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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Big and Little Acts of Kindness

 (Photo from last Sunday in Madison, a beautiful snowy spring day.)

Hi Knitters,
Well, I just had the nicest surprise! My buddy on Ravelry, Becky (gathersnomoss), let me know that my little blog has been nominated for a Favorite Knitting Blogger/Website Readers' Choice Award and it is because of you, the readers, taking the time to nominate me. I had no idea. I am so touched and honored. The write up on the site is incredibly kind and sweet. I am appreciative and a little overwhelmed at this unexpected happening. Thank you!

Click here to see the nomination for Favorite Knitting Blogger/Website Readers' Choice Awards on! 

The competition is stiff to say the least. Now, I am nominated with Ravelry (the entire site, not the blog), Knitty (also the entire site, not the blog), The Yarn Harlot, and Yarnista. I think that is a hoot! It's like the little engine that could.

You can vote once a day through March 21st for your favorite. It doesn't have to be for me, I just appreciate the fact that I am nominated. So thank you to anyone who voted for the wonderful and kind nomination.

I've mentioned that I have been showered with unexpected kindness lately. There is something in the air I guess as I don't really have any other explanation for it. For example, a few years ago a woman contacted me on Ravelry. Her son was in a very serious and precarious health situation. She was having some very dark days. She was writing to tell me how while she was in the hospital waiting with her son she would read my blog and knit. The time spent on my blog was somehow comforting to her. She was thanking me for the distraction from her worries. 

I wrote her back and asked if I could send her a little something in the mail. Honestly, I can't even remember exactly what I sent her but I am sure it was some yarn and a pattern or some other fun knitting related items. She wrote me back a while later to tell me that her son pulled through and was doing well. I was so relieved.

Ever since that time, every once in a while I get a little package in the mail from this kind woman, Gabi. It is always unexpected. She makes the most beautiful handmade greeting cards and notecards. She has sent me stacks of them along with other things. I have been so lucky to be on the receiving end of her talents. I love how she handwrites a letter to me each time. The other day a package was delivered with this adorable hand-stitched beaded doughnut. It is just so sweet. I love the tag, too. She included a three page handwritten letter, like from an old long lost friend. I just love it. The letter is the sweetest little thing ever. 

Gabi's quiet, humble kindness reminds me of all of the good in people. She never asks for anything in return at all, nothing. Pure goodness.

It's these little things that mean so much, like getting a photo of a newborn baby in a handknit hat, or of the generous charity hat and toy knitting that constantly goes on all over the world, or of an elderly beloved grandma hugging a handmade knit toy, or a grandpa who is in a nursing home getting a knit lap blanket made from a baby blanket pattern, or the big group of Itty-Bitty Knitters (my forum group on Ravelry) gathering from all over the globe, literally, at Rhinebeck this fall to meet each other in person for the first time, or receiving a gigantic handknit patchwork blanket from this same group who I love so dearly....

These are the kinds of big and little things I will always remember about the past 6 years here on this blog. 

Knitters, you have changed my life for the better.

Thank you.
best, susie


  1. Oh, Susan... I love reading your blog and I feel like I know you; you're like a friend. Thank you for sharing your stories. This last one made me tear up. I love the little donut Gabi made for you, so sweet. And I agree... all those little things that mean so much, really do.

  2. Susan, I am so happy for you- believe me that you inspire others to be knid with your own sweetness :0)
    jpeled on rav

  3. I love your blog, Susan.

  4. I think I can speak for most when I say that your very sweet and special designs help us to better express our love for/to others, and that we feel like you were in on the gift as well. I know your Itty Bitty Hats book specifically helped me show a very special friend how much she meant to me when her new baby was born. It's like you were my partner in crime, and I appreciate what your work allowed me to do. So it's no effort at all to show a little appreciation back to you :) At least that's how I feel about it.

  5. See, blogging is about sharing and making friends and touching lives. All the time! Thanks for sharing the acts of kindness.

  6. Susan - I, too, love your blog. As a senior and getting back to yarn and needles, after years of beads and wire, your Itty-Bitty books were just the thing needed to renew my interest. Still love the big toys best, and am glad to have the opportunity to vote for you. Regards, Betty - NYC

  7. Susie, I love reading your blog. As so many others feel, you feel like a long-time friend. About the same time that I started following your blog, I too was on the receiving end of love from a group of knitters. My husband and I had moved to a totally new town and I found, through Ravelry, a knitting group to join. In those three years I have had so much love and support from them that I am overwhelmed. To make it harder, we are moving this summer, so I will have to say "so-long" to these wonderful, supportive ladies and a couple of gentlemen. We have had several trials for which prayer has been deeply needed and this group has sent those prayers to me and my family. We are of all faiths in this group and it is amazing how blended all of these faiths are when prayer is needed.
    I have learned from my knitting group! Wow, are they all such a varied mix of abilities, but we all help each other and have a wonderful time doing it. We even have a homeschooled teenager who has adopted us and we adopted her, too. I just hope I can find a similar group in my new surroundings. It will be hard to beat this one!
    Your blog feels much like my knitting group, too. You send blessings, you teach, you share your life and that is the greatest gift. Thank you for all that you do, "my friend."

  8. What a terrific post to start my day to, thank you for sharing! :) (I've told you many times, I think, that it was you and your designs that really started my love of knitting - it's nice when we have the chance to give a bit back to YOU!)

  9. Hurray for the nomination Susan! You have legions of fans because you don't just feel like a great friend...

    you are a great friend!

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  10. Great post! It is a lot of the time the little things that add up to the big things that make the true difference. Thank you for sharing; what a sweet donut from a sweet lady.

  11. Aww Susan that was so touching!

  12. Aww Susan that was so touching!

  13. Susan, I also love your blog and look forward to every post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and talents with us!

  14. I love your sincerity and kindness. It has a ripple effect...making us want to be and do better.

  15. About a week ago I thought about writing to tell you this story, and the time got away from me. But, now I'm glad I waited until your nomination came out.
    My 8 yr. old granddaughter, Rhiannon has been knitting her first scarf. It has been a long project for her, but she is persevering. To encourage her, we went to the LYS and bought your Itty Bitty Toy book and I said that as soon as she finished the scarf, she could start a toy. Then, her Mom announced there will be a new sibling in Sept. so, she has more incentive to knit the toy.
    I didn't realize how much I talk about your blogs or knitting projects until the other day when Rhiannon asked if I had bought "those toy patterns from your friend, you know Mini, the ones that don't need to be sewn up." Then, she asked if she could go to knitting group with me when school was out so she could meet you! I hadn't realized how much I do consider you my friend and it is because of the wonderful communication you share in your blog! I look forward to reading about what you are doing, new yarns you are using, new products I would never have know about otherwise, etc. But, more than that, you just have a warm,natural way of making me feel like I an the only one to whom you ate writing! Thanks for this king distance friendship. I cherish it!

  16. Ho'omaka'i on your nomination! You deserve it, Susan.
    We are lucky to have you in our lives as well. It's all about karma.

  17. I voted for you Susan. I'm just getting back into knitting after a long health struggle in the family. Your blog is getting to hang out with a sweet, kind friend. Your optimism and your wonderful stories about your family always give me a lift.

  18. Very sweet, Susan. We Itty Bittys love you, and I hope you win! You have such an inspirational blog. Pattytrish

  19. Six years! I still remember that first box of Itty Bitty Hats that sat on the counter in our old offices. Ellis, Danielle and I would pour over them as a pick-me-up during hard or long days in the office. A big box of adorable happiness! Susie, I am so proud of you and proud to know you. You are such a light and spread a much needed message of kindness to so many! Love you so much!

  20. Love your blog! Kindness begets kindness. Maybe we should "knit for world peace"?
