Monday, January 11, 2016

One Love Shawlette ~ and a sock blank club giveaway!

Hi, Knitters,
I want to quickly announce that I am off to Vogue Knitting Live this weekend in NYC. I am having two book signings for my new book, Kids' Knitting Workshop. One is Friday night about 5:15pm at StevenBe's booth and the second one is 5:15pm on Saturday night at the Knitty City booth! I hope to see any or all of you there if interested. My books will be sold at the booths, too, during the event.

Thank you for the many wonderful comments for my book and yarn giveaway! I read every single comment and loved your stories of learning and teaching and hoping to teach others how to knit. We all have a story and I enjoyed them all. I have randomly selected 10 winners from the comments pool and the winners are....
kimmin121, stripesandpolkadots, zip022, vermilliongirl, fromkersey, Lynette Larkins, GrAnLu, blondie11, bookboxer1, and VCR!

Congratulations to all of the winners! My book publicist, Breanne, will be in touch with you shortly either via Ravelry or through the email address left in your comment. Arrangements will be made at that time for you to receive your prizes. If your name is listed please be checking your Ravelry messages or emails so you can respond to Breanne.

Today I have a super fun new shawlette design to introduce to you and a fun giveaway (information at the end of the post). You can make this shawlette with ANY 100 gram sock blank or sock/fingering weight skein of yarn.  

I knit my new shawlette pattern out of one of Gale's Art's Secret Sock Blanks called, Blue Love. 

I am running a special discount price celebration for the week (the pattern is already marked down, no codes necessary). The pattern is on sale for $4.00 starting today Jan. 11 and will go up to $5.00, the regular price, after January 18, 2016.

Click here to go to Gale's Art on Etsy! The Blue Love Sock Blanks are up for pre-order right now if you are interested.

 The new pattern is called One Love and here is why.... 

One sock blank or one skein, one hundred grams and a one row increase repeat! The word one kept popping up all over the place when I was thinking about a name for this crescent-shaped shawlette. The shawl is knit in a Blue Love single sock blank from Gale’s Art. So I combined the two and One Love it is!

We all have a 100 gram sock blank or skein of fingering weight yarn sitting in our stash. Often times we are not sure what to do with it besides knitting a pair of socks. Well, I have the perfect solution with the One Love Shawlette. As the name implies this shawl takes one 100 gram sock blank or sock skein of yarn. The shawlette couldn’t be any easier to knit. You can either follow your yarn striping pattern as a guide or you can use the specific instructions provided to make a shawl like mine in any type of fingering weight yarn. I’ll share how to do both versions in the pattern.

Finished size: 15-inches in depth, 60-inch wingspan; finished shawlette weighs 99 grams.

Shape: Long-shallow crescent-shape

Yarn: Gale’s ArtSecret Sock Blank (single strand), 75% Superwash Merino, 25% Nylon; 463 yards/100 grams. The sample is made in the Blue Love colorway.

Sock blanks are individual works of art and may be the same colorway but striping will vary due to the artistic nature of the dyeing.

Yarn Note: Any 100 gram sock blank or fingering/sock weight skein will work fine. Also, any striped, variegated or tonal yarn will all work great! If you have more or less yardage you can stop or keep going at any point.

A note on using a sock blank:
I knit the shawlette straight from the Gale’s Art Secret Sock Blank - single strand (Gale has double-strand blanks but you'll want the single-strand for a shawl), unraveling as I worked. The yarn was very kinky while I was knitting, but it smoothed out significantly with a good soak and block when it was finished. However, some of the unevenness does remain in the final shawl. I like this appearance and think it makes for a fun watercolor-like fabric. If you don’t want this look you could unravel the yarn before knitting and make a skein (with lots of ties) to soak and straighten out before starting the shawl. After the smooth yarn is dried wind it into a cake or ball and then begin knitting the shawl. It’s up to you!

Needles: US size 6/4mm, 32-inch circular needle or size to obtain gauge

Gauge: 5.5 stitches per inch in stockinette stitch

Yarn needle
Stitch markers
Optional: Scale to weigh yarn in grams for starting the final edging. If you don’t have a scale you can just estimate.

In the pattern I have provided two options of choice in the pattern.

