When you end up with a lemon make lemonade. That's what I did with this golden moment.
Can you guess what the knitted golden piece was before I turned it into a pear?
All I did to change it was to turn it, add an I-cord stem and a green wool felt leaf.
Maybe if you see it turned this way you can tell. It was the head of a giraffe toy for the book I made that didn't turn out to be the right size. I kept looking at it, thinking I should rip it back or throw it out but then I turned the nose up and suddenly it looked just like a pear. Lemons to lemonade or giraffe heads to pears in this case. I think it will make a cute new pincushion for my table.
Speaking of tables, I'd like to set mine with this flatware dishtowel. I bought this wonderfully sweet dishtowel at the ever-fantastic anthropologie. You can't go wrong when you shop there for a gift or two. I need to wrap this up and send it off, I am already late.
Each spoon, fork and knife is appliqued on with contrasting fabric which makes it feel homey and handmade. That is the quality I love from anthropologie, things look handmade in there. What a great spot. You know, if I ever get around to all of that sewing I'd like to do this is exactly the type of thing I would like to make, little, fun useful items for the home.
This is another presto change-o item my daughter picked out for me for mother's day. They are measuring cups made out of a silicone like rubber. They lay flat and then...
...you pop them up to form the cups. These are a great invention because my measuring cups always get stuck in my drawer when I try to open it. Does that happen to you? Plus they are super colorful, kind rainbow-like.
You know what I did the other night? I am excited to say that I recorded a knitting podcast of my own. It needs some work before it is ready to post so I can't promise when it will be ready. At some point in the near future I will be doing some podcasting. I think it is the perfect extension of the blog.
What do you like to hear in your favorite knitting podcasts? I know what I enjoy and I'd love to hear what you enjoy in knitting podcasts. Let me know if you get a chance.
Did you hear that this favorite of mine is expecting her sixth baby? That's impressive and fun.
Okay, that's it for today. Take care, knitters.
best, susie