Dear Susan,
I’ve been meaning to write this message since last summer, I wanted to thank you for your baby bear pattern.
Last year I used this pattern to make a bear for my grandma after she was diagnosed with cancer, I was lucky enough to be able to go see her and spend some time with her, she slept with that bear every night and took him everywhere until she passed away last June, so thank you! you helped me say good bye to someone very dear to me.
She named him Pantaleon

This is the dearest project I’ve made, so much that I still carry the ball band in my purse.
I made it in April for my grandma, years ago she said she’d like a bear to keep her company at night since she missed my grandpa so much.
Long story short, my grandma was diagnosed with cancer and I rushed to Colombia to spend a couple of weeks with her, I knew I was saying good bye so I wanted to make something for her that she could keep when I returned to Michigan, so I went with this beautiful bear.
It was a great project, she named him Pantaleon and she slept with him and took him everywhere until she died in June last year, the pictures here are my last pictures with her.
I miss her very much.
It's me again and nothing more needs to be said.
Have a wonderful weekend, dear Knitters. What we do matters in the most humble way.
best, susie