I have some things to share that are noteworthy!
First off, please jump over to Ve's blog and check out the video interview that I did through Skype. There is a major Spud & Chloƫ giveaway going on over there, too. Don't miss out.
Click here to see the interview and enter the giveaway! Just scroll down a little bit to see the videos and the giveaway information.
Be sure to check out the new fall issue of Knit Circus. The patterns are better than ever and there is a feature article on Amanda Soule of Soule Mama. It is a wonderful issue, can't say enough good things about it. Really, just look at that cover shot. It's adorable.
The creator of Knit Circus is a hardworking Madison mom who is lovely and fun. I admire Jaala so much for her dedication and I'd love to see her knitting venture do well. Mwah! to Jaala Spiro.
On another topic, I opened a Ravelry pattern shop to sell my online patterns. I am pretty excited about this. This is another easy way to purchase and store my online patterns! My original shop is staying open as well so you can still order over there.
Here is the link to my brand new Ravelry Pattern Store! I will get a link up on my sidebar for this shop and you don't have to be a member to order through Ravelry.
Thanks so much for all of the Summer Camp Cloths pattern purchases. I am overwhelmed by the love. Thank you.
What do I do when I am under a bit of stress? Start a new project of course! I've had this kit for awhile but only pulled it out yesterday.
Here is the link for the kit! You have to own the book for directions.
Here is the link for the book, Alabama Stitch Book!
I love to hand-stitch so this is the perfect little project for me. You stitch around all of the stenciled shapes using the running stitch and with a sturdy brown button/craft thread held doubled. The knots are on the right side and are a part of the design which makes it even easier. When your stitching is complete you take a sharp and pointy pair of embroidery scissors and cut the inside of the stencil away leaving a small border inside of the stitching. Simple as that. It is called reverse applique.
Isn't it wonderful? Purl has the yellow version in kit form as well but I like the contrast of the blue and white. TC already has dibs on this project. She loves a good head scarf. She keeps standing next to me to watch while I stitch. I'll give you a progress report on this one when I am done. It is going to be fast.
What I really want to stitch is the swing skirt! It gives me a chill every time I see it. Must. Make. I will order a custom kit at some point very soon. The entire Alabama Chanin site is wonderful and inspiring. Don't miss it.
Click here to see the skirt and kit!
Okay, one last thing. I am starting an Easy Top-Down Raglan Knitalong on Monday, Aug. 23, 2010 on Spud says! I'd love for you to join in if you have any interest in knitting a sweater for yourself or for someone near and dear.
Click here to see the first informational post about materials for the knitalong!
That old TC grabbed my sweater fresh off the needles and threw it on. I am not making it up. I hadn't even blocked it yet and had barely snipped the last woven in end. It looks so good on her, although big, that I made her pose for a few photos. The sweater is sized for an adult. For the knitalong I am making another version in TC-size. I will measure as I go. She is an average 11-year-old size.
There isn't an official sign-up or anything. It is all casual and fun. I have already heard from loads of knitters who are joining in to knit their first sweater with us. What an honor.
The biggest news is that I have a special guest expert lined up. It is the one and only top-down sweater queen, Wendy Bernard of Knit and Tonic and Custom Knits fame!!! I am so excited about this. In fact right now she is in Denver filming a top-down sweater instructional video for Interweave. How about that? She is going to help answer questions and give tips and tricks along the way.
best, susie