Friday, October 23, 2015

Secret Garden Luxe Kit Giveaway from Little Skein

Hi, Knitters,
I am going to jump right in to the topic at hand today. Anne Vally of Little Skein contacted me a few weeks ago to see if I'd like to host a giveaway for her new Secret Garden Luxe Kit. I thought it might be something you would enjoy hearing about and winning so I said sure!

Here are some links to check out:

Little Skein ~ the website! Anne is no longer selling on Etsy, just 

Anne's kits are always artistic, impressive and thoughtful. She designs and makes some of the items herself and then she enlists the talents of other designers that use all sorts of different mediums. It is always fun and interesting to see what Anne will come up with next. For the Secret Garden Kits she has included a beautiful cabled shawl designed by Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting. It is an eye catching shawl that really captures the Secret Garden theme. Alana hit it out of the park with this one.

Today's giveaway prize kit for one lucky winner includes:

- PDF copy of "The Secret Garden" shawl by Alana Dakos
- 2 skeins of Western Sky Knits Magnolia Sock yarn in the colorway of the winner's choice. This is a beautiful, heavy fingering weight, MCN blend yarn -- oh so soft!
- Drawstring project bag in the winner's choice of my new Secret Garden fabrics
- Stitch markers
- Lots of knitting support as the winner knits the shawl: online stitch maps, technique videos, knitalong support, etc.

You get to choose which colorway you'd like for your shawl and they are all stunning. Western Sky Knits created the gorgeous Secret Garden colors for the kits.

And you also get to choose your stitch markers. So many choices!

The Luxe Kit is a huge prize valued at $110! Thank you to Anne for this great opportunity. 

If you'd like to enter to win a Secret Garden Luxe Kit please leave one comment on this blog post. Your comment must include your Ravelry username or your email address so Anne can get in touch with you to arrange your prize choices and delivery. Please only click on the publish button one time. There is a delay before your comment is published. 

I'll be back in a couple of days with a randomly selected winner.

Good luck and let the comments begin! I'll be back soon with much more....
xo ~ susan


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 1128   Newer›   Newest»
Elo said...

This is a beautiful kit. Would love to win it.
Rav: dingledaisy.

Kaarina said...

Thank you for the chance! What a beautiful shawl!!
kaijaknits2 on Ravelry

Pagan Woman said...

What a gorgeous shawl! That looks fun to knit! Ravelry: Tangledmania

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, dreamy kit! My username is alphatango on Ravelry, email is Hope to get a chance to give these beauties a home! :)

JenniferB said...

What a stunning design and heirloom yarn! Thank you for the opportunity to enter the contest. My Rav id is yarnplaycafe

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Lovely :) I'm peaceandcake on Ravelry. I found your blog through Have Company's instagram.

Sue said...

I love Little Skein's kits and I have always wanted to knit an Alana Dakos shawl! Perfect! Thanks! sueites (Rav name)

Tara2310 said...

Lovely shawl and very generous give away! Thanks for the chance to win!
Rav ID. Tara2310

Sara said...

Beautiful kit! Thank you for the chance to win! Rav ID: saraj0179

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! The yarn and the pattern are beautiful! Thank you!

Ravelry ID: wildiris
Name: Karyn

Debra said...

Love this kit… beautiful yarn, pattern and adorable project bag!! fingers crossed! ;-) Ravelry - JavaNut

Poohtum on Ravelry said...

Very Nice!

Unknown said...

That kit is so lovely!

Rav Name- cleverhen

Becky said...

What a gorgeous shawl and a wonderful prize! Thank you :). Rav id ppanthr88

Anonymous said...

What a astonishing pattern, when I first saw it on Instagram I thought what a knockout, I must have it!!

Raverly: kristpin

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful design. Love the leaf design and the little peaks of lace along the border.
Ravelry - greyty
Email -

Jennianydots said...

That is beautiful! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Rav: jennianydots

Anonymous said...

What a lovely prize!

karenann2725 said...

Beautiful design and yarn. Great opportunity!
Rav: Kazie

staci said...

Amazing kit, and the shawl is so gorgeous!
Ravelry ID: snippetsandstash

Lori said...

Wow this is a beautiful shawl & giveaway. I would love to win!

Ravelry username: Subloke
Email: subloke @

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is one of my favorite Little Skein kits ever! Also one of my favorite stories.

I am Mimers on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. That is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Unknown said...

Beautiful design! Gorgeous colors of yarn! Yes, please!
JoanieBaloney on Rav

Jessica Johannesen said...

I was just admiring this kit. this would be awesome!

name: Jessica

Unknown said...

