Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Little Skein Giveaway + much more!

(photo provided by Little Skein)

Hi, Knitters,
I have some friends who have really cool and exciting things going on out there in the big world and I want to share a few of them with you today. Please read all the way through to the end of the post. I have a lot of different opportunities for you today. You won't want to miss out.

First, I have the talented Gale Zucker to talk about. Gale, the fantastic photographer, contacted me a few days ago to tell me about a wonderful weekend of photography workshops she is teaching at A Gathering of Stitches in Portland, Maine (I want to teach there myself someday.....). Her classes are at the end of June on the 28th and 29th.

You may remember Gale's photography work from those little Mason-Dixon Knitting books amongst many others? I sure do! I met Gale at the SSK retreat in Nashville last summer and we really clicked. She is so warm and friendly and I heard nothing but RAVE reviews about her photography workshops at the retreat. She has also taught at Vogue Knitting Live in NYC. I heard her workshops weren't intimidating at all. She gears the classes toward the home-photographer trying to take great shots of their handmade items. Everyone succeeds! I want to take every single one of Gale's workshops someday and I hope I get the opportunity to work with her on a project or two in the future. We are working on that now and my fingers are crossed.

Click here to enter to win a free workshop (OR to win a book if you can't make it) on the A Gathering of Stitches blog! You can enter today and tomorrow, through May 22, and the winner will be announced on May 23rd.

There aren't many entries as far as I can see so go enter! The odds are in your favor. Also, if you can't make the workshop they have other prizes you can win! 

The second person I have to talk about is Beck Gusler or lemonhalf on Ravelry. I have talked about Beck on this blog before because she worked for Made in America Yarns and I hosted a giveaway for some of their yarn. I met Beck, just like Gale, at the SSK retreat last summer in Nashville. She happens to be Laura Linneman's sister. You may know her from that little podcast, The Knit Girllls. 

Beck has left her day job to start up her own design business with her husband. They have just launched a Kickstarter to help them along the way. The prizes for donating are all knit-related and super fun and cool. She has big and little prizes or gifts for every level of donation. I adore the Linneman/Gusler family and supporting them means so much to me. 

Click here to go check out Beck's Kickstarter! You won't want to miss this one.  Now, about halfway down the Kickstarter page in one of the photos Beck is wearing a S*T*A*S*H t-shirt. Did you go look? Isn't that a clever shirt? 

Listen closely, I was accidentally sent a size XL t-shirt with this same design. It is too big for me so I am going to give this shirt away to one of you. I'll tell you how to enter to win the t-shirt at the end of this post. I'll mail it right to you if you win!

(photo provided by Little Skein)

Okay, last but definitely not least, I have a fantastic opportunity for you to win some fabulous yarn and an exclusive project bag from Little Skein in the Big Wool. The first photo shows what I am giving away today due to Anne's generosity. Anne Vally of Little Skein pulls together and creates these one-of-a-kind exclusive kits for her Etsy shop. 

Remember this hugely successful kit I did with Anne inspired by the Velveteen Rabbit? I know I will be working with Anne again in the future! She does a brilliant job with her clever and creative kits.

This time she teamed up with Stacie of Must Stash Yarns and the podcast! (she designed the gorgeous yarn for the kit), and Megan Williams of the Stockinette Zombies (she designed a beautiful sock pattern for the kit), and the book Guess How Much I Love You. 

Click here to read all about the Over the Moon kit and pattern for the socks and all of the goodies included on Little Skein! It's available for pre-order right now. You can order individual items as well as complete kits. There is something for everyone.

Today I am offering the most generous giveaway for you from Anne! I am so excited about this opportunity. I am offering the chance for one of you to win a project bag with Anne's exclusive design fabrics and a skein of the gorgeous fingering weight Must Stash Yarns! I've been wanting to try this yarn for forever but it is always sold out in minutes every time Stacie posts. It is hard to almost impossible to get your hands on this yarn so this is quite the prize.

Please leave a comment to win the Little Skein kit that includes the project bag and one skein of custom dyed yarn on this blog post to enter to win. I will be back in a couple of days to randomly select a winner for the kit. Please include your email or Ravelry ID so I can get in touch with the winner. Anne will send your kit out directly. Please only leave ONE comment and be patient for your comment to appear, it takes some time.

