Thursday, August 07, 2008

Come and Get It Part 2 (giveaway!)

Hi Knitters,
Here it is, another giant giveaway. See all of that cleaning pays off for you and me. Here is a quick list of the items I am including in this gift-o-rama package:
1. A Sew Bendy bag that Melissa sent to me as a prototype sample. It is a little different design with a tapered top and it doesn't have the interfacing. It is a cute little gem of a bag. I keep giving my SewBendy bags away to people so it looks like I will just have to order some more:)

2. My first Apple Cozy I knitted awhile ago. You can use it to hold your yarn cakes, too.

3. 7 skeins of Tahki Cotton Classic in rainbow colors. I was thinking about the Rainbow Marley Hat from Itty-Bitty Hats, you could make many, many hats with this bunch of yarn. You can use it for whatever you'd like, maybe even some granny squares.

4. A handmade wool pincushion adorned with my knitted embellishments. This is a beauty with a mohair flower and Noro squiggles on the corners, a beautiful button and several lovely beads.

5. A set of carrots that were made for Itty-Bitty Nursery. Then I knitted another set in a different shade of orange for photography. These are just as good and yummy made out of cotton chenille.

6. A pair of Blah-Blah knit booties, I guess they are little tigers. Cute, cute.

7. The tiny skeins of yarn on the left are handfuls of Koigu I was given at TNNA. The tiny skeins on the right are the luscious O-Wool from TNNA as well. Gorgeous and fun, all of it.
Carrots for you.
Yummy yarn for you.
Lovely bag and cozy for you.
I will stuff it all in this wonderful tweed bag from In the Bag and send it off your way. I love this bag, it has two pockets and a wonderful natural linen lining and the wooden handles can't be beat. It is absolutely like new, rarely used by me, maybe once or twice.
Here's what you need to do to enter and be the winner of this jackpot:

Send me a comment and say hi. That's it. (Please enter one time only and please comment instead of emailing me.) Again like last time, I will be shipping to US and Canada mailing addresses only due to shipping expenses.

Just so you know I will be in and out much of the upcoming week. If you don't see your comment posted right away it is just because I haven't gotten to posting it yet. Don't worry, I will be checking in sporadically to post the the entries. They will all be posted, I promise.

I will be keeping the comments open right up until I pick a random number with the random number generator. I will be selecting one winner sometime on the weekend of August 16th. At that time I will post the winning comment and then that person will need to email me with their mailing address. If the winner doesn't contact me within three days I will select a new winner.

Go to it, Knitters. You always make my day and I'd like to make the day for one of you.
best, susie


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missemilysmom said...

Hello! I am trying this again because I think the first did not post!! I love reading your blog! Take care!

Anonymous said...

What a great load of goodies! Thanks for your generosity.

RiverCitySTL said...

Hi!!! What an awesome gift package!

Jennifer said...

Hi!! What wonderful items. Your stash must be amazing to be giving away such nice things! :)

Amber said...

Oh wow. Wow wow wow. That's one heck of a giveaway! What I wouldn't give for the bag alone. And the yarn! And the carrots!

jennysue said...

Yay! I enjoy giveaways almost as much as I enjoy your blog.

Leah said...

Hi Susie! These give-aways are great and very generous of you!

Jane said...

Hi Susan,

Love your blog, I look at it every day!


Anonymous said...


stuff said...

delurking to tell you how much i enjoy your book and blog (i get so much inspiration from each), and to enter your ridiculously generous giveaway. so, hi!

adventure knitter said...

holy smokes! What a great prize! I love reading your blog and seeing what latest and greatest things you're up to. Pick me! Pick me!

Jani said...

Hi! Once again, you are TOO generous - just the carrots would completely make my day! Thank you for your thoughtfulness :^)

helenw said...

Yum, it all look so good!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's an awesome prize!

A said...


Siew said...

Oh HI HI HI HI - please pick me random number generator! I'm going to be on vacation from the 15th to the 26th so if I'm so lucky to be picked, don't be surprised if I'm tardy in replying (look at me, thinking I'm going to win already!).

Faith said...

I would love the opportunity to win this lot! So much fun -- booties for my baby on the way, yarn for some little treasures yet to be made, and everything else. Thanks for doing this -- it's fun to dream about it all!

Anonymous said...

HI...I am a new reader of your blog. I found it after I got your book, Itty Bitty Hats (which I love). I am enjoying reading your blog and now for the first time entering your contest. Have a great day.

