just love to make this project!
Margie (Rav ID: smithmks)

Teresa said...

I love these! If I win, I am going to buy a second drop cloth sampler so I can do this with my daughter. I need to learn some embroidery stitches for a project I have coming up anyway - what a fun way to do it. Trhfox at gmail

Mks said...

What a beautiful sampler! I love cross-stitch, have done some embroidery and would love to make this!

ginad said...

What a wonderful opportunity to embroidery!
Triknittyacres on Ravelry

Jill Nault said...

I love those bright fun samplers! I can do very basic needle work but nothing to fancy and I would love to learn how! Thanks for the contest and the tip about her embroidery classes.
cheers :)

MegR said...

I have never tried embroidery but I have just begun to sew, the pictures are truely enticing so I might just have to check this craft out. meagan(dot)radford(at)gmail(dot)com

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful giveaway items! I started embroidering 50 yrs ago, then cross stitching, now quilting & try to use all these methods in my daily crafting :)) mzlizzie1943 at yahoodotcom

MegR said...

I have never tried embroidery but I have just begun to sew, the pictures are truely enticing so I might just have to check this craft out. meagan(dot)radford(at)gmail(dot)com

isabel said...

I, too, started my needlework career as a child and every piece of embroidery that comes across my path tugs a heartstring. I so appreciate instruction that encourage us to continue learning and developing our craft in a way that is intuitive and honoring of our own vision rather than simply reproducing their creative vision. Thanks for this opportunity....


rav= smiling-tortoise

susan said...

Oh enjoyed all the lovely pictures of your embroidery! This giveaway is truly a delight.....would love to win! Thanks!

rav. id wvgogo

Unknown said...

Yum. Any of these projects look perfect to work on during our July family vacation!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea for a sampler and beautiful threads. Going to her websites now.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful embroidery! I haven't done any embroidery for a few years but you have made me want to try it again! If I win (fingers crossed) I am ladywithneedles on Ravelry. Thanks for the giveawaySusan!

brooke said...

These are so beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway!

Oiyi said...

I was so happy to be able to say hi and chat a bit. Always a pleasure. Oh my, I think you may have me hooked on a new hobby. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.

Ravelry: Oiyi

Maureen said...

Love your embroidery! Such a great take-along project, like sock knitting. Teachermom on rav

Kathy said...

Embroidery was my first craft as a child and I still do it today--50 years later! My 90 year old mother is still embroidering and my daughter is a novice embroiderer and doing wonderful work!

sharonathemom said...

mbroidery, cross-stitch, needle point, crocheting, them all. Like you, I haven't done much stitching since knitting took over my life. i would love to re-embrace embroidery! Your Dropcloth Sampler turned out wonderful! Love it!

sharonathemom said...

mbroidery, cross-stitch, needle point, crocheting, them all. Like you, I haven't done much stitching since knitting took over my life. i would love to re-embrace embroidery! Your Dropcloth Sampler turned out wonderful! Love it!

Bonnie said...

I just started my first embroidery project this week! I'm working on pillowcases with little happy flowers along one end, and I'm really, really loving it. Thanks so much for the great links and the giveaway!

Kathy said...

I've embroidered since I was a child--over 50 years now! My 90 year old Mom is still embroidering and my daughter took it up a few years ago.

Kathy said...

Embroidery was my first craft as a child and I still do it today--50 years later! My 90 year old mother is still embroidering and my daughter is a novice embroiderer and doing wonderful work!

Kathy said...

Embroidery was my first craft as a child and I still do it today--50 years later! My 90 year old mother is still embroidering and my daughter is a novice embroiderer and doing wonderful work!

Lisa said...

I haven't done any embroidery in years and miss it! I would love to try this out! Reminds me of learning to needlepoint from my mom when I was growing up.

rav id = moonbunny

Kristi said...

It's beautiful! I just inherited all of my grandma's embroidery supplies but I need to learn how to use them. The sampler would be so fun and taking a class would be fun too. Thanks for the links and the giveaway! KLCknit on Rav

lindag1947 said...

Love needlework. Love your hat books but not into the newer books. Linda gerig

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I would love to win this sampler. Regardless, I am off to check out all of the wonderful links. I have been wanting to learn to embroider "for real" - have only dabbled so far. Thanks for this opportunity, and the introduction to Rebecca's work!

