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Friday, February 11, 2011

Class with Spud

Hi Knitters,
Into the weekend we go! I want to let you know that my class for Feb. 27th at Stitcher's Crossing is filling up very quickly. Thank you for the great response and for all of my knitting friends who are far away... thanks for letting me know you are out there. I would love to teach some online classes and since you've expressed so much interest you've spurred me on to find out more about it.

I've been hearing a lot about several well-known knitters out there holding online classes and I need to get up to speed on that. Somehow you pay a class fee and you are given a password so only the class members can see the instructional videos, have access to patterns and class information and handouts to print out. You can plan times to chat online for questions and support. Do you already know all about this? Let me know if you have any good information or tips for me to get started in this direction. It could be a really fun thing for the future.

Back to my in person class...

The class is $30 which I forgot to state in the last post. There are only a few remaining spots open. I just got off the phone with the shop owner. I will definitely be bringing some Spud & Chloë goodies to share with the class.

I can't wait to meet everyone. Please note that I am not teaching basic skills for this class because it is going to be a pretty large group. You should have the basics down if you sign up (knitting in the round on dpns, casting on, kniting, purling, binding off). I am there to help and speed is not important at all so don't worry about anything. There is a supply list at the shop.

I am excited about the class because I haven't taught for quite awhile. Should be good fun just to hang out and knit together for a couple of hours on a sleepy February Sunday.

Moving on.... I received a first copy of Spud & Chloë at the Farm on my doorstep this week. It never gets old to see your book in book form for the first time. It is really a charming little book. I am going to talk way more about it in detail and officially preview the book on my Spud says! blog. Please be sure to check in over there or subscribe if you'd like. That way you won't miss anything.

So today is just another teaser and mainly for the upcoming class!
I have to give you one tiny sneaky-peek. Spud is definitely the superstar of the book. There is no doubt about that. He is my favorite character in the bunch, although I love them all. I feel like he is the driving force.
Here is another photo of the mouse we are making in the class. You might be able to get more than one done in the class time. We'll have to see how much knitting we get done in between the chatting and sharing and looking through my book pages. Now I will even have the actual book to bring along which will really be a sneak peek.

The good thing is that when you get a hank of the Sweater yarn to knit several mice you'll still have plenty left over to use it for other projects. Don't worry about using it up. I overlap the colors throughout the book.
The farm mice are part of a little project pairing with the Barn Cat. This new cat of mine is a good one. The paws are the best. Notice that the mouse can sit up or go flat to the ground. I like that feature.
Whiskers, whiskers, whiskers.
Why are knitted toys so cute from the back?
Have a great weekend, Knitters. I'll see you next week right here.
best, susie


  1. I can't wait to get your new book! I've preordered it, so just a matter of waiting. I'm a new knitter, so not sure when I'll actually be able to knit the animals, but it's nice to dream & plan!

  2. Oooooo, I am so looking forward to getting mine as well. I ordered TWO; one for me & one for a friend. LOVE the striped kitty!!

  3. Oooh how fun! Hope you're able to get some pictures in from your class. Can't wait to see the post.

  4. I have all of your other books and can't wait to get this one. I love Spud.

  5. L have all three of your other books and can't wait to get this one. I love Spud! He is so cute.

  6. Here kitty, kitty! The mouse is OK (I'm not a big mouse fan), but the cat is adorable! Can't wait for the book and wish I was closer to WI for your class.

  7. Darling! That cat steals the cake, love it. Looking forward to the 27, does the shop have Sweater yarn available? My lys does not carry it. Otherwise I can order online.

  8. Oh my, that cat and mouse are so cute! I love them! I'm pre-ordering my book from Amazon. Can't wait to get it!

  9. Julie! Yes, please purchase your yarn from Stitcher's Crossing if you are able. They carry the Spud & Chloë line at their shop!

    See you in a couple of weeks.

  10. Annie Modesitt is doing online classes. See her at

  11. Oh thank you! I will wait then. I see many mice in my future! :).

  12. Oh, there is so much to say! I just love the little whiskers, the cat is adorable too. I just love the pair.
    I so wish I were close enough to go to your class. I have no idea how to do an online class, but I just want to add that I would totally be interested if you offered one!

  13. I wish I could be at your get together at Stitchers Crossing. That would be a blast! Hopefully your book tour will include Tulsa again. Have fun!
    J. Pavey

  14. I would really like to come to class just to see you! The other stuff would be icing on the cake. How exciting to see another book come to fruition - good job!

  15. Oh you are killing me!! That mouse and that cat and Spud are just about The. Cutest. Critters. ever!!!

    Since I can't get to your class, I'll have to wait to get the book. I'm a pretty new knitter myself, but I'm hoping to give them a try.

    You are just too, too clever. Thank you so much for sharing it with the rest of us.

  16. I am so excited to get this book! Only 5 months to go until I'm in the US and can buy one. Along with the Itty Bitty books, my suitcase is going to weigh a ton on the return trip! lol

  17. It's not an on-line class but you could get some ideas of what is going on by looking at Liat Gat's on-line knitting course . I think you could learn alot She has quite a large amount of videos on you-tube also. Andrea in TN

  18. Oh I wish I could come to your workshop! What fun!

  19. Tara VanderkampFebruary 12, 2011

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for showing pictures of what we're in for when we get our books! I have pre-ordered and I can't wait to get it... I can't believe I have to wait until APRIL!!! I love seeing what's in the book and can't wait even more, every time you put a new picture up I call my girls over and show them what I will be making soon.
    You are so awesome! I wish I was your neighbour, I would be over with my 4 little girls all the time!!!

  20. I've preordered your book and can't wait for it to become available. Thanks for the previews. I love the kitty!

    I would definitely sign up for an on-line course and hope you can acquire the information you need to run one. I'm sorry I don't know anything about how to set them up.

    I'll keep watching and hoping you can arrange it.

  21. I wish I lived locally and could come to your class! I would love to take an online class if you offered one! Congrats on your new book! I can't wait to get it!

  22. Those knitted animals are lovely!

  23. Just want to say thanks - I knitted a bunch (or a flock?) of the birds in a nest for friends. I'm already in love with the cat and the mouse. Thanks for sharing your talent!
