The pattern for Elefante is finally here for the taking. This pattern came to be when a knitter emailed me after spying a tiny striped elephant on a shelf in Itty-Bitty Hats on page 18. She wanted to know where to get the pattern. I had no idea where that elephant came from until a friend (thanks Renee) told me about this site. I am sure the original is a crocheted toy from this site and boy oh boy, are the other toys available here ever cute. I decided to make a pattern for a knitted version of this little guy and share it with you here. Have fun and please let me see your finished Elefante!

Set of 5 double-pointed needles US size 4
Size E crochet hook
Yarn needle
Stitch marker
Cascade 220 in Red, Pink, Orange and Lime
Julia by Kristin Nicholas in Dark Blue and Light Blue
Small amount of black to embroider eyes
**Any worsted weight yarn will do and this is a perfect project to use up your stash. Try not to buy new yarn for this pattern! Make up your own colorway for the stripes. You only need very small amounts of each color to complete Elefante.**
Finished measurement:
5-inches tall by 6-inches in length (he's tiny!)
6 stitches per inch
Stripe Pattern: (used throughout except the ears and where specified)
2 rounds of each of the colors in the following order:
Dark Blue
Light Blue
Tip: Since this is a stuffed toy and the inside will never be seen, I cut and tied the ends of the different colors on the inside as I worked. This will hold together better because toys are often pulled and squeezed by little ones, at least I hope so! Don't worry about the ends is what I am trying to say and go ahead and tie some knots! Really!
Rnd round
sts stitches
k knit
k2tog knit 2 stitches together
m1 create a new stitch by placing the bar in between 2 stitches on the left needle from front to back, then knit it through the back of the loop.
kfb knit into the front and back of the same stitch
With Dark Blue cast on 21 stitches and place 7 stitches on each of three double-pointed needles. Join to knit in the round and place a marker on the first stitch also being careful not to twist the stitches. Knit every round working 2 rounds of each Dark Blue, Light Blue, Red and Pink.
In Pink only continue as follows:
Rnd 1: purl
Rnd 2: (k5, k2tog) on each needle (6 sts per needle, 18 sts total remain)
Rnd 3: knit
Rnd 4: (k4, k2tog) on each needle (5 sts per needle, 15 sts total remain)
Rnd 5: (k3, k2tog) on each needle (4 sts per needle, 12 sts total remain)
Rnd 6: (k2, k2tog) on each needle (3 sts per needle, 9 sts total remain)
Cut the yarn and place on a yarn needle. Pull through the remaining 9 stitches tightly to close the hole. Weave in the end to the inside. Pour poly-pellets in the leg to about half full, fill the rest with the fiber fill. The top of the leg remains open. Set the legs aside for now.

Working in the stripe pattern beginning with Red, cast on 9 stitches with 3 stitches on three double pointed needles. Join to knit in the round, placing a marker on the first stitch and being careful not to twist the stitches.
Rnd 1: kfb of each stitch
Rnd 2: (k1, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 3: (k2, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 4: (k3, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 5: (k4, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 6: (k5, kfb) across each needle (21 stitches per needle and 63 stitches total are on the needles)
Place a marker on a Rnd 6 stitch. This will be used for measuring in a moment.
Continue in the stripe pattern and knit straight for 2 1/2 inches from the stitch marker you placed on Rnd 6. Now begin the decrease rounds.
Rnd 1: (k5, k2tog) across each needle
Rnd 2: (k4, k2tog) across each needle
Rnd 3: knit
Rnd 4: (k3, k2tog) across each needle
At this point, tightly close the hole on the bottom of the body where you cast on with a yarn needle and matching end of yarn. Now fill the body first with the poly-pellets to about 1/3 full. Fill the rest of the body with the fiber fill up to where you are working. You need to add more fiber fill as you finish up the body before closing the hole at the top.
Rnd 5: knit
Rnd 6: (k2, k2tog) across each needle
Rnd 7: knit
Rnd 8: (k1, k2tog) across each needle
Rnd 9: knit
Rnd 10: (k2tog) across each needle (9 stitches remain)
Cut the yarn and thread onto a yarn needle. Complete any remaining stuffing at this time. Pull the end through the remaining 9 stitches and pull up tight. Weave in the end to the inside. This end is the top of the body.
