Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Monday, September 24, 2012

Knitting Heritage Project plus a little sharing

Hi, Knitters,
A few weeks ago Karen Kendrick-Hands contacted me about a knitting project she is passionate about. It is not your everyday ordinary project but instead she is working on establishing a Knitting Heritage Museum right here in Madison, Wisconsin. With impressive backing and support Karen is organizing an event entitled, Knitting Heritage Museum: A Work in Progress; Making the Case for Collecting, Preserving, Researching and Sharing Our Knitting and Crochet Heritage. The event takes place this coming November 8-10, 2012, at the Wisconsin Historical Society on State Street in Madison.

Here is a little information about the project from Karen:
"Knitted and crocheted objects, works of the hand and heart, provide snapshots of the ethnic traditions and socioeconomic status of the maker and the wearer. An infant's christening gown celebrates an intergenerational milestone. An intricate Shetland shawl or Bohus sweater knit for hire illustrates the often unsung ways women supported their families when male incomes disappeared. A sock, knit during wartime, connects the maker at home to the warrior at the front.

These often humble and utilitarian items were worn, passed down from generation to generation and sometimes donated to a local or regional museum. Many museums have these items in their collections but are unsure how to preserve, categorize and display them."

Karen is out to explore, discuss and hopefully solve many of the issues surrounding preserving and sharing knitting from a historical perspective.

There is an exciting panel discussion on Friday, November 9th, about the value of heritage and why it is important. The panel includes some industry heavy hitters including, Trisha Malcolm, VP and Editorial Director of Vogue Knitting and Jack Blumenthal, VP of Lion Brand Yarn.

Anyway, I love this entire project. I have liked the Facebook page and am hoping to be able to attend some of the events over the three days. I hope some of you can join in, too. Our beloved knitting is historically important and very much under-recognized from a historical perspective. I love the idea of a Knitting Heritage Museum and what better place than in the home state of Elizabeth Zimmermann.

Here are the links to find out more about this moving project:

Click here for the Knitting Heritage Museum website.

Click here for the Knitting Heritage Museum on Facebook.

Click here for the Ravelry group for the Museum -wip.

Now onto some fun and fast sharing today. I was gifted this gorgeous skein of Sunshine Yarns Classic Sock, superwash yarn, 370 yards in 100% merino wool, in the Trek colorway.  The gift giver is the wonderful Diana (GrandmaBuck on Ravelry). I had admired a prize yarn donated by Dani of Sunshine Yarns, and before I knew it I had the same skein in my hands. Isn't it stunning?

I might have to design something out of this skein. It is that amazing.

I made a little progress on my HD Yarns sock. The shop has put up a notice that it will be posting lots more of their self-striping yarn on October 20thso if you are interested you should go favorite the shop and then be sure to check back. This yarn is called, Dynamics, which has bright colors and varied stripes which makes the sock a fun knit.

My next shawl pattern is moving along. It is going to be really pretty and it will have a different edging that I can't wait to try when I get there. I am almost done with the last repeat. I am knitting this one out of my fingering weight handspun from Sunshine Yarns roving. I'm going to knit another one in a commercial yarn that's accessible to everyone.

I promised myself that I would find the time to start the Hyla Brook by Paula Emons-Fuessle. Well, I did. It's a tiny start but it is a start. Oh, those are Signature Needles in US size 5, 32-inch circulars.

The Quince & Co. Tern in the Sea Grass colorway is sweet and earthy. This yarn is a blend of wool and silk. It is soft and beautiful.

I'll be back soon with a giveaway. Have a good start to your week.
best, susie


  1. I am so excited about the Museum in Progress project!!! I cannot wait to hear more about it after the symposium. I hope you can go. I wish I could go!!!

    The yarn and shawls are amazing. Happy Knitting! Nicky momoffour

  2. Love your knitting. Look forward to seeing more of the shawl design too!

  3. I love the reasons for preserving our knitting and crochet history. I feel proud to be part of this craft world.
    That sock yarn is so awesome! I favored the shop.
    What lovely shawls you're workin' on Susan.

  4. The Museum in Progress is such a great project. I'm anxious to hear more.
    Love the yarn you were gifted! Hope to see your project in it soon.

  5. Another good reason to visit Madison. My DH has been there for a dairy symposium and I have an internet knitting friend (met up with her in DC last year). It is quite a centre of goodness.

  6. What a lovely stelf striping colorway, I must knit my own pair of stripe yarn! Just have to finish knitting a couple more projects, and maybe then I'll have time to knit for myself again :)

    Can't wait to see your new shawl design!!


  7. Hi Susan, my grandson (age) 9 loves owls and I would like to make him an afghan with an owl pattern suitable for an older child.
    I love your owl cardigan and was wondering if you Gould give me some guidance about making an afghan using those owls?

  8. Bernie and Halla,
    Well, I think you'd have to start by purchasing Kate Davies pattern for the Owls sweater. Then you could just use her charts for the owls and make it into a blanket. You might want to write to Kate Davies for more information.

    Good luck! Susan

    1. Actually I have the pattern already! I'll figure it out.....thanks!