Also, in the same comment don't forget to mention the S*T*A*S*H t-shirt in size XL if you are interested in winning that as well (Leslie was wearing it in this week's episode of The Knit Girllls!). Leave your Rav ID and email address for this prize as well. 

I'll be drawing for 2 winners this time, one for the t-shirt and one for the kit. I will only send you the t-shirt if you mention it in the comment.

Don't forget to enter Gale's giveaway, too. Go quick as it is closing in a couple of days.

Good luck and let the comments begin!
best, susie


1 – 200 of 716   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

I love the yarn! The whole kit looks amazing! :) jordyndunaway on Ravelry

gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

Thanks for the shout out Susan! You are the center of a swirling vortex of goodness & creativity! (And socks!)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your giveaway for the kit and the t-shirt. Thank you for your excellent blog.
mjtknits (RavID)


polkaknits said...

I'd love to win this fabulous bag and yarn!
Rav ID: seeyouat5

Unknown said...

Oooh - Prizes! Love it! craftykc27

LoriAngela said...

I would love to win the Little Skein prize! Will probably turn it into a prize for our Fiar Share class.
I'm an XL girl! Would love the S*T*A*S*H* shirt.
Thanks for the excitement.

Kathleen said...

I just love the bag, and the yarn is gorgeous! Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!

katbetty on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Another great give away!!! Love the yarn and the bag!
RavId: triciaknitz

Marilyn a.k.a. Merry said...

I love how the touch of brown in the yarn mutes the pastels. And sure, I'd love the shirt but would prefer the bag and yarn if there's a choice. : )
wahoomerryf on Ravelry

amchart said...

Amazing giveaway! Please pick me! And I'm sure I could find a home for the tee shirt too! Rav amchart theharts at windstream dot net

Bonny said...

This was one of my favorite books to read to my sons, who are all grown up now. That is one wonderful kit with the perfect yarn and fabric combination!
Ravelry ID: readknit

Anonymous said...

Love it all!
Delee2013 ravelry

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this giveaway! This looks like an awesome prize.
connknits @ ravelry

Trina said...

I would love to win this bag and yarn! What a terrific giveaway!
Thank you,

sweetsticks on Ravelry

Word Lily said...

That kit looks awesome! And the shirt, too! (I'm WordLily on Rav.)

izzybellarina said...

OOOH, so excited to read this blog today. Nice yarn, bag, book! Also love the T-shirt too.

Barbara H said...

Thanks to you, I am now a huge fan of Little Skein.
I'd love to call the project bag and yarn my own.

An XL size Tshirt would make a wonderful summer PJ top.

Thanks Susan,

NewJerseyBarb on Ravelry

Connie K. said...

I love both the bag and the yarn! Thanks for the chance to win!

greyowl (ravelry id)

Trina said...

Oops! Would love to win the STASH t shirt too!

Sorry for my slip up!

sweetsticks on Ravelry

izzybellarina said...

What's not to love about a cute bag, book, sock yarn and T-shirt!!

Rav ID Izzybellarina

Karey said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!


Marilou Jewett Brown said...

Thanks for a great giveaway, Susan.
I'd love the kit or the T-shirt!

grammiknit Rav ID

Pernilla said...

I love both the yarn and the project bag.

Rav id. Pillan

Lucy said...

I love the kit and that shirt is awesome!

Pernilla said...

I love both the yarn and the project bag.

Rav id. Pillan

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

I love that bag!!! I am a hoarder of bags and that bunny fabric is awesome. What a lovely kit and generous offer.
And since I am (ahem) of an xl size, please enter me in that drawing as well for the Stash tee. my rav name is marthab.
Thanks for the chance!

little olive said...

the yarn looks amazing, and I love the bag! Ravid: thishandmadelife

Anonymous said...

wonderful giveaways!
I would love the kit or the shirt!
Rav ID: twinimama

Audrey said...

I LOVE that bag! What a fun way to carry projects!
knitathome @ Ravelry

Margo said...

Beautiful yarn and I love that project bag!