Take the four completed and stuffed legs and whip stitch the legs to the bottom side of the body.

With Pink cast on 9 stitches placing 3 stitches on each of three double-pointed needles. Join to work in the round, placing a stitch marker on the first stitch and being careful not to twist the stitches.
Rnd 1: (k2, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 2: (k3, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 3: (k4, kfb) across each needle
Rnd 4: purl
Rnds 5 and 6: knit
Switch color to orange and continue in the stripe pattern as set. Knit every round until the trunk measures 1 1/4 inches from the purl round (rnd 4 of the trunk). Now you will start increasing to form the head.
Rnd 1: (k2, kfb) across each needle (8 sts/needle, 24 sts total)
Rnds 2-4: knit
Rnd 5: (k3, kfb) across each needle (10 sts/needle, 30 sts total)
Rnd 6: knit
Rnd 7: (k2, m1) 4 times, k2 across each needle (14 sts/needle, 42 sts total)
Rnds 8-10: knit
Now you will move the stitches onto 4 double-pointed needles using the fifth or free needle to knit onto as follows:
Needle 1: 8 stitches
Needles 2 and 3: 13 stitches
Needle 4: 8 stitches
Continue with round 11.
Rnd 11:
Needle 1: knit all stitches
Needles 2 and 3: k1 (m1, k2) 6 times (19 stitches on needles 2 and 3)
Needle 4: knit
54 stitches total are on the needles.
Rnd 12: knit all stitches
Rnd 13:
Needle 1: knit all stitches
Needles 2 and 3: (k6, m1) 3 times, k1
Needle 4: knit all stitches
60 stitches total are on the needles.
Knit every round straight until the head and trunk measure 4 1/2 inches from the purl round of the trunk. Now you will start the decrease rounds for the top of the head. You may have to do some redistributing of the stitches as you work for the decreasing.
Rnd 1: (k4, k2tog) across all stitches
Rnd 2: knit
Rnd 3: (k3, k2tog) across all stitches
Rnds 4 and 5: knit
Rnd 6: (k2, k2tog) across all stitches
At this point close the hole tightly on the bottom of the trunk with a yarn needle and end. Fill the trunk with poly-pellets and then fill the head with fiber fill up to the working round. You will need to continue stuffing the head as you complete the head.
Rnd 7: knit
Rnd 8: (k1, k2tog) across all stitches
Rnd 9: knit
Rnd 10: (k2tog) across all stitches (10 stitches remain)
Cut the yarn and thread on a yarn needle. Pull through the remaining 10 stitches. Complete any remaining stuffing and pull up tight. Weave the end to the inside.

This is so incredibly cute! Thanks for sharing.
Well Done!! what a cute elephant. I am still trying to work out the pattern from the picture in the book. I am the knitter that emailed you about the elephant in your book and have become obsessed about elephant toys every where now. I knitted the elephant out of Zoe Mellors knitted toys book but it doesn't compare. I can use your pattern to help me finish of my elephant that I have been making up as I go along using the picture as reference. Thank you soo much for the pattern.
What a cute elephant!
He is darling! Thank you for making him available and the pdf too - yay! I could see him in a soft pink and cream stripe for a little girl too - or well, for me!:)
Thanks for sharing the pattern. That is the most adorable elephant ever!
I have to make one for myself, it's THAT darned cute. It just makes me smile. Thanks for sharing!
it is adorable!!!
is there any chance I would buy one? I know how to do basic knitting, but this is much too hard...
I have a obsession with elephants, and this would be the pride and joy of the collection...
Thanks for your time
oh my gosh your stuff is SSSOOOO adorable!
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I came across your site quite by accident. I had you book and my sister-in-law had selected so many of the hats as "requests" for me to knit for my niece and nephew. I saved the link for the elefante pattern just in case. Well, one day last week my niece (3 years old) announced she wanted a red elephant like Max had in the kid's show Max and Ruby. My sister-in-law said to me, "Where am I ever going to find a red elephant?!" I was proud to announce that I had a pattern and would make it. He came out SO CUTE and I am so happy with it. I can't wait to see my niece's face when she sees her new friend. THANK YOU!!
