As I gave my 11-year-old daughter a good morning hug today I told her how much I missed her. Then I asked her if she missed me and she thought for a moment and said, "Dinner was a lot different without you." Isn't that funny? My husband made a mean Hamburger Helper last night and apparently it didn't hit the spot for her. You better believe I am cooking tonight!
Well, I am going to post about my recent travels in bits and pieces this week due to the large amount of good stuff I have to share. If I did this all in one post it would be way too much at one time. I started my week away in the lovely state of Michigan and the wonderful Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood (pictured above with her girls), of the craftsanity podcast and blog fame, was a fun host. We went out for lunch and boy, did we ever have good conversation. Jennifer is smart, witty, cute, cheerful, funny and a talented crafter. She recently started a new weekly crafting column for the Grand Rapids Press called Running with Needles, which you can read online. She genuinely loves crafting of any sort and her passion is obvious. She even picked me up with her beautiful daughters and we headed off to the public library for an interview for her podcast. I loved having her girls with us but it wasn't easy for her to keep Abby, the older sweetheart, occupied while we were talking. Her younger daughter, Amelia, slept peacefully in the stroller. It was pretty funny all of the sounds and chirpings during the interview. I hope she leaves them in. I will keep you posted when she puts up the interview. It's kind of an update from the last longer interview I did with her. Thanks, Jennifer, for squeezing me into your hectic schedule for a couple of days. You made my trip!
The first event I had in Michigan was at Treehouse Books in Holland. If you haven't been to this quaint little shop, run, don't walk! It is straight out of the "You've Got Mail" movie. There are animals and birds, all kinds of books for kids through adults. There was a great turnout for the event, knitters galore! Mothers, daughters, kids, grandmas, teens, even a couple reluctant sons made the event. There was even a non-knitter there who reads this blog and got a book to give as a gift (Hey, Sarah from in the midst of it, she is one of your devotees and found me through you!). I love it. Many of the attendees were at my event last year and came back. I recognized a lot of the faces, which is always fun. There was a cute mom who brought all four of her kids and best of all, there were several new-ish knitters who learned to knit using my books. That is maybe my favorite thing to hear, very satisfying.
One knitter of note at the Treehouse event was the owner of a beautiful knit shop, Lizzie Ann's Wool Co. that is located directly across the street. Her name is Lindy and she is loads of fun. This yarn shop is adorable, sleek, cozy and chock full of wonderful yarn and accessories. She snuck me into her shop later in the evening for a private shopping spree. How fun is that? She is sending me my goods and I will share later, I got some good things. I hope to get back there soon to teach a workshop of some sort at her cozy shop. She is cute, friendly, smart and fun. I think we could cook up something fun together. I'll keep you posted.
I have no pictures from Treehouse Books. Unfortunately, I forgot to have my sweet escort/driver, Mary, snap some shots. We had fun, the host, Amy, was gracious and the knitters were a treat. Thank you for everything, Holland. What a wonderful place.
Jennifer took me to a great newer yarn shop in Grand Rapids called, City Knitting. It is an urban knit shop nestled into the lower level of an older building. It has a great feel and a fairly large space. The owner gave me a t-shirt they had specially designed for their shop and you can purchase it online (check out the link above to get one). It is really cute and clever. I will get a photo of this to show you later, too.
All in all, Michigan is one of my favorites stops with the gracious people, fun knitters and beautiful locally owned shops. Thank you to everyone for a wonderful knitting time last week. I am appreciative of all of your efforts on my behalf.
best, susie
p.s. Next up, NYC! You are not going to believe some of the happenings here but I have photos to prove it!!!!
I don't know what to mention first--that you mentioned me in your post (!), that my "devotee" Mary told me she loved you to pieces, or that it was my own baby Addison whose adorable head, combined with your fantastic first book, got me started knitting?
I guess I just mentioned them all in one long run-on sentence :)
What a whirlwind you've been having! I'm knitting the Three Pigs and a Wolf right now, and reading your post makes me want to make the kids nap all day so I can finish it! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!!
(And my mother says she'll be teaching four friends how to knit in a couple of weeks--you've started a long line of knitters in my family!!)
Glad you're back! I used to love in MI, it's a great state. Wow, that podium action looks intimidating...
It was so great to get to meet you! I loved seeing all the stuff in person especially the tea set. That is what I am going to start next. Wish me luck!
Hi Susie, sounds like it all went so well. I still wish I could have made Plano :-(
I just finished the cupcake hat last night, posted a couple of pics, but urghhh, I wish I was better at photography!
Glad you're home safe... are you ready for Thanksgiving? :-)
Wow - what a great trip again! I love Sarah's wonderful comment too! Wow, celebrity! Love that inca hat. Can't wait to hear more. And, that was a sweet thing your daughter said - and not to dis' dad - just good to have mom home - it's nice being missed.
I wish you could have stopped on the east side of the state... I think a lot of us would have loved to see you! You do beautiful work, and one can never have too many crafts lined up for the babies in their lives. :)
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