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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another Day in the Life

Hi Knitters,
Here is a quick 35 second video of one of the hikes TC and I have been taking lately. Click here if you are receiving this post in an email and can't see the video. I snapped the photos with my phone so they aren't the best.

After school we have been heading out into our nearby nature conservancy and other trails. Today my hands were filled with bark, moss and pinecones that she collected for some new fairy houses she is conjuring up. She has big plans for construction this spring and summer. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

We clearly have spring fever.

Today is my mom's 80th birthday. I miss her.

best, susie
p.s. Do you see that finger sticking in the left side of the photo below? That was my grandma's signature move. Her finger was in nearly every shot. I love that.


  1. Wow, I can't believe how much TC has grown! It's fun seeing her grow up on your blog. Are you the little girl (dark hair) sitting next to your mom in that photo? So sweet! Funny story about your grandma's finger in all the pictures. :)

  2. That is a very sweet picture, same birth order as your family, how fun! You're mother is beautiful!

  3. Okie; OMGosh she is one beautiful young lady! Hel-lo! TC has certainly changed from when I last remember her.
    What great memories you have with her.

  4. Isn't the spring weather a nice treat? yesterday on the way home from school (my son attends the elem school across from that nature conservancy you're talking about) we saw SIX wild turkeys crossing the road! All the cars had to stop and wait while they walked across in single file. Kind of like Make Way for Ducklings, only they were turkeys instead :)

  5. Your mother was absolutely gorgeous, as is TC! I was thinking of the music in your video and how fitting it must be for both relationships. My mother died a few years ago; she'd be 94 this month. I miss her every day. Your post made me teary-eyed, but in a good way. Thank you.:)

  6. Goodness, where did that little girl go? I guess I'm so used to seeing old pictures of her modeling your patterns on Ravelry - I was expecting her to be frozen in time. Oh, I feel old now.


  7. My Mom has been gone 4 years now and I still can't bear to take her number out of my celllphone. It is a warm feeling to know it is still there. Keep your memories close and share them when ever you can with your sweet daughter. it's been the way of mothers for a very long time Abdrea

  8. I cannot believe how much TC has grown. She is quite the lady now. Glad to know there are still fairies in your lives. Thanks for the mom/daughter inspiration. I'll be doing a bit of this with my own this weekend. hugs and happy knitting.
    p.s. miss you as curator of s&c

  9. How wonderful! Love the little video, what a great way to preserve the moment. You and TC will treasure the memory of these rambles you're taking together.

  10. Cant believe I have been following you so long that I see such a change in TC. Beautiful young lady she is.
    Be so proud, mom. I know that you are.
    Sharon in Va

  11. One of the things I'll miss from before we moved will be all the hiking I was able to do. There's no place around here for hiking! Maybe you can enjoy your hikes for me!

  12. TC looks more and more like you every day!
