We have been anxiously and cautiously watching this tiny miracle take place in our yard.
There were at least five eggs, maybe more in the nest that would fit in the palm of my hand.
Their eyes are not open yet.....
...but their mouths sure are. They have one busy mama bird who flutters in and out and sits on her babies and tidy little nest for hours on end.
This active little world is all taking place in our miniature evergreen tree. You wouldn't know by looking at it.
TC has been entertaining the baby birds with her bird whistles which I find funny. She stands next to the tree and plays her whistles.
To another springtime topic we go, I have new sandals! I love them and they are quickly becoming not so new. I am hard on things.
The flurry of activity is going on in the inside of the house, too. I am at the toe of my watermelon stripes sock.
I am almost done with my 4 oz. bump of Dyeabolical. I am hoping to get a pair of handspun socks out of this one. We'll have to see what I end up with.
TC and I have committed to cooking our way through this fantastic down-home cookbook. I have already made several recipes and they have all been a hit. I'll talk more about this book later but let's just say that TC has dog-eared about every other page to mark the recipes she wants to make. She has been baking up a storm lately along with Peachy, who is our resident brownie maker.
I started a Noro Silk Garden Sock Yarn sock in Kentucky and haven't worked on it too much since. I really love this colorway.
I pulled out my Citron in Malabrigo Lace from last summer and have knitted quite a bit further on it. A cute woman in my class in Kentucky had her Citron on and I just love her version which made me think of my unfinished version. We'll see how far I get this summer.
Garden plans and ice skates adorn my kitchen bench.
We are so excited to have a vegetable garden in our yard this summer. You know that a couple of summers ago we had around four humungous trees removed from our yard. We have only begun to have serious sunshine in our yard. Above is TC's sketch of what to plant where. She is sooooo excited about this garden project.
Here is TC's list of plants and things to get to plant.
Here are some of our choices.
We have been working so incredibly hard to get our garden spot cleared with stepping stones and a rabbit fence and the boards for borders.
Toes and gardening tools are at the ready!
TC is a gardening maniac. She dreams about her gardens and she has worked to get things ready.
Rabbits are a big problem for us so we are going to be prepared this summer.
The Fairy Garden is in full swing, too. This year it is going to be bigger and better than ever. TC will have more sunshine, a bigger corner to plant in and she wants to make some mosaic decorative stepping stones for better access to her plants. It is going to be a fun project.
The earth is good and being home is good.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend, Knitters. What did you do weekend?
best, susie