Beautiful shawl, pattern and fiber. Would LOVE it knit it! Ravelry: mcmaryyaz Name: Mary

Debbie Gajee said...

My daughter and I were admiring the shawl and reminiscing about when we read The Secret Garden when she was little. She is now 21.

mmherd said...

The colors are so beautiful! The whole kit comes together so nicely! RavID: mmherd

headythreads said...

Wow! So beautiful and I love the botanicity of the design!

akaber9598 said...

Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway. I have had my eye on that beautiful pattern.
Ravelry: Angela9598

Unknown said...

Such beautiful colors!! I'd love to knit this.

Ravi id: Elmpark

Unknown said...

Beautiful pattern and yarn, I am in love with the gray! ravelry id:debinred

Marti said...

drooling! So pretty. madmartiknits on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Wow, such a great giveaway!

Zip022 on Ravelry

maronus said...

Would love to knit this. I feel pretty just thinking about wearing it. :-)

kimberly said...

Raverly - kimberliekane

Linda Tytko said...

Thank you for this wonderful kit, I know how valuable it is , I have bought the Anne of Green Gables one.
I would love to win it. Just love your podcast Susan I just ordered the dpi holders from thenomeknitter thanks for showing us this .
Rav lindatytko

lydiajane said...

Gorgeous kit! Thanks for the giveaway.
Ravelry: ️gypsythedog

Kristin said...

What a beautiful kit! Thanks for the giveaway.

sewtechnicolor (at) yahoo (dot) com
SewTechnicolor on Ravelry

Christine said...

Just beautiful!

Rav ID scrapsilove

Mrs. said...

My heart beats fast for this WHOLE thing! Green, leaf knitting (*swoon), and The Secret Garden, my favorite book from childhood AND i am refreshed as on Sunday I just re-watched the movie with Kate Maberly, oh my! I'm ready for this knit!

Rav id: mkhansen

Kim said...

What a beautiful shawl!

dariasmom on ravelry

Holly Lownes said...

I've never knit a shawl
Rav ID: lownes

Sarah said...

Wow what a gorgeous shawl, and the colors are stunning! Whoever wins this one is really lucky :-)
I am dinahsmommy on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful kit!

Nanaelliott on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Beautiful shawl and color - love everything about it, including the name, Secret Garden. Thanks for your blog and generolsity.

Mrs. Krisch said...

so many wonderful things all wrapped up into one!!
would love to win and thank you for the chance

Unknown said...

Beatiful. Thanks for the opportunity
Ravelry: jio

HugieHome said...

Love this giveaway! What a beautiful shawl. Thanks Susan!
Rav ID is sandrahugie

limegirl said...

Gorgeous! Rav name Limeyarn

LaurenM said...

What a beautiful and generous giveaway. I'd love to knit that in the most neutral color. Ravalry name: Cavaliermama

Sue said...

Just in time for falling leaves, beautiful!

Unknown said...

GrandmaBuck on ravelry.

Love the shall and the inspiration for it. The colors are remarkable.

Unknown said...


Jackieourls on rav

Muffie said...

What a beautiful shawl. Muffie28

Cynthiacc said...

How beautiful!! I would love to win and knit this :)
cynthiacc on Ravelry

Chris W said...

Beautiful pattern and the colors are lovely! Thanks for the change to win!



Knit Ma said...

I love that each color was knit into the shawl! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Unknown said...

Little Skein always has such beautiful, well thought out projects. pioneer shawl is one of my all time favorites. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow! I absolutely adore this!

Ravelry: micalaylah

Unknown said...

Wow! I absolutely adore this!

Ravelry: micalaylah

Jean said...

Such a stunning shawl!!! Rav- Mazzygirl

pjg said...

What a great giveaway. Thank you!
Rav id: pjgolenzer

Madeleine said...

This is absolutely to die for knitting! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Ravelry: mmhiscox

Unknown said...

What a wonderful treat this would be!
Ravelry: mizeleknits

Kate said...

What a great giveaway! I'm ChattyKate on Ravelry!

Scuddeb said...

What a beautiful shawl and gift! My color choice is Wick and for the stitch markers-Forget Me Not. Thank you!!!!

Bethe said...

This shawl pattern and bag kit is amazing! So precious! Thank you for sharing!
Rav: Bethe

jeannefil said...

This is a beautiful shawl and luscious colors too!

Scuddeb said...

What a beautiful shawl and give-away. Wick and Forget Me Not are my choices.
Ravid: scuddeb

Lynette Rossi said...

I'd love to win this fantastic giveaway. The shawl design is so gorgeous! My Ravelry name is CraftyLynetteR.

jeannefil said...