Option 1: Let the yarn be your guide. Gale’s Art Sock Blanks, like the one I used in the sample, are often striped. Instead of following or counting rows, I just changed sections in order every time the color changed until I had a certain amount of yarn remaining to finish off the final border (all details are included in the pattern).

Option 2: Row-by-Row Pattern. I wrote out exactly how many rows/repeats I did of each section, including a row checklist for your counting convenience, if you’d like a more detailed pattern to follow. Every aspect is written out in full-detail, step-by-step.

In progress photo before blocking.

Photo from Gale's Art

Do you remember the Gale's Art Sock Blank Subscription Club that I gave away a few months ago? Click here to see it.  

These three sock blanks would be perfect for a One Love shawlette!! 

Today I am so happy to be offering another chance for one lucky winner to win a 3-month Sock Blank Club subscription for February, March and April! For each of the three months you get a new exclusive sock blank in the mail from Gale. The club membership is worth $99 and the sign-ups are running now through January 15, 2016. Click here for the Gale's Art club information. I'll tell you how to enter at the end of the post.

That's a lot of information I know but here's where you get to enter to win a subscription to Gale's Art Sock Blank Club. The photo above shows the three sock blanks you will receive in February, March and April. They are so beautiful, works of art!

Please leave one comment on this blog post to enter to win the 3-month Sock Blank Club subscription. Please leave your Ravelry username or an email address so we can get in touch if you win. Please only click on Publish one time. There is a delay before you will see your comment appear.

Click here for the One Love shawlette pattern!
Remember the shawlette can be knit with ANY 100 gram skein of sock yarn (mine had 463 yards), not only a sock blank.

Good luck if you enter to win! Thank you, as always, for the support.
Let the comments begin!
xo ~ susan


1 – 200 of 495   Newer›   Newest»
Margo said...

Your shawl is so beautiful, and this makes me really want to try out a sock blank! They are so beautiful and look like a lot of fun to work with! Rav ID: sewknittystar

Cole said...

Congrats to the previous winners!

This is a super exciting giveaway, thank you for the chance!
nicolespence22 at hotmail dot com

Chaya said...

I LOVE the blank with the music notes... How amazing!

Chayacrochets on Ravelry

staci said...

Oh my, how wonderful this would be!!!
Rav ID: snippetsandstash

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win this, and to knit your One Love shawl. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

marilise on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I can't wait to try knitting from a sock blank.
Thanks Susan!
connknits @ ravelry

Nevernotknitting said...

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Gale in Jefferson this fall at the sheep and will festival, and her creativity is contagious! What a wonderful giveaway!

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

The sock blanks are lovely, as is your shawl. Thanks again for another great giveaway.
Calliopesmom on ravelry

fishgirl182 said...

I love this patterns! I have a couple of sock blanks I have not used yet so this is perfect.

rav id fishgirl182

TracyK said...

I've been dying to try a sock blank - 3 months worth would be a dream! And now a wonderful pattern to use some of my vast sock stash on (besides socks!). Rav: elephantsknit

little olive said...

I love those sock blanks! ravid: thishandmadelife

Knittinggarden said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! I've been looking at the sock blanks for some time and wondering how they knit up. Your shawl is a beautiful example.
LaurieB on Ravelry

Kristi ~ Ohio said...

Your new One Love Shawl is really pretty. I can't wait to make it myself. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway. Gale's Sock Blanks all look lovely, so hard to choose one. :)

Ravelry ID: queenbee1958

KCarney said...

What a lovely giveaway--I really want to try one of these sock blanks and this shawl looks like the perfect project for it. Thanks!

KCarney on Rav

AnastasiaMW said...

I hadn't thought to use a sock blank in such a creative and beautiful manner! The shawl is simply stunning, especially in those colors. I will have to try this out.

Ravelry: Anastasiamw

nursenikkiknits said...

I have been drooling over Gale's sock blank club for months. Unfortunately, the Canadian exchange and shipping put it out of reach. Oh, how I would love to win this prize! Thanks for the giveaway!
nursenikkiknits on Rav xx

Timmie said...

R. Name southparknitter
I've been stalking this pattern...I bought Christmas blank to make a Christmas shawlette. I also love Gale's blanks

Steph said...

I've never knit with a sock blank before ... But perhaps soon ;)
Rav: cabaretkitty

paws said...

I've never heard of a sock blank before. I'd love to try a shawl with fingerling weight yarn. There's always so many fun colorways, and I can't handle (literally!) the tiny needles. - paws on ravelry

Unknown said...

Lovely sock blankets, would LOVE to win the 3-month subscription!
Rav: mcmaryyaz

Jennifer in Ohio said...

What a lovely shawl! Thanks for hosting yet another fabulous giveaway.
Jennifer (RavID IronicalKnitter)

Vicki Maynes said...

Beautiful shawl! I've never used a sock blank, but I'd like to try!
Rav Id: Vickimaynes

Ruth Colville said...

Thanks for creating a pattern to use with sock blanks. Beautiful. Thanks for the generous giveaway.
Rav ID: muttiruth

Caitlin said...

What beautiful colors - the sock blanks look super fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
dojo on Ravelry

Jan said...

Do I dare hope? Winning the beautiful sock blanks would be like winning the PowerBall of knitting. Merralin on Ravelry.

amchart said...

These are just TOO COOL! Rav amchart

Unknown said...

I love, love, love her sock blanks! I'm finishing up a pair of socks with her Big O pattern & your How I Make My Socks pattern right now. So much fun to see them unwind!

kjramstack said...

I would love to try knitting from a sock blank and Gale's are just about the coolest ones I've ever seen.
Rav: wolfcreeker

Heidi said...

All of the yarns from Gale's Rt are beautiful - and the sock blanks are no exception. I'd love to win - thanks for the chance. Rav id: cookieladyknits

Brianna said...

I've admired Gale's handiwork for sometime, so this opportunity can't be passed up. The shawlette is gorgeous as well.
ravid: briannamewborn

Julie said...

I have a yarn blank to make this with. Wonderful! RAVID: Tanknit

Unknown said...

Her sock blanks are TOO beautiful. A knitting friend of mine has knit a few pairs of socks from them, and it's hard to believe, but the finished project is more amazing than the sock blank itself!

Ravelry: EmbroideryEliz
elizabethtrace at gmail dot com

Barbara said...

Love this!
Shonandbj @ gmail . Com

Andrea said...

Love the new pattern and the sock blanks!
Rav: andreagrunden

Karen said...

I have several skeins that would work well for this pattern! Thank you both for s chance to win this club--you enabled my first Gales Art purchase last month, and I can't wait to get needles cleared to start knitting my sock blank.
Kuntzknit on Ravelry

danaj said...

GalesArt is amazing and so is the shawl. My first shawl was knit with GalesArt Graffiti and Asphalt. Still my favorite! Have yet to try a sock blank :)

Unknown said...

Oh, lovely texture and colors in the One Love Shawlette. Looks like it's on my knit-it-soon list!
Rav id: joekathryn

Unknown said...

Just bought the pattern and i've haven't tried a sock blank yet so this would be a great opportunity.
Nelsor on ravelry

craftyneedles said...

I have yet to knit from a sock blank. This would be the perfect opportunity and Gale's are so pretty. I love the shawl pattern Susan!
Stitchermom on Rav

Barbara Fessler said...

Love the shawl and the yarn

Becky said...

These sock blanks are beautiful! I love how your shawl turned out, such pretty stripes :).
Rav Id is ppanthr88

Ann said...

What a gorgeous shawl! I've never made one and need something to do outside of my current sock obsession, so maybe this is it? In any case, I'd love to try the sock blanks!

Congrats to the previous winners!

--idest on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful, creative knitting & yarn!
Rav NoItchyYarn

mammie said...

So so pretty! Would be awesome for a spring or summer shawl!
capitalK on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I have so been wanting to try a GalesArt sock blank! Your beautiful new shawl pattern would be lovely in any of them, as well as with a few skeins in my stash. Thank you for your generosity!
Ravelry: rebeccaz22

Anonymous said...

I just finished socks with a sock blank and it was pretty fun to see how they turned out. I would love to try some more.

Becky (gathersnomoss)

~yolanda said...

Beautiful, just beautiful! yolandamarie73 at gmail

Jessica said...

Pretty shawl and I'd love to win those sock blanks!

Janebg1923 on Rav

Anonymous said...

