This is the season for gift knitting and toys really are the perfect gift project for so many reasons. They're cute, small, do-able in a short time frame, a small amount of yarn is needed, no size or fit issues, and ALL age groups love the knit toys, not just the kids. I've said this before but when I go places it's the adults who go craziest for the knit toys.
My latest design was released yesterday in the Knit Circus Special Issue, Gifts 2011! This is an online magazine that has free articles and recipes and then you can purchase the individual patterns or the entire issue for an incredibly reasonable price.
In the pattern introduction I talk about how the Knit Circus headquarters is in Madison because the founder and editor in chief, Jaala Spiro, is a life-long Madisonian like me. Since we both have strong Wisconsin ties I thought I would honor that by making a Milk Cow for the issue. Wisconsin is the number one dairy state so what better to represent that than an adorable little Milk Cow.

The yarn is Blue Sky Alpacas Organic and Worsted Cotton. The optional red scarf and the horns are made in small amounts of Spud & Chloë Sweater.

See? It's really there!
I love the personality of this one! What a fun and quick knit. Milk Cow is a good size and would be perfect for younger kids especially because it's a little larger. The entire Knit Circus Gifts Issue is wonderful with scarves, mitts, a cowl, a shawl, doilies, socks, a blanket, a cool reversible bag, a hat.... all of the patterns are a treat!
Oh, and leave a comment on here with your email address if you are interested in winning a copy of the entire pattern collection! I have been given the go ahead to share the entire pattern collection with 10 lucky winners! Please leave one comment. I will be back very soon to pick the winners.
Good luck.
best, susie