Hi Knitters,
I have piles and stacks and boxes and bins and shelves and cubbies..... and they are all filled to the brim. Here is a quick run down of my knitty mess.
Above is a sock yarn designed by my buddy, Kristin Nicholas. I got this two years ago from Kristin at TNNA and have just started some socks. It is called Best Foot Forward in the Berry Cobbler colorway. The yarn is a treat and the colors are definitely all Kristin. As I knit I keep the ball band up so I can see it as it has Kristin's artwork and signature right there. I love that.
TC has been busy knitting preemie hats for a charity knit on the Itty-Bitty Knits group on Ravelry. She is pretty excited about it. She has one more on the needles.
There is that second Zauberball sock from The Wool Cabin.
I have piles of finished projects. Here we have the Spud & Chloë Fine striped socks I've mentioned several times before (no pattern is available!). The finished Zauberball sock, and my latest top-down baby cardi that will be available as a free pattern on Spud says! any day now.
Loads of Blue Sky Alpacas Royal (it's way better than cashmere) and Spud & Chloë Outer. I'm not complaining.
There are several boxes and envelopes of goods from my publisher, Artisan Books, to give to the students in my Spud & Chloë at the Farm class this weekend.
Hey, I put the project photos up for Spud & Chloë at the Farm on Ravelry if you'd like to see a little bit of what's inside. Click here to see the projects!
This box is huge and it is stuffed full of goodies from Spud & Chloë and Blue Sky to pass out at the class. I love giving fun things away so this will make me very happy.
Speaking of which...
I am giving away two books today. The first book is Cowl Girls by Cathy Carron and the publisher is Sixth & Spring. This is a great little book full of cowls of all sorts, big, small, short, tall, long, cabled, colorwork, stitch patterns, hoods, wraps, chunky, etc.
This is actually Cathy's daughter modeling. That's cool. She has modeled for Quince & Co., too.
Great photography and lots of good, quick and doable projects equals a fun book to own.
I have been a fan of Cathy's work for a long time. She is often published in Vogue Knitting and lots of other knitting magazines.
This second book, Entrelac, by Rosemary Drysdale is another winner. I listened to Rosemary on Marly's Yarnthing podcast awhile back. Rosemary is just wonderful. (I just saw Cathy Carron was on there, too. Click here.)
This book shares entrelac stitch patterns like I have never seen before. It is just beautiful and well-done. What a resource.
Have you ever seen anything like this? I haven't.
There are gorgeous entrelac patterns, too. They are graceful and beautiful.
There are garments, scarves, bags, vests, wraps, and much more. It is an incredible collection.
I mean look at this leaf entrelac pattern. The book is a keepsake for your stitch library at the least and at the most you will love making the patterns, too. It's a good one.
Okay, here's how we are playing today! There will be two winners, one per book. Leave one comment on this blog post (please do not email me, you have to get on the blog and leave a comment). In your comment please leave me the following information:
- your rav id or email
-which book you would prefer either Entrelac or Cowlgirls or if you don't care which one you win!
I will pick the winners in a couple of days.
Have fun! Good luck!
Into the weekend I run.
best, susie
1 – 200 of 373 Newer› Newest»Kristen's sock yarn is delicious; I'm going to have to find that soon! I'd like to win the entralac book. I bought the Cowl book after (over)hearing 2 gals talk about it in Starbucks at Vogue Knitting Live. Can't wait to receive my new Spud and Chloe book!
I can't believe this!! I've been lusting after Cowl Girls for the longest time and would love to have it :) I love your blog, my favorite entries are when you share your new favorites of this and that.
wow! what a generous give away!
Beautiful books for the giveaway. I would be happy to win either one. I am amazed by the entrelac. I had no idea you could do so many different designs.
ljgreenlaw on raverly
Would love to win the Cowl Girls book!
RachelKnits on Ravelry
LOVE the piles of yarn & projects & goodies & books!! Would love either book...
you're the best!
mbridget on rav
Would love to win the Cowl Girls book!
Oh, I would love to win the CowlGirls book. It has been on my wishlist for awhile and I just have not bought it yet.
Ravelry name is beewing
I can't wait for the new Spud and Chloe book. I live on a farm and am anxious to knit all those animals for my baby girl!
I would love either book. I am FiberGeek on Ravelry.
I would love either book. I am FiberGeek on Ravelry.
I would love to win either book!
I am cocoanut1001 on Rav.
Hi Susan, I purchased Itty Bitty Hats two months ago. I have become addicted to knitting those precious hats. I am a beginner and was so thrilled when I could do something other than rectangles. I have had three new babies in the family, so guess what I am giving for gifts. It has been so much fun. The new mommies are so excited when they open baby's gift. Your book has opened up a whole new world for me. Now I just have to get it back from my Daughter. Ha Ha! I think it would be a real hoot to win the Cowl Girls book. bu2321@comcast.net
Oh love to see TC knit baby hats for a good cause. I saw the Cowl Girls in the knit picks catalog today...would be awesome if I won it. my rav name is becks031979. Have a great weekend.
oooo cowl girls looks awesome! thanks for the giveaway!
Woo hoo! Can't pass up a giveaway by Susan. I think I would like to win the Entrelac one b/c I haven't tried that technique before.
Sweet, sweet TC knitting up those charity caps for preemies. I hope my daughters are as generous and thoughtful and creative like her.
I love your mess, Susan. It's the best kind of stuff.
Oh, what fun. I love seeing other peoples projects. I know you are proud of all your kids but that knitting is wonderful!
My Rav id is jeaniebabb as is my twitter name.
I would love to win the book on Entrelac
both books are on my wishlist...I'd love either one. andibrown@msn.com
Hi, Susan! All of your projects look fabulous, as usual. I can't wait to start on the Farm Knitting, myself! Both of the books look fantastic but I would especially like to unravel the mysteries of Entrelac. Have a great weekend!
(Survivor on Ravelry)
Would love to win the cowl girl book..truly enjoy your blog..so inspirational
Hi Susie...I'd love either book. Can't WAIT for Spud & Chloe on the Farm...glad the book release is earlier than expected! Have a great weekend!
~ Kathy C (Oregon)
Cowlgirls is on my wishlist!
Cowlgirls is on my wishlist!
SuuzzeeQ on ravelry
i would love either book but would probably prefer the entrelac book. soo neat!
libbi-ilyse on ravelry
I would love either book....knitgirl72 on Ravelry.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win either book! Top choice would be Cowl Girls, though, as I'm on a cowl kick this winter.
Oh wow! I've been wanting the Cowl Girls book for ages! That would be my first choice. :) I love the little baby cardi and your striped socks too. The baby hats are adorable! What a special girl to knit those! Off to work on my charity hat project. samm@ravelry
I'm really interested in the entrelac book; I've never tried it. However, I would be happy with either!
Thanks for another great contest!
I would love the Cowl Girls book. I've looked at a friend's copy and have been thinking of getting it ever since.
Thanks so much!
Hi Susan--looks like you are having fun with pretty patterns. If I win I'd love the Entrelac book. Thanks for the giveaway! Dana
So excited for Sunday! Peeked at the projects on Ravelry and they are so great.
I would love ether book, love to try new things. galesknits@gmail.com
I want both of these books, but I might want the entrelac one more. I've been meaning to learn the technique for ages. I hope I win. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win Cowl Girls! thanks for the try!
oh, I'd love either book! The pictures look gorgeous.
cowlgirls has been on my wishlist. :)
Great books! I would love to have either one!
I forgot to include my email! Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love either book -- they both look awesome!
I am a cowl girl for sure! Love them so much, can't get enough of them. Entrelac would push me out of my comfort zone and encourage me to try something new and challenging. But Cowlgirls is first choice.
Oh I so want to learn entrelac! Mary hiptobeme on Rav <3
What amazing books, I'd love to win either of them. Keep up the beautiful work, it's always a joy to read about what you're up to. Thanks!!!
Great books once again.... no need to enter me this time around but I just wanted to let you know that it's so nice of you to have give away!
Wow - what terrific books! :) I love them both and really would enjoy either - but I've never done Entrelac before and that book looks like the perfect way to start! :)
Hello Susie! I would love to win Cowl Girls. It has been a rough couple of weeks and winning this book would really lift my spirits! Thanks for your generosity and kindness. Ramona (ramonagasper@yahoo.com)
If I had to choose, it would be Entralac because I have been itching to try it.
Rav id: stefaniegr
I'd prefer the cowl book!
What a sweet give-a-way! Thanks for introducing me to both of those wonderful books. I would love to own either! Thanks for the opportunity.
