Printed Patterns Now Available through NNK Press

Friday, January 20, 2012

One Last Hoot and Link Time

Hi Knitters,
Well, my Owls pullover, designed by Kate Davies, is finally dry and I have been wearing it ever since. It smells so good from the Soak wool wash I used. While it was blocking TC and I were discussing the buttons and she knelt down put her face right in the wool and took a deep sniff. She told me it smelled really good. That made me smile. She's a wool-girl.

The blocking didn't change the appearance much but it softened the fabric a little and it just feels cleaner and fresher. It was much needed.

As promised, here are the details for my version of Owls.

Needles: US size 10 and 10.5, 24-inch circulars and dpns - for the sleeves
The pattern recommends a 32-inch but I didn't have any problem knitting the entire body and yoke on the 24-inch circs.

Size: Size 4 in the pattern (38-inch bust)
Usually I make a 36-inch bust size but Kate describes the sweater as a very fitted pullover and I really didn't want a super tight chunky weight sweater. I wanted to be able to layer underneath. Even though I went up a size, it really did turn out as quite a fitted sweater and I was right on gauge and used the suggested yarn.

Yarn: Rowan Purelife British Sheep Breeds Chunky (100% British wool), 120 yards per skein (I used the better part of 6 skeins.) in the Steel Grey Suffolk colorway

Length of body to underarms: 17.5-inches

Length of arms from underarm to bind off at wrist: 17-inches

There you have it. I followed the pattern as is! If you make an Owls please let me know and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

I have to talk for a moment about Pinterest. I am having so much fun over there. I have discovered and tried lots of new recipes, found new sewing patterns and crafty inspiration, learned about new products, and especially enjoyed the huge numbers of knitters on Pinterest.

Click here to check out my boards on Pinterest! Please feel free to follow me if you'd like (you can follow all boards or select the ones you are interested in). I'd love to see you over there.

It is still relatively new as a site so you need an invite to join but then you are a member right away. There is no waiting. If you need an invite let me know and leave your email in a comment on this post. I will happily send you an invite. I am a little busy over the next few days but I will add you as soon as I get a chance.

I'll leave you with a few fun recipe links I've found on Pinterest. I have cooked entire meals from Pinterest links which has been really fun. Check these out:
One Pot Macaroni and Cheese recipe
Yummy no-bake cookies
Crockpot chicken and noodle soup
Snickerdoodle muffins
The bark that changed everything (Watch out, this is addicting and the kids love it!)

Off into the weekend we go! I have a couple of new patterns that will be available for purchase through my Ravelry Pattern Shop next week. I haven't had the time to update my shop much at all so I am looking forward to doing more of that. I am working on the cutest women's winter accessory right now that I am so excited about.

Take care.
best, susie


  1. Please could I have an invite to the site you mention - sounds great! Love your owls sweater to btw - its on my to-do list, once my four week old baby sleeps a little more at night to give me the time and energy!! Many thanks,

  2. Please could I have an invite to the site you mention - sounds great! Love your owls sweater to btw - its on my to-do list, once my four week old baby sleeps a little more at night to give me the time and energy!! Many thanks,

  3. Sweater looks great; with the weather turning colder your way I am sure it keeps you toasty warm! Pinterest becomes addicting and I love it! Recipes are great and crafting and knitting ideas are endless! We may need a support group called "PA"....

  4. I've got a half finished baby version of this I really need to finisha nd gift to someone or something!!! SO CUTE and yeah it does look fitted, so smart you went up a size! I wonder how much negative ease it was meant to have! Its sucha cute design. need to make Rowan one :) my owl girl!!

  5. Your sweater turned out great! I love Pinterest, too, and all of the crafty inspiration that's on it. Somehow I feel less guilty about spending way too much time on Pinterest vs. Facebook. :)

  6. I just LOVE your decision regarding using only 1 set of buttons & their placement. Brilliant!!

    Looking forward to seeing your new patterns. TGIF!

  7. Your sweater is lovely and looks fantastic on you - wear it in good health!

  8. Your sweater turned out great. I'm not familiar with the yarn. It appears fairly rustic looking. Is it scratchy? I know that's subjective, but please pass along our thoughts. Thanks.