Kim said...

Ah! Would love to win the Little Skein kit! And XL S*T*A*S*H would fit me just fine! Thanks for the chances! I am kwiltykimknits2 on Rav!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous giveaway! I love the bag and yarn! Who wouldn't want a S*T*A*S*H T-shirt?
Irishpat Ravelry

Tricia said...

I know firsthand about Anne's adorable and fun to use. And I'd love to try that yarn. Thanks, Susan. You are inspiring me to knit more and more socks! :)

triciau on Rav.

Mary C. said...

I would love to win the giveaway for the fabulous bag and yarn. What a great prize!
Rav ID: mcknits

pattytrish said...

The bag and kit are awesome! I love them! I would love to win the t-shirt as well.
Pattytrish on RAV

Anonymous said...

Fabulous giveaway! The bag and yarn look great! I do love a new (S*T*A*S*H) T-shirt!
Irishpat Ravelry

Susie said...

The little bag and skein of yarn look wonderful. Crossing my fingers! Thank you for offering them!
Please enter me for the t-shirt, also.
Susie Pitts
Susie (ravID)

DolledUpDNA said...

Oh what a pretty kit for some summer ballard backyard knitting! !!

Natasha said...

Nice giveaway! I would be very happy to win the bag and yarn.

natasha on Ravelry

heatherg7 said...

The bag and yarn are gorgeous!! The t-shirt is cute. I love how it is reminiscent of Mash.

heatherg7 on rav

Unknown said...

OH love love love S*T*A*S*H shirt would be fabb-oo ; too ! Mym on Ravelry !

Jules said...

The Little Skein kit is amazingly beautiful. I just love those. And who doesn't want a teeshirt? I love the logo.

Andrea said...

I love the project bag!

Judith said...

Everything looks great. Would love the t-shirt too.
Rav ID: Zbyszkoknits

Sue Gates-Devlin said...

I would love to win the Little Skein Kit and the Stash t-shirt. I am craftyknitter7 on Rav.

Rachel Frank said...

The bag and yarn are so pretty. The bag pattern reminds me of a tattoo I got this past year. Too funny about theS*T*A*S*H shirt

Kitty said...

That project bag is gorgeous! wentworthsanky on Rav

Unknown said...

That is lovely yarn and the bag is so cute!

Lindsey said...

The kit is so perfect for summer fire pit sitting star watching knitting!

Ravelry: DolledUpDNA

Kristebee said...

What an awesome giveaway! You and Anne are so generous! The tshirt is so cute too and would totally fit me! Haha!!

Xoxo... Kriste

cookier293 said...

I would love to own the lovely kit from Little Skein. cookier293 on Ravelry.

cookier293 said...

I would love to own the kit from Little Skein. Just gorgeous!! cookier293 on Ravelry

caednkat said...

What a great kit!
Rav ID caednkat

Jessica said...

I would love to win!


Britney said...

What a cute project bag! bapsi on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Oh my, how wonderful, you find the best items for giveaways. The bag and yarn are beautiful. The T Shirt would be awesome to win too.
ravID: plashus

grahamcrackerzz said...

You are one amazing woman! I wait everyday for your posts. Would love this giveaway. The yarn and bag are gorgeous and the book is one of my favs. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Me love love yarn... XL is my size..s*t*a*s*h needs help**

grahamcrackerzz said...

You are one amazing woman! I wait everyday for your posts. Would love this giveaway. The yarn and bag are gorgeous and the book is one of my favs. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Please, please, please....pick me! I'd LOVE this!

PippyKnits (rav)

masshag said...

I love the fabric on the bag and the yarn is lovely. Ii loved the s*t*a*s*h thirty too. Size large for me:). Thank you so much;). I'm Masshag on ravelry

Robin said...

The bag and yarn look wonderful, and the shirt would be great to wear during knitting in public days.

frances said...

Would love love LOVE to win!!
Rav ID :: francesnojd

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the bag and yarn. Those little rabbits on the fabric are just darling!
-Ashley (Rav ID:Rovings)

gina said...

I'd love to win the bag and yarn! Gorgeous! Thanks!
Rav ID: greencashmere

Robin said...

