Thursday, May 03, 2012

Custom Knits Accessories Review and Giveaway!

Edited to Add on May 7th: The giveaway is now over and no new entries are being accepted. Thanks to everyone for entering. A winner has been randomly selected.

Hi Knitters,
This is my favorite new book. Really, it is much more than that. It is one of my all-time favorite books. Wendy Bernard, the author of Custom Knits, Custom Knits 2 and now Custom Knits Accessories, has possibly written the perfect book. You can pretty much find out anything you might like to know about how to knit shawls, stoles, scarves, hats, berets, mittens, gloves, socks, and leg warmers right inside this book! 

It is so jam-packed with information about yarns, measurements, formulas for making up your own designs, different styles of each item and more. This is a book that should be in every knitter's library. It is that good. I love Wendy's simple, straightforward explanations of construction. It speaks to me so clearly. She makes everything seem easy and doable and therefore it is. Her Custom Knits and Custom Knits 2 books are staples in my knitting studio. I refer to them all of the time for information.

I reviewed the book in two videos that you see below. Please read below the videos to see how you can win a copy for yourself and for all of the links in this post!

I promise you will love and use this book for years to come. I can't say enough good things about it.

Please leave one comment on this post to enter to win a copy of Custom Accessories by Wendy Bernard. I will be back in a short bit to randomly select a winner. Please leave your email or ravelry id so I can get in touch with you if you win. I will gather your mailing address and pass it on to the publisher to send out your book.

Good luck and let the comments begin!
best, susie


1 – 200 of 446   Newer›   Newest»
Dorothy said...

I would so love it! Feel free to send it right to me!

tamdoll said...

Thanks for the chance to win this book! Your videos were cute, your excitement makes me want to see a copy of this!
(tamdoll on Ravelry)

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

It sounds like a great book! I'd love to check it out :)

Renee Anne said...

I always need new books :) You can have it sent to me. (renny1780 on Ravelry)

Rachelle said...

I would love to win that, I've just put myself on a spending ban so can't buy it!
sewsable on Rav

Eenae said...

Ooh-I really love Custom Knits and Custom Knits 2. they are the books I look at whenever I want inspiration. I bet this book is just as lovely as the other two! Thanks for giving us all a chance to win.

(Maegwin on Rav)

Knitty said...

I would love to win it!! Thanks for sharing it with us. p.s i just finished knitting the preemie hat you recommended. It came out so nice

Anonymous said...

I've heard a lot about this book and would love to own it!

chainoffools on ravelry

Anonymous said...

I've heard a lot about this book and would love to own it!

chainoffools on ravelry

Marsha C. said...

I love Wendy's books and would love to add her new one to my library. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of the book:). Allie1 on rav

Teresa said...

Would love to win. Ravelry trwhip

Ginger said...

Sounds like a great book!

My Ravelry id is gswart

Ginger said...

Sounds like a great book!

My Ravelry ID is gswart

Eileen said...

Would really like to get this book! I'm Fizbin on Ravelry

Megan said...

What's not to love about Wendy? She is a talent.
sugarlaneknits on rav

Becky said...

I would love to have a copy of this book.

Thanks for offering it up.

Becky (gathersnomoss)

Lilea said...

It does sound like an awesome book! I'd love to win. Thank you for the giveaway!

proudfam said...

I had hand surgery in January. Am now ready to get back to knitting. Would love to have the book to help me back! Sounds super!

proudfam said...

I just had hand surgery in January. Am now ready to get back to knitting. Would love the book to help me back, it sounds like the perfect thing to start my knitting love again.

Anonymous said...

Another fabulous giveaway Susan :0)
I love Wendy's pattern/book writing style :0)
Love Mel

Anonymous said...

I would love this book! Your blog is so enjoyable to read, keep up the great work!
kmacmillan2003 on ravelry

Anonymous said...

I've also been thinking that this is a great book to add to my library! Not only for the great patterns, but mainly as a reference!
knitranslatezen on Ravelry

Cambria said...

I own (and love) Custom Knits, and I'm definitely curious about Custom Accessories. After your review, I'll be looking out for it. (CambriaW on Ravelry)

Laura said...

I would love a great reference book like that! So nice to have starting points to create your own patterns. :)
Ravelry: lauraarual

Joy said...

I have a copy of Wendy's 1st book. I'd love to have a copy of her 3rd.

Suze said...

I would love this book. I have her first two and they are fantastic! (Plus, all the male eye candy in the beach shots just make me chuckle.)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of this book! I've heard so many wonderful things about it.

JenQuilts2 on Ravelry

Debby said...

