Hi, Knitters,
I'm back with a new podcast episode and giveaway today. There is so much to share with you but be sure to look at the end of the post for photos of today's giveaway opportunities, you won't want to miss it. Instructions to enter your name in the hat to win are at the end of the post as well.
Let's dive right in. Here are some links for what I talk about knitting-wise:
The IBK Retreat after class at the University Club
I forgot to mention that at the retreat 34 hats were collected for donation to Halos of Hope! Thanks to Pat, plynn on Ravelry, for collecting and delivering the hats for the group. There is a thread in the Itty-Bitty Knits group for a monthly charity hosted by a member. There are always lots of charity knitting opportunities going on in the group if you are interested.
Thank you to everyone for coming to Madison for our retreat!
Here are the links for the lovely sponsors and donations for the gift bags and door prizes! You are all the best and I appreciate your generosity to no end. Everyone was thrilled and you all helped to make the retreat so special and memorable.
Please click away and visit these talented designers, dyers, artists, shop owners! Please pass on my regards if you purchase anything.
Thank you to everyone for coming to Madison for our retreat!
Here are the links for the lovely sponsors and donations for the gift bags and door prizes! You are all the best and I appreciate your generosity to no end. Everyone was thrilled and you all helped to make the retreat so special and memorable.
Please click away and visit these talented designers, dyers, artists, shop owners! Please pass on my regards if you purchase anything.
Yarn on the
House YOTH Yarns
Door prize mania!
Cute name tag buttons for everyone made by Kriste.
My trunk show of toys.
The workshop was for the Mary, Millie & Morgan dolls. Many of the students ordered doll kits from Quince & Co. for class.
Everyone settling in for class.
Kriste describing and handing out door prizes!
Madison Memories exclusive yarn from Quaere Fibre.
The group at the Farmers Market on the square.
Here is the Quaere Fibre Madison Memories 9 stripe sock I started with the coordinating heel.
Click here for the IBK Retreat Pre-order for the custom project bag on Little Skein! It looks like Anne is on vacation for a few days but I know she is taking pre-orders on the project bags so send her a message if you are interested.
Giveaway Prize #1 ~ My door prize package includes:
Sample from Tuft Woolens wool soap
Kookaburra Wool Wash
1 skein of Lollipop Yarn Rainbow Striping Sock Yarn
1 Spool of Kreinik tinsel thread
Giveaway Prize #2 includes:
Mini skeins of all sorts
Discount codes
Tuft Woolens Soap
Dyeabolical Row Counter Ring
Dropcloth Sampler from Rebecca Ringquist
Needle Gauge
Kookaburra Wool Wash
Exclusive Project Bag from Little Skein
Quaere Fibre exclusive Madison Memories 9 stripe sock yarn skein!!!
Please leave one comment on this blog post to enter to win one of the giveaway prizes. 2 winners will be selected, one for each package. You must leave your contact information Ravelry name or email address in your comment. Please only click on Publish one time! There is a delay before you will see your comment appear on the blog.
I will be back in a few days to select 2 random winners! This is going to be a big one so good luck to everyone.
Thanks for joining me and love to you all!
xo ~ susan
1 – 200 of 1039 Newer› Newest»Fabulous giveaway!! cozyknits@gmail.com
Awesome giveaway! Looks like the retreat was loads of fun.
The IBK retreat looked amazing. Knitters are so happy and fun. :) Thanks for offering the giveaway!~~sarahjean77 on Rav
Looks like y'all had a fun time.
What a beautiful place to have a retreat.
aimee73 on Rav
I'd love to take one of your classes some day, projects and students always look so happy!
Anne aka zebramouse on Rav
Great podcast. The IBK project bag is wonderful. What a nice tribute to you. I already sent a message to Anne in hopes of getting on the list to pre-order a bag. Enjoy your summer.
Ravelry ID: bszen
Great giveaway! Onemorerowplease on Ravelryl
Love the pictures and the giveaway is just what I crave ;)
Hilmahumlan (rav name)
As always, amazing! Ryann on ravelry or ncl.ryan@ gmail.com
So amazing!! Thank you!
Barknknit at rav
So much colorful FUN! Thanks for the inspiration that you are!