So cute!! ral226 on ravelry <3

Unknown said...

What a spectacular kit!! If only I could win such delights.....alas, the odds are probably not in my favor....nevertheless, I'll try anyway. Hugs! ~~Sara
(lovesockwool on rav)

Unknown said...

Love the colors ! The bag is stunning ,my favorite colors ! My name on revelry is emilcarv1963 ! Good luck everyone !

Anonymous said...

So cute-- I've been reading this lovely and classic book to my kids since the oldest was a baby. He's 13 now, and the little one just turned one (we have four), and this is still a family favorite. :) -- Anya (Bookaholic13 on Rav)

Unknown said...

Want that yarn - so gorgeous!! Just found your elephant pattern - love it!

Shelley said...

I'm in for both giveaways!

rav id: ShelleyB63

Kat said...

Ooh! Love the yarn and project bag and the t-shirt is awesome!

I'm pilots13 on Ravelry

JackieLemon said...

The bag and yarn are beautiful. I love the shirt, also.
Jackielemon on Ravelry

sandyknits88 said...

I would love the project bag and gorgeous yarn. I love Anne's stitch markers and have ordered from her many times. I would also love to win the t-shirt. I am really enjoying your podcasts. Keep them coming!

Rav ID. sandyknits88

Wendy TC said...

I would love to win either the bag and yarn or tee! I've already donated to Beck's Kickstarter, having read about it in another blog. I love the bag with knitting hen on it. Thanks for the chance to win! --minsiemom (Rav)

ypsiknitti said...

There is a lot going on! What generosity! The kit is wonderful and the T-shirt is very cool. Either would be a wonderful gift.

ypsiknitter on Ravelry

Jackie said...

What a great giveaway! Love the yarn and the bag!
(Rav ID StitchThat)

Jackie said...

What a great giveaway! Love the yarn and the bag! (Rav ID StitchThat)

Kelly said...

Ohmygosh! NEW yarn is such a great since my hubby has been out of work and my stash is dwindling. Would love to play with this new kit. And lucky for me I'm a size XL, too! STASH shirt:) Woo hoo! Love the blog and just cast on Brickless after watching your vlog about it :) My rav ID is TenaciousCleo

margo said...

pick me! pick me! totally drooling on the yarn and the project bag! RAV ID loveluckbliss!

Anne W said...

Love the bag and yarn! Great Little Skein designs and the yarn as well!

Rhonda said...

What a fun giveaway!! I'd love to win the kit or the tshirt!


Jeannie's Life Art said...

Love this kit! JeannieK on ravelry. Thanks!!!

Jeannie's Life Art said...

Love it! JeannieK on ravelry. Thanks !!!

Kimberly V said...

Love the bag and yarn!!!

Bonnie said...

Thanks for hosting such great giveaways! I'd love to be entered.

Amanda said...

Fabulous stuff! I would love to win the kit or the t-shirt! Rav ID: QuiteCool

BlueGreenBlue said...

LITTLE SKEIN! My favorite project bag/marker tin ever! I'd love the heck out of this :)

Rav: BlueGreenBlue

Anonymous said...

Love the Little Skein kits!
knitgineering on Rav

Johnston4kids said...

I so enjoy her stuff but so far only have stitch markers. Johnston4kids on rav

SultanMudschi said...

I love the project bag and have so many good memories reading the book when I was smaller, so I'd be jumping up and down for an hour if I won the kit!

RRM said...

Would love to win Bag and yarn
Rav I.D. knittingdeva1

Cara said...

The bag is adorable! And the yarn, amazing! I loved guess how much I love you as a kid.

RRM said...

Would love to win Bag and yarn
Rav I.D. knittingdeva1

Sue said...

Beautiful bag and yarn! I would LOVE to win!

My Ravelry ID is: homehum

Cara said...

Very cool!! The bag and yarn are cute! Rav: carabou22

Vickie said...

Ooh, ooh, ohh. I love the yarn AND the T-shirt. I was drooling over the T- shirt yesterday on their kickstarter website.
Turtleknits on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Love the bag and yarn! Rav I'd is heydear

Jennifer said...