Hi, I LOVE this elephant. It's so cute. My best friend since kindergarten is pregnant and she's always collected elephants, so I was on the search for an elephant pattern.
I am new to knitting, but pretty good at learning as I go.
I am having some issues going from the listed rounds in the leg to closing it up. I think I'm just a bit confused by what you mean in the pattern.
If you could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Hi Mrs Anderson,
First I want to say that I LOVE this pattern. Im making one for my cousins new baby and another for a christening present. The pattern was fairly easy and didn't take me very long to complete and I'm only 16. But the one thing I'm having trouble with is the ears. I'm not a great crocheter, so if you could give me like easier directions or simpler steps that would be amazing. thank you so much!
if you could email me at Shelbymac65@yahoo.com that would be amazing or whatever is easiest for you. Thanks again!!
OMG! You are so generous to post this pattern. Thanks. It's just adorable.
This darling elephant was given as a baby gift and the pellets are starting to leach through to the outside as the little one (5 months old) plays with it. Any ideas? I feel like I have to take it apart and remove the pellets.......
That is a problem. There are two things you could do. Make another one and use stuffing only, no pellets, or take apart the one you gave for a gift and take the pellets out.
Or there is one more thing, if you still want to use the pellets, you can make a muslin bag to place inside, say the body, of the elephant with the beads inside and then stuff with fiberfill.
My knitted fabric is so tight that none of the pellets leak through and I didn't give it to a baby. These are important things to consider. If your stitches are looser and it is intended for a baby, definitely don't use the poly-pellets.
The pellets can be a choking hazard for babies and toddlers so be careful.
Thanks for writing in.
I love this little guy. Is there a way you could post your pattern as a PDF to download? I had trouble printing it from your blog page. Thanks!
So cute!
IS there a printer friendly version ?
Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. I just finished knitting the elephant and I am now working on the ears!
Dear Susan.
Thank you so much for letting us have this pattern for free. I fell in love with that cutie the moment I saw him. And today I finished my sweet little "Schnuffel". If you want to see him visit my blog www.free-blog.in/skippy
Beate from Germany
what an adorable elephant!
I am not sure this could get any cuter!!I LOVE IT!!! I thikn I love even more that it's mostly knit not purl. :D
This is so cute, I just want to make one for every little kid I know! The first one will be for my 15 mo old little girl who just loves blankies. I think this will feel just like a blankie and she can love it and lug it around with her much easier. Thank you so much for making this a free pattern. It is so rare to find a REALLY cute free pattern. :)
I love the elefante! But i cant nit or sew a thing! Im such a cluts and was wondering if you would be interested in selling one? I know my little lily would love one! She just turned one and if you are interested could you email me at anna.olivo@yahoo.com to discuss how much you would like for her.
Thank you for sharing the patter for this adorable Elefante. I will try to make it for my friend's baby, and I cannot lie, for myself also. I have to have one of my very own. Soooo cute.
Thank you so very much for this!!! It's adorable and you are extremely kind for sharing it with the world. Once again, thank you
wow!! this is SOOOOOOO cute,
im looking for my first independant pattern but do you think that this could be too hard, i'm 13 and can knit & crochet quite well but im not sure.
Thank you for the pattern.
I am an owner of the knit shop and customers (knitting groups meeting at the shop) have asked me to do a knitalong with this spirit-lifting, good-luck charm elefante. Would that be permissible? I would like to stay respectful to your copyrights...
Go for it! You can totally and completely make this elephant.
Good luck!
Please do a knitalong with Elefante, that would be so much fun.
Keep me posted on how it goes and good luck!
I absolutely love this pattern! I know it says that charity knitting is okay, but I like to double check. We are having a silent auction at my work for Heroes at Home and I planned on making one of these. I hope that's alright. Thanks for sharing!
That is THE cutest thing I have ever seen! Have Casscade 220 bits to use up!Will knit!
