Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Who Wants to Knit a Giraffe?

Hi Knitters,
I've been wanting to do this forever and now that I am home for a good stretch, I am. I have enough brand new, untouched yarn sitting in my studio for someone to make another Giraffe from Itty-Bitty Toys. It's the same yarn I used to knit the original Giraffe. The Giraffe calls for two skeins of Cascade 220 Superwash in Daffodil. Got it. Plus you need one skein of Orange in the same. Check. It's all here and ready to go.

I have no plans to knit another Giraffe anytime soon so I want you to take it off my hands!
You all know the drill. Leave me a comment. Say hello or whatever you'd like (within reason, of course:). I will randomly select a winner in a day or two or a few days, I don't know exactly when. I'll see how it goes. Please leave some identifying something like your name, location, anything you feel comfortable with. Only enter once, please. After I select a winner I will post the winning comment. The winner will have a few days to send me their mailing address through my email (on the sidebar). If I don't hear anything I will pick a new winner at that time.
Have fun! Let's make this one fast and furious.

I may even play a little Secret Santa and sweeten the pot with some added prizes!!! You never know what you might get. I've got stuff, Knitters, good stuff. And I like to give it away.

fyi: One thing that won't be included in the surprise pot is a copy of Itty-Bitty Toys since I only have one copy in my possession at this point. I have given away every copy I had, which was maybe 15-20 copies, can't remember exactly. I need to get some more books for sure but right now I need to hang onto the only copy I have.

Okay, Knitters, go for it!
best, susie


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Elissa said...

oh, i would love a chance at this. it probably exceeds my skills, but i have a new nephew coming along in the spring and it would be so fun to try!

Mandi said...

OH I LOVE the giraffe! He's my favorite project from the book. I made one already but would love to make a second one!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm the first comment! I would love to have the yarn and knit the giraffe! I absolutely love it!

All of your books are amazing, you are so talented and creative.

Cyndi said...

I would LOVE to knit your giraffe for my niece's little girl!!! I have had your pattern on my too do list for after the holidays! Cyndi

Charles said...

Oh, I would so love to make this for my grandchild...expected in April. This is our second grand, and I knit several sweaters that will get handed down to this baby. So, it would be such fun to knit a giraffe as a unique gift. Thanks for sharing your life with us! Kristin

Kristin said...

I would! I have your book! Have made toys for so many kids for the holidays! Thanks so much

IndigoMuse said...

Cascade 220 is my uber favorite yarn go-to yarn. Though I might want to full the giraffe a bit since Cascade felts so well - mwhah hahah :)

Rae Lynne said...
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smozerose said...

The giraffe is so sweet, I've never made any toys, would love for him to be my first!

Mary Rose

mommieof4munchkins said...

I would LOVE to make him! He is so cute!

nest full of eggs said...

please enter me ! thanks !!! my son's favorite color is yellow ! i already have your book, so i've already got the giraffe knitting pattern... have a great day !

Cathey said...

Hi Susan, I would love to win the yarn for the giraffe out of my new book Itty Bitty Toys I got in Tulsa at Loops and that you signed. Thanks, Cathey

Cathey said...

Hi Susan, I would love to win the yarn to start a project from your Itty Bitty Toys book that I got and you signed at Loops. Thanks, Cathey

Rae Lynne said...
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Unknown said...

I have not made any toys, but I sure would like a try at the giraffe. I have a granddaughter who would love to play with it.

Karen said...

I would love to win! I am currently working on the pig. My goal next year is to make at least one of each litlle animal and doll in your book. Thanks for the book and the inspiraion. Love, love, love you and your adventures. One of my favorite quotes is "do something you love and find a way to get paid for it". You go girl!

Rhonda said...

I love that little giraffe! When my daughter was a baby I bought her a teeny tiny stuffed giraffe - we named it Baby Gaffe. :)
Thanks so much!

Rae Lynne said...

I love this giraffe! His cover shot on the the book is what inspired me to purchase it - and to think - I didn't even know how to knit at the time! :)

This guy is on my list of to-dos for my 9 mo old son!

Rae Lynne, Iowa

Lizabeth said...