I would love to win the yarn and bag- so beautiful. I also love the STASH shirt, and it's in my size! Thanks.
ravid jmahlum

Hansons said...

The kit looks amazing! I would love to win!

Ravelry ID: khanson00

Denise Henry said...

You do such beautiful work in anything you make. The yarn shown is beautiful ! I have learned so much from your books! Hopefully I will get the honor of meeting you in person or at a workshop !

Unknown said...

I would like to enter for the STASH t-shirt please! I am bethaalberts on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

I love Little Skein kits. Everyone involved is so talented.
Beck is so talented, worth a donation to their kickstart project. I'd love to win either the kit or the t-shirt.

Pam (knitgal2)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win the kit and/or the T-shirt. Love your blog!

Rav ID: Suds

Vicki Maynes said...

Such a nice prize! I'd be tempted to keep it for myself! The t-shirt would expect nice, too!

Vicki Maynes said...

Such a nice prize! I'd be tempted to keep it for myself. The t-shirt would be nice, too! Rav ID Vmaynes or

Savannagal said...

The project bag would be perfect for knitting socks - which I do a lot. I would love to win the bag and the lovely yarn, as well as the STASH T-shirt. So cute. I am a huge fan of MASH and it's a nice twist on the show.

Dorothy said...

WOW! What awesome giveaways! I noticed Leslie's S*T*A*S*H* shirt right away on her podcast. It's awesome!

Rav ID: Dorothy

Barbara H said...

Thanks to you, I am now a huge fan of Little Skein.
I'd love to call the project bag and yarn my own.

An XL size Tshirt would make a wonderful summer PJ top.

Thanks Susan,

NewJerseyBarb on Ravelry

Sara said...

Hi, Susie! This giveaway is fantastic! Of course I'd love to win it! I think that I'd like the t-shirt as well, pretty please!

Survivor (Rav.ID) and your knitting buddy in P-ville!

Anonymous said...

The kit is amazing! Would love to have it! HeKnitMeTogether on ravelry

nancy88 said...

I'd love to be entered to win both the kit, and the T-shirt. Thank you for hosting such fun giveaways! :)

Rav ID: nancy88

Nataly said...

Thanks for the fabulous opportunity! You are always so generous. I would love to win the bag and yarn. knit-by-nat on rav

Unknown said...

What a great give away!! Very cute bag and I love the sock pattern.

renee-ellen said...

Gorgeous bag! Stunning yarn and would love to knit the pattern. Great give away! Thank you!

dcochran said...

I always love all your projects, the yarn is to die for. The t-shirt is just an added bonus.

dcochran said...

I love all your projects, the yarn is to die for. The t-shirt is an added bonus.

Anonymous said...

I live the bag and yarn thanks for the contest. Murphy419 rav id.

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! I typically just use a brown paper bag for my sock work bag. Having a fancy project bag would be so fun!
RavID: DrSoy

Anonymous said...

The kit is awesome, would love to try the yarn, have missed it so many times in updates!

The stash shirt is cute as can be and I would wear it proudly!

Joyhill on rav

Ally said...

I love this giveaway. Little Skein has such an amazing knack for finding talented people to involve in her story tale kits.

Rav ID: knitsallyknits

old lady said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
RavID: shortoldlady56

thenomeknitter said...

I would love to win this! What a great bag and yarn. (joannamc on Ravelry)

lmecoll on Ravlery said...

I'd love to win the kit. Thanks for the chance.
Lmecoll on Ravelry

Peg said...

Long time reader, first time commenter here! (Also from Madison!!)

I just recently started knitting socks, thanks to your inspiration.

I've watched you knit all kinds of socks with self-striping yarn as you build your drawer! I finally got the nerve to cast on socks for the first time just a few months ago. And now I can't stop!

I love the idea of having a large collection of handmade socks to wear in the winter months.

I would love to win! Rav ID: PeggyAnne

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter for both the kit and shirt. My ravid is ArmyTink08

Anonymous said...

love the yarn!

Kaity said...

Thank you for offering this awesome contest! I would love to win either the kit or the t-shirt! My RavID is KaityBeth

Martta said...

That is some yummy yarn! Milkymoon in Ravelry.

