Saturday, March 12, 2016

Episode 22 ~ Socks & Mittens

Hi, Knitters,
First, I was a guest on the Curious Handmade podcast this week. 

The lovely Helen Stewart is so charming and I have loved her podcast since she started recording. I had a great time chatting with Helen. Hop on over and take a listen if you are interested.

For more news, I have recorded a new podcast. Episode 22 is now available on YouTube! Yay! What do you think about me only posting on YouTube and not on iTunes? It is so much faster and easier for me to post on YouTube and I think I would record more if I didn't have to jump through all of the hoops to get the video onto iTunes. I would really love to know what you think! 

If you leave a comment to enter the giveaway announced on the podcast and here on the blog for the beautiful tray, please let me know how you feel about this.  

Here are the links the podcast:

My Craftsy classes:  Wee Ones and The Not So Itty-Bitty Giraffe

My Ellison Bay socks in The Wool Barn Tweed Sock in the Soft Pink color.

My Lollipop Yarn socks for my son in 2 balls of self-striping combined.

I have the beautiful blue mug like the one in the photo above and I love it!

The blue tray in the photo is the giveaway item today. Click here to read more about it! It is priced at $34.00. 

Please leave a comment on the blog post to enter to win the blue garter stitch tray by Creative with Clay's Charan Sachar. Thank you, Charan, for the beautifully crafted prize from your shop! 

Your comment must include your Ravelry name or an email address so I can contact you if you win. Please leave only one comment. There is a delay before your comment will appear so please only click on Publish one time.

Have a great day and good luck if you enter to win!
xo ~ susan


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Unknown said...

That little blue tray is beautiful!
MaryL25 on Ravelry

Cate said...

So pretty! CateMc on ravelry

Julie said...

I have loved the round tray ever since I saw it. Now I like the rectangular tray too. Cashmerejulie on Ravelry.

Unknown said...

That tray is so cool! Inspiring podcast as usual, rav id sk13199

Melanie said...

I watch podcasts via iTunes and YouTube-- I think most knitters who follow podcasters will watch wherever you post. Go with only YouTube if it simplifies things.

Debbie1085 said...

Love the look of the tray... how neat... Keep great stuff/ideas for me to shop coming!!

Debbie1085 on Rav

Sandy W said...

Pretty tray. I have one of his small round dishes. Rav ID sandyw

VeeCee said...

Love the tray and your podcast - even better on YouTube!


VeeCee on Ravelry

Unknown said...

BLUES MY FAVORITE COLOR! I really enjoy your clog and podcast. Thank you so much for taking the time to bless us.

Unknown said...

That tray is so lovely. Thank you the chance to win it. I just wanted to add, if was in the area, I would be in your owl class. I have your itty bitty baby hats book. It's so great. It's my go to book when anyone has a baby. I would take any of your classes in a heart beat!! Lemme know if you ever pop by Winnipeg Manitoba lol. Have a great week!

Diane said...

Hope you can come teach in Northern California some time. Ravelry name: myblacksheep. Email:

Unknown said...

Love the tray! I also love your sock pattern. Recently made my first pair of socks using it. I've been knitting for 20 years but was chicken to make socks due to the needle size. Your pattern helped me get past that fear! Thanks!!

tjf said...

Love the "knitted" tray and mugs. :) Also, YouTube is fine with me; I don't use iTunes.


Queen Mum said...

What a gorgeous tray. I would love to see more of you however we can get you :) If YouTube is the easiest, then it is a winner.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed your podcast as always, and excited to enter this give away for a beautiful piece.

SindyV on Ravelry

Unknown said...

All of the pieces available on Creative with Clay are beautiful! The tray is so nice and a great size, and it doesn't hurt that blue is my favorite color! I am on my way to you tube to subscribe to your podcast!

My Ravelry ID is : knitnsmyle

Jennie Kaderabek said...

I hope you have some downtime in your busy schedule! I enjoy hearing about your travel and knitting adventures.
That tray is beautiful and will make someone very happy!
Jennie a.k.a. Javajennie on Ravelry

jennysue said...

Oooooh...that tray is quite lovely. I do need to send that to my 'knits more than me' sister for her upcoming birthday. If I don't win, I'll just have to hit the piggy bank!

Yarnvixen (rav name)

Anonymous said...

I have the mug and stitch marker holders in blue, the tray would be a perfect addition. Rav name is Luv2weave

seestephykint said...

Thank you keeping me company while I knit Susan, and for the chance to win such a beautiful tray. I love your podcast, and hopping over to Youtube to watch is a cinch.
-seestephyknit on ravelry

Unknown said...

Enjoyed this episode late at night in quiet house...always love your knitting content! You've got me searching for some stash enhancement of my own this morning :) I watch all video casts on YouTube only, it's so much easier and less problematic for me......
Love the garter stitch tray, I would put beads in it, and it would make me so happy!
Thank you! Janis wildpony2

Anonymous said...

I've admired Charan's work for awhile now. Thanks for hosting this give away. Looking forward to taking a class from you at Yarnover in the Twin Cities. Rav: Wannaknitfaster

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan! Thanks for the great podcast and giveaway! I like watching the podcast through YouTube.

