We've got a knitting explosion of sorts over here lately. Loads and loads of knitting has been going on over the last few days. Yesterday I found myself surrounded by girls and their knitting. TC has been going nuts with her hat knitting. Our neighbor has been going crazy on her sock knitting. My son's girlfriend learned to knit last night. I started her on a baby hat. Boy, did she catch on fast. I keep giving away my addi turbo circs and my dpns so I will need to replace all of those very soon. I give away yarn, too. I have too much anyway and I just love to see these young girls knitting away. It gives me great joy.
I am doing a ton of knitting and I have been loving the good company. Okay, above is the stripe-y top-down raglan I am knitting for TC over on the Spud says! blog. I am having a huge raglan knitalong over there. Please join me over at Spud says! to join in or to follow along. It is very casual. We are off to a great start. I have the first 2 parts of the custom fit "recipe" posted so far.
Click here for the Ravelry Top-Down Knitalong Project Page.
Here is the chair in my living room right now. I know, it's a mess. I am cleaning it up today. Even I can't take it. You can't see the entire scene of books, knitting magazines, needles, pencils, calculators, post-its, yarn labels, glasses, yarn scraps, scissors, yarn bags, etc. It is bad.
The tweedy hat is the Bella's Eclipse Hat (free pattern) that I am working up for Peachy. She is very excited about it and closely watching my progress.

She made this one out of some pink heathered Encore that we bought at Stitchers Crossing. She finished it late one night. When I came downstairs in the morning I found the hat on the hat stand and sitting on my chair. I couldn't stop smiling. What a sweet way to wake up.
This last completed hat is made out of one ball (48 yards) of Crystal Palace Chunky Mochi in the Baby Face colorway. TC is so crazy about this hat. She just loves this yarn and this hat. She made this entire hat in a couple of hours at most, start to finish.
Now for a TC knitting update. Over the last four days (not kidding) she has knitted three hats and has a fourth hat on the needles. Something has lit a fire under her and I like it. The hat above is knit in a Crystal Palace Yarn called Puffin. It is an stretchy tape-like yarn that has a super soft suede-like feeling to it. TC loves it and asked me to make a flower to add. I knitted that little flower up in a jiffy and stitched it on. It's a very sweet and tiny newborn-size hat.
I am seeing if TC would like to put out a mini-collection of her own baby hat patterns (with my help of course). She already has another hat on the needles so maybe when that one is done we'll pull together her body of work in pattern form. She says she just might be interested. Wouldn't that be fun? We'll see where the wind takes her...
Lastly, I have some new cloth designs going for the next installment of the Summer Camp Series. The next set is all based on a simple rib pattern with variations. Isn't that the best blue ever? It is sort of like a fresh burst of cool air. The color is called Glacier. Perfection. That is the Blue Sky Skinny Cotton.
That's it for now.
best, susie