Sometimes the simplest statement is the best. I knitted this plain hat for a compilation book project but then at the last minute I submitted an entirely different project. The project for the book was to be completely monochromatic. I used a creamy Blue Sky Alpaca Organic Cotton and as always fell in love with this scrumptious yarn.
So, Knitters, I am working away the week still covered by mountains of snow, still feeling like it is the dead of winter. My husband and I were out running the other day and we heard birds chirping like it was springtime. Those birds must be crazy or something, it is pure winter around here. Maybe if I take down the paper snowflakes on my windows it will hurry spring along.
Different subject, a couple of days ago I turned on the morning news and Ann Hood was on msnbc talking about a political article she wrote about being in a bi-political marriage. Remember Ann wrote the novel called, The Knitting Circle (new out in paperback), which I read about this time last year. Anyway, it was great to hear knitting being referenced repeatedly on msnbc and Ann Hood is really cool. I met her last year in Lexington at a book conference. She has a new book coming out on grieving which I will be reading for certain. This woman has true insight.
Later that day, as I am desperately trying to get a workout in before the kids get home from school, I jump on the elliptical and turn on The Martha Stewart Show. Lo and behold the entire studio audience is knitting. For the life of me I can't remember exactly what the reason was behind this knitting because she had a guest on making sock creature stuffed toys. What was that knitting about? Martha was knitting along as well. Anyway, it doesn't even matter because it was a good day for knitting being featured on two national tv shows in one day. Go knitting!
A funny thing happened to me when I was getting a new pair of shoes for my Minneapolis trip a couple of weeks ago. The shoes were for an Itty-Bitty promotion trip and as the clerk handed me the receipt to sign she sweetly asked, "Could I get you to sign on the itty-bitty line?" I smiled to myself and said, "Sure."
Take care, Knitters.
best, susie