Ravelry: Chipmunk

Unknown said...

I love it when I find pottery with knit themes! My dad throws pots and I have several of his pieces on display in my home. The mugs and trays are just so beautiful!

Ravelry: Shondorri

Sparklinr said...

Love the garter stitch detail on the tray! It's beautiful.
SparklinR on Ravelry

Joanne Snyde said...

I love the blue tray in garter stitch. My ravelry id is hedgiesyarn . Thank you for the podcast Joanne

Tricia said...

I'll watch your podcasts wherever you decide to put them. i enjoy them so much! Please do whatever is easiest for you! The tray is adorable and I low the color! Thank you! triciau on Rav.

Leanne said...

Enjoyed the podcast as always. I live in Florida but will be in DFW during the Fiber Fest and just signed up for the Owl class. :-) So excited! I watch your podcasts exclusively on You Tube. Love the garter stitch tray too. What talent! RAV ID: leannegoddard

Jenn said...

Whata lovely little tray - thanks for the podcasts - you do it so well - Jenn
Knitdarling on Rav

Twisted Stitches said...

Absolutely love that tray! Moniru on rav

Sarah (3trees) said...

Data point of one, here, it doesn't matter if you post to itunes. I look for info on new podcasts on Rav and then click the link. If the link takes me to youtube, that works! Thanks for sharing your podcasts, they always bring a smile to my day.

Sheila said...

What a fun design for ceramics!

Anonymous said...

Love the garter stitch tray. It would be so handy to hold those small knitting notions. Subscribe to your podcast on YouTube.

Ravelry ID: Smokeybo

pat said...

Hi Susan.
A few years ago when you came out with that shawl p stern I knit it for my daughter. She wears it often and I have to say I think I need one too! Thanks for the give away- I am headed over to creative with clay. I have some gifts to purchase I think!


Rav ID : Patroth

Not a very imaginative name but it works 🌺

Patt said...

I love the garter stitch tray! I am finding so many cute things that are knitting themed anymore. They know we knitters will spend money on knitted items, even if it really isn't yarn, fiber, or clothes! Would love to have this! I like the Youtube venue just fine. I look forward to your podcasts. Great interview with Helen of Curious Handmade by the way. Thanks for the giveaway! Ravelry name; auntidda.

Knit a Little Bit said...

Youtube works for me; I'm slowly switching to getting my podcasts there. Love the tray! Knitandpearls on Ravelry

Tre12vor said...

Your pink tweed socks came out charming, Susan, and seeing them has ignited an "all the pink things must be knitted" desire in me! I've also been an admirer of Charan's wonderful and creative works and am delighted to have a chance to win the blue tray.
~lindalina on Ravelry

Unknown said...

So cute!! Love the design.
Cnit Pretty
from CnitterCatey

Lori said...

Lovely garter stitch tray! Thanks.
ljnagel - on Revelry

Unknown said...

This tray is gorgeous!!! I saw it in person recently and fell in love.

Kfayemakes on Rav :)

Suze said...

Have you seen the Midlothian mittens by Laura Chau? They're color work with a liner out of lace weight alpaca, which must be very light and warm. I've had that pattern for ages and still haven't made the mittens but I want to! Maybe something like that would work for a liner for your color work mittens.

Karen R said...

Adorable. Thanks!

klrochette on Ravelry


Unknown said...

So clever and creative clay indeed. Love it! Thanks for your generosity Susan. Im coolwaterhotsun on Ravelry.:-)

Erin said...

How lovely of you and of Charan Sachar to give away such a beautiful piece! I'd love to win, but have to admit that I'm already at his etsy shop in another tab.

rav id: blackpurlknits

mhughes said...

Love the tray and must get a mug! Knitaway on Ravelry . Maria

jehanc said...

Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I love listening to your podcasts on youtube. It is easier for me to watch there.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing these mugs about for a few months now and am always mesmerized by the detail! I would love to add this to my knitting workspace--beautiful and functional! RavID is dianeke

Anonymous said...

The new tray from Creative Clay is beautiful - enjoyed the Podcast this am. I typically watch your podcast thru my iTunes feed. I am Flowerlady on Ravelry.

craft-chick said...

This tray is GORGEOUS!!!! CraftChick on Ravelry

Unknown said...

The tray is lovely.... Thank you for the giveaway! I also will happily subscribe to your podcast on YouTube rather than iTunes. Would love to see more of your positive smiling face!!!
Ravelry id: rebeccaz22

brsmaryland said...

Beautiful pottery! I want one of everything from his Etsy shop!
Thanks for the opportunity.
rav = brsmaryland

Kristi said...

His work is beautiul! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
krisnc29 on ravelry

Unknown said...

Hello Susan,
It was so nice to see you again. I always enjoy hearing what you are up to and seeing some of your hand knits. The tray is just beautiful and unique. I love the color as well :) I will have to go take a peek and see what else he has. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Take care,
Sharon / Elvensknits on Ravelry
and email is

Bobbi said...

Susan, I always look forward to watching your podcasts on YouTube. I learn from each episode and so enjoy your warm, friendly style. If I win that lovely tray, it will just be like frosting on a delicious cake. RAV ID: BobbiUnraveled

rachelvallieu said...