I'd love to win one of the books, not really important which one as I have to have both!
ravelry ID: zwergenzwirn
Hello! I just wanted to say I just finished making the giraffe from your itty-bitty toy book. It'll be on display for a baby shower I'm giving tomorrow.
Anyway...I'd love to win a book!
Great post - such beautiful knitted items. I would love to receive either book; my ravelry name is Sheepish1too.
:) Jill
I would prefer Cowl Girls since entralac scares me.
plynn on Ravelry
Would love to win "Cowlgirls" what awesome title.
Hi Susan,
I would love to win cowl girls.
I am VirginiaGrace on ravelry...I've friended you.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Decisions,decisions...love them both! I guess I have to go with Cowl Girls. Thanks for the opportunity.
All the cowls are beautiful, and I'd prefer Entrelac. The entrelace patterns look challenging enough, that's the way I like it. ravelry: catmilc
So fun! It's been awhile since I've knitted and what great inspiration this would be to start a fun project! I would love to win either book but CowlGirls would be a great book for some fun projects! Thanks so much!!!
Oops...forgot my email...
(comment from Carrie)
Oh, the entrelac book seems really nice. Thank you for such a fun giveaway!
sugarlaneknits on rav
I would love to win Cowl Girls, entralac scares me!
Mmmmmm, that Entrelac book caught my eye in the latest Knit Picks catalog. I'm Parisska on Ravelry. Thanks for such a nice giveaway!
Cowl Girls is on my "to buy" list! One day soon I am going to try the Spud & Cloe yarns. Mostly, I can't wait for your new book! My needles are at the ready! Thanks for another great give away.
I have been wanting to get both of these books so don't really care which I win, however if I had to pick just one it would be the entralac book. I have been wanting to learn how to do that.
moniquew on raverly
how ! this is amazing crazy i must dream give away and knit and at the same time how wonderfull
merci encore une foi
Eugenie from Montrèal
Thanks for the chance to win. Both books look great and I'd be happy winning either.
Francieos - ravelry
I would like either book.
And I pre-ordered your Spud & Chloe on the Farm book today! Once I saw the Ravelry projects, I couldn't resist. And in other news, I have a 5-month-old daughter, and we take monthly shots of her in front of the giraffe I made from your IB Toys book. It's so fun to watch her grow in proximity to it!
(my rav id is introvert)
I would love to win the Cowl Girl book. I have picked it up several times at JoAnnes, but haven't purchased it yet. There are many patterns in the book I would like to make. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love the little kitty (2/23/11post.). Either book would be great!
OMG! That entrelac book looks amazing! I love entrelac and would LOVE that book! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I would love the cowl book.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Rav ID aandersonmi
Any book! What a giveaway.
Rav id : knittingmommee
Love your sock using Kristin's yarn.
Thanks for hosint a giveaway. I'd love the Cowl book. They'd make some easy and quick gifts.
rmvandy on ravelry
I would love the Cowlgirls book to fuel my winter knitting! Rav: bostonbeagle
oh...i would love to win the entrelac book. what beautiful patterns. thank you for this great giveaway.
That entrelac book looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win.
That entrelac book looks amazing! Thanks for the giveaway, Susan - I'm really looking forward to seeing 'Spud & Chloe on the Farm"!
Ooo, would love either book! So fun!
Just trying my first entrelac project. I love it. The patterns in the book are amazing.
dothemathpc is my ravelry name
the Entrelac book.
I'd love either book. I just finished a Zauberball pair of socks from the Wool Cabin and oddly enough I made a pair of toe-ups from the same yarn that you love with the great illustrations. Only two pair I have ever made.
Great stuff here !
Entralac looks very interesting and such fun colors.....Kristen's yarn is so beautiful. Can't wait til Spud & Chloe is in my hands, think I will start with the barn!
Cornell77 on Ravelry
I have always wanted to learn entrelac. But the cowl girl book is
also on my list. So I will leave it
Up to you.
And the sock yarn is beautiful (just
In case you want to share!)
Jane Epstein
I don't know if I could pick one. I think I'd choose Entrelac because I've never done it before and would love to learn.
