I want to quickly share with you the completed patchwork project I had talked about briefly a week or so ago. Instead of a quilt I put together a tote bag, fully-lined, every piece backed with interfacing, skinny shoulder straps with two generous lined pockets inside, one divided.
The fabric is all Anna Maria Horner's fantastic Chocolate Lollipop and Drawing Room collections combined. I love both of these collections so much and had ordered fat quarters of each a long time ago. It feels so good to finally put these to use. I used brown thread and did some fun quilting lines throughout the patchwork outside. Some lines are straight and some are squiggly on purpose. I think it adds interest and it just looks cute to have the extra stitching.
I did use the advice of many of you sewers who responded to help me with my lack of knowledge. I thought it was funny how the sewers are just as bad as the knitters. There are basically as many ways to press your seams as there are sewers. This is exactly what knitting is like, preferred technique is all based on what works best for you. I ended up pressing one row of squares one way and then the next row the other way. I don't know, I just did that and it seemed to work. I need to get more work under my belt before I decide what works best for me. You know, try different things. That's how you form smart opinions, just like all of you have, through time and experience. Thanks again for chiming in.
Basically, I didn't even look at a pattern for this at all. I made the two outside pieces using 4-inch squares and continued on from there. I did squared off gussets instead of rounded. The straps are skinnier than the other bags I made and I love them this way. It really could be reversible but who wants to hide all of that fun patchwork? Not me.
Now, I am going to start working on a small-ish patchwork quilt. We'll see what happens. I literally have no clue. I ordered a bunch of new fabric stacks from Spool. The bundles are unbelievable, a burst of color. I will share before I start washing and ironing and working.
Take care. Tuesday's almost over already. Whoooosh! And it's gone.
best, susie