Checking in here. Well, here is my first Thermis. I thoroughly enjoyed this pattern. It is clearly written and I learned a couple new things. I did the Thermal or Waffle stitch for the first time. I like this stitch and will use it again. It would make a good scarf because it's reversible. I also did the sewn bind off for the first time. It is fine but I am not sure it is necessary. The regular old bind off would do fine, too, but it was fun to try something new. I would use the sewn bind off again. Supposedly it is stretchier than a regular bind off.
The buttons are a gift from a wonderful blog reader who sent The Collector the most fantastic little tin filled with fun little trinket buttons. How sweet is that? The buttons are from Anne in Minnesota. Thank you for the gift, The Collector is in love with the buttons. The buttons on my Thermis are vintage Jack and Jill. They are awesome. I snuck them out of the tin and it didn't go unnoticed. I got seriously quizzed about my actions. However, there are two more of the same remaining in the tin. The other thing is that she has systematically taken most of my button collection and added it to her button collection. I thought it was fair for me to use two for the neck warmer. She seemed to agree in the end. Two collectors in one family can be tricky.
Okay, let me tell you a few observations I have about Thermis. I knitted it out of the suggested yarn, Patons Classic Wool, bought at Joann's. It is a fine, sturdy wool. That's it. There is nothing really remarkable about it. It is okay. Another worsted would work just as fine and maybe a softer worsted would be good. I've seen some done in Malabrigo on ravelry which is really soft.
I used the suggested needle size of 6 and the gauge was fine but felt small to me. I am making a second Thermis in gray and this time I am using a size 7 needle. I felt like I kept wondering why the 6's the whole time. I could see no reason for it. The 7's feel more comfortable and the gauge will be fine. Either size is fine, whatever works best for you in the end.
Lastly, I found the thing to be a bit too long. On the second go I am shortening the rib section by maybe 5-7 rows, can't remember exactly. I could have shortened it more I think.
That's my take on it. I haven't worn it yet, I keep thinking I might give it to someone with a longer neck: ) I like it and would recommend the pattern.
Kristin Nicholas sent me an email awhile ago asking for my address. She told me she had a surprise to send me. I sent my address and I remember being curious about what in the world she would send. Then I forgot about it just like I forget most other things. A short while later I received a little package and note from Kristin. Inside was a stack of her beautiful postcards. I tossed them down on my luggage label table for the photo. See if you can pick out her cards. Some are of her fantastic Farm filled with sheep others are her colorful artwork and her beautiful yarn, Julia. BTW, Julia would make a squishy, lush Thermis, I may use that next.
Thank you, dear Kristin, you inspire me. You'll never know how your little act of kindness touched me.
It is 10 inches by 10 inches. I'll give more details when I post the pattern. I am making another Shamrock in the Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille in shades of solid green. I will share this one when I am done. I love the squishy chenille for a baby/child washcloth. You can't beat it.
Surprise! I am washcloth obsessed now. Irish knitters behold and those who long to be Irish as well, this is my new St. Patrick's Day Shamrock washcloth. I am part Irish so I always look forward to wearing the green on St. Patty's Day. The pattern for the Shamrock washcloth is coming soon. I have to find a moment when my son is available to help so probably in a day or two or three. He's a busy guy.
I did this washcloth or dishcloth in Lily's Sugar-n-Cream the shamrock in #18712 Hot Green (not a good name for a color in my opinion), and #19713 Key Lime Pie (food names are always good) for the edging. I knitted on size 8 needles at about 4 stitches per inch. Size H crochet hook for the edging. If you are planning on making one, get your supplies ready now.
I am loving the cheap, quick little projects lately. A good washcloth/dishcloth provides just that. It couldn't be more fun and satisfying.
Have a good Wednesday, Knitters.
best, susie