Giraffe love. Seriously. Love all of your stuff. I just hope I could do it justice, so to speak. Would be fun to try, regardless! Thx for the chance! Sincerely, Lizabeth www.sparkbark.com

julie k said...

Oh, I know a little baby who would love this as a gift. Thanks for such a sweet giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Would love to knit this for my 5'10" mother-in-law! She feels a special bond with all things giraffe, and teaching her beautiful great-grandchildren (almost 1 and 3) about animals is a favorite activity. My grand-niece and nephew love their cupcake and birthday cake hats! Thanks so much -- Iris

Becca said...

Oooh, I am planning on making the giraffe soon, and winning the yarn would be so exciting! Thank you, Susan, for all of your kindness! :)

youcandoit said...

bless you, you are so good to your knitting friends!

Knitschmidt said...

Me! I want to knit a giraffe! Kate

Alessandra said...

I'd love to knit the giraffe for my niece...she's 7 years old and she's just started to get interested in knitting...what if she becomes an addicted as her mother and me??!!
Thank you!!

PS: I'm from Milan, Italy.

Karis said...

I am making these itty bitty toys for children and adults -- my husband has a knitted finger puppet apple in his office cubicle :). I'd love to make the giraffe!

margie said...

This giraffe is adorable! I love giraffes and this one would be perfect for my first foray into toy knitting. I have your Itty-Bitty Hats book (LOVE it to pieces!!!) and Itty-Bitty Toys is on my holiday wish list. Hopefully, Santa will think I've been good! Thanks for your generosity, Susan!!

Unknown said...

I'd love to give it a try. Nice book too!

Robin said...

Oh I would love to knit this giraffe. I'm not a yellow kind of person - so my stash has NO yellow in it. I would put it to good use - I promise!
I enjoy your work so much.

IrishKPF said...

oooh!! Pick me pick me!! :)

Ann Hiltner said...

Susan, you are such a good egg. I thought you should know. Thanks for all you do. It's pure happy.


Anonymous said...

I am a new (6 months) grandmother, and I have had such fun with IBHats that I am anxious to try the toys, just as my Ruby gets ready for real toys.

Doula Mommy said...

You are so generous! Ohhhhhh please me , I love that giraffe! And it would make a lovely first birthday gift fir Peter!
-Jessica (monkeybuttbabies on ravelry!)

Elise said...

I would love to knit a giraffe. And all I can say is you amaze me!!

Sharon G said...

How awesome!!! I can't get your books at my local bookstore (in Calgary, Alberta, Canada), so I've put them all on my Christmas wish list...how cool to be able to start knitting as soon as I get them!!

(And for the record, if I *gasp* don't get them all for Christmas, I plan on getting them when I go home for the holidays in the States)

Gin said...

I'd so love a go at it! It'd b a great project for the holidays!

Ashley said...

Oh, what a fun giveaway! My little boy would love me to be able to make him a giraffe! He just turned one and is obsessed with all stuffed animals!

Ashley, Minnesota

Heather said...

Our family would love to make hime we have all your book my daughter 13 and 19 love all your patterns and they are always knitting things to give to people also have a grandbaby Sophie who loves knitted toys

Lauren Ashley said...

Pick me! I'd love to win.

Toni said...

I definitely don't need more yarn for my stash, but I would love to have a Giraffe! So please enter me in the drawing. Hopefully, he will knit up with flat feet, unlike the pointed toes on my Elefante (thanks for the help through Ravelry!).

Cate said...

oh, I'd love it! I'd knit it up for my kids, who love giraffes.

Tricia said...

Now, the question should be who DOESN'T want to knit a giraffe?

ErikaC said...

I've been wanting to knit a giraffe since I first saw it on your blog! What a fun pattern!
ErikaC from Virginia

sauceyjill said...

Hi Susan, thanks for another super give-away! Merry Christmas!

Kelly-ann said...

I would love to knit a giraffe for one of my kids, but keep it for myself! I just love all of those pom-poms on the head/neck.

Your New Home Awaits said...

I would love a chance at the yarn for this cute giraffe!
Heather-Northern NY

Carol said...