Maureen said...

What a fabulous giveaway!!! Love your blog and your wonderful patterns.

Amy said...

This is my first time commenting...and I just had to tell you those knitted carrots are the cutest thing I've seen in some time. Love your blog!

alcatmom said...

Just saying hi.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! I am a huge fan of your blog & books!


allison saunders said...

Another great giveaway - thanks!

Michelle said...

Oooh! Koigu! Yum yum!

What a great packsge!

Stefanie said...

Hi Susan! I love your Itty Bitty Hats book and just got the sequel.

Melody said...

Hi HI HI... what a lovely give away..and win/lose I'll still read the blog at every new post :)

Unknown said...

Awesome give away!
Thanks in advance :)

Shelby said...

You have the most beautiful stuff! And you're so generous to be giving it away!

Kimberlyn said...

Hi, Susan. Wow! How generous of you!

I am looking forward to knitting two of your hats for my niece and nephew for Christmas... Candy Cane Hat and Rainbow Marley.

peaknits said...

Holy cow Susan! Another great prize pack! I love those carrots!:)

Laura said...

Hi, those carrots are awesome!

Sarah said...

You are so generous! What a great package!! Both the rainbow marley and carrots are on my to-knit list--whether I win or not :)

Jackie said...

I really enjoy reading your blog.
You have great ideas and you inspire me to keep knitting.
What a great give away, very generous.

Anonymous said...


You have such super stuff! I also love this blog!


Steffani Grande said...

oh wow!! How fun, cute, exciting, and extremely generous!!

Carrie said...

Hi from me too!

Beeeethy said...

Hi Susan, thanks for the opportunity to win such awesome stuff!!!!!!!


Beth T.

amy said...

Oh my - please enter my name for all that yarn-y goodness.


Kara said...


Anonymous said...

please add my name to the contest, i'd be so excited to win.

brenda fletcher

Anonymous said...

Just finished Cherry-O and it looks great.

Mrs. Hughes said...

WOW! What a great giveaway! Thank you for cleaning and sharing! :)

Libby said...

Hi. Love your blog. Love your designs. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure about this :) give away...WOW

gibbons135 said...

Hi Susan,
enjoy your blog...
happy knitting..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your continual inspiration and cool gifts :)!

Betz White said...

You are a generous soul! I'd love to have that cotton yarn for granny squares, I'm a crochet convert...:)

Marilyn said...

What a generous gift to some lucky winner. I have enjoyed my Itty Bitty Hats and Nursery...never tire of making those adorable hats. Keep creating, blogging, and gifting.

auntnina said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you so much! -Nina

Jen said...

The carrots are so much fun! I love them!

Leah said...

This stuff looks great! I posted a Grumpy Old Bear on my blog that I knitted.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Another exciting give away! Thanks for the opportunity.

knittingqueen said...

love it love it love it!

Unknown said...

You're so generous! I always look forward to your posts and I just happened to look at the new one as I sat down to knit a paper bag hat!

jen said...

Trying again! Hoping for those lovely skeins!
-jen wolthuis

Anonymous said...

Do you have any yarn left in your stash?!?! :-)
Please count me in. Thanks.

Debbie said...

Hi Susie!

Noelle said...

I've got my fingers crossed this time...Thanks for the blog it always inspires me to go knit something!

Alicia said...

Hi, sign me up!!!

Caryn said...

Love the yarn - a favorite of mine and I've had my eye on a Sew Bendy bag too. What a great treat it would be to win. Also, love the links to other sites, such inspiration for new projects!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is amazing loot! I love those carrots and may have to make some no matter what!

Anonymous said...

Hello and thank you for another beautiful give away! And thank you for your blog that I enjoy reading everyday.

Lauren said...

Hi! That's some great loot.

FiberGeek said...

I enjoy your blog Susan. Please enter me in the give away.

Unknown said...

Thanks for another great giveaway!! Count me in please!

Katri said...

Ooooh! So fun to think I have the chance to be this lucky winner! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks!

stitching under oaks said...

Wow! How fun and generous of you! Thanks for the inspiration you post on your blog!

Francie said...

Hi! Thank you so much for having such a great give away. I love reading your blog.

Kati said...

WOW - Thanks for doing such an awesome giveaway again!

D. said...

Those carrots are adorable! I wouldn't mind giving all those goodies a home!

CelticCastOn said...

WOW another great giveaway. Ya know if you ever need any help tidying up yarn, i'm your girl!
Making a stash beautiful is all part of the experience me thinks!

Becky said...

dear susan,
i really love your work! you are really talanted....keep up the great job! Becky

babs said...

what a great giveaway!! I can't wait until the 16th to see if I'm the winner. I really enjoy reading you blog. thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!! Looks like Christmas presents for just about everybody could be made from all the loot!! Hope you're having fun!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had something lucky to rub while typing this comment. Thanks for another great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Hi, hope I win. what a great stash

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic prize for the lucky winner! So many wonderful goodies...

Katie B said...

Wow! I would LOVE to win this!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Wow!! Another gorgeous and generous giveaway!! How cute are those carrots by the way!! ANd the little koigu :)

lynnelynn said...

I wish my pile of stuff looked this appealing when I was done with a clean up! Love the goodies!

Jodi said...

Fabulous goodies! Love the whimsical carrots.

Anonymous said...

Hello! What a great contest. Happy knitting :)

Mary Ann said...

Wow! You are so generous. Always love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Howdy!! So generous!

Anonymous said...

What a great selection of goodies!!! Would love to be the winner:)

Anonymous said...

I'd be a fool not to comment on this giveaway! Love the blog

Alana said...

What a wonderful give-away! I've become a regular reader of your blog, and I enjoy it so much!

LadyTr0uble said...

Hi Generous Lady!

I absolutely love your work!

melanie said...

I love giveaways! Whoever wins this one will sure be a lucky bunny!

Rachel said...

Oh, how lovely! Who wouldn't like to win a giveaway like this?!

Eartheo said...

Hi! You're unbelievable, those are just awesome goodies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,
I found your blog through craftsanity. It is the only knitting blog I read other than the purl bee because I figure I don't need to go anywhere else with you as a reference. Love your tutorials and inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

Montreal Mama said...

Saying hi! How are you!

- Knit & Purl Mama

caednkat said...

Hi, hi, hi!! I love your blog, and I love Itty Bitty Hats. I finally knitted my first Itty Bitty Hat two days ago. In fact it was my first knit hat ever! It turned out so cute! I can't wait to cast on my next one, although I have to because it's part of my Ravelympics challenge.

emma261 said...

It's so nice of you to share your stash with the rest of us. I would love to add these to my stash and come up with some wonderful projects to make with the yarn and ways to use/display the rest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

Ilove your blog & the things you create! I read it every day! Another great give-away & I hope I win!

momof3 said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. I learned to knit from your books! Now all my girls have great hats!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your writing. Thanks for brightening my day!

Knitschmidt said...

HI!! and Wow! How sweet are you?? Thank you!

Mim said...

Hi! This looks wonderful. I would love to win it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan! I love your blog and your books. I taught myself how to knit using them.

Anonymous said...

hi susan. looks like a great giveaway that could lead to more creativity!

Maryjane said...

Another great giveaway! And you wouldn't have to mail it far - I live an hour away from Madison!! :o)
I love your creations, and just knit your apple cozy from Ravelry for a birthday gift for my mother. She loved it!!
I'd be honored to win all of these goodies!!

wildtomato said...

What a wonderful load of goodies! Many, many thanks to you for such a lovely blog. I get so much inspiration from you!

Carrie said...

Hello! Greetings from Maryland! What a wonderful giveaway! I wanted to thank you for mentioning the Sew Bendy bags - mine arrived yesterday and is SO cute!


Marisol said...

Hi There Susan,

Wow that is some giveaway! I'm keeping my needles crossed that you pick me:)

I just completed two lovely baby hats using your upside down daisy hat pattern

The Hoerth Family said...

I finally had a chance to check out your blog and what good timing with the awesome giveaway. I have to say that I absolutely love your books. Waiting for winter so I have more time to make a bunch of more projects.

Gayle said...

You are so much fun! I love a giver! Giving is as much fun as recieving.

Anonymous said...

I'm brand new to knitting, inspired by you through Itty Bitty Nursery! 4 projects done already... your designs are fabulous! What a great giveaway - crossing my fingers!

Jill said...


Bags, yarn, carrots!!


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Susan, What great give away goodies--love your books and your blog!

Ashley Poulsen said...

Your blog is awesome, i used to work at a yarn store in salt lake city, utah and we had your book in stock, i was so excited when i found your blog and i love love love your hats!! so cute! makes me want a baby so bad!