Rav id: nuts4crafting

gina said...

Beautiful! I would love to win this. I'm inspired and am going to her website now. Thanks!
Gina ginadk71(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

giddy with excitement
I love all that colour!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah G said...

So wonderfully fabulous! Haven't done embroidery in years and this would be the perfect opportunity to try again. Thanks for another great giveaway!

Mallory said...

Its all beautiful !!!! Such talent !I would love to learn to embroider ! Awesome post/giveaway

Rav ID: malymal26

stipton said...

I love Rebecca's work and the projects you created!Thanks for sharing both.

stipton = ravelry

stipton said...

I love Rebecca's work and the projects you created!Thanks for sharing both.

stipton = ravelry

Robin said...

Beautiful! I would love this.

Meg Roke said...

I have never heard of Rebecca before, but you can be sure that I will be paying attention to her now. What terrific samplers. Love yours, Susan!

Sheila said...

I haven't done much embroidery since I was a teenager, but I'm thinking I need to take it up again.

L. P. said...

The sampler is such a creative way to display the stitches, and when one adds their own combinations of threads, the sampler becomes dazzling! Rebeccas work is lovely. PS Your shawl is lovely, too.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm amazed. You did a wonderful job on your sampler.
rav ID: plashus

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm amazed. You did a wonderful job on your sampler.
rav ID: plashus

Jeannie D said...

These samplers look like such fun! Yours turned out beautifully, Susan...count me in!

ypsiknitti said...

Thank you for sharing your craft and this opportunity. Your post is causing me to modify my "no new crafts/hobbies," rule to more of a guideline. I can see embroidery as a nice summertime break. Many years ago, I used to crewel from kits. I'm not sure why I stopped. That sampler is very very tempting.

Julie said...

How do you do it all, Susan? Knitting and now embroidery, wow! You are an inspiration. I use to cross-stitch, and this post has inspired me to pick it up again. RAVID: Tanknit

Sarah in Houston said...

I love this kind of embroidery, too. I'll be checking out her stuff. Rav ID clarabee72

Janet Ellis said...

Looks like it is time to get back to some embroidery handwork! Thank you for the inspiration.

Dana Lohman said...

I agree that yielding to 'other' needles brings depth to your knitting and everything else you make with your hands. These embroidery stitches would lend themselves well to a felted tea cozy or anything felted.

Sarah in Houston said...

I love this kind of embroidery, too. Can't wait to look at her goodies.
RAV ID clarabee72

Zytigg said...

Your project is beautiful! Thank you for your wonderful patterns. I have really enjoyed each project and learned great new skills.

Dana Lohman said...

I agree that embroidery adds new depth to your knitting. These stitches would lend themselves well to a felted tea cozy. Love the designs1

tammy said...

so beautiful!
ravelry id: tyeatts

Judy said...

Beautiful! I'd love this.

tammy said...

so beautiful!

nancyswerner said...

This is very inspiring! I want to learn this!

LoriAngela said...

Embroidery was my first craft before I even went to school. We just drew pictures on our pillow cases and embellished them. I was deep in the constraints of cross stitch when I packed it in. Thanks for showing us this light hearted, heart warming art. I look forward to "doodling" with floss again.

Unknown said...

Since I was a little girl I have loved embroidery! These are so colorful and well designed. Thanks for the opportunity. I love how you share your passions and include small business owners.
rbjmnwh -- rav id

LoriAngela said...

My sisters and I used to decorate our pillow cases when we were little. I was deep in the constraints of cross stitch when I packed it in. Thanks for sharing this heart warming and light hearted art. I look forward to doodling with needle and thread again.

Sue Dial said...

I am so excited. Like you, embroidery was a love of mine for years but I havent done any for a long time. I love doing the stitching and guess I tried it all back then, crewel, cross stitch, ribbon embroidery etc. My first ever was pockets on gingham aprons done in cross stitch. I would love to have her kit and start this love all over again. My fingers are itching to start stitchin!!!
suzi4554 or Rav

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness!!! Even if I don't win I am so buying this and the class!!! Thank you for sharing!



