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Friday, July 20, 2012

Jellies and Knit Lamb Swap Package

Hi Knitters,
Let's end the week with a happy and knitterly post. I joined in a swap on my Itty-Bitty Knits group on ravelry. Mel, one of the lovely moderators and the queen of organizing swaps has an alphabetical theme going on this year. We are at JKL in the alphabet so the swap was titled, Jellies and a Knit Lamb. That was basically the requirement for the swap. Mel posted all of my various lamb patterns that swappers could choose from and then add any sort of jelly beans, gummies, or jelly-related candy to the package.

What I love about these swaps is the creativity that emerges in the packages. The package I received is incredibly creative and detailed. My partner is pattytrish (rav id) or Patricia, who lives in Kansas. She is a very active, fun, upbeat and supportive member of Itty-Bitty Knits and we are all lucky to have her around. Patricia wrote me a card and told me the theme for this package is color and I could certainly see that!

Just look at what she put together for me.....

I think this is the cutest and most colorful version of one of my sheep patterns ever! I just love it. The way Patricia used the bright variegated yarn for the fleece and then contrasted that with the stripey neutral yarn for the face and feet.... genius. This sheep made my day a million times over. I keep showing it to everyone and the reaction is the same every time, "CUTE!"

I'll save it forever and it is going in a special spot in my studio. Thank you so much for your beautiful work, Patricia.

Patricia also had time to knit up a pair of Fallberry Mitts in one of my favorite yarns.

The pattern is from Knitty so it is a free one. I think I might have to make another pair to have around here because there are many hands wanting to wear this pair by pattytrish. We love them.

Patricia knit two adorable sheep washcloths/dishcloths. She also sent me a gorgeous braid of fiber. You can find the free patterns for these washcloths, by bee30 - rav id or Ber, by clicking right here.

This one will be next on my wheel. I love Falkland Wool and the colors are wonderful and soothing. The dyer is Ella Marie Fibers on Etsy. What a great shop. I am excited to get this braid going.

Patricia's granddaughter, Gabby, knit up another rainbow dishcloth for me. She wrote me a sweet card explaining that the washcloth isn't exactly a square. Gabby, I couldn't love it more! Who needs a square? Squares are overrated. I will use and love your handknit goodness. Your knitting is beautiful and thank you for sharing it with me.

Can you believe this box of goodies? It never ends. Included is a Ravelry project bag, jelly beans and jelly babies, chocolate covered sunflower seeds, a sheep shawl pin (love!), "S" hankies, a knitty notepad and pen, a sheep calendar for 2013 (love this, I am a wall calendar kind of girl), and a couple of Kansas postcards.

This is all so much fun.

But it doesn't stop there. Patricia made a project bag with colorful sheep on the outside and a sunny golden floral fabric on the inside. I love the polka dot ribbon drawstring, it matches the knit sheep's bow.

Inside this sweet handstitched bag there was a treasury of goodies.

This little bag included, sheep buttons, embroidery floss, sheep earrings, two sets of fantastic sheep stitch markers (yay! I love these and I was just going to order more stitch markers.), a sheep stamp and ink pad, and a lovely card from Patricia.

Wow! That is one impressive and detailed swap package. I can't believe the effort and thoughtfulness that went into this.

Thank you, Patricia. xoxoxo to you.

The package I sent to my partner just arrived. My partner is in Canada and I can't wait to hear if she likes it. Fingers are crossed.

Have a great weekend everyone. I hope you get to spend some time knitting.
best, susie


  1. So glad you like it, Susan. I had a great deal of fun putting it together for you.

  2. Wow! Patricia is such an awesome person! LOVE talking to her on Ravelry. She really DID make your lamb pattern one-of-a-kind with the colors she chose.

    Wonderfully fun package! And your daughter sure is growing into the most lovely young lady.

  3. Amazing swap package from our dear Patricia and her DGD! And Ber, another of our own, designed the two sheep washcloths, too! I love that! You deserve every little bit of love!

    Lovely model, as always...I favorited the mitts...might have to knit those! Nicky momoffour

  4. Amazing swap package from our dear Patricia and her DGD! And Ber, another of our own, designed the two sheep washcloths, too! I love that! You deserve every little bit of love!

    Lovely model, as always...I favorited the mitts...might have to knit those! Nicky momoffour

  5. I am speechless at how lucky ewe were to receive such a wonderful package.

  6. OMGosh! What a score! I am in awe at that clever pairing of yarns for the sheep!
    And do not tell me that is TC?!!! She is gorgeous! My gosh!

  7. Whoa! What a wonderful package!

  8. ReneelynnJuly 20, 2012

    WOW! what a fantastic package. The lamb is great. Do you know were the pattern for the sheep wash cloths is from? sooooooo cute.

  9. uhhhh JEALOUS! Please tell Patricia that I LOVE the orange sheep. Two of my boys are redheads and my dog and cat are orange. I have a thing for orange colored creatures and humans!

  10. Patricia lamb is super cute and TC is getting more beautiful by the day. She looks just like you Susan.


  11. Patricia's lamb is super cute and TC is getting more beautiful by the day. She looks just like you Susan.


  12. AnonymousJuly 22, 2012

    Holy cow! What an amazing gift!


  13. wow! you hit the jackpot in the partner match-up!

  14. Love the multi-colored sheep head stitch markers!!! Is there any identifying info on the tag? I would love a set for myself.

  15. Maggie, the stitch markers are from this site:

    They are wonderful!

  16. what yarn was used for the body of the lamb? love it!

  17. Caryn, it is a Claudia Handpaint yarn.

  18. Love the patterns in the Wearwithhall book and think it is a must-have for me. Would love to win it! Thanks for the opportunity, Susan.