Alice Regan said...

OMG ...This time I think you have outdone yourself! For this giveaway ...I'll cross my fingers, my toes, my arms, my legs, my eyes ....geez what else can I cross! Well, I keep thinking but I sure hope that I'll be that randomly generated number!

Thanks Susan ...great artist, great blogger, great person and great giveaway!

Michele said...

Wow 2 bags plus all that yarn. Amazing. I've been wanting to make the Marley hat so hopefully I will get picked.

Anonymous said...

So much goodness!

Anonymous said...

what a great giveaway, i would love to be the recipient
ravelry glhnh3784

Anonymous said...

Hi from Oklahoma! Love making Itty Bitty Hats! Your blog makes me feel good about family and life! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Wow Susan! What a bunch of yummy goodness! Thanks for having another contest! :)

Anonymous said...

Saw your post on Ravelry, had to check it out. This is an awesome lot of stuff! Thanks for the opportunity to get it! =)

WandaWoman said...

Hi again! it's a lovely giveaway!

Karen said...

Hi! Thank you!

Unknown said...

How can you part with such beautiful treasures? It's a good thing I recently cleaned up my knitting corner... ;) Hope all is going well and, as always, thanks for so much inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Count me in on this give away. I'll keep my needles crossed.

Rachael Hutchings said...

What a fun contest! Those carrots are to die for!

Alison said...

Hi! Loved the first give away and really love this second one. Who wouldn't be excited to open the door to the mail person!

KCina said...

"hi" & "WOW"...what an awesome giveaway!!!

Yukon Family said...

cool to give it a good home!

Linda said...

What a lovely giveaway! Count me in please - and thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and just started leaning to knit this evening. So you know that I need/want all these wonderful things. Please enter my name in your giveaway.

Robin/Southern Bella

Christine said...

Hi Susan! Love your books...and my 4 month old dd looks sooo cute in her Upside Down Daisy hat! Currently making the Sweet Pea hat for my friend's 2 month old! :)

Anyway, thanks again for the great giveaway!! Crossing fingers... looks like yummy yarny goodness!!

Ravelry: seemommyknit

Libby P said...

Hi, Susan!

Anonymous said...

Okay, here it is...

I went to my first Stitch and Pitch night tonight for the Seattle Mariners (they won!) and my project was/is the Birthday Cake hat from Itty Bitty Hats!

My little niece and god-daughter turns one in a month and this is for her.

I have 2 other nieces that have gotten Itty Bitty hats recently.

One got the Upsidedown Daisy and the other got the Rainbow Marley because her name is Marley!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Trying again :)

Neus said...

Everything is absolutely yummy. I hope I win :)

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Thanks for putting this out there!

kniteurope said...

How extremely generous of you.

I love reading your blog -- especially since I live in the Madison area as well. It's always fun to see little snippets of life in town.

Oiyi said...

Woohoo, another awesome giveaway!! Your are awesome. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

HI! What fun stuff, Susan! I found out that one of my friends visits your blog site daily, like I do. HA! I guess I shouldn't be surprised! LOVE your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, babe! Nice giveaway. I should stalk your blog more. :)

Anonymous said...


Those mini skeins are so cute!

Knittin Kudzu said...

Howdy! Susie you are too sweet
and what a treasure trove of gifts! Those carrots are the coolest!

Unknown said...

Hi! You're such a generous lady!!

Colleen said...

Hi! Wow what fabulous goodies! I can hardly stand it! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

What great surprises! Just wanted you to know that I am knitting my way through your books not only for my two grandsons but for friends of my daughter who all seem to be "with child." Seems that lately most of my social life is baby shower and your things are always a hit. Whatever happened to giving handmade gifts?

Sandy in NJ

cbarnwolf said...

Cleaning really does benefit others. Wow, you are being very generous.

Anonymous said...

I have admired your creativity for a LONG time....and now your generosity too!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this yarn lottery. It is great news about the next printing of your book.

Dena said...

Again your generosity amazes me! If everyone gave just a little of what you do...this world would be a better place! And cozier with all the hand knit stuff :) Knitters Rule!!! GOD Bless Everyone

mlc2boys said...

Hello! Thank you for the continuous ideas and bright spots in the week. And, thanks for the tip about Anthology- a definite must-visit for me! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello to you!
How sweet of you to unleash your stash to loyal fans!

Happy summer.

Knitterella said...