Holiday greetings from Cincinnati, OH. I'm planning to make the giraffe for my Goddaughter's birthday in March. (She saw the hippopotamus I made for her little sister's b-day and declared she didn't want any more store-bought toys, only toys made by me! How cute/sweet is that? And I thought you would appreciate the sentiment since you're the wonderful designer.) Anyway, I'd love to win the yarn for this. Thanks for your wonderful work!

Erin said...

Your stuff is sooooo cute! My local knitting store still does not have Itty Bitty Toys :(

Indiana Family of Four said...

Giraffe is my favorite pattern from your new book! I've already tried to track down the yarn at my LYS and they didn't have the right colors. Would love a chance to win.. :)

Bridget Bosch said...

YAY! I love a good giveaway! I'm working on 3 wrap-me-up puppies for Christmas for my girls & my God-daughter... I've got 16 days to get them finished, along with 5 baby hats--what are the odds that I'll be knitting into the wee hours of Christmas morning?? January looks good for my little Giraffe friend!!

mbridget on Ravelry

Linda said...

My son would love to have this gifaffe as a brother to his two beloved stuffed giraffes.

Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Susan - You always have such great give aways. The giraffe is adorable.

Donna G in VT

Anonymous said...

Oh! I would love a chance to win this! It would make a great knit over the holidays + your book is on my wish list.


Kelly said...

Haven't made this one yet. But, I sure do love making these adorable toys. My children love the few I've made. They are a hit!! Thanks for creating these patterns.

S. Remeika said...

Looks like it could be fun. You are always so generous, encouraging and inspiring to your fellow knitters. I am thankful for your talent and spirit.

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns...have just gotten yarn for the spud and chloe elf and have my itty bitty toys on order! Maybe the giraffe will be my first project! :o)

Jen B

Learner Ros said...

I would love a chance to win the yarn for this project. I have all 3 of the Itty Bitty books, but have mostly knit from the hats one. If I do win I hope Canada wouldn't be to far to send.

Roslyn (danceNknit on Ravelry)

Anonymous said...

Alright! I'm up for it... I'll knit it and give it to one of my darling nephews to be born this upcoming year!

tracy_a said...

Oh my - the giraffe is so cute! Please enter me. I went to your talk/signing in Lansing, MI, and I am just now knitting the ducks, inspired by your story of making the wheels at your kitchen counter! I want to make everything in the book, including the giraffe.

Jessica said...

I'd love to have it! You're always so generous, and this giraffe is too cute. Thanks!

athena said...

My daughter falls asleep every night with a teddy bear I knit her two years ago. And she is in LOVE with giraffes. I think it'd be a perfect BIG SISTER gift for her next month (gasp!) when her baby sister arrives.

Here's to hoping.....


athena said...

My daughter falls asleep every night with a teddy bear I knit her two years ago. And she is in LOVE with giraffes. I think it'd be a perfect BIG SISTER gift for her next month (gasp!) when her baby sister arrives.

Here's to hoping.....


Ann said...

How wonderful, so sweet and what a treat to knit him. Would love a chance to make him as a gift.

swajud said...

I'm finishing the bunny from the book and the girafee is next on the list...I would love to have the yarn for it!

swajud said...
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Robin said...

Love that giraffe!!

Mim said...

Oh Susie, this is a fantastic early Christmas present. Whoever wins (me, me, me) will be so lucky. Good luck everyone.

Bridget said...

I already have the book and would love the yarn to make the adorable giraffe. He has such a sweet look!

Vickie said...

I want to knit a giraffe! I adore the giraffe. He is one of reasons I ordered the book.

Jeanie said...

I have the book! My granddaughter Zoe would love the giraffe. I am looking forward to some after the holiday knitting. This would be a great start!

Allyson said...

The giraffe is my favorite pattern from the book! He is so adorable, I would love the yarn to get a head start on this little guy!

Jaime said...

I'm working on the Ribbit pattern and have the Itty Bitty Toys book on my wish list -- hopefuly I'll have it soon! You have such adorable patterns!

jaerrt said...

oooh! I was going to got to LYS to find yarn for this tomorrow to make for my baby girl's bday in January. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can spend that "yarn money" on something else..hehe.

Laura said...

I do! I do! I want to knit a giraffe! And it's my daughter's latest word. She'd really love this dolly.
hmmm, my identifying note should be that I am from Centennial CO, and having flashbacks of my days in Wisconsin. It's 6 degrees out today!