OMG! I love this little guy! Thank you so much for the pattern! I really have to knit it!!!
to fill elephant with pellets place them in pantiehose cut in a circle and gathered at top. i love elephants,i live in a small flat and am forever knocking them over,they dont' seem to mind tho.I live in a small town,Broken Hill,N.S.W, Australia. we have no craft shops so i love this internet.
Love and Peace Ann
I love the elephant and the pattern! Easy to follow, and I'm not used to knit "in english". Finnished my first of many elephants today, just posted at couple of pictures in my blog (wich is in Swedish, but you can always look at the pictures). I excluded the pellets, but put a big glass-marble in it's body to get it a little bit heavier.
Thank you so much for this pattern!
I love the elephant and the pattern! Easy to follow, and I'm not used to knit "in english". Finnished my first of many elephants today, just posted at couple of pictures in my blog (wich is in Swedish, but you can always look at the pictures). I excluded the pellets, but put a big glass-marble in it's body to get it a little bit heavier.
Thank you so much for this pattern!
Just finished my Elefante, I'm going to be putting pictures on my blog tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to thank you so much for putting up this pattern! I wanted to make him so much that I actually learned to knit on 4 needles just to make him!!
This is the cutest of all possible cute things! I made the ears slightly differently than the directions indicated, but otherwise followed exactly to make a sweet pink-and-purple elefante for my niece - it's sure to be a big hit!
Thanks for this free pattern, Susan. I finally made it and love, love love it so much that I will make more. The first one is here (http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Jhocy/elefante) which is for my 6-year old son.
What a cute elefante. What does your new book include for animals? I would like the pattern for the bear on your dedication page in itty bitty hat book.
The pattern for the bear on the dedication page of Itty-Bitty Hats is included in my second book Itty-Bitty Nursery.
Thanks for writing.
Hi! I'm italiaan and have a blog where I had spoken about you!
I'd like to invite you to visite and add a comment on my blog...bya Laura
I just bought the toys book, and wanted to tell you how much I love all the projects in it! I don't know which one to start with. Bravo!
SOOOOO adorable! Love it!
SOOOOO adorable! Love the colour pattern you used.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
Love this little guy, I have started knitting again lately and I can't wait to try this one. Thanks so much for sharing, Hugs, Catherine x
Oh he is adorable, thank you for making the pattern free.
Thank you so much for this pattern! Just finished one for a friend's baby. You can see it at http://www.ravelry.com/projects/bellymonster/elefante It's pink, white and lilac for a little girl.
I'm officially in love. I can't wait to start working on him! I'll send you a picture as soon as i finish!
I don't know what it is about baby elepants, but they are sooooo cute. You did a great job on "Page 18 Elefante," and I want to thank you for sharing the pattern with the rest of us.
oooh! I'm just dying to make this little guy!! As soon as I'm finished with my current project I will be making this elephant!
Thanks for an explanation. All ingenious is simple.
I've been looking for a good elephant pattern! I can't wait to make one.
I'm in the middle of making this! Its my first attempt at knitting on dpn's and it was going so well until i realised that my head is WAY bigger than the body. I'll keep trying though!
thanks for sharing!
is there any way to knit the ears?
If you look on Ravelry there are tons of knit ear patterns for Elefante.
I can't find where it tells how to join the head to the body. Am I missing it somewhere? Or is it just as simple as eyeballing it and stiching them together?
you are awesome, thanks for sharing this with us!
i love you elephant so much!! i will make that elephant i'm sure.. i hv to!! i gotta hv that!! i always love elephant dolls!! n this will make it to my top 5, definitely!!
I saw your link on a friend's Facebook picture. :) This is soooo adorable!!! Nicely done!!
I love it love it love it!I cant wait to dig out all My spare yarn n get started.I have to say I really like how You layed out the pattern and added soo many pics.Not many people do so.
It's amazing! I've done it for my son and he adores sleeping with this cute animal
Thank U a great deal!
this is the cutest little elephant I ever saw. My daughter (3y) ordered me one for her and one for her sister (15months).