I love your shawl patterns and find them so easy to follow. I'm heading to a colder part of the country this week for work and I'm taking BOTH the 50 Row Shawlette AND the Yowza shawl I knitted last spring with me for warmth.

Rav ID - barkersumpter

Sandra said...

Each of those sock blanks are so beautiful. One person is going to be very, very happy to win them!!! Love the new shawl pattern, Susan.
istitchfast on Ravelry

TaineAH said...

How fun :) Rav ID is Taine.

Debbie said...

Such a beautiful shawl! I am so looking forward to taking your designing class in March! Thanks


Anonymous said...

I have never knit from a sock blank, but I would like to try it sometime. That one is absolutely beautiful!

My rav name is ThisPianoGirl

Onychophora said...

That shawl looks beautiful!
I'm Onychophora on Ravelry :)

Yarngiraffe said...

Don't think my initial post went through..

Love the shawl and the blue! Can't wait for the VKL shawl class on Fri. See you then!

Yarngiraffe on Ravelry and gmail

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the music notes!!! I have never tried sock blanks, but I would love to. My rav name is ThisPianoGirl.

Jstultz50 said...

Beautiful as always!!! Thanks Susan!


Unknown said...

I have always wanted to try a sock blank, and I love the shawl for inspiration for other options for sock blanks!
culabrat on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Susan, this is a beautiful shawl and such a fun thing to do with beautiful sock blanks! I've got my fingers crossed that the random numbers smile kindly on me, as I would be absolutely thrilled to win this wonderful art.

-greg, RavelryId: KnittingDaddy

Jess said...

I would love to try a sock blank and these are beautiful!

ravelry: jesspurls

Mrs. MacKenzie said...

Sock blanks look like fun. I'd love to win!
pmack17 on rav

Beverly said...

Thanks for another great giveaway. Your shawl looks awesome as do the sock blanks. I love how "seasonal" the blanks are. They look like they will be great fun to knit with.
bszen on Ravelry

Sickofitcindy said...

You have the best giveaways!
Sickofitcindy on Rav

The Knotty Spinster said...

Love sock blanks but have never knit from one. How fun. I never thought of knitting a shawl. Great idea. Thanks for the great giveaway. fibergl on Ravelry



Carla said...

squee- would love to win this-

oneopinion said...

I've never used a sock blank before!

Ravelry ID: knittedtangles

Sally said...

These are such beautiful and unusual pieces of art even before they are re-knit! I'll need to research how to make my own. Thanks for the chance. Fibercrafter on Rav

Emiline said...

I'm just finishing up my first ever sock blank socks and, naturally, my mother claimed them. I'd love a chance to knit more!

Ohthatjackalope on ravelry

Tricia said...

I love Gale's sock blanks! I knit one of her Halloween sock blanks and the socks are so cute! I also wanted to tell you that I bought your Kids' Knitting book for my 13 year old niece for Christmas. I taught her how to knit this past summer and she's been knitting like crazy ever since and is so obsessed...makes me so happy! Along with the book, I gave her a needle and a skein of yarn to knit the hat on the cover. She whipped it up in a day and it's just adorable! She also received a lot of yarn for Xmas that she can use to knit some of the projects in the book. I can't wait to see what her FOs! It's such a nice book, with such clear instructions. Thank you for creating it and congratulations on a job well done! (I want to knit the snowman)! triciau on Rav.

Carla said...

Another fantastic shawl pattern Susan and wonderful sock blanks! I'd love to win!
Rav id: Cascott

Anonymous said...

The shawlette & the blanks are beautiful! Ravelry ID: AngelicWays

Sónia Valente said...

I'd love to try a sock blank and the three for the club are gorgeous!
Thanks for this great giveaway.
Rav Id: soniamv

Kaarina said...

Wow! It would be awesome to win! Thanks for the chance!
kaijaknits2 on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

love that shawl. Grandmabuck

ypsiknitti said...

The shawl is beautiful! I would love to try a sock blank. So much enabling. Arne and Carlos yarn, your new book (since I didn't win one I am definitely purchasing one), and now the sock blank. So much temptation, so little resolve.

ravelry: ypsiknitter

Anonymous said...