Heather S said...

Hi! Love your giveaways! My kiddos are loving the toys I've been making from Itty Bitty Toys! Thanks Susan!

coffeechris said...

That giraffe is so cute and after all he is famous...he is the cover guy for a book I have : )

Anonymous said...

The giraffe is very cute! I don't have a copy of the book yet but I did knit something from it for the KP catalog so I definitely want to get a copy!

Heather S said...

Hey! Love your giveaways! So fun! Thanks Susan you inspire me always!

alison said...

my nursery is giraffe-themed (that is originally what lured me into buying your book). i would love to add that sweet giraffe to it.

jlr said...

I'd love to knit a giraffe for my nephew, due to be born in February. His brother already has a lion, so a giraffe would be great!

Stacie said...

I want to knit a Giraffe (and knit it in Milwaukee)!

Nichole said...

I would love to knit this giraffe. I've been keeping up with your book tour and even though I live in Baltimore I was so happy to see pictures of Loops in Tulsa as it is one of my favorite yarn shops to shop online and it was great to see what it looked like in person! Itty Bitty Toys is fabulous!

Karen said...

This giraffe is what made me find my way to you and your blog! It is SUPER cute!!
So I would to knit him, my boy would be super happy :)
Karen (copenhagen, Denmark) lindsepigen@gmail.com

Carolyn said...

My son would love me forever if I knit this for him. It is SO CUTE. *fingers crossed*

Laurie J said...

I would love to knit him! My daughter Judy loved all of the toys in the book. I've knit some of them already, but not the giraffe!!

Maryjane said...

I love the dangly arms!!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win the yarn for a giraffe. Since my boys are taking FOREVER to give me a grandbaby, I'll knit it for my best friend's newest grand, arriving in the spring.


shannon said...

I know exactly who I would knit this for! Hope I win!

Katie B said...

Hi, Susan! I love your new book. I'd love the chance to knit up this little guy.

Katie B

Sarah said...

What fun! I recently just finished the reversible lion and elephant (I'm SarahSparkle on Ravelry), which is to go to my nephew for Christmas. He loves to make animal sounds, and I think he'll have a lot of fun with it. The reversibility of the toy made me feel really clever. A giraffe would be perfect for his collection!

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I would, of course, love this opportunity to knit this fun guy with the yarn that the pattern actually calls for. I almost always have to substitute yarn because the "real" stuff is too experience for our family. And I will need a winter project-- baby no. 2 comes in February and I could use the distraction!

D. said...

Oooh, what a great giveaway! It would be a great excuse to go out and by the book too!

Anonymous said...

Well I am a complete newbie to this but would so love this dear giraffe to help me on my way. Please pretty please let me be lucky

Sarah said...

I would love to knit this, but would have a hard time deciding who to give it to--I have 2 nephews and a little sister--it would be a toss up!

Marie said...


I love all your toys and books and reading your blog. I'm so sad that I won't be able to meet you at Sticher's Crossing this weekend, but I'm leaving my books with Gael for you to sign.
I'm leaving Friday for my new goddaughter's baptism and this would be a great christmas gift for her that I don't have time to knit!


Anonymous said...

I would love to be able to make the giraffe for my girls.
Aimee from CA

susanj said...

me, me me, please pick me. I already have the book, and have a grand daughter who is almost 4 months old, who needs desperately to have a giraffe.

Oh please pick me...

I am almost finished with my 5th hat from your wonderful book, and can't wait to do animals from the newest book.

Unknown said...

I would love the chance! I´m expecting baby #2 and my first born will need something special to take care of while I´m taking care of newborn. This would be perfect!

Unknown said...

I would to knit the giraffe for my grandaughter. It is so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

In answer to your question "I DO I DO I DO!!!!!" oh, and a few please's in there too!! I'm Victoria13 on Ravelry :)Thanks so much!

Mommy said...

I asked for your book for Christmas particularly because of the giraffe pattern. I looked forever for a good knit pattern, and was so glad to see you had put one together! My three little girls (twin 17 month year olds and one due in April) will soon be adding this to their small, but growing collection of knit animals.

Natasha said...

My 2.5 year old daughter is fascinated by the giraffes at Vilas Zoo and would love this - it looks really fun to make too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,
How fun to give away the yarn for this - thank you for thinking of your readers! I would love to be chosen...I am in the process of making the giraffe into a "horse" with a brown body and a black mane, with no spots of course, for a little girl in my life. I would love to make the giraffe just like the one on the cover. I have made several projects out of the toys book so far, two frogs, and the cutest little turkey. I've decided I like knitting toys even better than hats! Thanks for all you do. You are a blessing!
Nicole in D.N., CO

Amy Jo said...

Well, I already have the book, so all I need is that yarn! Thank you for sharing!

tinybubbles said...

ooooo, me! pick me! The only Christmas present I asked for this year was Itty Bitty Toys...and I bought it for myself a few days ago because I couldn't wait. My husband called me about 5 minutes ago because he found out that I had bought it myself and was very upset because now he doesn't know what to get me for Christmas!!! I love all your work!

Yohanna in Omaha, NE

Kelly, Andrew & Liam said...

oh me, me, ME! I would LOVE this!!!! Did I mention, me > over here!!!

karen! said...

I'd love to knit a giraffe. He's such a sweetie.

Sara said...

i love giraffs, and this one is so cute. i've asked for the book for christmas- here's to hoping i get both!

Tiphanie said...

Oh, I'd love to be able to knit the giraffe! He's so sweet, and all of my kids would love him to bits. Thank you for this wonderful chance to win some of this yarn! My username on Ravelry is purplemama.

Laura said...

I'd like to knit a giraffe.

Britni :) said...

Hello! Oh man, I love that giraffe. My nephew (and his dad, my brother) would love that giraffe!!! I recently came across your book on the Loops blog. You are now added to my daily blog watch. You do beautiful work. Thanks for the inspiration.

Lauren said...

The giraffe is adorable. I was surprised to hear it was a last-minute addition. :)
-Lauren in CA

Sherrie said...

Thanks for a chance to knit the giraffe. It is so cute!

Kait said...

Oh! I love that giraffe! The new baby would love to have me make her one! ;)

mamamouseiam said...

I have your Itty-Bitty Toys book on my Christmas "wish list," and ohhhh, I would love to knit a giraffe for our first grandchild (due in May) with yarn from your stash! Pick me! Pick me! Thanks for the opportunity. I really enjoy your blog.

Sarah G said...

This is funny timing! I just picked up Itty Bitty Toys from the local library (I've been on the waiting list since it came out!)

I'm excited to get knitting (winner or not!)

Thanks for being such a talent!

Melaleucamom said...

You are so sweet! Ivebeen knitting up a storm from itty toys and itty nursery, then on to 3 different hats of yours then back to sweater and a couple of pairs of booties from itty bitty nursery. Buy it's the Giraffe that I WANT to knit, my guilty pleasure, my not-for-Christmas toy. Plus I'd love to try that yarn. The closest shop that sells it is 2 hrs. away in Austin. Oh, well hopefully somewhere here in College Station will have Chloe and Spud soon! Thanks again, Andrea.

Kanani said...

Gosh that's cute! I am a relatively new knitter, but I would love to make children's toys. My friend is having her second child - what a great gift for the big sister to make her feel special with a new baby on the way.

zimme345 said...

The book is on my Christmas list...so I hope I get it and I think the first thing I would knit would be the giraffe or the hippo! It's such a wonderful book.
This is a wonderful give away!

~yolanda said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to knit this giraffe and I have just the perfect little person to give it to (if I can get it away from my kids that is!)

Thanks so much for your generosity Susan. Someone is going to be very happy!

Kate (KnitsInClass) said...

I would love to knit up your giraffe - he's one of the patterns I've been eyeing for a while... And would be a lovely gift for my soon-to-be-born nephew (if I can bear to give him up!)

ed and brooke said...

I would looove to knit the giraffe! I have a new baby (2 months) and literally decked out his full nursery in all of the projects from itty bitty nursery. I'm currently working on the sweater with the ribbons (i did toggles instead of ribbons because he is male). Anyways, count me in!

minipurl said...

I love the giraffe!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed :)

minipurl said...

I love the giraffe!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed :)

talkingbubbles said...

I'm hooked on your toys! The giraffe is on my list. I'm finishing up some egg/birds and will be doing some mice next. so many toys... so little time!
Thanks for a wonderful book!

Unknown said...

I love all your patterns! They are so much fun, and I would love to knit this giraffe!

she knits said...

Hi Susan,
What a wonderful giveaway idea :0)
I would love to knit this up for Logan :0)
Love Mel
Womaninashoe on ravelry

nelia said...

I would love to! My nephews would love one ok, maybe I should make two. I love how it looks like he is sleeping on the couch! Too fun!

Unknown said...

My mom is giving me the book for Christmas so I would love to win the yarn so I can knit the giraffe as my first project from the book.

Becky in Maryland said...

I'd love to knit my first toy! What a fun idea! Thank you, Susan, for all you do!

Megan said...

You are always so kind! I am continually amazed at how you turn what would seem to be a complicated knit into something totally "doable".

Lindy and Ryan said...

Pick me Pick me!!! I love all your books!! My little boy would love it!

Lisa said...

I love the giraffe! - he is so cute and I would love to make him - all your projects rock!

Lisa - Omaha

Unknown said...

Me Me Me Me Me Me Me!!! I'm working on my third elf and will need a new project soon!!

Mary (in the middle of an Iowa blizzard!)

Lisa said...

I want to knit a giraffe! I love making knitted toys for the grandbabies. And for me!

Becky said...

Hello. I would love to enter the contest! And I already have the book!! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.

Florence, SC

Jeanie said...

Fun! I am really enjoying your new book. It would be great fun to win supplies for the giraffe (he is one of my favorites:)). Fingers crossed...

Renae said...

I love everything you do. I have made the cable scarf and would love to make a giraffe for my mom, who wrote a children's book about a giraffe.
Renae in Hernando

Sarah said...

Me! He's so cute sleeping on your couch!!

Unknown said...

oooh! My upcoming arrival could definitely use a giraffe (and I could use another cute baby knitting project!) Thanks so much!

Cathy said...

How tacky is it for me to say "pick me! pick me!"? I'd love to knit this giraffe..he'd look so cute next to the picture I have of the mother giraffe bending over to plant a kiss on the head of her baby. Or...I could give it to my granddaughter. Or...I could include it in a raffle for a library fund raiser.

See....I have so many ways to use this giraffe!

vtnitter said...

I love that the child and giraffe on the cover of your book have a similar expression. I've just gotten my copy and LOVE the reversible toys!

Julie said...


I bought the book after seeing the giraffe on a web site. I would like to knit it but I don't have the yarn for it. Maybe some handspun would be nice.

Julie from Quebec city

Anonymous said...

This is soo cute and it would be perfect for my new nephew. Fingers crossed that my luck is good today.
Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Sara, a grad student longing to knit again in Mpls

Jimberlys said...

Yes, I really want to try the giraffe. He is just so cute. Thanks for the opportunity! These give-a-ways are just so much fun.


tcsd said...

yay another drawing! i'm hoping i'll win one of these eventually and don't even care which because they're always fabulous! thanks!

minneapolis, mn

Alissia said...

Thanks for your generosity! And congratulations on the great reception for Itty Bitty Toys. I can't wait to add it to my Itty Bitty collection. :)

Janet C from Madison said...

Hi Susan, I would love to win the yarn to start knitting the giraffe, which is the first of many patterns I plan to knit from Itty-Bitty Toys. Thanks for offering such a nice giveaway, Janet C - Madison

Kris said...

My 11 year old daughter, Hope, loved the giraffe and I bought the book for her even though she has plenty of stuffed animals : ) We would love to try making "Jilly" as she's already named the giraffe! P.S. We ended up with both of the Stray Sock Sewing books after I showed her your daughter's creations and she wanted to give it a go too! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kris in Avon, CT

Alison said...

I've already bought the book and would love to knit the giraffe! I even talked the owner of a knitting shop into carrying your books, too cute to pass up. I can't wait to see what you do next. Always a fan!

JodiJM said...

What a great giveaway. I truly enjoyed meeting you in Minneapolis at Needlework Unlimited! If my comment is picked, I would be making this for my 2 year old son. BTW, I just finished your little Elf. I was amazed how well it turned out. I sent it to my best friend to cheer her up at work. Thanks for the fantastic knit along pattern.


Sue said...

I just recently bought your new book, and love all those patterns. I would love the yarn to knit one up for a soon to be born little girl in January which would be a lovely addition to her room since she will have 2 older brothers to share it with. The giraffe looks like it is enjoying the snooze on the couch. Do you post to Oz!

AER said...

The giraffe is one of my favorites from the book : ) I would be super excited to win!

bschlot said...

This giraffe would be perfect for a new grandbaby due to arrive May 2010. After 5 granddaughters, we're hoping for a boy, but this would be perfect for either. All we really wish for is for baby and mom to be healthy.

Deb said...

Me and my grandbabe, Bailey love your giraffe.I would love to win the yarn to make it for her. Thanks. :)

JodiJM said...

What a great Holiday giveaway. I adore all of your patterns. I have done the wrap me up puppies, the squishy balls, and am working on the baby bear. I also just completed the Spud & Chloe Elf knit along pattern. I just sent it via the post to a friend to cheer her up. If picked to win the Cascade yarn for the giraffe, I would be making the toy for my son, who just celebrated his second birthday.


P.S. I really enjoyed meeting you at Needlework Unlimited in Minneapolis. :-)

Whitney said...

Awesome!!! Love the giraffe & have started one of my own but have some friends in my knitting group that I could give this lovely yarn to. Thanks!!

Unknown said...

I would love to knit the giraffe! I'm almost done with the ducks and plan to make the hippo soon, the giraffe would be another great project.

Unknown said...

I would so love to win this. I missed you when you came to Little Rock last week:(

Geknitics said...

I'd love to knit a giraffe, too, for my soon-to-be 5 mo daughter.

Soraya said...

I made this super-long scarf out of Cascade Lavender and Montmartre and ABSOLUTELY hated it once finished. Frogged it and it's now on its way to becoming a super-cute purple giraffe. So much better than the scarf.

Karin said...

I would like to say Thank you for sharing your trials and tribulations with us. You give me inspiration on a daily basis to plan and push forward towards my final goal of living my fibre dream and supporting my family in the process.

fireflysummer on Ravelry

craft-chick said...

I'd love to knit one too!

Craft Chick

Kelly said...

Hi Susan,

I'd love to knit the giraffe! I just finished my first two toys--Ribbit and Rabbit--and love how they turned out! I think I'm ready to move on to a bigger project...keeping my fingers crossed!

Kelly in IL

greta said...

I do, I DO!
I have the book already, and a gift recipient in mind...
(fingers CROSSED!)

Berry Gal said...

Me me me my soon to be kid will be sporting a giraffe themed room! it is so on my after christmas pre birth list...Berrygal

Unknown said...

I just got Itty Bitty Toys! I am enjoying it already and that's just looking at it. I want to knit the giraffe for my granddaughter.

Maureen said...

I have knit my way through Itty Bitty Hats for my 14 month old granddaughter (all adorable!) and would love to have this giraffe peeking out of the top of her stocking on Christmas morning! I already purchased Itty Bitty Toys so I'm ready to go!
Thank you for your generosity! Christmas blessings to you and your beautiful family!

Dianne MacDonald said...

What fun! Count me in.

Leanne (Lunatic84) said...

Oh, Susan you are too kind! This pattern is the reason I bought the book! My sister (my absolute best friend in the entire world) loves giraffes and it was her nickname growing up. This would be the perfect thing for her birthday!
Thanks so much for the opportunity, it means so much to us all :)
Leanne (Lunatic84 on Rav)

Maureen said...

I already knit my way through Itty Bitty Hats for my 14 month old granddaughter (all adorable!), and would love to have this cute little giraffe peeking out of her stocking on Christmas morning! I have the book so I'm ready to go!
Thank you so much for your generosity...Christmas blessings
to you and your beautiful family!

knittingmom2001 said...

Susan, your itty-bitty giraffe looks so sweet sleeping on a rose pillow. I would love to kniw him and put him to sleep on a pillow at my house! Really enjoyed meeting you at the Wool Cabin in SLC last month. Class project was a blast to knit. Thanks

Sara Kirby said...