  9. I think most would consider the yarn a bit on the scratchy side, I don't mind it:)

  10. I love the offset buttons; clever! I love the way it came out. Enjoy it! Have a great weekend. Momoffour

  11. Beth WillisonJanuary 20, 2012

    I made this sweater in a deep turquoise last summer and couldn't wait to wear it. I only put one set of eyes on the same spot you did! Gorgeous! It certainly pulls in lots of compliments.

    I'm in love with pinterest too!

  12. Susan, following your pins on Pinterest is like opening a little tiny Christmas gift every day. Your knitting pins are so beautiful, I never have to hunt for great pins because you found them for me! Thanks!


  13. The best (and worst) thing that happened to me was when my loving cousin sent me an invite to Pinterest :) And I'm pinning EVERYTHING!

    And on the topic of Owl's...I knit the body on mine 19" from the underarm, and the sleeves 23" from the underarm, cause I'm a giant, lol.

  14. Your sweater turned out so beautiful and it looks great on you!
    I just joined Pinterest this week and I'm already addicted! Love it and can't wait to follow you. Already looked at the "crack bark" recipe and I'll be taking it to my craft group Sunday afternoon and I know they will love/hate me for it!
    I can't wait to see your new designs! I love all your stuff...not a good enough knitter to tackle them yet but they're like carrots dangling in front of me! Keeps me knitting and getting better, I hope. Have a great weekend!

  15. Love the Owl Sweater and loved your visit to Arkansas Children's Hospital and Knitting for Noggins. I'm improving on knitting, but a much better crocheter. Please send me an invite to Pinterest, some lovely things out there!!! Thank you in advance.

  16. May I please have an invite?

  17. Oh, fun! I find Pinterest to be a lovely rabbit hole. See you there!

  18. When you have the time, could you please also invite me to join Pinterest? I also have the same owl sweater pattern....thank you for your information about your finished sweater. It looks lovely!

    Happy weekend!

    Thank you so much!

  19. Could you please also add me to your list of people to invite to Pinterest?

    I just bought the owl sweater pattern a couple of weeks ago, so I loved seeing your finished project! Thanks for the helpful info regarding how it fits, etc.

    Happy weekend!

  20. Yes please, I'd like an invite to join Pinterest. You are one of my favorite sites since meeting you at Knitting for Noggins in Arkansas. Thank you for your help.

  21. I'm getting ready to cast on the Owl sweater today...can hardly wait! Hope mine turns out as pretty as yours!

  22. Please send me an invite to Pinterest. Many thanks!

  23. I´ve been wanting to make this sweater for a while now but keep thinking that maybe I should loose a few more pounds first. Then I found out that I was expecting again so there went that. I just started knitting again after a bit of a brake and decided to pop by your blog and say hello. Looks like even after knitting as much as you do that you do not get knitters block like I did.

  24. I'd love an invitation to Pinterest. I'm Love the owl sweater. Thanks!

  25. I would love an invite to pinterest! I have been avoiding it for as long as possible as I don't need more distraction, but when you posted this I found a dozen things that will make me more productive or solve immediate 'problems'! Thank you!

    Love the evolution of your OWLS...through the steeking. Glad too that you are around more lately!


  26. The owls sweater was the first sweater I made, maybe the 5th thing I had ever knitted. I remember the jubilation at finishing it and I did a celebratory dance all around the house. Now that I have knitted for years, I see little things that I could have done better. It is definitely a sweater I would love to remake and you have inspired me to make an updated version. Yours is beautiful, love the story behind the buttons.
    I love my Pinterest meals too! So many new favorites. Sometimes when the kids ask what's for dinner, my answer is "Pinterest"! I am Sarity on there, can't wait to follow you!

  27. Thank you Susan! I've been looking at the Owlet, but not sure I could knit it, but you inspired me, and showed me that it was a project I could take on. I am Soooo happy with my Owlet and just cast on a matching hat for my four year old, she Loves it! You are a gift to the knitting community, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. -Kelly

  28. Susan,
    Please could you invite me on Pinterest? I had sooo much fun looking at the recipes.
    Thank you,

  29. I heard about Pinterest from a fellow knitter but it wasn't until I read about it in your blog that I actually went to the site. WOW I luv luv it I would really appreciate an invite

  30. Hi Susan. I would love to be a member of Pinterest. Could you please send me an invite if you still can. Thanks so much. Happy Knitting! Jill

  31. Hi Susan. I would love to join Pinterest. It looks like a wonderful website. Could you please send me an invite if it is still possible? Thanks so much. Happy Knitting! Jill