This is a beautiful shawl and luscious colors too!

carol said...

Unbelievable colors and so generous! Thank you!

UmmRania said...

Again another amazing kit from little skein!

Ummrania on ravelry

Anonymous said...


Ravelry : Wannabeknitter2

Anonymous said...

Love, love this. I would love to win this lovely giveaway! So much fun!
I am valuable from ravelry. or Thank you for this opportunity!

Lynn said...

Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous! I love most of the colors, and the stitch pattern is lovely.
flowerdancer on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! Most gorgeous shawl ever! Would love to win this kit!

Unknown said...

Anne is a kit genius! Another fabulous collection. I'm afraid to admit I've never read this book, that I recall. I must remedy that.
Thanks for a chance to win, Susan and Anne!
javajennie on Ravelry

Jaime said...

What an amazing kit!! Rav name JaimeK

Unknown said...

Saw this on Instagram - love it!!
Ravelry name: FireMedic
Name: Kristine

Anonymous said...

I have been eyeing this pattern on instagram! It's absolutely beautiful. You are so generous to do this giveaway.

Ravelry - farmgroupie


Johnston4kids said...

Beautiful! I've enjoyed all of the instagram of this one. Johnston4kids on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Ravelry: knitkatpav

Jill K. said...

These items are all so lovely that I'd be forced to keep it for myself! Thanks to everyone involved in creating this generous giveaway. Ravelry = texasjill

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful kit!!! I'd love to win it. Thanks Susan

ravelry ID - connknits

Kathy V. said...

oh wow! This is a wonderful give away! love the shawl. I also love the Baa-ble hat! great colors and I appreciate the tips for making it.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful shawl design! KEP (ravelry)

Mae said...

Absolutely beautiful - and very generous!
Ravelry - maeven
email -

Jess Mooers said...

Yes please! Ravelry user jessmooers

MaryAnne said...

What a GORGEOUS kit. I will be sure to check out both this pattern and the yarn regardless of whether or not I win. My rav name is hildiesmom.

SueD said...

A beautiful kit and giveaway from two of my favourite blogs, which I admire from afar over here in the U K. Love your podcasts Susan and Little Skeins beautiful items. All the best Sue. Ravelry Sue101

rebekah dwyer said...

Wow this is a great giveaway. Love that book and can totally see how the shawl pattern brings to mind the garden wall.

Rav: Scruffian
Rebekah xxx

Barbara said...

Would love to knit this stunning shawl.

Ravelry: balsama

Name: Barbara

yarngirl32 said...

What a great offer. I love this yarn.

Onychophora said...

That it a beautiful shawl!

Ravelry ID: Onychophora

Unknown said...

The shawl is stunning! I love the yarn color ways too. Thanks to you all for the giveaway chance.
Ravelry: knittingmommy1

Anonymous said...

Wow, Anne has really out done herself. Thank you for another fantastic giveaway!
RavID jillypox

Unknown said...

Omg I need this so much. That book was one of my favorites as a child!
Ravelry name: DanaOfUnwind

jane said...

I love this new Alana shawl pattern!
RavID: knitter

Nyree Dawn Dowell said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous yarn and pattern!!

Rav name is nyrees

JennyD said...

Gorgeous! I love all of the colours. RavelryID: JennyD

D said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway - its a beautiful pattern!
Raverly Turnyd

Debralyn said...

How beautiful and how generous.

Lamblady said...

Lovely shawl

Lamblady said...

Beautiful piece

Lamblady said...

Lovely shawl

Judy said...

Oh my Goodness! I wouldn't know which colorway to chose. Such a wonderful kit. Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win it.
Socks4Judy on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

CindyMcD on Ravelry
Thank you!

Dawn said...

This is such a gorgeous design! And one of my favorite books and movie as a young adult. Thank you for sharing this.
Rav ID swtblu

Carol Perecman said...

Lovely shawl and kit! Thanks for the opportunity to win one...

Carol, Rav name ceejay

pookie said...

oh so beautiful! i would love to knit the shawl. what a great giveaway. thanks!!!!
pookie17 is my rav name. my email address is

Cole said...

Wow, what a beautiful shawl!
Ravelry: nicolesp
email: nicolespence22 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm shawl crazy! Would love this

Joanne aka madammarple

Julia said...

So lovely, for me it would have to be garden green. Love the bag fabric too! Now maybe today I will rewatch the movie adaptation. Thanks!


Cindy said...

What a great package! fitterknitter on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

ravelry: iamladydi

Grace and Mr.B Willoughby said...


ravelry username: awesomelynerdy

Tamarack sewing said...