Raven id MamaMidwife
I would love, love, love the entrelac book!! Thank you for the opportunity.
brickstreetbungalow at gmail dot com
I love the colors in that sock yarn you started using. Love the band on the yarn, too. My choice would be the book on Entrelac. I have wanted to try it forever, but just haven't found the motivation and courage. I know that book would give me both. :-)
Zowmom on Ravelry
Oooo...that Entrelac book is to die for!
rav id: awsmrn2000
e-mail: awsmrn2000@yahoo.com
Mmmm.. have had my eye on the Cowl Girls book.
I'm inspired by your socky-ness.
Would love either of the books.
Rav: csbrown
A beginner knitter who loves Spud & Chloe and your designs would LOVE to win Cowl Girls. Thanks for the chance. Happy weekend to all!
I'd love to win the Entrelac book. I've had my eye on it for a couple of weeks. I took a class from Gwen Bortner on knitting in both directions just to use when doing Entrelac. My Ravelry handle is "knityid."
As always Susan you've such wonderful things happening both on and off the needles. I'm waiting patiently for my copy of Spud and Cloe on the Farm to arrive. Boy those pre-orders seem to take for ever. It's because they are like that proverbial watched pot. I'd love to win either of the books you're offering. ...... especially the Interlac.... I must learn how to do this.
The pattern in the Spud & Chloe book are so cute. I would like to be entered for the Entrelac book I picked it up at the library after learning Entralac last month & there are some great patterns in that book.
I couldn't agree more with everyone else. The sock yarn is soooo beautiful. I really love the bright colours ! Your giveaway is fabulous and I am so excited for it. The Entrelac book looks so intriguing and I would love to start some myself !
Ravelry ID:ModischStrickt
Book: Entrelac
i've had my eye on both those books so i'd be chuffed to win either (i'm actually more interested in your book, but i've already got that pre-ordered).
bloepper (rav id)
wow, what great giveaways! I love the Spud and Cloe book, the cat is my favourite! I am very much looking forward to the little baby cardigan being available.
my ravelry id id
hetty24tigger and e-mail hetty24tigger@yahoo.com
either book would be a great win!!
I would love either book. They look so awesome! Kristen's sock yarn is awesome too! Thank you for the opportunity! janelowe@gmail
Wow! I just love your giveaways! I love both of the books but probably would prefer the cowlgirls!
knittingknot on ravelry or eoconnor1@everestkc.net
Another great giveaway, always worth a try! I'd like either book. Thanks for always giving me such inspiration and a great read! Otterkin on ravelry
I'd love to get the entrelac book! Awesome giveaway!
leahtrineer at gmail.com
Although both intriguing, I'd prefer Cowl Girls!
Thanks Susan!!!
What a wonderfull give away!
I love both books.
teresanasci on ravelry
I have never tried entrelac, but that book looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations on the new book, and thank you for another wonderful giveaway. Either book would be welcome at my home :-)
Marti (MadMartiKnits on rav)
Wow! It looks like fun at your house! The giveway looks wonderful! Either book would be a great addition to my knitting library! Have a great weekend!
:) justjulia on rav
Congratulations on your new book! Thank you again for another generous giveaway. Either book is welcome in my home.
Marti (MadMartiKnits on rav)
I would love Cowlgirls!
as usual, a great giveaway!
I would love to get the Cowl book. Its been on my wish list this season. Can't wait to make things from your new book! Must be great fun to be the gift fairy!
patroth - rav id
Would love to win either one.
But If I wont, I'll buy them sooner or later, for sure ;-)
Wow I would love either book - both sound great.
LOVE Cowls. Made a number of them this winter. They are easy to transport when commuting. Would love some new ideas! Thanks for being generous with both your creations and stuff.
Sue (sdoyle1313@comcast.net)
What luck I have been looking and trying to decide when I could purchase Cowl Girls book for a while.
It would be great to win.
Thank you for the chance
Love yarn by Kristin..
I would love the enterlac book but would be thankful for either one...
Love the Kristin yarn...Would love the entralac book but would be thankful for either one...
Well.....I try to win stuff all the time and never do but I am going for it again! I love the Cowlgirls book! I have had so many friends request I knit them a cowl this year and have run out of ideas! This book would make a snowy day at home knitting even more fun!
I always thought I wanted CowlGirls, but after seeing glimpses of Entrelac, I think I really want that one!
What a wonderful array of yarn colors you have around your house right now!
rav ID: valeriechristine
oldgoatwoman on ravelry
Entrelac would be a fabulous win because I want to learn that knitting technique next. Susan, thank you for another great opportunity!
