I am lining up some yarn for a few projects today. Above is a fresh and spring-like pair of colors, Spud & Chloë Sweater in Pollen and Firefly, that will be whipped up into a new toy for an upcoming project for publication. I am nearing the deadline on this particular project so I really need to buckle down tight over the next few weeks. All other non-related projects have to take a backseat until I get things tied up and finished. Dig in and get things finished!!! That's my motto.
The Spud & Chloë Outer is going to be whipped up into a fun stocking hat that I have been planning for awhile. It will be an incredibly fast knit on size 15 needles. Bold, wide stripes will rule the roost! Look for this free pattern soon on Spud says! I will keep you posted.
The Collector is loving her new Slip Hat. It is a good hat to wear with curls I guess. It is soft and big enough not to crush your hairdo. I have no hairdo so crushing doesn't matter much.
Here is The Collector with her curls in the school spelling bee. We were proud. The boy in the green jacket seated behind her won.
Last week was incredibly busy and hectic. I felt like every day there was something or other going on. I am hoping for a quieter week ahead. How about you?
This is actually The Collector's new hat in the making. I tried it on because our heads are practically the exact same size with only 1/2 inch difference. She picked out the colors in Spud & Chloë Outer and she had some specific details she wanted. I later added earflaps, a fleece lining and some braided trim and ties. It is super, super cute. T.C. wore it the entire day yesterday and already has it on again this morning. It looks way different than in this photo and way cuter on T.C. I'll share more on this later with better photos of the finished project.
This is going to be another free pattern coming up on Spud says! I will keep you posted when I get it available. Again, it is so fast knit up on size 15 needles. We are talking about an hour or so for the hat.
Remember those marshmallow snowmen? This is the thank you note I got from T.C.'s class for sharing them with her class. Her teacher is adorable and creative. She has had all four of my kids and I am a lucky, lucky mom. The kids loved the snowman treat and I love that fact.
Okay, Barb Yerke may be the next cutest thing on my list. She fell in love with the movie Julie & Julia. She was inspired by Julie Powell's adoration for Julia Child and her cooking and blogging her way through Julia's cookbook. Barb is taking her own twist of an adventure and knitting her way through the Itty-Bitty books. Isn't that cute and wonderful? Please hop over and give Barb some love. Her brand-new blog is here: Knitting Thru the Itty-Bittys. She's off to a good start and I'll be cheering you on, Barb!
I posted a sweetheart of a little project for a Heart Tape Measure. It's a free pattern! Don't miss it. The Ravelry page for the tape measure is here.
I gotta scoot! We are going to the tooth fairy movie. Can't wait. I love Julie Andrews.
best, susie