Love the color choices, and what a beautiful design. Fingers crossed to win, and thanks for the chance :)

Lisa said...

I'm so in love with this beautiful shawl and all the accessories! Thank you both for the generous giveaway!
beh1663 on Ravelry

kerryco said...

This is an absolutely beautiful shawl which I would love to make. Ravelry name: kerryco

Judy said...

I finally figured out how to post a comment. I absolutely love this pattern
Raverly: judysquyres

Anonymous said...

Very pretty shawl!
mcm140 on ravelry

Cinderellen said...

Magically beautiful!

Michelle Drechsel said...

Of course we would LOVE to hear about and win this! Truly great pattern and the yarn colors are so rich and saturated - I love it! Here's hoping! Ravelry name: MtnKiddMichelle

Nicole Wyatt said...

I just love love love the pattern on this shawl. Torn between the grey and the green though.

Ravelry name: nicolewyatt

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful shawl! I love leaves and have admired so many of Alana's "nature" patterns! The bag and goodies from Little Skein make me feel good just looking at them. :) Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I'd be so happy to win!

Ravelry: gapchntx
Name: Elaine

Tif said...

This is beautiful! I'd love to win.

Bumblebina on Ravelry

cllcraft said...

This is such an impressive pattern - a really beautiful knit. The yarn looks yummy and soft too! What a wonderful giveaway! cllcraft

sharonathemom said...

I love this shawl and yarn combination. It is so beautiful in all color choices. This is a greatly opportunity. Thanks to all the contributors.

rav: sharonathemom

amchart said...

SO so beautiful. Rav amchart

Amanda E. said...

Those colors though! Especially the green. Be still my beating heart.

Ravelry: Groshing

Word Lily said...

Ohhh, it's gorgeous! I'd love to win. (I'm WordLily on Rav.)

Mary said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this awesome prize. The shawl reminde of crepe myrtle leaves falling from the tree.

pens and needles said...

What a beautiful shawl! Really special! I recently bought the Little House shawl kit and loved making it -- my newest fav. Now this one just might win!

jantaber on ravelry

jamiew said...

I love this in the gray and green. Thanks for this opportunity. My name is jamiewalcott on Rav.

Sickofitcindy said...

I would love to win this. What a gorgeous kit!
Rav Id: Sickofitcindy

Unknown said...

Wow, what another beautiful pattern by Alana! And such beautiful yarn, the colors are amazing. I would really love a chance to win this kit.

Ravelry name - MaggieGrl
Email -
Name - Sue

Anonymous said...

Love everything about this kit. I have done several kits from Little Skein and they are always beautifully put together. Rav I'd is Luv2weave.

masshag said...

What an amazing giveaway! Masshag on ravelry

NorasGranddaughter said...

What a lovely giveaway. And so many responses already. I am way down the list. You can just see that this is very appreciated and we all hope we win!

angela hillier said...

Wow this would be fantastic, thank you ! I am slikchik on ravelry. 💕

angela hillier said...

Third try. Please enter me! Slikchik on rav. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely give away. I would love to knit the shawl!

Ravelry name: janetlynn

Anonymous said...

Stunning, absolutely stunning
Rav: Dana55

Unknown said...

What a perfect pattern for this book! Thanks for the opportunity!
culabrat on Ravelry

Marjie said...

This is an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the fun! Marjiebeth on Ravelry

Julia said...

What a great kit!

RavID: BangersAndMash

Mary said...

Susan ,
Thank you again for the opportunity to win the is lively kit.
In my last comment I failed to add my Rave name; TheNeedleneuk.,
(The Needle-nook)

Mary said...

That looks fantastic! What a wonderful design! Ravelry name maizeke THanks!

Larisa said...

OMG - I can feel my inner Gollum wringing his hands and hissing, "My precious"! Such a lovely kit.

Unknown said...

You always have such lovely giveaways. I'd love to knit this for my mom should I win and even if I don't I will be sure to purchase it. Ravelry: itsmesue

Frisby0 said...

What a great giveaway! Beautiful shawl in gorge colors!! Thanks~

Frisby0 said...

Awesome giveaway, beautiful shawl in gorge colors!! Thanks!

Weber family said...

Simply beautiful! Thank you for the giveaway. I just love Never Not Knitting. I love her botanical twist in her patterns.
Rav ID: momof2princesses

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh my... This is a beautiful pattern and the yarn looks so yummy!

I don't know if I can wait for the drawing 😬

Ravelry: jennschaff

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this fantastic kit!
And the icing on the cake; it's inspired by one of my childhood favorites (I feel the need to dig out my copy of the Secret Garden and re-read!)

Catherine, greeneye on Ravelry

Gayle said...

Beautiful shawl kit. I would love to win.

Unknown said...

I just love this shawl and those items one can win are just wonderful.
My Ravelry name is: asdisemilia
My emailadress:
Ásdís Emilía

~yolanda said...

How beautiful is this!! Just what I need. 😊
Congratulations to whoever wins this beautiful gift. Thank you Susan for always hosting such wonderful giveaway.
Rav id: yolandamarie

Kristi D said...

Love love this. I try to create a secret garden for my grand girls

Sharon Dawn said...

This is a beautiful pattern. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!
sharonkeeney at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

What a lovely giveaway. I have wanted to purchase a kit from Little Skein for a while, just haven't found room in my budget quite yet.
Ravelry: erinrene

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan & Anne!
I'd love to win a shawl kit. It is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for the chance

Carol Smiar said...

I love knitting shawls. I would love to make this absolutely beautiful shawl. Hoping to be the winner.

Amber said...

This kit is gorgeous! I would love to win one. Ravelry: rainwomanknits

Diana said...

This pattern and yarn combo...gorgeous! Thank you for the chance to win this generous giveaway.

Rav ID: Diana505

Unknown said...

I love this shawl and the work of both designers! My Ravelry name is Mijejo and my email address is

Margaret mcmanus said...

Beautiful shawl kit and the color is spot on knitwitt123@ loves it

Emily said...

Susan, you have the best giveaways ever! Such a beautiful kit.

Frickerbasket on ravelry

Anonymous said...

The shawl is beautiful! Thank you for the information and the opportunity to win a kit.
rav name: LindaSchmitt

Anonymous said...

I love this pattern. Love

Jeannette in St Louis said...

What a generous offer,,,would love to win this beautiful kit in W.Manor with hollyhock stitch markers. Thank You!
Rav ID Schnettatstl

Susan said...

Btful texture & color.

Mary Moury said...

Oh wow, what a giveaway!
My rav I'd is MarylyMade

Anonymous said...

So pretty!

Ravelry: zinda

MaryjoO said...

Stunningly gorgeous and so generous!
MaryjoO on Ravelry

Unknown said...

Love it! The colorways are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Stunning shawl! How fun this would be to knit!

Vickie Hoffman said...

What a treasure trove, love it!

Anonymous said...

Revelry name is sewingjag

Kristi said...

How exciting! Thank you!
bountifulknitter on ravelry

Karen P said...

Lovely pattern and all the yarn choices are beautiful

Ravelry ID akjetmom

Anonymous said...

Love it! The colorways are fabulous!


Kelsie said...

Oh what a beautiful shawl and what an awesome giveaway! I would love to win this!

Rav ID: soonerknitter

TaineAH said...

Ooooh, that bright pink! Rav name is Taine.

Anonymous said...

I just love the Secret Garden Shawl, as well as the book. Alana's nature inspired designs are treasures to knit! All of the colors of the Western Sky Knits kits are luscious and would be gorgeous for this shawl.

What a generous offer and I'd just love to be lucky enough to knit and wear this shawl.

I'm threadsgal on Ravelry.

Thanks all around for the extraordinary generosity!!

Iris said...

I think the winner is going to have a challenge making all of those decisions--too many pretty things to choose from!


Barbara H said...

Oh My--388 comments already! I just watched Anne's video on how the wear the shawl. I have been a loyal customer for several years now but this is the one shawl kit I don't have....Maybe I will win it!?!?
NewJerseyBarb on Ravelry and

Kackie said...

This shawl is amazing! Thanks for the great giveaway! So generous!

RAV ID: Katnahat

Adebar said...

How wonderful!! Thank you!
Ravelry: adebar

Jennifer in Ohio said...

Such a wonderful kit! The shawl is gorgeous.
Jennifer (RavID IronicalKnitter)

danaj said...

Oh my gosh...Need, need, need! Stunning shawl.
ravID: djw340

fionafae said...

Wow, thanks for this amazing opportunity Susan! I always loved that book and Alana's patterns are amazing - plus that yarn!!!!
Ravelry username - fionafae

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! My rave name is litchick. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this Shawl and kit. Ravname: kat2nich

Jerrill said...

What a nice shawl. I would love to knit it.

Robin said...

What a lovely shawl pattern, and the yarns look amazing.

Pam D said...

Super pretty! I have not yet tried that yarn, it looks gorgeous. pamelajd on Rav

harknessangels said...

Gorgeous shawl.....such a generous, lovely kit! Thanks so much for the chance!

Ravelry: harknessangels

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