Hi Susan! I'd love to win the Cowlgirls book - had my eye on it for awhile now but too many projects to finish first!
Thanks for the give-away! Any book is great!
just when I think I can't possibly NEED more sock yarn, you show those beauties!! :) Would love the entrelac book--how creative!
just when I think I can't possibly NEED any more sock yarn...such beauties you show!! And the entrelac book looks fabulous. Would love it!!! :) Thanks for sharing your creativity--look forward to all your posts!
They are both great books!! I wouldnt care wich one I won! Ravelry ID is Jeweledfrog
What I really wish for is a spot in your class but I would also love to try the entrelac technique so that book would be great. If you would sign it i---that would be the best
Andrea in TN
Wow, what a great giveaway. I would love to win the Entrelac book. It looks like such a great resource.
Rav id - Sabrab
or sabrabas@gmail.com
Free stuff is always fun. Participating in a class must be great maybe one day. Anyway since I have CowlGirls I'd love to win the Entrelac book. Thanks
Eww - I'd love to win the entralac book, I'm currently knitting (among other things) a Lady Eleanor and I love it.
Hi! I found you on youtube initially. I am a beginning knitter and love the idea of building my reference library for when I have moved beyond a basic ribbed pattern :) Love the books! Thanks for sharing your great talents.
I'd prefer the Cowlgirl book. My d-i-l loves cowls; I love making them for her.
MAinMN on Ravelry
Oh Susie, I just love knitting books...so, I don't really care but I'm probably more attracted to the entralac book, if only because I like stitch dictionaries (that way, you can make them to fit your wants/needs).
~ Renee (renny1780)
Hi Susan,
I'd like the Cowl Girls book. I already own the Entrelac book and love it. i also can't wait to get my hands on your new book.
Would love to win either book. Wish I lived closer so I could attend your class. Waiting for the on line classes!
Ravelry: balsama
Hi Susan! Both of these books look amazing, but the one I'd really love to have is the Cowl Girls book!
messiahkitty on Ravelry
~ Paula
I would love to have the Entrelac book for my knitting resource library. Both books look so rich with ideas, it's hard to choose.
Hi, Susan. Both books look like rich resources, but if I had to choose, I'd like the Entrelac book for my knitting library. Thanks for doing this.
Cowlgirls, please!
tamb on Ravelry
I actually have a skein of Kristen's sock yarn in the exact same colorway. I haven't decided what I want to knit with it. Both books I want to buy so winning either would make my day. My ravelry id is poeticknitter.
I'd love Cowlgirls but will be delighted w/ either! Thanks for the generous giveaway - lisambarrett@att.net.
Both books look gorgeous. I love the pics you posted on rav can't wait to get a copy of your new book.
I have been itching to try Entralac. I've seen so many beautiful FO's on Ravelry. And I love Cowl's! Hides all that aging hangy neck skin while making you look beautiful and showing off your talents at the same time. Which book for me? You pick! Thanks for this wonderful give away!
Andi W.
Ravelry- KnitAweigh
Hi there! Love seeing all your projects!
my Rav id is MommaJude
I'd love to get the cowl book!!!
love your giveaways! cowlgirls looks awesome!
I have always wanted to learn entrelac. It looks fascinating! I would take the Entrelac book off of your hands.
Oh Susan, this whole post has me drooling. Blue Sky Royal is one of my new loves. I don't know that I've ever used a yarn that is so enjoyable to work with.
And those two books? Both are right up my ally. I have a new obsession with cowls - I'm about to start a new one with Blue Sky Worsted - and I actually teach Entrelac classes at my LYS! I would love to add either book to my shelves!
Rhonda / Rhondito
What lovely books and yarn. I love self striping yarn -- it just makes me want to knit anothe few rows!
Just pre-ordered my Spud and Chloe Farm book. CAN'T WAIT to get it. LOVE the sock yarn of Kristen Nichols. Yummy. Would love to win either giveaway. Both books have called my name, but, haven't bought them yet. Thank you for sharing and doing the giveaway.
What a wonderful giveaway.
- Meghan V
I love your blog and all the beautiful pictures. I would be happy to win either book!
Awesome giveaway! I would be happy to win either book!
I'm bettychuck. I love Best Foot Forward. I've knitted several pairs of socks with it. I would really love to get the Entrelac book.
