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Monday, January 23, 2012

And Now....

Hi Knitters,
Ahhhhhh.... and now my Owls is even better and much more comfortable and wearable.
Red oval buttons from the Sow's Ear.
Succinct and clear sewing machine steeking instructions from, Color by Kristin, by Kristin Nicholas.
Tiny sentimental antique eye buttons moved discreetly to an owl on the back, had to keep those.
best, susie


  1. you are a much braver women than I!

  2. Oh, it turned out great! I wish I had thought to make mine a cardi! Gorgeous!

  3. that is something I've been dying to learn to do. AWESOME!

  4. what a brave one you are! I saw the sweater being slit up the center and it actually made me stop breating. I like it as a semi cardigan very much. Moving the tiny owl eyes to the off center was a great idea. If I may...why did you choose the bold button? Just curious. Again, your work is lovely!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. what a brave one you are! I saw the sweater being slit up the center and it actually made me stop breating. I like it as a semi cardigan very much. Moving the tiny owl eyes to the off center was a great idea. If I may...why did you choose the bold button? Just curious. Again, your work is lovely!

  7. Oh my gosh...when I saw the center of the owl sweater with a slit up the center, I stopped breathing! I like the look very much and putting the little white buttons on the back off center are just right. If I may...I am curious as to why you choose such a bold button for the closure? I alwyas wonder what prompts designers to do the unexpected. The sweater looks great and I know you will enjoy it with the change.

  8. You are definitely a much braver person than I will ever be. The idea of taking scissors to my precious knitting scares the stitch markers out of me.

    So, you are much braver than I...and that's okay. It's quite lovely.

  9. awesome!!! I love a cardi-so much more wearable! I love the orange buttons!

  10. I have my S&C raglan pullover from the top down raglan KAL on my table right now, I am planning on doing the same thing! Your owls is just as stunning as a cardi! Great job! :)I hope I have just as much success, I have Color by Kristen, I will be sure to follow her instructions.

  11. Wow. Amazing. You Make it look so easy!

  12. I love it I love it!!!
    I am going to steek my very first sweater some time this week, too. (vauge-ness due to lack of a certain needle and uncertainty as to whether stores around here carry said needle.)
    The buttons are perfect ♥

  13. I love how it looks like one owl is hiding behind the button band!

  14. wow! No more words to say but WOW!

  15. I love it even more! That's a brave thing to do but sooo worth it.

  16. It looks amazing! You are brave - steeking sounds so scary.

  17. I always seem to get a lot more wear from cardigans. Probably has something to do with my age and fluctuating temperature! Your Owls is even better now!

  18. Was that the plan from the beginning? I surely didn't see that coming but I do love it as a cardi.

  19. I have yet to find the courage to steek. Maybe this year. Your sweater is Beautiful. also just made this pattern, and also added buttons to only one owl - great minds think alike.

  20. You are such a pro! I was wondering what happened to the blue buttons and such. Now I know why. I love how your friend's buttons are showcased on back. Love that orangey-red.

  21. I'm not sure if you are more brave or more talented or a whole lot of both! But, it doesn't matter because you have improved an already great design!

  22. I'm not sure if you are more brave or more talented or a whole lot of both! But, it doesn't matter because you have improved an already great design!

  23. OMG!!!! I can't believe it! I've read about this sort of thing but never known anyone that actually did it! I'm still having an anxiety attack...whew! Is that your first time doing it? You are SO brave and courageous and gutsy and if I had my thesaurus in front of me I could go on and on!
    I'm probably going to have nightmares tonight about this very thing...I just can't get over it. But it turned out even prettier than before which is hard to imagine. I think I better go lay down. (Just kidding....great job!)

  24. How neat! Personally I'll take a cardigan over a pullover any day, so I agree about it being more wearable. That is such a cool technique too!

  25. What an awesome technique! Love the punch of color of the buttons, and I totally agree that cardigans are much more wearable. :)

  26. I LOVE IT! This was my plan for my Owls, lol. And I also love the buttons (and used those same buttons in that same color on a sweater last year). Great minds think alike!

  27. What a great idea, definately going to see if I can this book here in Australia.

  28. Nice steeking! I'm definitely going to check out Kristin's instructions - you make it look so easy.

  29. My first reaction when I saw you cutting your sweater was a scream of shock like AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Then I saw the end result and love it.

  30. You are so brave. Scissors and knitting. Agggghhh!!!!! It looks great.

  31. Great idea! I like it better as a cardigan anyway. And it did not seem to suffer from not having the extra 4-5 "steeking" stitches at all. Brilliant, Susan!

  32. You are so brave! I have thought of cutting for a zipper, but... don't know if I will ever get up the nerve. Your Owls Cardi looks great!

  33. Like so many before me have said, "Wow!" I like it both ways but am so impressed with what you have done.

  34. I made an O W L S for my Mom and steaked it into a cardigan too. I was so nervous to do it I had all of my knitting buddies over for moral support. Your sweater looks awesome. You have done a beautiful job as always.

  35. Congratulations on the completion of your Owls sweater. It is lovely. I recently watched your video of the first time you steeked a garnment. You were darling! So careful. (who wouldn't be right?) Did the process feel less scary now? Did you run into any challanges that we might learn from?I can't wait to see what you will be up to next...

  36. Woah, you took scissors to your knit! OH MY DAYS! Hehe. ;) I love the new cardigan look, I think it's an even better shape now. Was that the plan all along? :)

  37. OMG! Excuse me but steeking just about freaks me out!!! I just can't get over cutting into all of that knitting.

    You. Are. A. Very. Brave. Woman!!!

  38. You are Brilliant!

  39. LOVE this sweater. I noticed someone asked, was this an after thought to make the sweater a cardigan? I absolutely love it this way, but curious if it was planned.

  40. Great idea! You're so resourceful and unafraid to make changes. Love it!

  41. Wow, love the cardi so much - note to self- must get brave and steek sooooon!

  42. I'm not yet brave enough to steek. I had a lump in my throat just watching. Cutting my knitting wow.

  43. OMG...I love this pattern but...I love it so much better as a cardigan. You did a fabulous job! I am terrified...absolutely terrified at the thought of attempting a steek. I fear I would royally screw it up! Wish the pattern was written as a cardigan as I fear it's just going to feel too tight as it is now.

  44. Very nice! I ended up not using the shaping when I made my sweater. All I could see was my chest! LOL

    I've wanted to make a cardigan from this and just might give it a go now that I've seen yours.

    Well done!

  45. Very nice! I ended up not using the shaping when I made my sweater. All I could see was my chest! LOL

    I've wanted to make a cardigan from this and just might give it a go now that I've seen yours.

    Well done!

  46. Love this sweater now! I never heard of steeking? Teach us that on your blog next... I never thought of cutting open a sweater. Please teach us how! Great Job and very nice sweater!

  47. Hi Susan
    Just wondering how you did the machine steeking? I have done the crochet before and would love to try machine steeking this time.
    Thanks so much,