My "word" for 2016 is LOVE, chosen on New Year's Eve. Your shawl pattern, "One Love" so exemplifies this journey I am on with my husband, living with Stage IV cancer. He is truly my one love. I shall knit and wear my "One Love" shawl and treasure all the memories we are creating as we life fully and wholly, one day at a time.

I would simply love to win this Gale's Art sock blank season. I just love the Valentine's Day one and the Rainy April Day also.

Thanks to you and Gale for this generous opportunity!!
Blessings on everyone's knitting in 2016!!!

I'm threadsgal on Ravelry

Unknown said...

You and Gale make one amazingly talented duo! Thanks for another great giveaway ❤️
ronnacasement on Ravelry

Ber said...

Beautiful design and wonderful giveaway as always Susan!
Ber (bee30 on Ravelry)

Megan said...

Ooh I have always wanted to try one of these since you first started posting about them! Thanks so much for the giveaway :) rav id: showandtellmeg

Janet said...

I would love to try a sock blank. These look unusual and pretty. I never thought about knitting a shawl with one.

jbradyster on Ravelry

Renee Anne said...

I've been interested in sock blanks so winning would be fantastic.......and I'll get to it someday, right :)

renny1780 on Ravelry

Kristebee said...

Can't wait to cast on my first sock blank! The three prize ones are super pretty!! Hugs... Kristebee

JHawk105 said...

Perfect pattern with the perfect yarn. I have not used a sock blank before but this pattern makes me curious to try. I love the concept of one piece of art/craft becoming another. Very transitional.

HeatherA on Rav

Anonymous said...

I would love to be able to try a sock blank. These ones you have pictures are really pretty, lovely colors. Thank for the great giveaway!

Kelly (promqun75 on rav)

loonyhiker said...

I love the pattern and I'd love to try the sock blanks!

(Rav ID: loonyhiker)

VirGinny83 said...

awesome giveaway. the stamped sock blanks are so cool.
RavID: virginny83

Inês said...

thank you so much for the opportunity, I've been dying to try a sock blank, but they're not too easy to come by where I live! :(

inesversusthewool on rav

Charan Sachar said...

That shawl is beautiful and I like it when a pattern changes with the colors of the yarn making each shawl unique. And of course love the sock blanks
charansachar on ravelry

Izzy said...

I would love to win! Thanks for offering another giveaway.

Izzybeff on Rav.

Shelley said...

I would be beyond thrilled to win the sock blank club membership - I've been wanting to try these ever since you first featured Gayle's Art on your blog last year!

Rav ID: Shelleyb63

E said...

What a beautiful shawl! Thank you for the giveaway.
rav name= RunningKnitter

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to try a sock blank, and it would be great to win three! Not only could I knit your new shawl, but I could also knit so many mini sock bunnies. I love your toy patterns.
Rav ID: fireside178

Kristi said...

I would love to win! The shawl is beautiful and the sock blanks are gorgeous and so unique. Rav ID is KLCknit.

Oneday Designs said...

A lovely shawl and a great giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

glongley said...

I would love to try one of Gale' sock blank, I have used some of her beautiful yarn. Thank you fir the chance to win glongley on Ravelry

Knitter Kitter said...

Thank you so much for this opportunity! I love Gale's sock blanks, and would LOVE to win!

KnitterKitter on Rav

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful giveaway. Thank you for a chance to try the sock blanks.
Rav: KnittenSmitten

Siobhan said...

What a sweet little shawl. I would love the chance to try the sock blanks, especially from Gale's Art! Thank you. Rav ID: Siobhan53

Fiberknitche said...

I've admired Gale's sock blanks for quite a while now! I love her secret messages:)
- hodges00 on rav

Kerry said...

I would love to try some Gale's Art sock blanks and I hope to see you at Vogue Knitting Live on Saturday! Rav ID: kpmcqs, my first name is Kerry.

Amber said...

Oh I've been dying to try some of Gale's sock blanks - yes please!

griflet on ravelry

Lonneke said...

Beautiful! Both the blanks and the shawl.
And what a great give-away. I would love to win! :)

Unknown said...

What a great combo of pattern and yarn! I am in the process of knitting with a sock blank, and they are perfect for the knitter on the go!
Congrats on another great pattern and thanks for a chance to win.
I'll be on the look out for your book when I'm up on Madison tomorrow. I think my 8 year old twin girl would love working through it!
javajennie on Ravelry.