I'm bettychuck. I love Best Foot Forward. I've knitted several pairs of socks with it. I would really love to get the Entrelac book.
Would love to win!!
Oh how I would love any of those boxes to show up on my doorstep! As far as the books, I'd probably prefer the entrelac, but I would really like a Spud & Chloe on the Farm! ; )
hanihoney36 on rav
The CowlGirls book looks lovely. My Ravelry ID is Dawnm89us
Your blog is so inspiring for me. I love when you share your favorite links and such.
I have been unable to knit for over a year due to issues with my migraines. In the past month I have finally been "back in the game" and all of the time I've spent reading your blog is helping in many of my purchases.
Great giveaway! Both books are on my amazon wishlist, so I'd love either one!
My ravelry ID us CraftyTxGrrl.
Ph, Wow. I would love to win a copy of Cowlgirls!! I have 5 granddaughters who love wearing cowls and the idea of such beautiful patterns boggles my mind. Thank you!
Carol Ann
I pre-ordered my copy of Spud and Chloe at the Farm yesterday on Amazon! Can't wait 'til it arrives! I'd love to have either book! My friend ordered the Cowlgirls book and it is awesome...and I just found an entrelac pattern that I am wanting to try!! Can't wait for the pattern for "Hello, Baby"...my newest grandbaby is due any day!
nama6 on ravelry
I wouldn't care which one I win....it would just be a treat to win something! ;) Can't wait for your new book - I spent all of my Christmas gift certs on Spud & Chloe. 12 hanks - ah, bliss!
Both books look so fun, I've never done Entralac and all the pictures I've seen of the Cowl patterns are amazing. Thanks for entering me!
PS. I love the best foot forward yarn, I am definitely going to have to pick some up soon.
Both books look so fun, I've never done Entralac and all the pictures I've seen of the Cowl patterns are amazing. Thanks for entering me!
PS. I love the best foot forward yarn, I am definitely going to have to pick some up soon.
My email is kmb0807@gmail.com
Love the first sock yarn pic! I have both of these books on my wishlist. I hope I win one.
What a great give-away. If I win, I'd like the Entrelac book.
VCR on Ravelry.
Thank you for another great giveaway!
Ravelry: Tiffany85
Oh boy! Another fun giveaway from Susan! I would love to win the Cowlgirls book! I can't seem to make enough cowls and scarves this winter! They are fun, quick projects. Thanks for sharing! The new Spud and Chloe book is on my wish list on Amazon. :o)
WOW! I picked up my knitting needles after many,many, years. The first book I purchased was ITTY BITTY HATS.It was so helpful and easy to understand for and oldie newbie. I would love to win COWL GIRLS. The other would be too much of a c
hallenge. Thank you, Marilyn
I'd love to add the Entrelac book to my library, but either one would be a great reference!
ravid: ceweller
Awesome giveaway!
Wow, gorgeous pics!! I'm so addicted to knitting books, it's crazy--it's hard to choose one, but if I had to pick, I would say I would most likely knit something out of Cowl Girls before I have a chance to do a bigger project in the entrelac book (darn grad school gets in the way of knitting!). Thanks for the chance of winning :-)
Rav ID princesspeanutmom
Ooh, can't pass up a wonderful giveaway like this. The piles of yarn look so wonderful. I'd love to win the cowlgirls book to knit up some presents.
Ooh, I would love to win the Cowlgirls book please! And thank you for the sneak peeks at your new Spud and Chloe book- can't wait!
Ali (loopylil on ravelry- lowercase important!)
What a great giveaway. I'm fairly new to knitting so I would love either of these books. Thanks for doing this!
No joke, I was looking at Cowl Girls on Ravelry while reading your blog post coincidentally. Meant to be. I would love either book, they are both on my wishlist. Thanks Susan!
ktmay12 (rav)
both books look gorgeous but i'd prefer cow girls!
can't wait for spud at the farm to come out!
benessi in ravelry
I'd love the Cowl Girl book. And Kristen's yarn is beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished product.
Would love the cowl book if I am so lucky to be picked.
Jods on rav.
Oh my goodness all those pictures look like heaven! it's so inspiring, I want to knit it all :)
If I was lucky enough to win I would love any of the 2 books, Thanks for the opportunity!
theyarnkat on rav
I would love the Entralac book. It looks fabulous.