Great giveaway! jlb01@verizon.net
I love the Madison memories yarn. Great giveaways.
Such a good giveaway! My ravelry username is meemsy94
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'm tprice11 on ravelry!
Another great podcast and give away. I wish I was at your gathering!
SindyV on Ravelry
Fantastic giveaway! I really enjoy your podcast!!
rjfrye on rav
The prizes are wonderful as usual :)
Anamchara1104 on Ravelry
Another great podcast and give away.
Hoping to attend one of those gatherings one day!
SindyV on Ravelry
Wow! What a great giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Rav: tanyadee
Wow, it looks like everyone had a fabulous time. And what great prizes you are offering, thanks for the chance!
Rav ID: smozerose
Looks like a fun time! Thanks for sharing the bounty!
THank you for the opportunity!
Traveled through Madison 2 yrs ago - what a lovely place you get to call home!
griffgirls on ravelry
Love Quaere yarn and her striping colors! Hope to win!
Sweet giveaway! Thank you! Mnquilter on ravelry
Looks like a fun time! Thanks for offering such a fabulous giveaway.
ParthenaPurl at Rav
Full of envy. The retreat looks like it was great fun. I am "MicheleStitches" on Ravelry or you can email me at michelestitches at gmail dot com
Amazing giveaway. Thank you!
antri on ravelry
Looks like a fun time. Rav: birdgirl17
So awesome, thanks for sharing.
Newbieknitdc on ravelry
So many fantabulous goodies! Thank you for the opportunity to enter :)
aknistler on Ravelry
Wow, what great giveaways. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Rav ID: Camanoah
Sounds like you had an awesome time, and yes, we do all love you that much. Thanks for this opportunity. I'm craftymystic on Rav.
How fun! Wish I could have been there!
Junglewife on Ravelry
What a fabulous giveaway! Plus, ahhh - memories of Madison in the summer...
Rav: BlueGreenBlue
Wonderful giveaway!
Found your podcast through the Knitmore Girls. Enjoyed the podcast and photos!
Jenifgrr on Ravelry
Thanks for sharing about the retreat. Love the sweater you just knit. These give-away prizes are fabulous--hope to win one! Mofjeld on Ravelry, npmofjeld@comcast.net
Okay hopefully I don't post twice by accident. Phone troubles. Anyway, thank you for the generous gift. I am angrymeerkat on ravelry.
Your generosity is unparalleled! Thanks, Susan :)
Rav id: seejennyknit
Wow! What a great retreat! I see some knitted toys in my future! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Rav name: lynnberry
Thank you for your amazing giveaways!
Wow! What a giveaway. I would be thrilled to win. ( Fishcove@gmail.com or Lolafifi on Ravelry).
What a happy giveaway package. Thank you for the chance!!
J9pink on Rav
Great giveaway!
annapatricia on ravelry
Awesome giveaway opportunity!
RAV ID # Lisa911
What a happy giveaway package. Thank you for the chance!!
J9pink on Rav
Just lovely place for a retreat!
Tgwfromeast in ravelry.
Amazing give away! The retreat looks like a so much fun!
Marphia on rav
Sound like a great time and new friends were made. Sweet of you to offer up these gifts.
Blueyarnalways on rav
Wonderful giveaway!! Thank you!
RebeccaZ22 on rav
Great prizes, thank you so much
Lovely podcast! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)
Wow, what a generous giveaway!
runswithscissors on Rav
Great giveaway! Thank you.
2005Yasemin on Rav.
What great prizes! Wonderful!
jaelzo on Ravelry
Thank you for your wonderful generosity!
Hi Susan, I'm such a big fan of yours. I'm from the UK well technically Northern Ireland and I'm 19 and really do wish I could go to this SSK that everyone talks about, I'd really love to be in one of your classes because the knitted items you make are wonderful! I love everytime you make socks because it does inspire me to make some. Anyway I hope your having a great day/night evening whatever.
Many thanks Barry
(I don't know if your supposed to but I'm barry195 on Rav)
Oh wow! What awesome giveaways. Maybe this will my time to win something! :)
Rav ID: soonerknitter
What a lovely giveaway! :)
sewtechnicolor (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hi Susan, I'm such a big fan of yours! I'd love to be entered in with a chance. I hope your having a great day / evening.
