The Collector (new abbreviation is going to be T.C. for today anyway) has been in the most crazy crafting mode lately. She is non-stop with it. A short while ago T.C. finished her second sock toy and I hadn't shared it yet. She made Rosie the Elephant. That's not the project name in the book (Stray Sock Sewing, Too), she came up with the name.
I helped her stitch on the layered buttons for she selected for the eyes and the wooden heart button for the belly button. She used black yarn and a yarn needle to stitch the smiley mouth.
I love the way the arms are just the sock folded over with a running stitch down the center. Her instinctive sewing is amazing to see. She just kind of figures out how to stitch on her own. T.C. is already almost finished with her second elephant in a gray, black and white striped sock. Her plan is for the elephants to be good friends.
T.C. also made these two hats which I am going to bring with me to donate for her to Knitting for Noggins (see the tour schedule on my sidebar for more information and a link) in Little Rock. The hat on the left is the Bunny Tail hat from Itty-Bitty Hats out of Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton. I knitted the ears on top for her, that was a little beyond her skills.
The other hat is some fuzzy yarn she picked up at Stitcher's Crossing (she biked up there with a friend and came home with this) and absolutely loves for its fluffy softness. I want to say it is called, Heaven? Anyone recognize that? This type of yarn is always appealing to kids but it is tricky to knit with. I just took the gauge and figured out the number to cast on for this one. I can't remember what that number is and believe me you can't even count those stitches with that yarn. I suggested the two pom-pom ears to make it look kind of bear-like. It is very sweet. She loves making the pom-poms, too.
Okay, a kitchen remodel update is due. Our house still has some unfinished odds and ends if you can even believe it. We started the remodel last July and it still continues. The stone tile for our back splash has now arrived. It's a poor picture in my dimly lit storage area in the basement but it is super cool green variegated stone. It's called, Ming Green. As soon as it is installed I will take some photos of the completed kitchen to share. I promise. I haven't forgotten.
Have a great Wednesday, Knitters!
best, susie
p.s. You wouldn't believe how many emails I have received about my Mary Jane's from a couple of posts ago. The brand name is, Think! and they are made in Germany. I bought mine at a small local shoe store that doesn't have a website and I don't know anything more about them. They were pricey for me but I will have them the rest of my life for sure. Have at it!