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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

From Silk Moon to Balm to the Soul

Hi Knitters,
All links will be found at the end of the post today so look there if interested. 

One other quick note, thank you for the kind emails and comments on my sister and your sisters/friends. It was fun to hear about all of your sisterly love. My sister is a singer just like her daughter, and she told me that she wore the Piper's Journey Shawl to sing at a funeral last Monday. I loved that. She gets asked to sing at funerals at her church all of the time and she often doesn't even mention it to me. I think that is so kind of her to volunteer to sing for funerals. She just quietly does good in the world and never needs any attention for it. That's the best.

Now for some new things!

I finally finished those last few rows on the Silk Moon Crescent Shawlette at a soccer game last weekend. I immediately tried it on when I got home from the game and it is simply charming. It wraps right over your shoulders so nicely. I think I will get a lot of wear out of this one come next fall and winter.

I used Noro Kureyon in the #95 colorway. I think I used two balls but maybe it was three. I lost track. The pattern is well-written and Jaala, the designer and Knit Circus founder, did a great job with this catchy and perfect match of yarn and pattern.

Jaala hosted a knitalong for the Silk Moon Shawlette and the pattern and group really took off. Many people in the knitalong, which is now over, made several shawlettes and one knitter made something like seven of them! It is that kind of pattern. The group for the knitalong is still going and it is really fun to see the different finished shawls in all kinds of yarn and sizes.

This morning I pulled out my Soak basin and Soak wash and the Knitter's Block blocking boards. I love getting these items out because it means I have finished something.

The shawl soaked while everyone scurried about getting off for the start of the day.

After everyone left the house I gently squeezed out the excess water and spread out the shawl on the blocking boards. I decided to just shape this one without wires or pins. When I tried it on before blocking it fit nicely on my shoulders and I don't really want much more length so I am kind of leaving it as is with just a gentle stretch.

Noro and garter stitch are truly a pair for all times. There is nothing else like it. I'll get a photo of the shawlette on my shoulders after it is dry. I am already in love. Many people are making these little and quick shawlettes for gifts and I have to say, I am considering it, too. It was a fun, take-along, easy knit on big needles and worsted weight yarn. I am sure I could crank out a few more of these very quickly.

I want to update you on Jaala's next knitalong. Awhile back, Jaala sat on my couch knitting away on the sweetest shawlette. I remember just loving yarn and pattern she was making, it was for a class she was teaching at the Sow's Ear. After she finished the shawlette she wore it over to my house a couple of times and it looked completely charming draped around her neck. Jaala really sells her own designs by wearing them because they look so great on her. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy the fact that she worked on this design while sitting on my living room couch as we chatted and drank tea together.

The new knitalong is for the Balm to the Soul Shawlette. This one uses either a dk or a worsted weight yarn. Directions for both weights are included in the pattern. It is an adorable shawlette with a kiss of lace on the edge. I have started the Balm shawl with some of my earliest handspun from Sunshine Yarns roving in the Wintersong colorway. I may be a tiny bit short on the yardage (I have 250 yards) so if this is the case I have some other complimentary handspun I will use for the lace edging.

I have already joined the knitalong group for the Balm to the Soul Shawlette. It officially starts June 15th and runs through July 15th. I hope to see you over there if you are interested.

Here are all of the links:
Piper's Journey Shawl
Jaala Spiro of Knit Circus
Silk Moon Crescent Shawlette pattern
Silk Moon Crescent Shawlette knitalong group
Soak Wash
Knitter's Block
Balm to the Soul Shawlette pattern
Balm to the Soul Shawlette knitalong group
The Sow's Ear
Sunshine Yarns roving and yarn - one of my faves!

It is a beautiful week weather-wise around here. I hope you are all getting out to enjoy the spring season this year.

See you soon!
best, susie


  1. How lovely! I was so taken with your Silk Moon Shawlette, that I bought the pattern and am working on my own! It's my very first shawl, actually, so thanks so much for the inspiration. :)

  2. So cute how that Noro knitted up. That's one sweet shawlette.

  3. Love your shawls...I have some Noro and I keep changing my mind about what I want to knit with it--so many fun patterns to showcase a nice Noro! Your handspun is lovely. Nicky momoffour

  4. Love your shawls...I have some Noro and I keep changing my mind about what I want to knit with it--so many fun patterns to showcase a nice Noro! Your handspun is lovely. Nicky momoffour

  5. I finished mine too!

  6. Mine shawlette-turned-large-shawl is up on the KAL page today. Now I'm ready to pick some yarn for "Balm to the Soul." Between you and Jaala and your KAL's I can't get a stitch in edgewise!
    (Miss you)

  7. That shawl is so pretty! I love the colors! I'm just a tiny bit jealous lol