(I don't know if your supposed to but I'm barry195 on Rav)
What a blast! Wish I had been there! Thanks for the great giveaway!
RavID: spinfrenzy
Wonderful giveaway!
Kstorer on Ravelry
Looks like it was a fun retreat. And give-aways are always welcome!
Looks like it was a fun retreat. And give-aways are always welcome!
Ravelry name is Yarnvixen!
What a great giveaway! It sounds like everyone had fun at the retreat. I'm SarahAA on rav
Thanks for the giveaway. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Rav id: woolercoaster
Love the giving spirit. Rosenberg29@gmail.com
The retreat sounded Wonderful! Both of the giveaway packages are great. Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
mcknits on Rav
What a great giveaway! It sounds like everyone had a great time at the retreat. I'm SarahAA on rav
Awesome! I love the miniskein package!
Alexiskiki on ravelry
The retreat looked like so much fun, wish I could have gone. Thanks for just a fun podcast.
Awesome prizes! One of these days I'll get to a knitting retreat. :) They look like so much fun!
dana at strotheide dot com or ravid: danaliz
Amazing, you are so thoughtful and the prizes are incredible.
knitonepugtwo on Ravelry
Generosity and gratitude abound!
(Love your cardigan, by the way).
Hello to you Susan! I hope to someday be able to join you in a retreat of some sort-this one looks fabulous! Many thanks for all you do for the knitting world!
Mamagiff on ravelry
What an amazing giveaway! Thank you Susan. My rav id is FluffyFibers.
Now I think I need to make a Millie doll! LavenderLune on Rav.
Great giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity
Rav Huntersma
Incredible, generous giveaway packages! I would love to win either of them. Thank you
rav: deecee1111
What fun times! Thanks for sharing. My Rav name is Harper (crosses fingers).
Thank you for sharing your fun with us through a giveaway!
RavID: nmujillybean
I wish I could have joined you all, it looks like a blast! Djfleesh on Ravelry. I love Lollypop!
Looks like a great retreat. Hope you have a great summer! Marthab on rav
Once again you have outdone yourself! Love the yarn and you. Good luck to everyone!
rav id: grahamcrackerzz
Sounds like a fun retreat and exceptionally close to me! Thank you for a chance at the lovely prizes!
Rav id cfish2816
I'm so glad I discovered you and your podcast. I loved it when you were talking about other podcasters and you kept saying how young they all are. That's how I feel too! lol! Thanks for the giveaway! margaretlcny at gmail dot com
It sounds like such a fun retreat. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Rav Id: marshatf
Really great giveaway packages. Thanks for sharing.
RavID: littlemonkeygirl
Really great giveaway.........Would love to go to the retreat in the future.
ravelry name:1267 needles
Oh I would love to win! I love those cheerful sock yarn colors!
KnitsbyKelly on Ravelry
sequinK on Rav😀
Wow! So much loveliness!! :) Megstravaganza on Rav
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
Revelry name:
Fingers crossed!
Rav id crafty-crusader
I LOVE your new sweater, and the giveaways all look amazing! Thanks for sharing!!!
Camby on rav
What great prizes!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Lovely! Thanks for the giveaway.
Natasha on Ravelry
Looks like a fun time. Thanks for the prizes!
dariasmom on Ravelry
What lucky knitters! RavID: QuiteCool
Oh these are both wonderful projects. I would love to win either one! Thanks for another great giveaway!
What a great giveaway! My Ravelry name is Chelociraptor.
Hi and thanks for the awesome giveaway 💕 Love your podcast Susan and your name...I'm Susan too 😀😀😀😀😀
Sounds like the Madison Retreat was really special.
sooby52 on Ravelry 😘 x😘
It looked like a fun retreat. Thank you for letting us be a part of it!
Kathleen (kathnits on Rav)
Yowza! What a prize! Love your podcasts and blog.
Madison was lucky to have all of you!
Rav id: nendy
Wow those goody bags were wonderful !! Just finished watching the podcast and checking out the pictures online--looks like it was a good time. Love following everything you do ! And I would love to win too ! Ravelry: pattiebott
Wow! Sounds like a great time in Madison. Knitters are the most generous folks around.
Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway prize.
knitmarion on rav
Looks like so much fun! Such generous prizes, thanks Susan!
