Cover for Itty-Bitty Toys (Note the similar expressions of the giraffe and the little boy, so sweet.)
Hi Knitters,
I hope you are all having a good first half of the week. It is flying by fast over here. I want to update you on my TNNA plans in hopes that some of you will be in Columbus and that I will get to see you there. My time there is going to be fast and furious, lots packed into a short amount of time.
Late on Saturday morning I am taping an interview for the PBS show Knit and Crochet Today. You should check out this site for tons of information and free patterns, it's a good one. The show that I am on won't be on the air until next fall. That will be cool and fun.
The next thing I have on my plate for Saturday is a book signing at the R & M book distributors booth. The booth is #120 and my signing is from 1:00-2:00. I will be signing Itty-Bitty Hats and Itty-Bitty Nursery. I have blads to hand out for Itty-Bitty Toys which will be released this upcoming fall. Blads are like brochures with some sample photos and pages of new releases. Publishers use blads for publicity before the actual book is printed. Anyhoo, I have a big stack of Itty-Bitty Toys blads to pass out to people. They are really cute. So if you already have the other books you may be interested in seeing the preview of my new toy book!
R & M, booth #120, has a fun book signing line-up for the weekend. I'd like to get every book on that list (and I almost have). Be sure to stop by if you get a chance:
Saturday, June 13
11 A.M. Edie Eckman: How to Knit Socks
12 P.M. Rose Langlitz: Tasty Crochet
1 P.M. Susan B. Anderson: Itty Bitty Hats
2 P.M. Nicky Epstein: Knitting in Tuscany
3 P.M. Hansi Singh: Amigurumi Knits
4 P.M. Melanie Falick: Weekend Knitting
12 P.M. Rose Langlitz: Tasty Crochet
1 P.M. Susan B. Anderson: Itty Bitty Hats
2 P.M. Nicky Epstein: Knitting in Tuscany
3 P.M. Hansi Singh: Amigurumi Knits
4 P.M. Melanie Falick: Weekend Knitting
Sunday, June 14
11 A.M. Kristen Rengren: Vintage Baby Knits
1 P.M. Barb Beteggnies: Just for Baby
2 P.M. Debbie Bliss: Design It, Knit It
11 A.M. Kristen Rengren: Vintage Baby Knits
1 P.M. Barb Beteggnies: Just for Baby
2 P.M. Debbie Bliss: Design It, Knit It
Monday, June 15
11 A.M. Iris Schreier: Reversible Knits
11 A.M. Iris Schreier: Reversible Knits
After my signing I hope to head over to the Blue Sky Alpacas and the Spud & Chloë booths. This group is in booths #323-327, 422-426. I have to check out the scene over there, it is going to be so exciting. Also, I want to walk around the floor for a bit and take in everything. See the sights so to speak.
Then I am off for a fun dinner with some excellent fiber-y people, which will be fun and interesting. The next day I'm out the door heading for home. It is going to go so fast, I'm dizzy just thinking about it.
(Spud & Chloë Outer)
Okay, now on to a little more news. The Spud & Chloë site went live today. Check it out. Please check out the blog, too, and subscribe if you are so inclined. Tomorrow the first free pattern is going up on the blog, set for tomorrow morning to be more specific. It is a cute one so you may want to nab it. Originally there were going to be 3 free patterns up but now they are going to be released one at a time. I like that better anyway.
So you may want to check out all of the Spud & Chloë patterns and the yarns, too.
Can you guess which patterns I designed? I have 1 pattern for the Fine yarn, 2 patterns for the Sweater yarn and 1 pattern for the Outer yarn. I'd love to see if you can pick them out of the bunch.
Since I will be gone for a few days I won't be sending out pattern orders over the weekend. You can still place orders and I will get them out as soon as I get back! I will hurry, I promise.
Tomorrow is packing time. It has to happen.
Wish me luck, Knitters. I'll try to get some good scoop for you to share next week:)
best, susie