Whoa! This is a great give-away!!!

I definitely see itty-bitties with that colorful tahki cotton classic too!

Heather L. said...

Wow! Another wonderful giveaway! It all looks lovely! Thanks for your inspiring blog!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your contest! thanks!

Jean said...

Thanks for all the wonderful patterns over the years... and now for this giveaway... how fun!

Kari said...

I just had to "retire" the bigger of the two Marley hats I made - it just wouldn't stretch any bigger. Thanks for your patterns and this opportunity.

Louise said...

It's all so beautiful! Ah, the possibilities!
I am working on your tea set using Tahki Cotton Classic yarn in blue and aqua. So much fun!

SSK* said...

Hi! What a fun gift package! I'd love to be the lucky one.

Sherri said...

Hi!!! Wow! What cool stuff.

knittingknirvana said...

Hi! You are very, very generous. I have an eight month old that loves to eat carrots and I know he would love to play with them too! :)

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Oh wow. Just wow! Do you have any stash left?! ;-)

Thanks not only for the give-away, but the wonderful blog!

kim said...

I am going to enter and see what happens!
You are so kind to share these goodies!!!
Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous gift package!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

How generous!

I wanted to let you know that I made four of the Surefire hats last winter and loved each one. It is my favorite hat pattern for boys and the directions are clear and easy to follow. They get lots of compliments, too!

Unknown said...

Ooh love it!

Jimberlys said...

Hi Susan,
I am trying again. This is really fun for us and a great for you to do some cleaning!!!!!

ecometrochic said...

Hello! Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Thank you once again for your generous giveaway.

Munkeh said...

Suse: Nice blog! Even nicer giveaway. WOW, so many fun things!!!

Robin said...

Susan, you're awesome for doing this! Love your patterns!

Elizabeth Thorpe said...

Hello! I love reading your blog, but this is my first time commenting. Would love to have all that colorful stuff. Have a great day, and thanks.

CCK said...

Oooooh the Cotton Classic drove me the consumate lurker to post. Your blog and photography are becoming a classic!

Anonymous said...


Sherry L. said...

Sounds like you're having a great summer with your kids - enjoying your patterns for lots of new babies coming our way - thanks for sharing your talents with us!

Karen said...

Hi Susan - Another wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance at this wonderful prize. I love your blog - it is the first one I read each morning when I get to work.

Sherry L. said...


Sounds like you're having a great summer with your kids! Thanks for the generous contest and your wonderful patterns - love the toys and can't wait for the next book!

Sallove said...

Still loving you blog. Thanks for all the cool ideas and creative motivation.

Anonymous said...

HI! Thanks for all the inspiration and fun ideas. It is nice to read about a successful, happy, knitting mom.

Unknown said...

Look at those fun colors! What a great prize!

mama to a and n said...

Those carrots are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Someone's going to be very lucky!! My LYS has a great pattern to make mitts from small quantities of several different colors that I think I would use the Koigu for. I think I would have to give the carrots to my DGD as she has a real chocolate easter bunny - name Chocolate, of course!! You're way too generous - good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hello. Thank you for your generous giveaway!

honeypumpkin said...

hi! thanks for the great giveaway!

Dana said...

I love the carrots even more now that I realize just how large they are. Fun!

Anonymous said...

You are gonna make one knitter very happy with all this "stuff" :)
You are too kind...
good luck to all your commentors.


grace said...

What beautify stuff. Please enter me!

Unknown said...

Hi Susie!

Janelle said...

Hi! What a bag of fun you've created!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your blog and your patterns. That's a great gift package.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and your patterns! What a great gift package.

Anonymous said...

Oh how gorgeous!! Thanks for having this generous drawing!
Kelli C from Vermont

Unknown said...

What a fantastic and generous giveaway! I've got my fingers crossed.

elizabeth said...

sweet! lots of cool stuff :)

Kimberly said...

Hello. What a wonderful bunch of goodies! And I love goodies and your blog. Thanks.

Lois said...

What a lovely assortment of knitting stuff.

OSA said...

Hi * waves excitedly * Love the blog, love the hats and love the giveaways! Can't wait to see who wins :)

Ellie said...

Hi! What a wonderful giveaway :-) Here's to hoping!

barb :0) said...

I LOVE the pin cushion !!!!
Thank you FOR A GREAT give away !!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway! You're so very generous! Even if I don't win, it's nice to dream! ;-)

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