Dorothy D B said...

I'd love to win either prize, including the T-shirt, which I, unfortunately, do not find too large! I'm reading this on a break at work-am at a different office location today, and I think the people near me thought I was crazing LOLing at the blocking poster (because it's true: that **** WILL block right out!)

Anonymous said...

I would absolutley love to win this gift!!!
blanketlady(Ravelry id)

Aimee said...

What a cute set, I'm a sucker for project bags, only to be upstaged by my love for sock yarns.

Claudia said...

You are one busy lady! Thanks for sharing the bag and yarn prize! My Rav ID is Claudi.

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to win this special gift!!
blanketlady (Rav id)

Unknown said...

Anne's bags are so fabulous! So are her stitch markers! I always loved reading this book to my kids, and I would be very grateful to win the bag & yarn. Thanks for the generous giveaway! Gayle (gayleywayley on Rav)

Sheri said...

Would love to win either the Little Skein kit or the STACH t-shirt! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Craftyslm: Rav. ID

Adebar said...

Hi, love your Blog and podcast..
What a gorgeous giveaway! Projectbag and yarn are great! T-Shirt dito :-)
Anja from Germany, adebar on ravelry

nook. said...

Oh wow! What a fantastic giveaway! I'd love to win the bag and yarn! Rav ID: gundyknitter

Sheri said...

Would love to win the kit or t-shirt! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rav. ID: Craftyslm

Anonymous said...

Love it all!!!
Jknitgirl on rav/instagram

Julie B

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway - thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway - thank you!
Would love the t-shirt - it looked great on Leslie and on Steve this week.
Rav: peggypeaches

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely kit.

Rolenestone on Ravelry

Marilyn said...

Would love to win the yarn and bag! You're the best.

Nickycarp said...

Love Little Skein!!! What a great project bag and the STASH t-shirt is just my size. Thanks for so many great opportunities, Susan! I love Made in America yarns! They are at my LYS and I have bought them for some of our overseas IBKers as a! Good luck, all!

Anonymous said...

The yarn and bag are beautiful! Thank you! KathNits on Rav.

Hishandmaid said...

I would love t win the kit! I've wanted it for a while now!
Hishandmaid on Ravelry

Nevernotknitting said...

Thank you for hosting this give away. It is delightful!!!! Keep blogging-I look forward to it everyday!

knitterlydesigns said...

What a wonderful set. I have read the board book to both of my babies many times. It even has teething marks on it. This is such a thoughtful kit.Count me in for the t shirt too.

Knitterlydesigns on ravelry

Carla said...

So much fun- I love all the goodies!

KCarney said...

The yarn is just gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, and thanks for the tip about the Kickstarter project!

Shanna said...

Oh what a great prize! I would love to win--thanks for the chance. Beautiful yarn.

D. said...

Nice giveaway! I want the Smarties! 😛

Karen said...

Cute things. Thanks.
Ravid: kammber

Kelsie B said...

Ohhhh I would love to win this! What a great giveaway.

Rav ID: soonerknitter

LaurenM said...

I've been watching these Little Skein kits for awhile. I love that custom knit fabric. I'd love a T-shirt as well if that an option. My RavID is CavalierMaMa

Anonymous said...

This kit looks amazing! I would love to win the T-shirt as well! Thank you!
Rav ID: calliekp

jenn said...

I love those project bags....and I would love to get a chance to get my hands on this yarn!
Ravelry- arbutusknits

Anonymous said...

Love giveaways and would love the Little Skein prize.

tlobner on Rav

Unknown said...

Oh my! I love Anne's bags with her custom fabrics and Staci's yarn is divine :) thanks for the giveaways!!!
RavID: Cords06

Donnaj said...

Thanks again for a lovely give away. I could make good use of both the yarn kit and the tshirt.

Biscuit said...

I'd love this kit! I wanted to order one but lack the funds to do so. I've been dying to try Stacy's yarn too.

Biscuitgirl on Rav

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I would love both of these items. I've been eyeing that shirt and an XL should fit me just fine.

Those kits are so cute. I adore the fabric Annie designed for this one.

(RavID = Wit)

Anonymous said...