I've been adding this to my cart and then not purchasing it...yet. Maybe that's because I'll win? I have her lace book and I'd love to have this one.

A Life of Knitting said...

Would love to win this book! Thanks for the amazing opportunity.

A Life of Knitting said...

Would love to win this book! Thanks for the amazing opportunity.

Amber said...

Hoping to win....I have bought too much stuff this week to treat myself to it! I find I always like the books and patterns you recommend!

cupcakegirl said...

Loved the red hat, and would really LOVE to win the book! Thanks for the give away :)

cupcakegirl said...

Loved the red hat, and would really LOVE to win the book! Thanks so much for the great give aways!!

cupcakegirl said...

Loved the red hat, and would really LOVE to win the book! Thanks so much for the great give aways!!

knitterlydesigns said...

Sounds like the perfect book to me too!

knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

knitterlydesigns said...

Sounds the perfect book for me too!

knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

Jani said...

Thanks so much for offering a chance to win - I love accessories, so this book sounds awesome! Best, Jani (peepsmom on Ravelry)

Paulapurl said...

I would love to win this book. Looks like I would learn a lot. Thanks for the giveaway.

Judi A. said...

I love her patterns and blog, so I'm sure it would be great to win this book!

Zowmom on Ravelry

grandmastatus said...

Wow-I had no idea she was writing this one!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Grandmastatus on Rav

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Great review, and thanks for the giveaway. I can always use new inspiration for smaller projects.

Sara said...

I think that everyone could tell that you love this book! It sounds pretty fun and fantastic! (BTW, is that your Piper's Journey on your shoulders?)
(survivor on rav)

Vicki Maynes said...

I just finished knitting my first shawlette/scarf thst is my own design. It was hard to think of all the things that had to come together to get the design to work and look the way I had in mind. So, if this book would help me with my next design, then I need it!

Patricia said...

Wendy is one of my favorites, I love her blog and her books. This would be great to add to my collection, thanks Susan!

Patricia said...

Wendy is one of my favorites, I love her blog and her books. This would be great to add to my collection, thanks Susan!

Anonymous said...

I am not familiar with Wendy's books but am looking forward to reading them. You can never have too many good knitting reference books. Your recommendation is golden.
I just got a bag from Noreen thanks to your recommendation and it is great!
Thank you,

Kristi said...

Sounds like a book I would love! Thanks for the chance! KLCknit on Rav

bitten78 said...

this looks like so much fun. I am just getting brave enough to branch out from written patterns. thanks for all the great reviews you put out for us!
kimberknit04 on ravelry

vw said...

I love Wendy's books! I had the opportunity to meet her at our local yarns shop in Ventura,Ca: Anacap Fine Yards. She's pretty awesome!

vw said...

I love Wendy's books! I had the opportunity to meet her at our local yarns shop in Ventura,Ca: Anacap Fine Yards. She's pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love knitting accessories, less chance of screwing up sizing!

Sheila said...

I just saw the Knitgirllls review this book on their video podcast and was thinking I might have to get it. And then here it is on your blog! You're all raving about the book, so I hope I win it!

SheilaOKeefe on Rav

Marilou said...

I'd love to win the book!

Unknown said...

I almost purchased this book today. Now I will wait to see if luck makes this copy mine!
Thanks for a chance!
javajennie on Ravelry

Kristi said...

I would love this book - have her other books - they are awesome!!

Kristi said...

I would love this book - her patterns are awesome!

Michele said...

I enjoy reading her blog! I have this book sitting on my amazon wishlist, it would be great to win a copy.

Sheila said...

I'd love to have a copy of the book, because I'm sure if you're excited about it I would be too.

Ravelry id: NUcat

Anonymous said...

Another great giveaway on your blog! Would love to win this book :)
RavId triciaknitz

Tiphanie said...

Ooooh, pick me, pick me! I'd love to win this book... thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity. I love giveaways.

My rav id is purplemama. Thank you, Susan!

Beth said...

I'm a sucker for reference books. This would be great to have. :-)
Kangaeru on Ravelry

flavia said...

ok, ok tentar non nuoce...!!! grazie dell'omaggio e mi auguro buona fortuna!!

Andi said...

Oooh! That looks like an amazing book! Thank you for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I love Wendy! Especially after "working" with her on the top down raglan KAL. She's hilarious on top of being a fantastic knitter. Would love to win a copy! Thanks for the offer!

RavID: joonepah

Meg Roke said...

This book sounds like it belongs on my knitting book shelf. I'm an accessories junkie, so this sounds like it's perfect for me (Mooch on Ravelry)

Anonymous said...