Geraldine said...

One of Gale's sock blanks was the only thing on my Christmas wish list I didn't receive, so this would be so cool to win!
Thanks for the chance to win!! gerscott at yahoo dot com

kholden62 said...

I can't wait to try a sock blank! These are so beautiful!
Rav ID Kholden62

Marsha F said...

I would love to try Gale's sock blanks! Beautiful!
RavID: marshatf

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. I love your shawl!! And I've always wanted to try a sock blank. Thank you for the opportunity. (Ravelry: daviksta)

Velda said...

I would love to win and try a sock blank.

Anonymous said...

The shawl is so beautiful. And I've always wanted to try a sock blank! Thank you for the opportunity. (Ravelry: daviksta)

Joojoobean (rav name) said...

I love the shawl, and I love the sock blanks- especially the music one! My hubby is a piano professor and I'm a clarinetist, so that one makes me happy.

Renee said...

Such a lovely design! Winning the sock blank club would be amazing, but I may just treat myself to it if I don't.
I am ohdeerlette on ravelry.

jillserenity said...

Thanks for the chance to win -I love Galearts's sock blanks! JillSerenity on rav.

Anonymous said...

Love the shawl and I've never knit a sock blank, would love to do it. Jeneer on ravelry

Unknown said...

I really love Gale's sock blanks, so I'm going to try again! What an awesome prize!
My rav id is Bethie8318 and my email is

Kay said...

Love this shawl and have been eagerly awaiting the pattern. I've been eyeing those lovely sock blanks in Gale's Etsy shop! I'm also looking forward to using up a few of the many skeins of sock yarn in my stash.
Rav ID: kaylynnknits

Legalknitter (rav name) said...

Love Gale's sock blanks and love this new pattern! (Wait, does that make it One Love or Two?)

Holly said...

Blue happens to be my favorite color. :-) Holly/Grannyslove (Rav.)

Katie said...

Wow, those sock blanks are gorgeous!

Ravelry ID: mayhemnmerriment

Betsy said...

Gorgeous....I've been wanting to try sock blanks...


Ulrich Tribe said...

I have never used a sock blank - and these three look like an amazing way to try them.

Ravelry ID: janetulrich

dsknits2 said...

I love all your work Susan! I would love to chance to win one of your club offerings. :) Knittagal on Revelry / dsknits2 at comcast dot com.

Claudia said...

Ah Susan you are a great enabler. I bought my first Gales Art sock blank after seeing one of your posts. What a great pTtern idea for a sock blank!
RAV ID is Claudi

Lindsey said...

I have always wanted to knit from a sock blank! Thanks for another great giveaway!
LindseyScott -on ravelry

Amaris said...

I've always wanted a sock blank :D
Rav ID: lolypoplolpop1

Unknown said...

You have the most awesome giveaways on your blog! Rav name is Janicemary. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I have never tried a sock blank before. This would be a beautiful way to start.
Rav ID aprilcox26

Anonymous said...

Susan, another beautiful shawl pattern! You are so creative to come up with another perfect use for a sock blank. I love it! (And I'm so sad that I won't get to see you at Vogue in NYC this weekend! I hope you have a great time.)
Carrie (cstein)

debcquilts said...

Would love to try one of Gales wonderful sock blanks,man how generous of her to offer a subscription! I'm craftymystic on Ravelry. Blessings, love the shawl, especially the shape.

lessilly said...

I have never knit from a sock blank and would love to try!

RavID = lessilly

gina said...

I would love to win this. Love the new shawlette! Thanks!
Ravelry ID - greencashmere

Judi A. said...

I'm sure I would find it "interesting" knitting from a sock blank. :-) I love the colors in those three for the club.

Zowmom on ravelry

Brenda said...

I love Gale's sock blanks---you used the word "watercolor" to describe them in your blog post, and that is perfect.

Rav ID=Brenda0312

Dana (DanaRae19 on Rav) said...

Lovely new shawl design! Thank you for the chance to win such pretty yarn. :)

Marianna said...

Off to buy the pattern...
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yarnbasket on Rav

Alice in Bookland said...