I forgot my info howelldixie @ gmail
Great episode, Susan! I just love your sweet smile and joyful heart that comes across in your podcasts. Your Ambrosia sweater is lovely and the retreat sounded like it was awesome! Maddigram on Ravelry
What a totally wonderful retreat. I would love to be included in the give-a-way.
pamelaric at ravelry
Your retreat sounds like soooo much fun. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Craftyslm: Rav. ID
Oh my what great prizes. I have never ever won anything yarnielike, would be awsome if i get lucky this time :D
SnakeKnit on Ravelry
Wow fabulous prizes! Thank you so much for the chance to win
Oh my what great prizes. I have never ever won anything yarnielike, would be awsome if i get lucky this time :D
SnakeKnit on Ravelry
Really enjoy reading about all of your knitting adventures.
I would love to win one of those beautiful prizes. Thank you for sharing your treats!
pmack17 on rav
Lorephoenix on rev here! I just got around to watching your podcast, seems like I started at a good time ;-) you have a lovely smile
Your sock pattern is the best one I have found, and I would love to use some of that yarn pictured :)
That's a lovely and generous giveaway! :-) usk68 on Ravelry
I so enjoyed this episode. Your sweater is beautiful (they always are!). What a generous prize package.
Rav ID: Katknapz
Lorephoenix on rev! It seems like I picked a good time to start watching the podcast ;-) you have a lovely smile!
Love your toys!! MuddyMoose on Ravelry
Wow, what great retreat! Looked like a lot of fun��
What an amazing and generous giveaway! It sounds like the retreat was a blast.
Jenquilts2 on Rav
What wonderful prizes. I would love to win one! hawaii.laura@gmail.com
As always I thoroughly enjoyed your Podcast, thank you Susan. The Madison retreat sounded fabulous I just wish that I didn't live across the pond as I would love to go to one of the Itty Bitty retreats.
Irene x
Thank you for the giveaway!
So much fun inspiration! Love the crown, Kathy :)))
pamelajd on Rav
Great Giveaway as usual. I just love your videos :)
Rav ID: mim
I am enjoying your podcast and blog. Your Ambrosia sweater is very pretty- I really like Gudrun Johnston's designs. I am mcchase on ravelry. Thank you for your posts.
I love Quaere's fibers. She very sweetly custom dyed me some yarn from a picture of my old cat! What a fantastic giveaway! How very generous of you!
Love it💕‼️ Cybereet@yahoo.com
Lovely! Great giveaway! Thanks!
butterfly214 on ravelry
I can only imagine the fun you all had at the retreat. And it's so very nice of you guys to think of the rest of us and offer such a nice giveaway. I have only been knitting this year and am enjoying getting to know you through your podcasts. Have caught up on all of them. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Serious awesomeness there! :-)
Rav ID: ocean1120
Thank you for this wonderful give-away. The prizes are awesome!
MaidInEngland on Rav
What a great giveaway! Love all your sock pics on Instagram
Suziesocks on Ravelry
What a fantastic giveaway! Thank you. ♡ Zoë (EspressoBean on ravelry)
I love your giveaways. This one is outstanding. I'm Skibum on Rav and Wyoknitter on Instagram
The weekend sounded like such a good time. Thank you for sharing! I am hopping over to some of the sites as soon as I post this comment!
Thank you for your generosity!
Rave ID: ypsiknitter
WOW! Winning would be like Christmas in June. I am inspired by your Ambrosia sweater and really want to try the Puffin yarn. The color is beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity for this give away and thank you for all your podcasts and patterns - love them! Kim
Looyoo on Ravelry
What a great giveaway! I wish I could have been there.
Hello Susan , I think I made a mistake when I left a comment. So I am trying again. Thank you so much for the giveaway . You are so kind. I finished watching your podcast. I really enjoyed it. My email is mrsknitsalot@yahoo.com
I would love either one. Rav id dmess
Eeek!!! I must have! longfellowgirl
What fun prizes!
Katandia on Ravelry
Thanks again for hosting such an awesome giveaway! :)
Rav ID: zoeynicole
Looks like a ton of fun and a ton of goodies at the retreat! Thanks for sharing!
gerscott at yahoo dot com or ravelry id: gerscott
Love your new sweater! I have some Puffin in that color with Iceland waiting to be made into a sweater, and now can't wait!