Would be an awesome book to have. Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy.

Unknown said...

I love Wendy's books and designs, too.

Jennifer said...

Wendy is amazing! how I would live to win this book.

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Elise said...

You and Wendy were the first two knitters that I followed on blogs. I love your books, blogs, humor etc. I do not think I go a day without checking either one of your blogs. I have Wendy's first book and love it! I would love to win this book!

(knittingknot @Ravelry)

Jen said...

Oh so fun! Would love to win this books - thanks for having the give-away!

smozerose said...

When you blogged about her Custom Knits books I went right out and bought them! This looks amazing, thanks for the chance to win.

smozerose said...

Love the other 2 books, this would complete the collection!
Rav ID: smozerose

Looyoo said...

What a great book to add to a knitting library! I'm crossing my fingers twice and hope you pick me :) (Looyoo on Ravelry)

Barb T. said...

I love Wendy's books!

cindy said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks

Evelyn said...

I' m needing to add to my knitting library and your review of this book is exactly what I'm looking for!

ProjectstashEL on Ravelry

slmiller8 said...

Please add my name to the drawing-thanks.

toomanyufos on ravelry

slmiller8 said...

Please add my name to the drawing-thanks!

toomanyufos on rav

Anonymous said...

I've been reading her blog ALMOST as long as I've been reading yours! I'd love a chance to win her new book.


amyknit40 on rav

slmiller8 said...

please add my name to the drawing-thanks!

toomanyufos on rav

Johnston4kids said...

On my list of books to buy. Would love to win! Thanks, johnston4kids on rav.

Jill C. said...

Maybe if I'd had this book a few weeks ago I wouldn' have had to cast on 492 stitches, 3 times.
Rav: nmujillybean

Renee W said...

I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and looked through this great book. Put it back on the shelf and was going to add it to my Mother's Day list. Now I get the chance to win one. Thank you for the opportunity.

Renee W said...

Saw this book at Barnes and Noble yesterday. Looked through it and then put it back on the shelf as I decided to add it to my Mother's Day list. Now I have the chance to win one. Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I just put this on hold at the library, so I could "check it out" It would be much better on my growing shelf of knitting books. (DCAlaneKnits)

lakchi said...

Love the patterns in the books, many a simple and look like nice gift items . Thanks for the giveaway

Holly in CT said...

Interesting book. lovely photography

remmy said...

Looks like an awesome book.

Thank You Susan for once again helping us find a book that will make us happy and improve our knitting all at the same time.

remmy on Ravelry.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book! I'm knit2crochet on Ravelry.

Sarah said...

Looks like a great book--I'd love to win it!
madansara on Ravelry

Sarah said...

Looks like a great book--I'd love to win it!
madansara on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Looks like lots of fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

Dayna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dayna said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing book!! My raverly id is daynalyn and my email address is corrdl22(at)yahoo(dot)com ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Susan for a great review and a chance to win a copy of Wendy's new book! Ravelry: Peacefullyknittng

Anonymous said...

I have both Custom books , they are great reference for anyone who knits. I love to have her Cutom Accesories edition .
I'm LaurelFaye on Raverly

Margie (and Fae) said...

Looks like an awesome book! I'd love to own it! :)

Rav id- margievz

Amanda said...

Ooh, I am so interested in that book! Also--I love your shawl in the video!

Rav id: QuiteCool

Brenda said...

Thank you for the offer to win the book. If you like it I know I will. I will be waiting on the mailman. Thanks.

Melody said...

I love this designer's sense of style. This should be a good book.


judy said...

Love Wendy's books and would sure love a copy of this one!

Sue said...

Huge fan of Custom Knits, can't wait to get my hands on this.

Sue said...

Huge fan of Custom Knits, can't wait to get my hands on this.

steph said...

looks like a real keeper!!! thanks for the offer

soyknits on rav

Wendy Wilken said...

Looks like something I would find myself turning to often!

Tracey said...

Susan, you are adorable! I love your videos! This book looks like a keeper. Would love to win a copy.

Tbmccarthy on ravelry

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book!! Thanks for sharing!

Debbie1085 said...

It sounds like something I need to brush up or enhance my knitting skills. thanks for the recommendation.

Debbie1085 on rav

Debbie1085 said...

It sounds like something I need to brush up or enhance my knitting skills. thanks for the recommendation.

Debbie1085 on rav

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the giveway! (ladywithneedles on Ravelry)

Susan G said...

