Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Coffee Chalk

Hi Knitters,
This morning my daughter and I did some sidewalk chalk art along with my cup of coffee. What a beautiful morning, a summer dream.
I drew my obligatory polka dot flower. My kids always ask me to draw the same things. Isn't that silly? Kids like to do the same things over and over again. I always find that interesting. It must bring comfort.
Here is a crazy artist at work. Look at that extension and the passion. She loves to make things this girl.This is her masterpiece. A duck and an apple tree together at last. I am loving the proportions.
A satisfied brow smudged with chalk remnants is a good sign.
She requested this shot of her pulling an apple from the tree. What would I do without her?
Okay, here is a new project I started this morning. Note my extremely organized pattern writing technique complete with arrows and frog post-its. Oy. Why do I do this to myself?
This is a freshly felted (or is it fulled?) sweater from my washer. I see so many possibilities.
A pillow, maybe? I'll keep you posted.
The second monster hat is underway. Look what mama got yesterday! I'm pretty excited about my new ipod nano. I had an ipod mini that was not working well at all. It had been dropped one too many times. I am checking out audiobooks to load up right now. Any suggestions?
Have a super Tuesday.
best, susie


Leah said...

Get some audiobooks from your library. And I love listening to the Harry Potter books on audio.

Leah said...

Congrats on the new iPod! Check out some audiobooks from your library. It's very economical!

Faerynuff said...

Chalks are great fun...my girls decided to colour their hair with them yesterday!

I'm about to download your elephant pattern, I have plans for a black and pink stripy one for my goth in the making sister :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan :) You've been tagged

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing what you are knitting next. Love the chalk art - always fun to do.

RE Alan Dart patterns. I found a web site that listed his e-mail address and sent him a note asking about a his web page. This was the response:

"Dear Tina,

Thank you for your interest in my toy designs. Unfortunately I don't have a web page yet, but it is on my list of things to do once I get enough time ...... so keep your eyes open, and it may materialise sometime.

With best wishes,
Alan Dart "

So nice of him to reply but I'm bummed he doesn't have something set up.

Adrienne said...

Love the pics of her drawing! Too cute! My kids love chalk too!

peaknits said...

Great chalk fun! I would recommend anything by Jodi Picoult lately - especially The PAct and 19 minutes. I love, love my ipod nano and wonder how I ever lived without that clever thing. You can get a little doo dad from nike to plug in with a thingy for your shoe and it will log your mileage/ mph and upload it onto a site - pretty darn techno!

sharon said...

The chalk + kids = good fun!
the front wall of my house is decorated with chalk drawings and writing - it is not in a 'rain zone' so I have to spray it clean - so they can start all over!

Knitterella said...

I love the photo of her 'picking the apple' from the tree - that is great!

oooo, can't wait to see what you do with your new felted fabric!


Sarah said...

I must say we have that exact same box of chalk, but somehow our drawings don't come out so cute. That might have something to do with a certain two-year old using the chalk to crawm down the hole of the patio table, instead? Hmmm.

Cloudberry said...

Love your flower!
And it will be great to see the pillow done ;)

kathy b said...

I just LOVE her pulling an apple from the tree. She is very creative. Lovely lovely chalk work.

Dont worry about the felting stuff

I don't know why we do this to ourselves either!

peaknits said...

p.s. :) if someone tags you - usually you link over to their blog and there should be some instructions to copy and complete a quiz on your blog like "7 random things" or something like that. I'm so unassertive I never tag anyone:) I heart free will!:) Hope you are having a great day!
