Unfortunately, I have come down with a rotten bug right before I am hitting the road again for my book tour. I have lost most of my voice. It sounds terrible. I am willing it back by tomorrow morning. Regardless of my voice, I am back to it. It seems ages ago that I was on tour for Itty-Bitty Toys and at that time March 2010 seemed so far away. Now March is upon us and I am packing my bags for the last couple weeks of my book tour. It is going to be a jam-packed couple of weeks, too.
I have pulled out my book and my notes for my speaking and interviews to glance over. That may seem silly but I have already finished the projects and patterns for my next book and my brain can only hold so much information at a time. I need a refresher.
Above is my latest Namaste bag. It is a fantastic bag because it holds my laptop and my knitting and my enormous water bottle with ease. I love it.
I am picking out the yarns I will bring along so I can whip up a new Spud & Chloƫ project while I am on the go. On a few of my other book trips I knitted and wrote up Ribbit, the Tiny Elf and the Tiny Turkey. I seem to come up with some good stuff while on the road. We'll see how I do this time. I have something fun in mind for a project that I'd like to try.
Here is the quick run-down of my schedule with a few updates:
Wednesday, March 3rd:
I am starting off the trip with an exciting stop in Chicago! Please tune in to the "WGN Midday News" as I will be doing a live segment. This is a live, 3-4 minute segment that will air around 11:35-11:40 AM CT. WGN is shown all over the country so check it out if you get a chance!
Here is some more fun stuff I will be doing:
Thursday, March 4th:
Dayton, Ohio
FOX45 “In the Morning” This is a live, 2 ½ minute segment that will air around 8:45 AM
Continuing on in Dayton and Cincinnati on Thursday, March 4th:
10:45 arrival BOOKS & CO. (The original location)
11:00 AM Event (book signing) 350 E. Stroop Road
Dayton, OH 45429
Contact: Sharon Kelly Roth
Phone: 937-429-6302
e-mail: RothSK@booksandcompany.com
2:30 PM Radio Interview “Cover to Cover” with Mark DeWitt (this is a book-based radio interview that is later posted as a podcast and I will post the link to this 27 minute show later for you to listen to if you're interested.)
Last event of the day on Thursday, March 4th:
6:45 PM ARRIVAL BOOKS & CO. (The new store)
7 PM Book signing/trunk show 4453 Walnut Street
Dayton, OH 45440
Contact: Sharon Kelly Roth
Phone: 937-429-6302
e-mail: RothSK@booksandcompany.com
Here is my last day of fun where I head back to Chicago!

Friday, March 5th:
12:45 PM ARRIVAL nina: a well-knit shop
1:00 PM 1655 West Division St.
Chicago, IL 60622
Contact: Nina Rubin
Phone: 773-486-8996
e-mail: info@ninachicago.com
At Nina's I will be having a meet and greet and book signing and trunk show. Hope to see you there!
Anyway, wish me luck and really wish me luck that my voice shows up before I have to speak anywhere. I have a case of laryngitis I guess. I haven't been sick in years, not even a cold or a sniffle and now right before I have a strenuous two weeks of touring a rotten cold decides to take over. Bummer. I'm going to make the best of it and hope it all just goes away. I'll bring my hand-sanitizer, too:)
Below is a photo of the new free pattern I just released for Spud says! I don't want you to miss out so jump on over there to get this free pattern for baby socks. It is a great gift idea to have on hand. You can whip up a pair of baby socks in no time at all in a worsted weight yarn like Sweater.
I'll pop back in while I am traveling if I am up to it and I can find a spare moment or two. If not, I'll tell you all about it when I return.
best, susie