An apple picking trip was taken a week or so ago. This is one of my favorite fall rituals. We will go back to get pumpkins soon. Here are some highlights.
The polka band was grand but the baby dancing on the side was the BEST. We watched that baby dance for a long time. It was awesome.

The colors and shapes are too good to be true.
TC pulled out her special apple cardigan. Love that.
Don't you love a big pile of sticks? I do. These sticks were bundled up with twine for fire wood at $5 a bunch.
I love the colors of Indian corn but I also love the handwritten cardboard sign.

Pumpkins with warts.... and a goat with a toupee made the day memorable.

There was a lot of apple tasting along the way. I mean a lot. My husband takes the lead in this activity. He always acts like he is checking for flavor and texture, like it is a science. Funny.
I love TC's bun so much:) It's so good.
It was a warm fall day and unfortunately Peachy had to miss this outing as she had a swim team activity the same day. We missed her but she will be there for pumpkin picking.

The trees were bursting.
I'd love to know her thoughts.
We filled two large bags with an assortment of types of apples. I have been making cinnamon baked applesauce and apple crisp ever since. Literally, almost every other day I have been peeling and baking apples in some manner or other. I have even been giving applesauce away.
Technique is everything.
best, susie
We have 3 apple trees in our yard. I have no idea what varieties, but they provide us with far more than we can use. Our older dog eats windfalls. I think she may have an alcohol problem as she seems to go for the ones that have started to ferment!
So much fun! Apple picking is one of my Fall favorites, too. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures!! :)
Hey, I saw your Ravelry profile, and it's your birthday! :) Happy Birthday! <3
I'd love to know which farm you went to. I am from the Madison area and have been looking for a good orchard to try.
I went apple picking last year for the first time EVER and I still have five quart size bags of preserved apples in my freezer!
Happy birthday Susan. Hope you've had a lovely day.
Awww, Happy Birthday, Susie! I hope you had a delightful day!
Kirstie, it is the Epplegarten.
Happy Birthday Susan!
Ann H.
Thanks for sharing! I miss this time of year in the midwest and I miss my apple trees in my backyard. I think you should have an apple cake for your birthday! Happy Birthday!
Awww ,I love these outing! You have such a nice looking family. And your house must be smelling so good with all of the apples cooking.
I loved it! I miss it. Where I live now it's more about picking oranges although our own little apple tree gives a feeble imitation. This is Portugal and nobody here has any idea what an apple pie is! (Except the British community.)This really isn't apple weather around here. The best shot was "how to pick apples without a ladder!" Your DH appears to have a really good back!
Yeah! Thanks for sharing apple day. You guys are fun!
What a fun, ohana ritual. Your husband is sure strong!
Oh Epplegarten, I miss you!
OOOh, can you share some of your apple recipes? Maybe here or on Rav?
What a wonderful way to spend the day, nothing like that around my neck of the woods...looking forward to seeing the pumpkin selection photos.
Susan, I know this isn't the point of your post, but I have to say it - your son is sooo handsome! If I was ten years younger and live in Madison, can I date him?
I love all the little mini pumpkins! The warty ones are fun too :)
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