I had a few more pictures to add but I can't seem to get them uploaded for some reason. Time to move on. I want to tell you about this fabulous new magazine. Debbie Bliss now has her own knitting magazine and it is being produced by the fantastic people at Soho Publishing as in Vogue Knitting and KnitSimple variety. The premiere issue is exquisite. Be sure to click on the link above to see the cover. Soho Publishing strikes again with top notch knitting material for us. Wow.
The magazine features 36 beautiful designs for the home, baby/child, women and many sweaters for men. I am not kidding, the patterns are all gorgeous, the photography is to die for and Debbie even offers a personal section called, "blissful life," where she talks about her favorite things. She shares a recipe, her favorite stitch (can you guess?), a favorite artist and other tidbits. It's fun to hear from Debbie, her taste is impeccable. The magazine is better than a book because of all of the personal touches, interviews and ads.
Here is one sweater I love. Just look at it. I think it is really pretty and different. Wouldn't you love to cuddle up in that on a cold day?
Debbie has a knack for taking the simple project, interjecting it with color and quality in construction. She takes simplicity to a level beyond. I admire Debbie for that. She offers some adorable kids projects in this issue.
I was thrilled to see a full page ad (one of the photos I couldn't get to load) for one of my favorite yarn shops in the country. They have just opened a new online shop and if it is anything like their shop, it will be a winner. The stock and service is like no other. I was there on a Saturday last fall and it was hopping with knitters, packed full. They are nice as pie.
You have to take a look. This shop has a personal relationship with Debbie Bliss, she has visited them several times. They literally have everything in the Debbie Bliss line. If you are looking for something specific, this is the way to go. The inventory is enormous for any brand or line of yarn or accessories you can imagine, the shop is run by a mother/daughter team and the staff is the best. The Woolie Ewe is a good shop to support.
Here is one quick link for you today. I keep dreaming about this one. Yup, gotta make that.
I am a year older today, another year has passed in my life. I feel good, happy, contented so I never give my age much thought. It's one of those things you can't do anything about so why bother worrying about it. The older you are, the more interesting you get in my book.
Happy Sunday, Knitters.
best, susie
p.s. You know, one of the projects in the magazine is a needle case, knitted and lined with fabric. I see them everywhere in books, over and over, and every time I wonder if people ever make needle cases. I never have. Do you have any interest in this project or have you ever made a needle case, knitted or sewn or felted? I'd love to hear, maybe I'm missing out.
p.p.s. Debbie's favorite stitch? Moss stitch. Clearly.