Hi Knitters!
Yesterday was all Christmas-y. Every year we cut down our tree at a tree farm, and I say we generously. My husband and one of my sons do most all of the work. The rest of us help a little, but mainly we help select the tree. I love how my youngest daughter sneaks under the tree to help carry it back to the car. It was bitter cold, so those knitted hats are key.
The Christmas gifts are still flying off my needles. The stripey gloves are for another niece, who is 16 years old. I made them using the same pattern from Louisa Harding I mentioned earlier, only this time I used some Jo Sharp 100% dk wool on a US size 6 needle. I have tons of this wool in a lot of colors from at least 8 years ago. I made a sweater for my daughter and I had way too much yarn. This is the perfect way to use up some stash. I love mis-matched socks, mittens and gloves for some reason, and I like to knit them, too. I think it's about not following any certain pattern for the second item in a pair. It makes the knitting more interesting and the final product more fun. I hope she likes them.
This morning, as I wrapped up my second-grade daughter for school in her knitted sweater, knitted hat and knitted scarf, I told her she looked like knitted goodness today! I could tell she was smiling by her eyes peeking out. The rest of her face was hidden by her scarf and hat. I feel like she is wrapped up in my handmade love when I see her wearing all of that knitwear. It is the best way to start a cold Monday morning.