Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weekend Hats Giveaway!

Updated on March 25th, 2012:  The giveaway for Weekend Hats is now closed. No more entries are being taken. There will be another giveaway soon!

Hi Knitters,
I have been given the go-ahead by Interweave to offer you a copy of the delicious book, Weekend Hats, a collaborative hat pattern book curated and authored by Melissa LaBarre and Cecily Glowik-MacDonald.

I was lucky enough to be asked to contribute a hat for this fantastic, diverse hat pattern collection. The designers in the book include Melissa and Cecily, of course, and Jared Flood, Tanis Gray, Mary Jane Mucklestone, Gudrun Johnston, Kirsten Kapur, Cirilia Rose, Carrie Bostick Hoge, Melissa Wehrle, Kristen TenDyke, Courtney Kelley, Connie Chang Chinchio, Natalie Larson, Jennifer Lang, Elisabeth Parker, Anne Kuo Lukito, Laura Irwin, Kate Gagnon Osbourne, and Jocelyn Tunney. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. It is an excellent group of designers and the hats offered are amazing and fun.

Click here to see all of the 25 hat patterns on Ravelry!

As someone who loves to wear and design and knit hats, I simply adore this book and I think you will, too. The personality of each of the designers is really reflected in their individual designs. I love that on many of the hats you can tell who designed which hat just by looking at the photo.

Here are a few of my favorite designs in the book, I really love them all though.

Mary Jane Mucklestone is the colorwork master! Here is her beautiful hat that is signature Mary Jane. It is perfection and I especially love the colorful brim.

Jocelyn Tunney designed this clever cable hat. It's adorable and simple with the interesting cable feature that makes you take a second (or third) glance. Well done!

What is better than a simple striped beret worked in luxurious yarn? Nothing! Courtney Kelley combined beautiful colors to create this winner of a hat.

That Gudrun Johnston is one of my favorite designers. I have the yarn and patterns all set to make both her Kerrara cardigan and the Levenwick cardigan in the near future (I just need to find some time!). I love a fun and fast changing colorwork hat like this. Gorgeous Rowan Tweed is used to create this one.

Here is my design. This is possibly my favorite adult hat design of mine ever. It is not ruched as it is called for some reason, the Ruche Beret, but it is really a pleated hat at the brim. Pleats are more like overlapping folds and ruching is more like a ruffling technique. The hat is knit from the top-down, increased on one side and then pleated on that increased side right before the brim starts.

Click here for the Ravelry project page for the Ruche Beret!

Click here to see the book on Amazon!

My oldest son took this photo of me in the hat right before I sent it off to Interweave. I use it as my identifying photo on Ravelry and Twitter and Facebook now and I get asked about the pattern all of the time which is fun!

Okay, if you are interested in winning a copy of Weekend Hats please leave only one comment on this blog post. Please leave your Ravelry ID or an email address (whatever you are comfortable with) where I can easily reach you if you win. I will need to gather your mailing address to send off to Interweave so they can send you your book!

Good luck and let the comments begin!
best, susie
p.s. I am teaching only one morning class, from 9-12am, at the Knit Circus Retreat in Madison on this coming April 14th! Click here to see the classes and register! My class isn't listed yet so check back if you are interested, it should be up later today. I am teaching a "knit a toy of your choice" class where I will provide the patterns for the Owl Babies and my unpublished Tiny Lamb pattern (trust me, it's adorable)! It's going to be loads of fun. More later but I just wanted to let you know about it.


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ErikaC said...

I tried to leave a comment yesterday, but I was having major internet trouble, so I'll try again. :) This looks like such an awesome book, and I LOVE your hat and also the cloche patterns! My Rav ID is ErikaC.

Valerie said...

I have been eyeing this hat for some time not at JoAnns. I have become a knitted hat fanatic. They are such quick projects.

Emily Potato said...

I have only made a baby hat, but daydream about outfitting my family's noggings. My rav ID is EmilyPotato.

Linda C. said...

I love all the hats! It's too bad it's getting warmer already, but I guess I could always knit some for next fall/winter. Hats are actually ideal because they are so portable and small, so it won't be too hot working on a hat in the warmer weather.


Jacqueline Breault Spiess said...

I would love to win this wonderful book!

Jacqueline Breault Spiess said...

I would love to win this wonderful book!!

~jane said...

I hope I'm not too late to comment and have a chance at winning the book. Looks like a lot of nice hats.
JaneB (Rav)

~jane said...

I hope I'm not too late to comment for a chance at the hat book. Looks like a lot of nice hats.
JaneB (Rav)

crazycatlady said...

love it!

crazycatlady said...

love it!!

mountain girl said...

Oh, I'd love to win!

Linda Pipkins said...

please, please pick me!

Starfish said...

