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Monday, March 12, 2012

Weaving by Angela

Hi Knitters,
Many years ago I started following a blog by a young woman who lives in New York City. She caught my eye as one to follow due to her energetic and talented crafting. She excels at many crafts, sewing, knitting, crochet, weaving, quilting and baking and cooking! She is also the mother of an adorable little girl. Yes, Angela's been busy crafting for years but just recently she has broken into the knitting design world and has quickly taken it by storm. You may recognize her blog, Oiyi's Crafts, but did you see her first cover on Knit Simple?

Angela has been featured in various magazines and books and now she has her own online class from on Rigid Heddle Weaving. I have always wanted to learn to weave on a loom and now I have my chance. I hear that is even selling the Cricket Looms and that is where I am getting mine! I can't wait to dive into Angela's weaving class. I love that Craftsy, they are doing so much for the crafting community.

I got the chance to meet Angela in person last June at TNNA and it was such a treat for me. She is as sweet and sunny and fun as you might imagine. Angela is really on the move as she is quickly rising to the top of the designer community because she works very, very hard at her crafts and teaching. I am just thrilled to see such a charming, smart and talented young designer take off!

Click here for her profile page on Ravelry!

Click here for Angela's designs on Ravelry!

Click here for Angela's fantastic blog!

Here is a blurb about the class from Angela from the Craftsy site:

A Note from Angela Tong, Instructor of Rigid Heddle Weaving
Weaving is more than fun. It's creative, relaxing, and rewarding. When you weave, you bring together different yarns and fabrics and unify them in a single, unique project. Weaving is versatile: Make clothes, accessories and home decor in fibers from plain to fancy. Even if you've never touched a loom before, I can teach you to make wonderful projects. My class will introduce you to two different looms, and guide you through preparation, the weaving process, and a range of finishing techniques. Enroll in this class, and we'll have fun and weave beautiful things!

What You Will Learn in Rigid Heddle Weaving

  • How to set up, use, and maintain 10- and 24-inch looms
  • How to create a warp
  • How to calculate correct yardage
  • How to use different fibers and colors in one project
  • How to weave two towels at a time on a single warp
  • How to produce plaid projects
  • How to finish projects with trims and fringes

Projects You Will Make in Rigid Heddle Weaving

  • A fresh, funky "stashbuster" scarf
  • A set of plaid cotton tea towels
  • Apply the techniques to make table runners, wraps, washcloths, and more

It's me again! Doesn't that sound fun? Plus, you can do it all right at home!  If you click right here you can get Angela's online course for 50% off!! It's usually $59.99 but for now it is $29.99! Craftsy runs sales off and on at different times for all of their courses so keep your eye out if you're interested.

Remember that you can watch the course at your own leisure and time frame. Once you purchase the online course it is always there for you. 

I hope I see you over on Craftsy! I have two online courses on Craftsy, too, The Not So Itty-Bitty Giraffe and the Wee Ones Seamless Knit Toys classes. It is a fun site in general. They have pdf patterns for sale now, too. I have only uploaded two patterns for sale so far but I will get them all on my Craftsy pattern shop eventually.

By the way, I have to thank you for voting (if you did and still are) on the Favorite Knitting Blog/Website nomination on I really appreciate it!

I'll be back soon with lots more knitting stuff and patterns and books and projects and yarn...... I have so much to post about this week that I doubt I'll get it all in.

best, susie


  1. Hi Susan...tried to sign up for the weaving course but ringing up at $59.99 - just wondered if there was a special code or something! :( ...Lisa (

  2. Ok! I just added Angela to my blog list. It looks good and fun. I have an Ashford Knitters Loom...It eats a lot of stash!

  3. Oh! I would love to take that weaving course too! I have not been able to find the Cricket loom on the Craftsy website though...any idea?

  4. When you add the class to your cart, it gives you an option to add the loom. But here is the direct link to the Cricket Loom.

    Btw, you can use any brand of Rigid Heddle Loom.

  5. Thanks for fixing it Susan...and for the enabling today!! I've been wanting to start weaving and this looks like the PERFECT opportunity! :) Much appreciated!

  6. I was also following Angela from very beginning. Loved her few woven scarfs as she was taking her first classes back then.
    Glad she is out and about now.

  7. Oh her daughter is beautiful! I remember her modeling that shawl and I had pinned it.
    Mahalo for the 411.

  8. bevclark50028@yahoo.comMarch 20, 2012

    I wanted to sign up for the class too but it keeps showing 59,99 and not the special rate of how to do this?

  9. Hi Bev,
    The course may not be on sale any longer. Keep checking the site as they run sales all of the time.

  10. Susan's discount link works for me when I click it. But try this one for a second option

    Susan is right that Craftsy has sales frequently. Over the weekend, they had 50% off all their classes through a Facebook link.
