I love that story about how Johnny Depp had "Winona Forever" tattooed on his arm. Then when they broke up he had it changed to "Wino Forever." That is too good, very funny and clever.
I am cleaning out my basement and house as we are contemplating what exactly we are going to do with ourselves in the near future. We are simply bursting out of our house. I love this house, but it is tight in here. We are tripping all over each other. Very soon we are either going to have to move to a bigger house or remodel our current house and add on.
Anyway, as I was cleaning out the basement I ran across a ton of knitted items I had done awhile back. I think I packed a lot of stuff up in bins when Alphabet Soup closed down.

I do remember the big red button on the bottle is made from a coconut shell. These were so quick to knit on larger size dpns. In fact I know I wrote down this pattern somewhere in my old sketch books. If I remember correctly I just knitted the bottom section and then changed to a smaller size dpns for the neck of the bottle. This is a super easy project, and a great beginner project for knitting in the round on dpns. I'll try and find that pattern for you.

Take care and have a terrific weekend.
best, susie