Hi Knitters,
The winner of Loop-d-Loop Lace is....
EllenLBishop (rav id)
Congratulations to Ellen and thank you all for entering. I'll have another giveaway very soon. I already have the next book picked out and it is a good one.
Now, many years ago TC became enchanted with fairies. I thought it might be a passing fancy but this interest has stood the test of time so far. She still reads her fairy books (and this one and especially this one), collects fairy items and as soon as spring hits she starts planning her fairy garden.
My sister bought TC the arch which is probably the best piece of the bunch.
Next, Peachy and I went to a garden supply shop and bought stones for paths, moss and other ground coverings and two bird baths (these were only $10 each - a steal). All of these gifts were purchased with the intention that TC would go to town creating her own tiny fairy gardens.
TC has been diligently working on her fairy gardens over the last week or so. She has mapped out and carefully placed her new fairy items.
One of the bird baths is complete as of yesterday. If you look closely at the photo above you can see the gardening tools like a shovel and rake and a watering can on the moss by the tiny bird bath.
I think the patio furniture is my favorite.
TC's neighbor friend has been helping her out with the bird bath fairy project. They are so cute and busy working together in the back yard. I love it so much that I don't disturb them at all while they are working. I don't want to interrupt their creativity. Watching their passion and willingness to work for long stretches at a time gives me so much joy. It truly is the simple things in life that bring happiness (and a good project always helps).
TC and this sweet friend pooled their money together a couple of summers ago to purchase some fairy figurines to put in the larger fairy garden. They are using a few of these same figurines in the bird bath fairy gardens, too.
Here is the start of the second fairy garden. This time she chose to do a border around the outside with her ground coverings.
I also got a few really inexpensive solar lights (about 80 cents per light) to put in the garden for TC's birthday. They are really cool because they glow at night in her garden.
TC spends a lot of time watering and taking care of her fairy gardens and now our new vegetable garden as well. She can often be found in the vegetable garden staking the plants that are getting unruly and bent over weeding or watering. She is a caretaker.
It has been fun to see the love of nature and gardens grow in TC. I think this one will stick with her and become a lifelong passion. It is in her blood and comes from generations before her.
I couldn't resist the fairy house from the gift shop as well. It is a wonderful sight at night because the solar light right behind the house makes it glow. The other night we had a bonfire in our backyard and she pointed the glowing fairy house out to me.
We both smiled at the unintentional goodness.
best, susie
p.s. TC likes to look at fairy garden images here.