Wow - another fantastic giveaway.
Thank you for the opportunity.

griffgirls on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Just started following your blog and love your upbeat enthusiastic fun posts. Psyched to have this book in my library, so pick me!! I'm Shing on Ravelry.

sara said...

Thanks for the great giveaway, I have been a reader of her blog for years.

smdenbo on ravelry

Anonymous said...

thanks for the chance to win this book-----sounds wonderful and just what I need. Andrea

Kathleen said...

The book looks amazing! I learned so much from Wendy's Custom Knits book, and I would love this one too!

Your Piper's Journey looks fabulous on you, by the way. :)


Caroline said...

Thank you for making this offer. If I don't win I will buy the book. I am in the process of making Christmas gifts and it sounds as if this book would be very helpful for that endeavor.

Sue Kerrigan-Kempton said...

Having a difficult body shape(s) to work with leaves me frustrated when trying to knit for myself. I need all the help I can get when customizing.

Liz said...

I love the part where she gives you formulas for how to design your own things. That seems like a very helpful way to encourage new people to try designing their own thing.

kanani said...

I have Wendy's two other books and have been eyeing this one on Amazon. I would love to win! Thank you for the chance - love the videos and the preview! Thanks Susan!

kanani on ravelry
jnf13 at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

Would love this!

Jennifer Grant

ElishaC said...

The book sounds fantastic. It is now officially on my wish list!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to enter this giveaway. I haven't started my own library yet but do follow a few blogs for help in my knitting. Your blog is a favorite and if you recommend this book I definitely want to start my book collection with it! I appreciate all I have learned from experienced knitters such as you.

Irene T

Carolknits said...

This is another wonderful giveaway-you are too good to us. I'd love to win!!
Carol Ann from MA

ElishaC said...

The book sounds fantastic. It is now officially on my wish list!
Ecram on ravelry.

bethgirl said...

I love Knit and Tonic…and would love this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
(bethgirl on Ravelry)

Jackie said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book and thanks for the opportunity! Looks like a great book! (Rav ID StitchThat)

Jackie said...

Thanks for your thoughts on the book and thanks for the opportunity! The book looks great!

Jackie said...

Shoot! forgot to add my Rav ID...StitchThat

Anonymous said...

I have bought the yarn and patterns for your last 2 shawls so getting this book would be perfect!!
kpwatson on Ravelry.

Leanne (Lunatic84) said...

I've never seen one of her books, wow, thanks for the opportunity!!
Leanne (lunatic84 on Rav)

Mrs. P said...

This looks like such fun! Thanks for all the giveaways and great information on your bolg!

Mrs. P said...

This looks like so much fun! Thanks for all the fun informatin on your blog
Janine from NJ

Jersey Shore Deb said...

I have the first Custom Knits book, from which I have made two sweaters, and I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this new one!
JerseyShoreDeb on Ravelry

Mrs. P said...

This looks like such fun! Thanks for all of your fun information!
Janine from NJ

Andrea said...

I love the 2 Custom Knits books and would love to add this to my library! Andi

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fantastic book with tons of great info! I'd love to win it.

charquilter said...

Thank you for introducing me to another great knitting blog. I would love to own the book.

charquilter said...

Thanks for introducing me to another great knitting blog. I would love to have the book.

Kate said...

Thanks so much for the review and the chance to win the book.
katiejo on ravelry

Lisa B. said...

Looks like a fun book in addition to being informative - the best kind. Thank you for the giveaway!

Rav - barrettlisa

Anne said...

the book sounds great. thank you for the chance to win.

rav id: abcallen

heatherg7 said...

I love Wendy's books! She has great designs and great instructions. :0)

Heatherg7 on Rav

browneyegurl35 said...

This is a great book to have. Hoping for a luck win

tburtner said...

I would totally love to win this book!

Kieran Andersen said...

What a treat! I'm always looking for accessories to knit. Thank you,thank you! (Kieran on Ravelry)

andrea said...

Another wonderful book that would love to live at my house! I would be waiting with open arms to welcome it!

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to win.
Thanks for the giveaway.
rav: denim

Anonymous said...

this would be a great addition to my knitting library
thanks for another fun give away chance to win

luvsknittin on Ravelry

Rae Lynne said...

I've heard great things about Wendy and her books. I'd love to own a copy - this is right up my alley! :)

Thanks for the opportunity to win, Susan. :)

raelynne01 on Rav

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this is exactly what I am trying to do right now.

This book would be a great help.


Daisy said...

This book sounds awesome! I don't have a book like that and would love to make these kinds of projects, with my little one I don't have tons of time for knitting.
I'm or DaisySnow on Ravelry.

