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Monday, June 04, 2012

Beautiful Sister

Hi Knitters,
My beautiful sister had a birthday yesterday. I love making her things because she always appreciates them so much. In fact, she is the queen of immediately wearing whatever anyone gives her. When our kids were little she would proudly wear a big macaroni necklace from one of the kids wherever we were going. When TC would make her something like a bookmark, her instant and sincere response was, "I was just looking for a bookmark, I really needed a new one." She always knows the perfect thing to say to make your gift seem important and valued. My mom and I used to think that was so sweet and funny.

Also going on last night, my sister's talented singer/actress daughter was performing at a huge show, The Tommy's, at the Overture Center in Madison. Her daughter won a couple of Tommy awards but even more so, she won a national competition in which the award is an all paid for travel and week in New York City where she will get to sing on a Broadway stage and take master musical theater classes. And as if that wasn't enough, the selected winner of this week in New York receives a full scholarship to NYU, runners up win scholarships for their colleges. It's all so exciting and I am a proud aunt.

When we arrived at the show last night I passed my sister's birthday gift down the row of seats. I thought she would open it later but she opened it as we sat waiting for the show to begin. My sister reads my blog and had commented on how much she loved my Piper's Journey Shawl. As soon as she said that, I knew what her gift would be. I would give her my Piper's Journey Shawl, I had only worn it a couple of times at that point. I added a simple pewter stick shawl pin to the shawl and wrapped it up.

You can see that she loves it and yes, as expected, she immediately put it on to wear for the show. The photo I snapped on my phone is not great, but she is great and you can see that clear as day. I took two photos of her with my phone and each time after we burst out laughing. I can't explain why but we did.

My sister and I have lived quite a life together with many ups and many downs surrounding us throughout the years but one thing never changes, my love for her. I am her biggest supporter and cheerleader and she is mine. Every time I talk to her I feel like our mom is there with us, we don't ever have to say anything, we just know.

So today, here's to my beautiful sister!
best, susie


  1. That is so sweet! I always wished I had a sister (even though my brothers are great).

  2. I have two sisters myself and would not trade them for anything! What a wonderful blog post and how exciting to receive anything from you!! :) Happy Monday!

  3. Your post brought a tear to my eye, so touching! I love my sister, too! Next best thing to having our dear mom with us! Thanks for sharing, Susan, and your gift and your sister are beautiful!

  4. So sweet your very lucky to have such a loving family:)

  5. Great post! I don't have a sister, but, a best friend...we call each other "sista". We sing the "Friendship Song" to each other when we are being goofy. You've GOT to hear this! Nobody beats Lucy and Ethel for friendship!

  6. Great post! I don't have a sister, but, a best friend...we call each other "sista". We sing the "Friendship Song" to each other when we are being goofy. You've GOT to hear this! Nobody beats Lucy and Ethel for friendship!

  7. Oh how sweet! Sisters can really love each other? I never had sisters, only brothers, BUT I have two daughters (24 &21) and they do NOT get along at all! Makes me sad to see them fight and I tell them both that someday after their father and I are gone, they will only have each other representing our family.

    Glad she loved it! You are blessed!

  8. You are so fortunate to love and be loved by your sister. But knowing you, this is a friendship nurtured and built slowly and mutually. Some never know a relationship like yours. I know you treasure it each and every day. Thank you fr sharing it with us.

  9. I was just thinking about your sister dolls pattern! Happy Birthday to your sister--there is nothing like a sister. I have two and feel so grateful to have two daughters. XXOO Nicky momoffour

  10. I was just thinking about your sister dolls pattern! Happy Birthday to your sister--there is nothing like a sister. I have two and feel so grateful to have two daughters. XXOO Nicky momoffour

  11. Susan,
    What a beautiful post about your sister. I have two sisters that I love so much. But the comment about your mom really touched me. I feel the same way when my sisters and I are together, her (my mom)essense comes through each of us and it makes me feel like she is with us. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face with your post.

  12. It's beautiful, as is she. I am leaning toward making a Piper's Journey myself!

  13. Susan,
    What a beautiful post about your sister. I have two sisters that I love so much. But the comment about your mom really touched me. I feel the same way when my sisters and I are together, her (my mom)essense comes through each of us and it makes me feel like she is with us. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face with your post.

  14. What a beautiful tribute to your sister. You are lucky to have each other.

  15. AnonymousJune 04, 2012

    That made me cry because I haven't seen my two sisters in a long time.

  16. What a tribute to your sister, as well as sisters all over the world. You write so beautifully and from the heart. I am honored that you gave her Piper's Journey!

  17. AnonymousJune 04, 2012

    How amazing it is to have someone treasure your craft. And not even mind that you'd tested driven it a few times either! Your niece sounds very talented, I wish her all the best for the next stage of her journey. :)

  18. So sweet! I've always wanted a sister (I'm an only). It sounds like you two have such a wonderful and special bond. Happy Belated Birthday to your sister!

  19. Oh my goodness - I was going to type almost exactly what the commenter above me wrote (Tiphanie). You are so blessed! ( : I hope my daughter (she is also an only child like myself) and I can share a super special bond! ( :

  20. Oh,this is so cute,and so's your sister! I can see a resemblance. :) What a wonderful person to immediately express her gratitude for what people make her. Every knitter should be this lucky!

  21. I used to clean your sister's house when I was in college! It's so nice to see her smiling face again! Please tell her that Natalie wishes her all the best! What a sweet, talented family you have :)

  22. You have a very talented family! Especially the girls?

  23. ❤ ❤ ❤ i can feel the love you have for each other pouring through the computer screen. you both sound like sweet, loving sisters. ❤ ❤ ❤

  24. You do have a beautiful sister--and so does she! I am also blessed with a beautiful sister, this post made me think of her. I love to make things for her too, because she appreciates them. I like what you wrote about feeling your mom with you when you get together. I never thought of it that way, but that is so true for us as well. I just love your blog, I relate to it so often!

  25. Hi Susan - I too feel incredibly blessed to have four wonderful sisters. Sisters are the best cheerleaders, aren't they? I do feel bad that Julia doesn't have any siblings but not much I can do about that. Happy Birthday to your sis and what a lovely present.
    XO Kristin

  26. Nice post! Its nice that your sister appreciates your knitting. The shawl os lovely on her.

  27. I am all teary right now b/c I have 2 sisters that I can't imagine living without. Sisters are almost too special for words. I love that your sister loves your knitting so much. That is a blessing!

  28. I loved that post. There should be a "Sister's Day" on the calendar. My beloved died at the age of 17, and now that I'm middle-aged, I always imagine what life would be like if she were still here. It touched me to see that you and your sister are practicing gratitude and sharing every possible moment. Lovely lovely.

  29. Dawn is such a sweetie - you are so lucky to have her as a sister. I'm so proud of her daughter too! I had no idea she was up for all of those awards - she is as talented as her mama!

  30. How lucky you two are to have each other . . . i would love to have one just like her but have a bestest friend that is a great stand in.

  31. Awww so sweet! I can really appreciate this. My "love language" is giving and receiving gifts. This is a fun quiz to take:
