I ran across this adorable photo of the Bunny Tail hat (there are 745 versions posted on Ravelry right here) from Itty-Bitty Hats the other day right here. I had to share it with you. It was knit by Melissa. Here is Melissa's blog. The yarn she used is Berroco Vintage (Mocha).
Here is what Melissa wrote to me about the photo:
My good friend Elizabeth did the photography, the baby is her niece, Cara. She was less than a week old and about 6 lbs. When I knit the hat for her she wasn’t born yet, so I knit the normal 0-3 months size, it ended up being quite big, but she looked very sweet. Elizabeth always takes really great photos of my knits for me.
That's all today! The photo made me smile and I thought it might do the same for you.
best, susie