Allegra Wermuth is becoming a force in the knitting world. She and Brandy Fortune (the photographer of these featured photos) are the co-founders of the always fabulous knitting for children and babies site, Petite Purls. The patterns and articles are all free! It's like Knitty for child and baby patterns. It's one of the best new sites to come on the internet in a long while.
Anyway, the reason for all of these accolades is that I am smitten with Allegra's new design, the Peek-a-Boo Hoodie. I asked Allegra if I could share it with you on here and she said sure.
Click here for the Ravelry project page for the Peek-a-Boo Hoodie! There are a lot more cute photos by Brandy to look at over on Ravelry.
Here is what Allegra says about this cute little jacket:
I wanted to design a sweet little swing coat with a hood that had an added element of surprise. I chose to add a surprise color to the inside front panel, sleeve cuffs and the hood, to give it a little pop! To me, the surprise color says “Peek-a-Boo”, just like the popular children’s game.
Tech Editing: Kristen TenDyke (click on her name to check out her amazing patterns and designs!)
Photography: Brandy Fortune (click on her name to visit Brandy's site, pixiepurls.com!)
Photography: Brandy Fortune (click on her name to visit Brandy's site, pixiepurls.com!)

Allegra has some other patterns of which I am a fan. The Boheme has been an incredibly popular baby cardigan pattern on Ravelry. The Boheme Mama is a garment I would like to knit for myself. I love this style. Both of these patterns have recently been updated which is always a good thing.
Anyhoo, Allegra is a good one to watch and follow. She has a lot up her knitting sleeve for the future. Be sure to check her out!
I want to invite you to participate in another knitalong I am hosting on my other blog, Spud says! We are knitting the Camp Hoodie together starting in a couple of weeks. The vest is knit in the wonderful Spud & Chloë Sweater, which has terrific color choices and potential combinations. The vest you see in these photos is an updated version without the hood and a different fair isle pattern on the body. I am now adding sleeves for another option I will share as well. You could do a one color vest without the fair isle section, too. It is a really fun and fast little knit.
Here is the link to Spud says! where I am previewing the knitalong!
The pattern for the Camp Hoodie is a printed pattern through Spud & Chloë that you can purchase at your local yarn shop that carries Spud & Chloë or an online shop like Loop, The Wool Cabin (calls only), Webs, Purl, Jimmy Beans Wool, Angelfire Studios, Jessica Knits... the list is endless. There is also a very helpful stockists page on our site. Click here for a list of stockists near you! Also, if your local yarn shop doesn't have this pattern on-hand they can easily order it for you, no problem at all. You will get it very quickly.
Merri, a designer/staff member at Spud & Chloë made a gorgeous Camp Hoodie for her 13 year-old daughter (she may be 12?) that has a zipper up the front. It is really cute and Merri has provided instructions for doing her version as well. There are lots of options and I can't wait to see what all of you will come up with, too.
I hope you will join in the fun. I will be posting pattern tips, instructional videos, photo updates, sleeve ideas and camaraderie along the way! We'll have a great time knitting together.
That's it for today. I've got to get back to my knitting.
best, susie