Oh I hope you pick me! I love Giraffes. I even have enough Giraffe items to decorate a nursery some day! Including a 6 foot giraffe my mother gave me when I moved out on my own. I had been wishing for that particular Giraffe every birthday when I would blow out the candles on my cake since I was 3 years old.

Sarah in Houston said...

I heard you on the Craft Sanity Podcast today. I am having a great time making toys and amigurumi and preemie hats and socks. I knew your name but I'm glad to find your podcast and your blog. Thanks

Sara Spalding said...

Oh! My daughter has been asking daily for a giraffe... looks so cute and fun to make...


Anonymous said...

woo hoo.....love love love this little guy...sure would like one to come live with me...
lynn in skippack

Leiana said...

i'm a fairly new knitter, and i also just started working at a zoo in providence, RI where we have four gorgeous giraffes. i like projects because you usually remember where you where in life when you made them. i would love to knit the giraffe to remember when i first fell in love with yarn and when i first got to be so close to these amazing animals in real life.

Kati said...

I would love to make the giraffe. I am currently working on the hippo and the patterns in the book are great!

Francie said...

I would love to knit a giraffe. I already have your book but it is wrapped under the tree. I have to wait until Christmas to get a good look at all of the great patterns. I love give aways!


Francie in TN

Shawna said...

I would love to add a little giraffe to my twins'nursery!! I love your blog and your books. I knit to relax after spending my days with my four little girls. Thanks for all of the cute patterns and ideas!!

Shawna in San Francisco

Holloway Clan said...

I'm hoping to get Itty Bitty Toys for Christmas. This would be the perfect accompaniment. Love your stuff!

Unknown said...

I have the stuffing, I just need something to stuff! I love making toys!

Anonymous said...

Like everyone else, I'd be most happy to win and knit giraffe! I've got your book (and the other two as well). Thanks for the chance to win.
Melody in Georgia

Nan said...

I'm enjoying your travelogue at the different yarn stores-how fun. Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway.

Michelle said...

Wow! Great giveaway. Thank you for the chance. My best friend bought your book and has already made a giraffe, and although I think it's a little beyond me I'd love to try it!

Sandee said...

Hello! Your Giraffe would have a nice home with me!

Anna said...

I love the giraffe, one of my 5 1/2 year old triplets LOVES giraffes and has drawn some of the most adorable ones in her sweet child hand! I would LOVE to knit this for her (I might have to do two more for the other two though!!) :) Thanks for the opportunity! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I love the giraffe! I plan on making lots of itty bitty knits after I finish all of my Christmas knitting!
~Allison in Minnesota

KCina said...

add me to the LONG list...Just love your blog, your life adventures and all your creativity....keep knittin' & bloggin'...

~ Kathy (Hillsboro, OR)

Anonymous said...

I just bought your book today! I would love to give the giraffe a try. Also, where did that chair come from that the giraffe is pictured next to in the book??? It is gorgeous!!!!!
Kelly O

Jenn said...

I love the Giraffe! My sister is expecting and wanting to do a safari theme for the nursery - he would be perfect! :)

Trisha said...

I would love to knit that adorable giraffe for my nephew!

Lora said...

My kids would love to add this giraffe to their zoo!They may have to learn to make their own-He would look really cute on my window seat.

Ms. Knitsalot said...

How fun would it be to knit a giraffe. I would love to win! Great fun for the holidays too! Thank you...

Sarah G said...

Oooh, it's darling! If I started it now, I might get it done by Christmas 2010 for my baby boy. :)

Lucy said...

How generous! I would love to knit that cutie! My kids would love him too!

anne said...

I'd love to knit the giraffe!!

Colleen said...

I just hinted (read told) to my husband that I would love a copy of Itty Bitty Toys for Christmas! Maybe I can win some yarn to go with it!!! Thanks for chance to win!

Nicole said...

I do, I do! Well, as soon as I finish knitting your three little pigs set.I have only been knitting for a year and it is a bit ambitious, but I am motivated to figure it out in time to give it to my (3) kiddos (5, 3, 4 mnths) for Christmas. The giraffe could be my next project, and perfect for my new (and only) little boy!

Sue said...

I think a giraffe is just the thing to brighten a dreary winter day. Count me in.

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