Thank you for all of the warm wishes and positive thoughts. You are a good, supportive and kind bunch.
I am very excited and honored to be included with a fantastic group of teachers for the upcoming Creative Connection Event in St. Paul. The event takes place from September 15th to 17th and Vogue Knitting is sponsoring one day at the event.
I am teaching a Toy Knitting Workshop. We are making the mouse from Spud & Chloë at the Farm and learning and refining a ton of toy knitting techniques along the way.
I am speaking as part of a panel on Thursday, September 15th afternoon as well. I can't find that on the site but I will share more on this later.
Here is the schedule for the two workshops I am teaching:
Also, I am happy to sign any of your Itty-Bitty books and Spud & Chloë at the Farm books so be sure to bring them along.
As always, my generous company, Spud & Chloë/Blue Sky Alpacas, is providing every student with some wonderful gifts just for coming to the class. They never disappoint and make the class really special with their generosity.
I always throw in some fun giveaways, too. The gifts and the giveaways add so much excitement to the class. I love it.
Please let me know if you are coming to join me. I added The Creative Connection Event link to the top of the sidebar so you can easily visit the site anytime.
best, susie