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Monday, July 23, 2012

Whistle While You Work

Hi Knitters,
Instead of whistling while I work on editing my book pages, I take small breaks here and there to knit. I don't have time to put in all of the links today with this quick share of projects. However, I will be back soon to update you with the details.

In the photo above, I was recently reminded about the gorgeous Kristin Nicholas Garden Affects Regia sock yarn (Farbe 03306, Partie 11312) I had sitting on my shelf. Plus, I was reminded from the video podcast,, about the always popular Monkey Socks (pattern on by Cookie A. I had always wanted to knit myself a pair of these lacy socks so I finally decided to jump in and start a pair. I'm a little late to the game, but better late than never.

I have found that this is the perfect pairing of yarn and pattern. I am crazy over this sock. More to come later on my super fun Monkey socks project....

Have any of you knit Monkey socks? I'd love to know.

I took this long forgotten watermelon striping sock with me to a dive meet last weekend. Strangely, all I had left was the toe and it has been sitting untouched for months. It took only minutes to finish the sock as I quickly finished knitting the toe at the meet and then grafted it together when I got home.

Now I am in love with this single watermelon sock. This wool is not for the weak of heart. It is rustic in feel and has what I call hay bits and pieces scattered throughout. You have to pick out hay as you knit. For some reason this doesn't bother me at all and I kind of get a kick out of it. The yarn is a thick, rough single-ply that I not so easily knit up on US size 1 dpns.

I truly love this warm, fun, comfy sock. The winters will be a better place if I can get the second sock done in time. The sweet watermelon sock is right at the top of my favorite sock list, that is, if there was a list. There really should be a list.

The hard to get your hands on yarn is from It is the best if you can get it!

Lastly, I have a bunch of baby knits of all sorts and kinds on the needles for a collection I am working on. I couldn't be more excited about this one.

This tiny green sneak peek is all I can share at this time. More information on this will come later for sure.

What are you working on this week? Knitting or otherwise, I'd love to hear about it.

Have a super Monday and as always, a great start to your week, Knitters.
best, susie


  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    Oh no! Now I need to knit a pair of Monkeys and some Watermelon socks too! Severe startitis. I did begin a pair of gray Monkeys once a long while back and got sidetracked. I remember that I liked knitting them, the few inches I did knit. :) Maybe it's time to make a pair.

  2. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    Oh no! Now I need to knit a pair of Monkeys and some Watermelon socks too! Severe startitis. I did begin a pair of gray Monkeys once a long while back and got sidetracked. I remember that I liked knitting them, the few inches I did knit. :) Maybe it's time to make a pair.

  3. I love that Garden Affects colorway! Do you know which one it is? Thanks!

  4. I've always loved my Monkeys. A great knit and pretty to wear.

  5. Have always loved my Monkeys! Great pattern and they make yarn sing!

  6. I love the buttons on the child's cardigan. So cute. Where did you get them?

  7. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    The buttons for the baby sweater are super cute! Right now I'm working on a couple of projects, the one currently in my lap (a few stitches between working, sounds familiar?) is a colorwork hat for a coming collection :)

  8. Once again, you inspire me, Susan. Can't wait to see the green project. I am working on two projects, a sweet white cardi for my two year old granddaughter and the Pleiades shawl. I will be on the airplane to go see that little granddaugter on Wednesday. Good time to knit on the way!

  9. I don't know that I whistle while I work/knit either but...I have been known to knit or read in the fishing boat! While on our family vacation this past week I knit up a Kimono Style Cardi for a sweet little January expecation! Little bitty knits are so quick & adorable!

  10. I love those buttons! They remind me of some I bought on Etsy. I have found the cutest buttons on Etsy and it has now turned into my only source when I need buttons.

    Right now I am plugging away on my Bayside Pullover from Coastal Knits. I'm using the suggested yarn, Quince & Co. Sparrow. I'm very anxious to finish so I can start on Hannah's Effortless Cardigan in Madelinetosh DK.

  11. I have! I used the yarn (Limited Ed. Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock) I had bought at Vogue Knitting Live, L.A. Mine are a teeny bit roomy so when using Shepherd Sock again (Breaking Dawn, Limited Ed.), I went down a needle size. The first sock fits more closely.
    I'm working on a charity beanie, a snood, and the second BD sock.

  12. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    I have knit a pair too - so much fun! It was BMFA Pepe Le Plume but sadly it was no match for the NYC laundromats! I need to knit myself a new pair - they show off variegated yarn so well and you can still see the pattern.

  13. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    I'm challenging myself and making a shawl(Bitterroot) using laceweight and charts for the first time. Also working on my Circles and Stripes Jacket.

    nerakmacd(rav id)

  14. I love the Watermelon socks! I just might have to look for the yarn. I am kntting a pair of socks for my granddaughter who is turning four in August. The yarn is Shibui/sock, 100% superwash merino. It is soft and dyed so many bright vibrant colors. I am using your sock pattern for kids. It is a very easy pattern to follow, I love it!
    Have a nice evening.

  15. I'm knitting the border on a Stacy shawl. I hope to finish it tomorrow so I can get it blocked. I want to take it with me on my trip to Alaska. That baby knit looks darling. I want to knit up a bunch of baby things to have on hand for all of the little ones that have been popping up lately.

  16. I just finished a knitting project - worsted weight socks for my mum - so now I'm ready to look through my stash for the next project! Fun!

  17. I'm knitting Chloe the Marshmallow Bonnet from Itty Bitty Hats right now, as we're going to Sydney next month, where it's very cold!

  18. I just finished a long day at work (not much whistling) and now to knit!
    I just saw that your toy knitting class at VKL Chicago is sold out. So glad I signed up when I did.

  19. I've not done Monkey socks yet, they will get made at some point, just not sure when yet.

  20. AnonymousJuly 24, 2012

    Susan you continue to inspire me! I applied the idea of taking "knitting breaks". I am currently knitting shawl collared cowl by Alana Dakos, using Misty Alpaca chunky in a dark purple. I love your blog!

  21. AnonymousJuly 24, 2012

    Susan you continue to inspire me! I applied the idea of taking "knitting breaks". I am currently knitting shawl collared cowl by Alana Dakos, using Misty Alpaca chunky in a dark purple. I love your blog!

  22. Your Monkey socks look so squishy and cozy! Will have to look up that pattern. I'm working on your reversible lion/elephant toy. It's coming out so cute!

  23. The Monkey sock is on my list too to knit! Beautiful. I love that watermelon sock as well. I kind of really enjoy picking out pieces of hay and grass as I knit! I feel like I am knitting with Real yarn! :)

  24. AnonymousJuly 24, 2012

    that little green sweater is so adorable!

  25. I love the watermelon socks seeds and all.

  26. AnonymousJuly 24, 2012

    I have knit 3 pair of Monkey socks. It is such a great pattern, I can imagine knitting it again.

  27. Love my Monkey Socks! They are my most comfortable socks - I keep knitting other sock patterns, but the Monkey is the best! Pattern is what got me hooked on Cookie A patterns.

  28. I'm new to the sock world (knitting them, not wearing them) and altho I am an average knitter, I think I have actually had better results with socks than with other much simpler projects. Want to make a pair of Red Sox red socks for my adult son for Christmas. Any ideas on what weight and type of yarn to use???

  29. I knit a pair of Monkey socks from Lorna's Laces yarn. They were fun. They're a tad tight, though.

  30. Yippee! More baby knits coming from you! Can't wait.

  31. AnonymousJuly 24, 2012

    Hi Susan!

    Do you have any idea when you will be able to sell your bunny and hat pattern to the general public? I see WEB has it but the hat is sold out. I have the yarn already to go.

  32. The Opal Bunny and Hat will be available in my pattern shop on ravelry and craftsy on Jan. 1st, 2013.

    Thanks for asking.

  33. My very first handknit socks were monkey socks. I did the Los Monos Locos-toe up monkeys. I also did them two at a time on 2 circs. Crazy, I was. It took me quite a while to get them done. But once they were finished I knew I could do it again!

  34. AnonymousJuly 26, 2012

    The Monkey Socks were the first sock pattern that I knit, they got me hooked on sock knitting something bad :p! Actually I'm wearing my Monkey's today :D

  35. I, like you, was late to the Monkey sock party and have a pair on the needles at the moment! They are fun to knit, but unfortunately I think I am suffering from second sock syndrome... I should really do something to fix that - they are so pretty! :)

  36. I am in love with the buttons! Where did you get them? If you don't mind my asking.

  37. The buttons are from The Sow's Ear in Verona, WI