I'm cortneyofeden on ravelry.
Looks like everyone had a great time. The goody bags look amazing!
What a lovely retreat you all had. I love the spontaneity of it all.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to share in the fun!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!!
mgladue on Ravelry
Love the sock colours.
Ravelry name - crowmich
Love the sock colours.
Ravelry name - crowmich
I wish I could have joined everyone at the retreat, so glad everyone had a blast. Awesome giveaway as usual :-)
kmacmillan2003 on ravelry
Love you Susan!!!!!
Love you Susan! Thank you for the generous giveaway!
What an amazing giveaway! Looks like a very fun retreat. Rav ID: sewknittystar
I'm so jealous! What a wonderful retreat … I will meet you one day! ! QueenBeeKnits@gmail.com
Love the gift bags. The retreat looks like it was great fun!
What great prizes!! The retreat looks like it was great fun!
I wish I could knit as quickly as you. The sweater is beautiful. The retreat was a wonderful weekend, I'm touched that you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Pat, plynn (Ravid)
I'm still green with envy that I couldn't make it to the retreat but it's so great to see all the pictures from everyone. Wonderfully generous giveaways, as always!
Raelynne01 on Rav :)
Thanks this looks like an awesome giveaway. Kiwiknitter63
The retreat looks awesome. Hopefully one day soon I'll be able to attend one :) Thanks so much for the giveaway.
Rav name- ec0g33k
It looks like y'all had a fun time. Thanks for the opportunity. I'm AGoodYarn on Ravelry.
What a great retreat!
Ravelry name: brookali
I would love to go on a retreat! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I'm neckietoo on Ravelry. I love your videos and blog. Although I have never made any "itty bitty" things or toys, Elefante is calling to me.
Looks like a great retreat, next year I would love to attend! Fantastic giveaways, thanks so much.
Rav = sleddogz
I love a give-away! these two are awesome!
luvsknittin on Ravelry
I just love your podcast!! You are so enjoyable to watch! Annette.s.babione@gmail.com
Ooh, fun! I'd love to win. WordLily on Rav.
Fantastic gift packages!! Love the podcast and your blog!!!
cakky14 on Ravelry
Oh My Knitting Goodness !!!!!
What an Amazing Give-away !!!!!
Thank You for the chance to win :0)
The IBK retreat looked So Wonderful !
Wow! Would love to win. Thank you Susan
Rav ID Suuzzeeq
Love the podcasts! wen3 on ravelry
What a fun retreat! Knitters are the best. What awesome giveaway prizes!
Always a good time watching your podcast! Another great giveaway!
gracegoose on Ravelry
Sounds like everyone had fun on the retreat. I love watching your podcast. You take all those little life interruptions in stride. It feels like if we were all together at your house knitting and you had to get up to deal with life. Fun! Thanks for an amazing giveaway to you and your sponsors. Rsisland on ravelry
What a great giveaway, somebodies are going to be very lucky. Rav ID: srado
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I also want to thank you for talking about how you do your heel flap with the same yarn but separately! I think this tip is about to rock my world. I just need to finish all the pairs I have on the go first so I can try it! Ravelry byneedleandthread
Wow thanks for the opportunity! Looks like a great time was had by all.
The retreat looked like loads of fun! Thanks for the chance to win one of these awesome prizes!
Tbmccarthy on ravelry
Wow! So amazing and so many entered, still there's always a chance it'll be me!
Johnston4kids on rav
Sounds like a great retreat and you just seem so overwhelmed by all the love,,,,,absolutely gorgeous sweater!
I love the whole IBK group vibe--everyone seems so kind and enthused about knitting. Just wish I lived closer for a retreat! RavID NDAKKatie
Awesome giveaway and beautiful pictures! yarnyarnma@gmail.com.
Fantastic prizes. Thanks for the opportunity.
Rav ID alilou78
Dying to try striping sock yarn. Mags9k on Ravelry
Enjoy your podcast!
shellyb on rav
Sounds like the retreat was so much fun! What great giveaways! Rav ID: jillseville
Awesome giveaway! sarahhebb on Rav.
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