Thank you so very much for sharing the pattern!
love this elephant! so cute, am going to try it...
I really enjoyed making Elefante and my hubby too! I used a wool soy blend with tans and browns and blue and some charcoal and black. I ran out of yarn by the time I got to the ears so I am going to use eco duo by cascade yarns. It's ears will be the softest ears ever.
Thanks your pattern was amazing!
great pattern thanks from me and my new family
Can you use mercerized cotton (Sassy Skein) yarn for this? (Trying to use up my stash but don't have enough colors in worsted) Also, can you use a larger sized DPN to make a bigger version of him or will that throw off the circular shape?
Thanks so much for sharing this pattern!
This pattern is great! Really well written and easy to follow. Thanks so much!
I am in love with this little guy, my only trouble is with the ears. I can't crochet for the life of me. Any suggestions for possibly knitting the ears?
Love this elefante and your directions and generally really easy to follow. I also am having trouble with the ears, though. I'm not advanced at crocheting, but have made some small projects. I'm just having trouble picturing how to do the ears correctly, and my attempts at improv were failures! Would it be possible for you to try to describe it in a different way? Thank you!!
This is an amazing pattern. Thank you for making this available to everyone.
I haven't made this pattern yet, but I'm thinking about trying it. I don't want to start it until I understand how to join the head and the body together properly, but I can't find that anywhere in the pattern. I was assuming I should just whip-stitch it together, but on the close up view of the head/body connection I can't see a single spot where a color shows up that isn't part of the stripe pattern and in fact, I also can't see any sign of a whip stitch. It looks like the head and body were simply super-glued together. How can you whip stitch something striped together with 1 color yarn and keep it entirely invisible?
I'm a beginner/advanced beginner at knitting and not the best at seams or joining things. I might be better off making my elephant all 1 color so when I combine the pieces my mistakes don't stick out like a sore thumb. lol
it's whipstitch to attach the head and legs. i just use the same color to match so it is invisible.
Is it possible to complete this project on 4 DPNS instead of 5? I don't have a set of 5 and I was thinking of trying it on 4.
Is it possible to complete this project on 4 DPNS instead of 5? I don't have a set of 5 and I was thinking of trying it on 4.
This is one of the sweetest toys i have seen. Currently making for a colleague who is going on maternity leave. I am sure both her and the bump will love it.
Thank you so much for sharing this cute pattern!
ame este elefante
es hermoso
Do you sell these?! because id love one!
About how much total yarn did you use? I can't work with different colors, so I'd like to know how much yarn I need.
Thanks!! :)
Thank you so much for sharing this adorable pattern.
This is my new go-to Baby shower gift!!
Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. I've knit one up for my granddaughter, you can see pics here: http://favorite-free-knitting-patterns.com/knitting-news/knitting-news-elefante-and-slipper-boots/231/
This is so cute! I'm making one to share with a friend who just had a baby! How did you do the eyes though? I don't understand how you were able to stitch them and then tie them off securely since the head is already stuffed. If you could provide more information on this I would greatly appreciate it. Since this is for a little one, I want to make sure that nothing comes loose! Thanks!
sanderella, i have an instructional video available on how to embroider faces on stuffed animals, including how to secure the ends.
it is on my sidebar and on my youtube channel, SusanBAnderson.
I want to adapt the pattern slightly to make a elephant lovey (elephant head, blanket body) and I was wondering if you had any idea about the proportions? As in, how big the blanket would have to be to balance out the head? And any idea how much yarn that would take? I have a yarn I love and I think it would be well-suited to this project but I'm not sure if I have enough :/
Thank you for this sweet elefante! Love your animals. Have your books. Knit for charity. Wonderful patterns.
THANK YOU so much for this free pattern! I have all your Itty Bitty Books and wonder about some of the other items in the pics too...lol, I may be asking one of these days.
Thank you very much for share this beautiful pattern. I've made one for my little son that loves the elephants.
If you want to watch it this is the direction: http://ana-tejeteje.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/de-bombay-porque-esa-es-la-calidad-de.html.