I've wanted to knit the pleated hat since I first saw it..before the book was released. Oooooo, I hope I win this one! (knittingstarfish)

SarahFay said...

Looks to be an AWESOME book! Would love to add this to my collection.

Raverly ID: knitpurlhooked

Anonymous said...

I would love this book! Hats are so fun to knit.

Rav name: kgmama

Mama H said...

Thanks, Susie! Another great giveaway!

MamaH on Ravelry

Mama H said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

MamaH on Ravelry

Unknown said...

I have this book and Love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this book and would love to win it. Melanie1 on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Begin a new knitter I've really enjoyed knitting hats. I hope I win this book. Thank you for your wonderful blog...

Silvia @

Meriam said...

I am adding this to the list of "must have" knitting books. To win a copy would be a treat.

Tricia U. said...

Love your pattern, and I'm not just saying's adorable!

triciau on Ravelry.

rinebird said...

I love berets. Your photo is great.

rinebird said...

I love berets. I have wanted this book. Your photo is great.

Melanie said...

Love knitting hats! Would love, love this book.
Ravelry id: greenemel

Harry said...

We love wearing knitted hat up here in Canada. These hats are brelliant!!!

Beth Northrop said...

I've done a lot of itty-bitty hats, but adult hats would be fun, too!

peaseporridge on ravelry

DeliaKnits said...

I love knitting hats! Rav ID DeliaMae

mama_g said...

As I finish my fourth hat of the season, I'm inspired by these! (I've admired your hat for a while!).
Ravelry: gabby

mrspao said...

Great review! I'd love to win this book.

Rav ID: mrspao

StaciP said...

I Love hats! :)

Shmacque said...

I'm loving these hats and the idea that they can be done in a weekend!! Would love to get my hands on this book.

Shmacque said...

I'm loving these hats and the idea that they can be done in a weekend!! Would love to get my hands on this book.

Stacey M said...

Oh, I'd love to win this book my favorite time to work on hats is actually during the summer as they are small projects!
Stacey (nordicgdss1 on ravelry)

flora said...

beautiful hats! what a great book!

flowerpot2 on Ravelry

BusyMomKnits said...

I would love this book.

Rav ID: busymomknits

BusyMomKnits said...

I would love this book.

Rav ID: busymomknits

Jan Bode Smiley said...

I have been knitting off & on since childhood, but only became fascinated with hats this past Christmas. I'd love to win the book!

Jan Smiley
Ravelry: JanSmiley
Yes, I like to keep things simple :-P

Jan Bode Smiley said...

I have been knitting off & on since childhood, but only became fascinated with hats this past Christmas. I'd love to win the book!

Jan Smiley
Ravelry: JanSmiley
Yes, I like to keep things simple :-P

Jennifer said...

Love Mary Jane Mucklestone. I'd love to knit that beautiful hat!

Jess said...

Ooh, I want to knit your hat so badly! I never look good in hats but I feel like this one could be the one! :)

Jessecreations on Ravelry

kleggett said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book.

Rav id: knittingkathy

Barabara said...

Great book. I love making hats.It would be awesome to win this.
Thank you

Judy said...

I love your design! Looks like it would be great on almost everyone!

Judy said...

Love the hat and think it would be great on almost everyone! I can see why you would use this fabulous photo on Ravelry and Facebook!

Sandy said...

Wow! Those hats are wonderful.

Sandy said...

Those hats are wonderful. You can catch me at sandbar17 on Rav.

Anonymous said...

Ravelry ID: napavlydeb
Would love that book!

Renna said...

The one thing that often holds me back from choosing a knitting pattern book is that so often there will be only one, maybe two, designs I'd like to knit. I live on a tight (retired) fixed income budget, so I can't justify buying something from which I'd get so little use. This book, however, is not one of those books! I saw so many hats I'd like, no LOVE, to knit from it. Granted, I hope I can win it, as any extra expense is a splurge for me these days, but even if I don't win it, I will eventually buy it! :-)

Should I win, you can contact me at :-D

yarnsalad said...

I would love a pattern book of hats. Nice work!

Sue said...

A lovely collection of hats!

Paulapurl said...

Beautiful hats. I would love to win this inspiring book. Thanks for the giveaway.

kas said...

I would love to win this book.
I especially like your hat design.

Tammy♥ said...

I love knitting hats..this book would be awesome to win..count me in!

Laura T said...

Wow, what great hats! I would love to win this book as it looks amazing:)
Revelry Id. LauraT
Email: lauratawney7 at gmail dot com

onescrappychick said...

How fun!

justplainbeth at myfairpoint dot net

chris said...

I really do need a new hat, gave all my handknits as gifts. This book looks awesome.

chris said...

I really do need a new hat, gave all my handknits as gifts. This book looks awesome.

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