Emily said...

I love Rebecca's work and the colors make my heart sing!

Rav: artsygirl

Emily said...

I love Rebecca's work. And those colors make my heart sing!

Rav: artsygirl

Desiree said...

Very cute!
RavID nonosmom

SandyH said...

I love to embroider! Thanks for the opportunity to win something so cool!

SandyH said...

I love to embroider! Thank you for the opportunity to win something so cool!

Debbie said...

I would love to win this! I have dabbled in embroidery/counted cross stitch/needlepoint and would like to get back to it! thanks for the inspiration.

Debbie4 on Rav

Debbie said...

I would love to win this! I have dabbled in embroidery/counted cross stitch/needlepoint and would like to get back to it! thanks for the inspiration.

Debbie4 on Rav

Hishandmaid said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. I love embroidery, and will be taking this class, I'm so inspired now!

Hishandmaid on Rav

Anonymous said...

What a cool giveaway! Thank you
I love the bright colors :)


Rocksteadyemme said...

I have the dropcloth sampler, and i love having it available whenever my need to stitch arises! Would love the color block!

Texas-Gran said...

Isn't is amazing how viewing someone's work stirs your interest in past needlework. It has been many years since I have worked on any embroidery......BUT my interest is peaking ! What a wonderful way to come back to embroidery !

Rocksteadyemme said...

Love having my dropcloth sampler available whenever i feel the need to stitch!
Would love the color block!

The Andersons said...

Thanks for this lovely post and chance to win. I have always wanted to do embroidery well and this has inspired me!

ravID is tesser

Kris said...

I would love to learn how to do this. Whip stitch only goes so far....

Unknown said...

I love this embroidery! I have done cross stitch and some embroidery since I was a girl. I even finished a large French garden scene for cross stitch. Thank you for sharing, if I don't win this is something I will get for myself.

RavId: stileslea

Unknown said...

I love any kind of hand stitching and would love to improve my embroidery skills
Cornhusker ( ravelry id)

Savannagal said...

I've done cross stitch for over 30 years, and have done a few embroidery projects too. But I haven't embroidered for probably 30 years. This would be a great re-introduction to the variety of stitches. Quite lovely. Thanks for the giveaway. Savannagal on Rav

Unknown said...

I would love to improve my embroidery skills!
Cornhusker : ravelry id

Unknown said...

I love any kind of hand stitching and would love to improve my embroidery skills
Cornhusker ( ravelry id)

Anonymous said...

Would love to win the sampler to get me started again with embroidery. Thank you!
Mary Ellen

Sparklinr said...

I, too, have done it all over the years......sewing, embroidery, crochet, latch hook, needlepoint, felting, quilting, knitting.....
Thanks for introducing me to a new etsy shop!
sparklinr on ravelry

Leanne Coppola said...

Love this!!!! Thanks for chance.

Leanne Coppola said...

I love this!!!!! Thanks for chance.

Rav id: leannecoppola

sara said...

so lovely. bellasophy04 on rav.

Nola's Art said...

This would be a lovely summer treat! Thank you

Unknown said...

The only needlework I've worked on is cross stitch a long time ago. I can imagine this would be helpful skills to have to finish your lovely itty bitty animal faces!
If you need a driver for you trip to Yarnology, I may know someone! :-) I tried stopping there this past Sunday, but they were having a street fair and the parking spots were filled up. Have fun! I haven't been to their new store, but the old spot was LOVELY!

Jennifer Grant said...

So completely cute. Would love to win! Thanks for all of the fun giveaways!!

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Susan, the embroidery is beautiful! Will definitely check her online class!
Thank you for the generous giveaway
-h82purl on Ravelry

Joanne said...

I love dropcloth samplers. All the finished ones look so gorgeous. Rav: snowywolf

Small and Moody said...

I have always wanted to learn embroidery but have been too intimidated to try. This would be a great opportunity to give it a go! It's so beautiful!

Rachel McKinney said...

Thanks, you encouraged me to maybe get out my beads and counted cross stitch.

Small and Moody said...

I have always wanted to learn to embroider but I find it a little intimidating. This is a beautiful giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win and learn!

marlie said...

These are beautiful!!

Rav ID: marlono

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