If it means we get to see you more often, then I'm all for it! You are such an encouragement to us!

velveteena said...

HI!! What a fun episode and of course the giveaway is so exciting! I would love the dish and I would love the mug!!
Will definitely go to the etsy shop and check it out! Thanks again!

Juli said...

That tray is so beautiful! Everything on that Etsy shop is. kaylansonders on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great giveaway.

Rav ID: owlfish88

Andrea said...

That tray is beautiful! I tend to listen to my audio podcasts while I'm on a walk or driving, so I keep those in iTunes on my phone. But video podcasts are my time to sit and knit and enjoy them and usually go straight to YouTube or the podcaster's website. I say if it means we'll get more episodes of your great podcast just post on YouTube!

andiRN on ravelry

evelynne said...

Wonderful podcast Susan, and a very lovely giveaway as well.
Love the clay rav name is: ganache......Thanks!

Unknown said...

I saw his pottery at stitches and fell in love with it! I am kicking myself that I didn't buy anything from him, but so glad to see now that he has an etsy shop:-) Thank you for the chance:-)

Unknown said...

I didn't have my coffee yet this morning and totally forgot to leave my RAV ID- appalachianchic
Thank you!!

Kristebee said...

Another great episode! Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!!!! Xoxo kristebee

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tray! Fingers crossed... See you in Texas! Kelly. (Promqun75 on rav)

Unknown said...

Tell us if you ever line the mitten! Learning to line is my next goal, so I'm looking for any help with that. If the mitten is Aran weight, do you use a fingering or sport weight yarn to line? If it's a small weight yarn, do you pick up and knit more stitches?

Love the clay knit piece!

-Sarah, Tofusa on Ravelry =)

Robin Raven said...

Love the suggestions you gave in the interview for teaching new ones how toknit in the round first. It makes so much sense! :) A co-worker of mine wants to learn, so I will definitely suggest knitting in the round first.
I really enjoy your blog, thank you for taking the time to upload everything!!
Happy spring :)

Robin Raven said...

Love the suggestions you gave in the interview for teaching new ones how toknit in the round first. It makes so much sense! :) A co-worker of mine wants to learn, so I will definitely suggest knitting in the round first.
I really enjoy your blog, thank you for taking the time to upload everything!!
Happy spring :)

Unknown said...

Neat tray! Is the contest still open? :)

Cate said...

I love these pottery pieces and blue is my favorite color!

Jen said...

I just recently started subscribing and watching on YouTube. I much prefer it to iTunes. I think there are several popular video (knitting related) podcasts that are on YouTube only, so you would not be the only one doing one, but not the other. Or maybe I see more now that I'm on YouTube? Hard to tell.
That little try is great and would be perfect for my husband's little cactus collection!! For the first time in 8 years we have house plants and he wanted cactuses. 😂 We found some little ones and put them in the kitchen window. They need a saucer or tray, I looked several places this weekend and I think this is just the right size.

Best wishes to all!

Unknown said...

I love that garter pattern tray! Garter stitch is one of my favorites. It is so simple, but so squishy and cozy. I really like his mugs and yarn bowls as well! I know what I want for my birthday or Christmas now!

rphilbeck said...

Love the tray. He does such wonderful work!! Love knitting items that aren't in fiber too!! Thanks for the giveaway.


Unknown said...

I've been wanting some of this pottery and would love to win it.


Debby said...

I love the tray! The garter stitch pattern on it is wonderful. I prefer to watch podcast on YouTube. Rav i.d. Purlynne.

Debby said...

I love the tray! The garter stitch pattern on it is wonderful. I prefer to watch podcast on YouTube. Rav i.d. Purlynne.

Kay S said...

I think it would be fine if you only posted to YouTube. As long as I know where to find you I'm fine, and I'd prefer more podcasts, so if iposting only to YouTube makes it easier, I say go for it.
I love the pottery pieces. Must check out his etsy store. I'd love to have that blue tray! Thanks for the chance to win it.
I'm klsimm on Ravelry.

tuckerkm said...

Love this tray! great to keep some notions on as I knit! will check out his etsy shop as well :-)

Raverly ID: KnittyMichKaren

Anonymous said...

I broke my favorite mug, maybe I should get one to match your's Susan 😊

kzolner on Ravelry

Accidental Bliss said...

What an adorable tray. thanks for sharing!

chris m said...

Hi Susan! I always enjoy watching your podcasts and always watch on You Tube. I would love seeing you more often - so I say go for it! The mittens and socks are adorable! I would love to win the beautiful tray. Thanks! CTChris on Ravelry

distracted said...

I really enjoy your podcasts! Would love to be entered in your draw for the beautiful tray.

Anonymous said...

How kind of him to offer the tray as a prize. The coffee cups looks awesome also. Great podcast....miss you when you are gone for so long.

Janet said...

Your podcast was suggested for me this morning, and I'm so glad it was. I wanted to get my name in for the great back to YouTube to subscribe. thanks.

louisap said...

Such a beautiful idea. I love it. :-)

Rav: louisap

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