My e-mail is anahuron@gmail.com and I'd love to win the Entrelac book!
The Entraclac book looks fabulous. I would love to win it.
Both books look wonderful and I would love either one! It is so generous of you to have the giveaway. Thanks!!
LOVE that sock yarn and have to find some! The new Enterlac book is on the top of my wishlist, it looks so amazing! The Cowlgirls book is already in my libray, and well used.
KathieR on Rav
Just love these 2 books, the giveaway and can't wait to get my hands on YOUR new book. Does it get any better than this? Knitting heaven. Thanks so much.
I live in a village in Southern Ontario but am currently wintering in Victoria BC. Friends took me to see Seattle and while there I visited a Barnes and Noble Bookstore. There was one copy of Itty Bitty Toys on the shelf. When I left, there were none on the shelf. I owned it. I can hardly wait to start on some of the very sweet projects. Would love to win a book.
I have seen Cowl Girls - wonderful book! Would love to win either book. Thank you!
Kay M.
kimrknits on rav...and oh I would love the cowl book!! but would also like to try to stretch my skills with entralac...sign me undecided!! kim
I have both your give away books and they're great. Entralac is not difficult when you use this book. Great instructions. I would love to take your class Susan, buy you are too far away for me. Can't wait to get the book. Is it available now???
Your mess looks like my mess and I intend to spend this snowy day tackling it and whipping it into shape.
Knit on....
I love your giveaways. I would love to have the cowl girls but would be happy with the entralac as well. I am Suzi4554 on ravelry.
I'd love the Enterlac book as I already have the Cowl Girls book. Thanks for all you fun posts,ideas and giveaways.
I'm Paula5 on Ravelry.
The Cowl book looks great, but the entralac book is exciting! That leaf pattern is stunning! I would be thrilled to win either! My amazon pre-order of Spud and Chloe on the farm is taunting me - can't wait to make a barnful for my kids!
Keep it up - love seeing all your gorgeous knitting. I am a L&D nurse and we appreciate those hats more than TC can imagine - especially ones that are so lovely and made with such love.
RavID = twinmamalinda
Oh boy! Another opportunity to win more knitting goodies; YAY!! I'd like to win either; like them both!
auntiecarrot on Ravelry :)
I'm knitting my first cowl right now and would love CowlGirls!!! I love all the emails from you!
I am so ready for "Cowgirls"! Bring them on!
Bring on the "Cowls"! I am ready and waiting.
You have the greatest giveaways! Thank you so much! I'd love either book.
foofymonkey on ravelry
I'm just finishing the Camp Hoodie Swatch Hat (started it last night). Fun kit.
I would love either book. My Ravid is gonetobeach66
I have been making cowls so I'd love Cowl Girls.
When will WE be able to get Kristin's sock yarn on our needles??? Love your give away--hope I win one.
Oh Susan what a wonderful load of fun the class looks like.I so wish I could be there as well.And the giveaway too,how fun.I would LOVE to enter for the Entrelac book.And Thank you so much for all your wonderful updates,idea's and of course your wonderful designs,I so love your work.Thanks so much.Heatherkmnw(Ravelry id)
Once again, your projects inspire me. Can't wait for your new book to be available. With grandbaby #1 on the way, I have plenty of motivation to make cute play items!I'd love the Cowlgirls, if I'm chosen.
Thanks for your generosity! I've been wanting to learn Entrelac for some time now, and this book can really help get me started. My Rav ID is snuffles.
Thanks and please keep on designing your wonderful designs!
I'd love the entrelac book. I've knit one entrelac scarf and would like to learn more about the technique.
StephaniePlum on Ravelry
I've always wanted to learn Entrelac and that book has some beautiful patterns, so I'd love to win it.
Thanks for the chance!
Revelry ID: Knitticulous
Email: Christine@bearbottomdiapers.com
I would love the Entrelac book... If i win will you sign the inside? WOW!
Thank you!
The leaf entrelac is so unique!
rav id atareen
I would love to win the Entrelac book!
I bought it for a friend and drooled over it with her. It would be nice to have my own to slobber over!! 8*)
my rav id is prpltrtl946
Thanks for the chance to win such a cool book!!
Wow- thanks for this offer, I really enjoy reading your blog. Kristen's yarn is gorgeous and the new book looks great- can't wait to check it out!
Very tough choice but I'd like to win the entrelac book.
Thank you!
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