So beautiful! I'd love to win sock blanks. Ahhhh... Sock knitter addict over here!!
philomenasfriend on Rav.

Pam K said...

This looks like a fun shawl. I would love to try a sock blank. The shawl pattern is now in my library:)
Pam Rav id = pamk

tf said...

Any pattern that uses just one skein of sock yarn is a winner for me!

RavID - terrylynn2

slmiller8 said...

The sock blanks are beautiful, and it would be so much fun to see how they knit up.

toomanyufos on ravelry

Unknown said...

I would so love to try kknitting from a sock blank and Gale's art akes the most beautiful!!! I am Tricothon on ravelry.

Beth said...

Love patterns that a beautiful in their simplicity and highlight good fiber choices. Ravelry is Bamszoo

Rose said...

The colors in the sock blanks are lovely as well as is your new shawl pattern.
Rav ID: RosieL

Julia said...

I love the idea of sock blanks, so entertaining!


Unknown said...

Such a cute shawl, I can't believe how prolific you are! I haven't tried a sock blank yet, and would love to try Gale's.

Camerlyn on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I love the sock blank idea, Gale's are beautiful and look so fun to knit!
Rav id sk13199

Debbie said...

I love all these sock blanks! Rav id dmess

BCGramma said...

Another great shawlette pattern! I love the idea of just knitting until the color changes. It would be so much fun to try a sock blank. Thank you for the chance to win a 3 month membership.
Rav ID: BCGramma

Anonymous said...

Those blanks look so fun! Would love to try socks and the shawl. Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!
Rav ID: Olive14

Kelsie B said...

Oh I would love this! Maybe I can win this since I didn't get to win your book :). I have loved the sock blanks since you introduced them and I think this would be awesome to try!

RavID: soonerknitter

Katie said...

Super gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity! Ktmay12 on Rav.

diapeters said...

Amazing to see other ways you can knit with a sock blank.
Great job on the shawl pattern

Rav I'd : barbarjones

Sara said...

So far I have knit 1 pair of socks and 1 pair of 1/2 socks and 1 sock with a crocked toe but I have two more on the needles because I am determined to fall in love with sock knitting! I hav e started using your pattern, How I make my socks, and find it very easy to follow.

These sock blanks look so fun!

Ravelry- Theknittingtype

Anonymous said...

How clever! And I love the idea of wearing a shawl or socks with a hidden message or design!

Rav ID Bennet

Lee said...

Wow! Another beautiful design and fabulous giveaway! Thanks Susan!
Mamagiff on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Love,Love ,Love everything you design!! hefb1 on Rav.

Carla S said...

These shawls are beautiful. I love the colors. :)
shivercarla at gmail dot com

annesatx said...

What a neat idea! I'd love to try it myself -- hope I win...! Rav ID AnneSATX

9crafty11 said...

They are indeed a work of art, those sock blanks!! Love how each one is different too!! I really like the pattern you did with it too!! Rav ID: 9crafty11

Dizzy said...

I'd love to win...I especially like the April blank, with the little rainclouds! Such a neat idea! DizzyStitchin on Rav

sarahbethrucker said...

I've been hearing about these sock blanks so much - would love to try them!
ravid: sebby211

Linda said...

I love these sock blanks. If I don't win, I'm joining the club! (I'm planning to win the lottery drawing!) ☺️

Annette said...

I would love to win these sock blanks! I love how they knit up!

rav id - yarnaddict

Jane said...

Your shawl is so pretty. Thank you for hosting so many generous giveaways. I have always been intrigued by the sock blanks.

rav id - prairiepoet

Zara said...

these look fun!

rav id: zeebaneighba

zerdiecj said...

I love all of your shawl patterns and look forward to adding this to the collection and knitting. I do not know how you get so much knitting done. So enjoy what you come up. Thank you for your inspiration. Rav ID: sevenunderpar

Anonymous said...

Love sock blanks, those and the shawl look beautiful!

Susan said...

Would love to try a sock blank. Very intrigued!

Rav ID Suuzzeeq

Unknown said...

gosh you have super giveaways!
thismarieknits on Rav

Unknown said...

I think the sock blank idea is really cool, and would love to try it! Also, what a pretty shawl. sienaknit12 on ravelry

Shari Berri said...

