The other morning my husband was the last to leave the house and as he stepped out onto the front doorstep he yelled in at me, "What's this birdhouse thing out here?" Well, I have a few birdhouses out in the yard and I thought one had fallen or something. When I came out to see what he was talking about I found this! Oh my.
Knitting New Scarves is not for the weak of heart or needle. It is an unusual book with innovative techniques that are making my brain ache to try them all. For example, see that ribbed scarf on the front. I have some shoes just like those red mary janes, j'adore. Back to the scarf, this simple looking ribbed scarf, which I am going to make for sure, includes these techniques:
Combine Stitches
Rib Division
Slip Stitch, Muticolor Patterns
Knitting Around on Two Double-Pointed Needles
Reading Slip Stitch Charts
Huh? This is just the kind of thing that makes me crazy with love. I love this so much. What a fantastically new and fresh scarf book. What a creative and fantastic mind Lynn Barr has! Many of the scarves have a 3-D element. As soon as I get a chance to breathe (maybe in two months from now) I am diving head first into this book. I love to learn new stuff like this. I will review Knitting New Scarves again in more depth and after I try some of the patterns. It is beautifully photographed and just pure interesting. If you are up for learning some new techniques and studying for your knitting go get this book in a hurry.
best, susie
Goodness! that scarf really looks like it's just rib! How wrong I am, all those things you mentioned are totally alien to me!
Happy birthday to your son. I took pics of the hats I've got finished but still need to update my blog with them, hopefully tonight - and WHY hasn't Amazon shipped my book yet, whaa aaa :( (that's not a question to you, just a statement ;-)
I can't wait to get my hands on it, makes me wish I hadn't bothered to preorder though, it might have been faster to just order it once it was released, either that or just dash to my local Barnes & Noble.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Hugs Den
oh my, so much to comment about. First - in order, I love the birdhouse! There is nothing like having a family of birds move it. It is amazing and will look wonderful against the sno w- but not til like January okay? And the book, you've got my blood pumping with your rave review - I will have to sneak off to Barnes and Noble soon to peek. And happy b-day to your son - just hearing about your kids through your blog - they have to wonderful!
That birdhouse rocks!!! She should totally sell them, does she? Put them on Etsy or something - I'd love one! Lucky girl ;)
That book looks great too - I just might have to pick on up. Thanks for the review.
A teenager - Wow! Happy Birthday Bee!
Well I emailed Amazon like you suggested (I was about to anyway) and they replied promptly saying that it would still be shipped on the 5th and because I have free shipping it would take a few days to get to me. They said they are only just recieving the books in now. It's all ok - just next time I will not bother with a pre-order and will just order it once it's released (btw, do you have another book in mind? or is that TOP SECRET) ;-)
thanks for your kind comments at my blog.
I am going to have to check out that book!!!
I have seen the book but never bothered about it, but after your wonderful review of it I think I will have to add it to my list. It is always great to learn new techniques. The birdhouse is so cute, and you will have to show us how cute it looks when it snows.
I have to say that your Picot Trim tutorial saved the day!
After several unattractive knot's along the edge of my hat I lay in bed going over the steps and decided online help would be best..
I love Itty-Bitty hats and made 4 the first week.
Happy Knitting...
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