How are you? Is everyone knitting for the holidays? I hope so. In the past I have knitted my heart out for Christmas but this year has been a little different. I haven't had the time to knit for gifts. I am okay with that though. I started thinking about past Christmas seasons and knitting and crafting I have done. I thought I would take a stroll down memory lane.
The first project that came to mind is the Grinch Glove design I made a couple of years ago. The Collector loved these. The Grinch Glove pattern is a free pattern on my sidebar if you are interested. It is just a good glove pattern for kids, too, if you don't want to add the Grinchy-ness.

Here is the link for the Ravelry page for the Grinch Gloves.

I knit this set several years ago for a different project I was working on. The other project was then changed and became Itty-Bitty Toys. I was very happy to get to include The Christmas Set in this book.
The Christmas Set is one of my favorite sets of toys. I remember feeling so excited about it when I finished. I brought the set to my mom's house to show her. She just loved it. My mom loved details and I remember her examining the Santa so closely. We even pulled out her old Polaroid camera and took some photos of the set in her kitchen. I still have those Polaroids. In fact, one of those photos is on a bulletin board in my studio. It is a sweet memory that I think about every time I see The Christmas Set. It is good.
My mom was a fantastic seamstress but she didn't knit. She always told me that knitting was more difficult than sewing, at least to her. I remember one time, many, many years ago, I was on a plane sitting next to her. I was knitting an acorn off the top of my head. She asked me, "How do you know how to do that?" I said, "I don't know." She thought that was so funny. We laughed at my silliness.
I think the beard and the eyebrows are my favorite features on this little guy. They turned out to be so good.
Here is the link for the Ravelry page for The Christmas Set.
Remember this project last year? I made several of these Santa Hats. The pattern for this is in Handknit Holidays. The Collector is still proudly wearing her Santa hat this year. This is a perfect, festive holiday hat. I even did a tutorial on how to line a hat using this hat as an example.
Here is the link for the Ravelry page for the Santa Hat.
I knitted up these fun little things last year, too. I have given the hat and the sachet tree away. The Snowman? I still have him. I made the pattern up as I knitted, it's not written up anywhere. The tree sachet is a free pattern on the Purlbee if you are interested. It is on their sidebar along with lots of other free patterns.
The Santa Baby ornament is another free pattern on my sidebar. You can knit this up in a jiffy if you still need a quick gift. It is easy and teeny tiny.
Here is the link for the Ravelry page for the Santa Baby Ornament.
Last year I had this idea for these tiny snow people ornaments using wool felt balls and sequined felt rings I purchased from here.
I stitched them together with a needle and thread but you could glue them instead I suppose. I cut a tiny triangle of orange felt to stitch on for a carrot nose. Then I took a black Sharpie and made dots for the mouth, eyes and buttons. This is a fast and sweet project, too. I gave a bunch of these away last year as gifts.
The scarf in the background is the Eleventh Hour scarf made out of Blue Sky Bulky. This is another great free pattern available on the Purlbee.
Well, I hope you are doing better than I am this year with your gift knitting. I am not ready for the holidays at all, not one bit. I have so much to do and so little time. I am one of those last minute people.
I want to give you an update on a few things before going today.
I did a fun interview with Petite Purls for their winter issue. Also, the Lamb from Itty-Bitty Toys is being offered as a free pattern on their site. Here is the link for the Ravelry page for the Lamb.
Knitty included a review of Itty-Bitty Toys in their Cool Stuff section of the new winter issue. Here is the link for the Cool Stuff page. Knitty's Cool Stuff selection always makes me want everything they select. It is a fun read.
The new patterns for Spud and Chloƫ are up for preview. To celebrate the new patterns I am hosting a giveaway on Spud says! (my other blog). Click here to check it out and enter. You still have a tiny bit of time to enter over there to win the incredibly cool and vintage looking Spud & Chloƫ pencil bag and your choice of one of the new patterns. I will be picking the two winners very soon so enter quick. Maybe even later today but for sure tomorrow the winners will be selected.
Well, maybe next year I'll get to knit and craft a little more for Christmas. This year I am just looking to Christmas past.
best, susie