Bernie and Halla said...

Aah! Accessories! My favorite thing to knit! Not as expensive to make as sweaters so I can afford to buy better yarn at my LYS instead of the chain stores!
Would love to win this book!

linnetknits said...

Sounds like a fantastic book! Thanks for the chance to win it.

Anonymous said...

You made it sound so inviting for good information.

Sandy Woodley said...

Would love to win this book. Accessories would be fun to knit up for gifts

Hind DP said...

I have her first Custom Knits book and it's one of my favorites too...would love to win a copy of this one.

Rav Id: mamamustknit

Linda said...

Accessories are my favorite "go to" project as they are easily totable. I'd give this book a happy home.

pixiewear (on ravelry) said...

i love wendy's books. can't wait to see this one! thanks so much for the chance to win!

bug said...

I am always looking for new inspirations! Thanks for sharing and for the wonderful opportunity.

lilith anne said...

This sounds like a great resource!

lilith anne said...

this sounds like a great resource!

rldelponte7 said...


Sylvia said...

I would love to have Wendy's book!

rldelponte7 said...


cutter said...

Wow that looks like such a great book. I really enjoy your blog and thank you for all the knitting tips. ( Happy Knitting.

Benessi said...

great giveaway, thanks so much! i think my ravelry id is benessi1..

cutter said...

I love your blog and that looks like an awesome book. THank you. (

bookagent said...

I love Wendy's books. I discovered her when you did the Grape Jelly Sweater knit along! I would love to add this new one to my collection. Thanks for the videos and giveaway.


bookagent said...

I love Wendy's books. I discovered her when you did the Grape Jelly Sweater knit along. I would love to add this new book to my collection. Love the videos, thanks for the giveaway!


Julie said...

The book looks wonderful. Thanks for the review. RAVID: Tanknit

Juli said...

I just started reading your blog last week and am hooked! It is really inspiring and has jumpstarted my creativity!
Thank you so much for highlighting this wonderful book. I'd love to have a copy!

Lauren said...

I didn't know this was coming out! Can't wait to take a peek inside.

Juli said...

I just started following your blog last week and I'm hooked! I can't wait to see your email in my inbox! You've really jumpstarted my lagging creativity. I'd love a copy of this book!Thank you so much for your inspiration!

Kate said...

Would love love love it!

Rav ID colbykate

Nicole Fernuik said...

What a lovely giveaway! It sounds like a great reference point!
(nfernuik) on Ravelry

Nicole Fernuik said...

What a lovely giveaway! It sounds like a great reference book!
nfernuik on Ravelry

Nancy said...

OK, I am convinced that this is a must-have. Would love to win it. Thanks for the opportunity.

Kelsie Butler said...

Ooohhh I would so love to win this! Feel free to pick me :). Thanks for such an awesome giveaway and blog!

Rav Id: soonerknitter

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a must have! You did a nice, thorough review. Please enter me in contest.

Karey said...

Pick me! The book looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I am just building my knitting library and need to bump up my volumes!

Karey said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Pick me as it looks like a great book.

Karey said...

Pick me! The book looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.


Naomi said...

I just love her writing style. She explains things so clearly and simply. I would love the chance to own this book. Nomers on ravelry

Mandy said...

Thanks for the giveaway--this would be a perfect addition to my knitting library! mandywheadonATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

Looking good! I need another book to put on my new Knitting shelves! But not just on the shelf, I'm sure I would find it very useful and helpful! pattytrish on RAV

Margaret Owens said...

Wow, this book is great!! I really want to make my own patterns. Can't wait to check it out.

Julia Wittenhagen said...

This book looks great. What a great addition. Colorfulknitting on Ravelry

Karen said...

It looks like a great book! This is the first I have heard of any of the Custom Knit books - I am off to check them out.

Karen said...

Wow! Looks like a great book. This is the first I have heard of the Custom Knit books - I am off to check them out.

Laura said...

Ah! I want to win the pretty book! I have been a reader of Wendy's blog for a long time.

Lisa said...

This book looks fantastic! Thanks so much Susan for giving us an opportunity to win a copy. :)

lisa1964 on Ravelry

Holly Lane Antiques said...

Sounds like a great book - hope I am not too late! Thanks!

Holly Lane Antiques said...

Sounds like a great book - hope I am not too late! Thanks!

Kristin said...

Would love to win this book!

Kristin said...

I would love to have this book in my collection!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book! KittyKatz on Ravelry

Lynds (poisonedapple) said...

This book looks great, thank you for the opportunity to win it Susan!

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