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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall Obsessed

Hi, Knitters,
I have become obsessed with a few things as of late, the fall season, my phone camera, instagram, and nature hikes.

I post a lot of photos of my hikes and findings throughout the day plus a ton of knitting stuff on my twitter account, under SusanBAnderson. If you are interested you can follow me by clicking right here. You can also follow me on under susanbanderson.

The following photos are some of my latest shots of the fall Wisconsin terrain.

I have a fun and big giveaway lined up and ready to go I just haven't had the time to do it justice. I will get that going as soon as I am able.
I hope you are enjoying this glorious fall as much as I am.
best, susie


  1. Thanks so much for sharing a taste of your fall! We don't get fall here, and it's my favorite season. :)

  2. I noticed via your pictures that you had a new phone. What model did you go with? I'm having a mental iPhone vs. Android debate.



  3. Hi Sarah,
    iphone! love it so much but I have nothing to compare it with. camera is awesome on it.

    xo, susie

  4. The crisp air, the turning time of year. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  5. I'm already missing fall at home in Wisconsin. The leaves change and fall off here in Alameda but that's not true of everywhere else in the Bay Area...and it's just not the same. It's kind of strange to see some leaves changing colors while others stay stubbornly green (like the palm trees).


    By the time I get back to Wisconsin, it'll be snowing :(

  6. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Makes me miss the midwest. We are just starting to see the aspens changing here in Colorado. Fall is certainly my favorite time of year. And, not just because it's "Knitting Season" : )

  7. I love this time of year the best. Having a new little puppy to walk ensures that I get lots of outdoor time! Our leaves here in southern Ontario are just beginning to change, but it was in the 30s last night so it won't be long before we are enjoying the beautiful Fall changes. Happy Autumn, Susan! :)

  8. Hi Susan; Thanks for the great pictures. I always miss Wisconsin at this time of year. Fall in AZ just isn't the same. We can go north , but it isn't an everyday fall feeling. I am going to follow you on twitter. If you want, follow me as we'll. I am a Registered Dietitian and college Faculty. Am on Twitter as of a week ago to help communicate Nutrition info to friends and students. @pkarlbergrd
    Have a great day

  9. Reminds me of my runs on the Ice Age Trail! Miss that!

  10. I've been enjoying the foliage here in maine as well. Great Pictures:)

  11. I've been loving your fall hike pictures on Instagram! And I was thinking of you yesterday when I made the No-Recipe Applesauce!

  12. We're heading to Door County next month but after seeing your pictures, I'm guessing the leaves will all be gone by then! Still beautiful anyway...thanks for the photos! :-) Pat M.

  13. It's beautiful there, Susan!

  14. Thank you for the photos. Here in Vermont we are just beginning to see the beautiful fall colors. It's my favorite time of year! Enjoy!

  15. Beautiful photos, Fall is one of my favorite times of the year.

  16. I miss all the fall colors, Florida just doesn't have colors like that. Thanks for sharing.

  17. OH, SUSAN!!
    Thank you a thousand times for sharing! I cried. But it was happy-crying, too.
    I'm from northern Pennsylvania and desparately miss the Fall happenings from God. Living in FL just isn't colorful like the North.'s GREAT to see other peoples' views of it!
    I LOVED it! The children and I all laughed when your shadow waved! That's something we enjoy doing to each other!
    THANK YOU for sharing!! You are so F-U-N!

  18. This so much reminds me of our Canadian falls. Your weather is very similar to ours right now:) I saw on your blog that you are headed to St Andrews by the Sea to stay at the Algonquin, It is a beautiful place and you will be embraced by all the East Coast knitters. Now we just have to get you to Ontario. Love your work, I think I am your biggest Ontario fan for sure.

  19. Hi Susan! I follow your photos on Instagram and love the fall colors ----- wish you could see my photo posted today!
    Purple, green, orange, yellow!!!

  20. So beautiful! :)

  21. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for telling me which phone you chose! I'm still debating, but am glad you love your choice. Your photos are lovely. I've also never had a fancy phone.