I'm dying to try sock blank knitting & your new shawl pattern is perfect!!

Rav ID: SLawyer03

Shari Berri said...

I'm dying to knit a sock blank and your new shawlete pattern is perfect!

Rav ID: SLawyer03

Jane said...

I have not yet knit from a sock blank. It looks fun and addicting. I LOVE the new shawlette pattern, adorable.

Rav id: ladyjane2

Anonymous said...

I've never knit with a sock blank, but it looks like it would be a lot of fun! Thanks for offering the giveaway. RAV: KnitsWithSnicks.

Michelle said...

I would love to win - thanks for the opportunity!

Rav ID needleinhand

Unknown said...

Gorgeous shawl! And I've always wanted to try a sock blank.
mrsmcelrath on Ravelry.

Rachel R. said...

I've never tried knitting from a sock blank, but I'd love to!

RachelKnits on Rav

Jennifer Bennett said...

I love the colors in those sock blanks. I would love to win them. Thank you for the opportunity!! Rav: Texasmidwife

Barb Buteyn said...

These sock blanks we wonderful! I am a musician playing the piano for 50 y are and the violin for 40 years. I love flowers and relax by weeding and clipping flowers and who doesn't love valentines and love?

Ravelry ID: LoveAfrica

Molly said...

The shawl is beautiful! I would love to use one (or all!) of the sock blanks to make it. You have inspired me to start knitting socks (I have used your "recipe" and am starting my 3rd pair :) and I have wanted to try a sock blank after seeing them on your video cast. Thank you for the chance to win!
mrscline on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Those sock blanks are stunning!
Knittenfeet on rav

Deb said...

What beautiful colors, and a gorgeous shawl. I love how simple all of your shawls are, and this one is perfect for sock blanks. :)

Kaylene said...

I have never used a sock blank but would like to as they look very interesting. Thank you for the competition.
Ravelry: Temora

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway, would love to knit from a sock blank. Shawl is beautiful. Ravelry id is rbebla.

Unknown said...

I would love to try a sock blank. I am parotgreen on rav.

Sarah in Houston said...

I love the socks I made from a Gale's Art sock blank. They are so much fun. Thanks for offering this prize. Rav ID: Sarah in Houston

Anonymous said...

Those sock blanks are stunning! I would love to try them!

Rav ID: tawnyaf

Jlomoe said...

Never gotten a sock blank it would be awesome to try thank you so much Susan you are such an insparation for knitting! Slowknitter96 on ravelry

Unknown said...

would love to win have never tried a sock blank
rav id sricker

anniebananie said...

What a nice giveaway. We have a charity here by the same name. I would like to knit this shawlette for the founder of the charity.
Bananieknits on Ravelry.

Shelley said...

Those are the prettiest sock blanks yet!
Qmama on Ravelry

Heather J said...

You have the best ideas. Do you know how many orphan skeins I have? Thanks for the help with a lovely creative pattern. A sock blank sounds like a rabbit hole I shouldn't enter but I think I will dive in.

Lotsofhermies@g on Ravelry

Denise said...

Thanks for the chance to win Gale's Sock Blank Club Membership! That would make my Year! Loving the shawl too!
littleforker on Ravelry

Tamara said...

How fun. I met Gale this past summer and she is so nice.

Noc2rnlknitter on Rav

Catherine said...

Never tried knitting from a sock blank. But I have reknit many a frogged piece!
Revelry: eastbayknitter

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun way to try a sock blank.

3looms said...

I've just discovered Gail and her Art, so the sock blank club membership would be very timely!

Rav ID 3looms

Anonymous said...

What a perfect pairing! I've never tried a sock blank, and Gale's are beautiful.... Thinking it's time. 😊
Rav ID: cozychaos

Dana Lohman said...

I love the sock blanks and your newest shawl pattern.

Rav ID stitcher22

Anonymous said...

I think these sock blanks are beautiful!
I would love to win!
Wareaglemom on Ravelry

Kristi said...

So fun! Love the new shawlette! Thanks Susan
Ravelry bountifulknitter

Anonymous said...

Susan, Love, love, love your shawl. I have been thinking about purchasing a sock blank anyway! Dees (on Rav)

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