That yarn is beautiful and the bag is so cute - would love to win!

rkray3 AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

The yarn and bag look great. Rav id

rphilbeck said...

WOW I love the yarn and project bag. I only have 1 bag and it sure would come in handy. RAV ID! Fibergl is email.

Jaimee said...

This is the cutest giveaway...from bag to yarn to book and candy! Perfect! Ravens id: JaimeeLee

Ruth said...

Great giveaways - thanks for hosting them!
RLake - Rav ID

kleggett said...

I'd love to win the yarn, bag and pattern to make a bunny for my granddaughter! knittingkathy on Rav.

Doula Mommy said...

What a sweet little giveaway, we love that book at our house and that yarn is simply beautiful!

~Jessica, MonkeyButtBabies on Ravelry!

pookie said...

Love the giveaway!! Rav id: pookie17

Lacey C. said...

I so enjoy reading your blog when I get the chance! I would love to win the yarn and project bag. They are both so nice! I also would like the tshirt. It's very cute as well!
Thanks so much,

rosebud81 on Ravelry

ladydisdn said...

I would love to win the bag and yarn or the t-shirt! Thank you! Rav id: ladydisdn

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the prize or the shirt! Ravid lunger.

Unknown said...

A favorite book in my house! Thanks for a chance to win!
MrsCampbell on RAV

emilou said...

So sweet! I would love the yarn or the shirt or both!

craft-chick said...

I would love to be entered into both drawings, please. The t-shirt is just my size. Thank you so much for sharing about the Guess How Much I Love You kit...I read that to my son so many times I can still recite the lines...brings back sweet memories :)

Erin said...

Love the yarn! Would be happy to win it :D

Vanessa said...

Cute kit! Love how thoughtfully put together it is. I'm alohalizzy on Ravelry. Btw, I love your new fox pattern. Can't wait to make one.

RC said...

ohohoh, pick me!!
I have read that book to my son so many times when he was small...

I love the kickstarter and already helped fund! can't wait for my own STASH shirt


Anonymous said...

I would love to win the fabulous bag and yarn. I do not own a fabric bag and have wanted one for a long time. The yarn looks amazing. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win.
Gabyj rav ID

fionafae said...

What an amazing kit! I loved reading that book to my girls when they were littles; our copy was totally destroyed :(

fionafae on Ravelry

Squirrel said...

Fantastic prizes. I would love to win the kit or the t-shirt. Rav Id: sqyguy

Carmen N said...

I would love to win the Little Skein kit and the S*T*A*S*H t-shirt! Thanks for the giveaway (asimplehomestd on Rav)

Monica said...

Wow, so many giveaways today! How fabulous! monikita on Ravelry

Bethany said...

I love these project bags and would love to win one!

chathamgrad on Rav

Mimi F said...

I would love to win the kit. Thank you!
mimifan on rav

Amanda said...

The Little Skein kit is super cute! These are very generous prizes, thanks for offering them as giveaways.

Rav id -amanda922

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for promoting these awesome women, and the amazing skills they all have!
rav: prplbflywngs

Anonymous said...

Amazing giveaway!
twinsknit on Rav

Unknown said...

Would love to win the kit!

abbie said...

The kit looks wonderful! abbien on Raverly

Sharon said...

I would love to win the little skein prize.
rav id: craftysbs

Anonymous said...

The bag is very cute and the yarn looks lovely! Thanks for a chance to win!

rocket19 on Rav

Abe said...

What a gorgeous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would totally love to win that Little Skein kit! We love reading "Guess How Much I Love You" to our daughter, Blueberry. The yarn looks amazing.

I could also rock a S*T*A*S*H shirt in XL if the random number gods pass me over for the kit. ;-)


RavID: KnittingDaddy

In love with fibre said...

I've been eyeing this kit on the Must Stash blog - beautiful! said...

Love the yarn and bag!

Holly said...

Have almost (3) sweet grandbabies who would love to hear the story "Guess How Much I Love You" and STASH is just my size.
Grannyslove on Ravelry

Pam D'Esopo said...

The Little Skein kit is gorgeous. She makes wonderful things!
pamelajd on Rav

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