This is really cute and I would like to try it - I am more of beginner/ advance beg. using 5 needles intimidates me - will this work with a circular needle?
Where is the pdf for this elefante?? I can't find it anywhere. Thank you!
Hello! I have a problem: Trunk and Head Rnd 7: (k2, m1) 4 times, k2 across each needle (14 sts/needle, 42 sts total)
Is this right? I understand (k2,m1) 4 times but what is k2? Is it k2,kfb or what?
I am in Raverly: foibe
thank you so much for sharing the pattern for this lovely elephant! I immediately had to knit it and my daughter (2 years old) loves it. :) By the way, I only filled it with filling tissue to avoid any problems with the pellets.
Now I have a question: May I share this with my friends on facebook with a link to your site?
Best regards from Germany
Hi, Beate,
Sure you can share and link on facebook:)
This elephant is precious. Thanks for making the pattern available. I am making one for my niece and know she's going to love it.
Unfortunately I do not know how to crochet so the ears are posing a problem. Is there any possible way to knit them? If so could you email me please.
Lori (apearlofgreatprice@gmail.com)
Can i knit any of the itty bitty's using Magic loop?
people do and have successfully! i don't do magic loop so i am not much help with that. i know it can be done:)
I just knit up two cute little elephants from leftover yarn from knitting the Not So Itty-Bitty Giraffe. Thanks for such cute stuffie patterns!
Happy knitting!
I'm on my third one, I'm making it for my baby due next week, as he's quick and easy he's ideal. I would like to put a little jingle bell inside but worried about choking hazard so maybe not.
Great little patten, I'll most likely make more!!
This is adorable, Ms. Anderson! Thank you so much for sharing the pattern, that's very generous of you. I love the photos.
Would you mind terribly if I used this pattern as a reference to crochet? I can't knit in the round very well, and since this isn't a flat pattern it's easier if I just crochet it.
Dani - I would not mind:)
I'm not capable of knitting this, but he's so cute I couldn't help sending myself the page
I am 72 years old and just learned to crochet... I cannot knit because of arthritis... Would you have crochet instructions for this adorable elephant? If so, can you email them to me:
I really like this cute elephant. One problem I don't know how to use double pointed needles is there any way or is there another pattern I could get to knit this cute little animal
I'm working on this for my 3 year old grandson. He is crazy for elephants! I can't wait to give it to him for Christmas! Its so cute!
Like everyone else I am thoroughly taken by this little morsel. He is cute, huggable,,,sweet and there is something spiritual about him,,, he creates a feeling of innocence that is good to have Thanks so much for sharing him with us
Such a cute elepant, here is my watermelon version
Hi Susan,
I just finished a rainbow striped sweater for my baby granddaughter. With the leftover yarn I'm going to make this little elephant. I saw it on the shelf behind you when I took your "Wee Ones" Craftsy class. I made those little animals for her baby shower. I can't wait to add this little guy to her collection, ��
Hi Susan, what an adorable little elefant!!! I am working him up in a rainbow variagated yarn and so far so good however I am now on Round 7 of the head...a bit confused on your instruction of k2, m1 4 times, k2 across each needle. I am going to assume that you mean to continue building stitches as in earlier parts of this project (kfb???). I'm hoping so since the initial confusion came from the "m1" reference instead of what you'd been using "kfb". Thanks for posting such a cute pattern for all of us to create!
I think I'm going to make this elephant with my first handspun! It's not pretty, but it would make a quirky little elephant buddy!it's perfect! Thank you for this cute little animal! He will surely be a friend of mine for a long time.
Help? I'm a little stuck on the body. I've done 3 rows / increases in one color, and 3 in my second color ... but I don't understand how much more I should do with each color ... once I get up to the right stitch-count. If I read the instructions literally ... it doesn't seem like it's going to be big enough for the body. What am I misunderstanding?
Hi I just love Elefante but was wondering as I am not good using 4 needles, can it be knitted flat and if so, would it be possible to get the pattern please.
Hi I just love Elefante but as I am not good using 4 needles was wondering if it could be knitted flat, and if so, would it be possible to get a copy of the pattern please? Thanks.
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