Hi Knitters!
I am starting this blog to keep in touch with all of the wonderful people I have met on the road this past month while touring for my first book, Itty-Bitty Hats!
This will be a short post due to the pending deadline for my second book! I am plugging away as always on my manuscript, but am so short of time right now. I have just over a week to finish up a huge amount of writing. However, I just wanted to get this started once and for all! I have been dreaming about this blog for months.
Thanks for all of the wonderful support, it has been great. I will post again soon with lots of knitting news and descriptions of my knitting adventures.
I completed these socks over the last couple of weeks. They provided some much needed company while traveling alone. I had my 14-year-old son take this shot and help me load it onto the blog. I don't know how to do this myself yet, but I plan on learning quick so I can share my many projects with you.
Check back soon for more!
best, susie